• 제목/요약/키워드: Walking Environmental Evaluation

검색결과 31건 처리시간 0.023초

걷기활동 증진을 위한 보행환경 평가지표의 개발 (Developing the Evaluation Indicator of Pedestrian Environment for Promoting Walking Activity)

  • 박경훈;박종완;정성관;유주한
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제16권11호
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    • pp.1231-1238
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    • 2007
  • The promotion of walking and bicycling is recently a hot topic in the urban planning and design field. Many planners have already examined the many components of the land use-transportation connection and built environment-physical activity link. A rapidly growing area of urban form research is to measure the level of walk-ability in urban environments. With this background, this research conducted a preliminary study to develop the evaluation indicators of pedestrian environments. Based on the literature reviews on walking or pedestrian environments, we proposed the seventeen indicators related with pedestrian facilities, road attributes and walking environment. We also performed a questionary survey to evaluate the satisfaction of their neighborhood pedestrian environments for 302 randomly selected adults living in the City of Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do. Finally, this research provided the valid model to evaluate the effects of physical environmental factors on the walking satisfaction using factor analysis and multiple regression analysis.

도심 보행을 위한 GIS 거시 평가체계 개발 - 부산을 중심으로 - (GIS Macro Evaluation System for Urban Walk - Focusing on Busan -)

  • 유연서;김종구
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.581-590
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    • 2022
  • 사람의 이동권 보장과, 도시의 활동성 제고를 기본으로 하여, 궁극적으로 삶의 질을 높일 수 있는 공공공간을 만들기 위해서는 품격 있는 보행 공간 조성이 중요하다. 본 연구는 이런 품격 있는 보행 공간 조성을 위한 자료 구축의 밑거름을 마련하기 위해 보행길 평가체계를 개발하고자 한다. 먼저 요인과 공간을 견지하여 기본 체계를 설정하고 이 체계를 연구의 기본 틀로 하였다. 기존문헌을 통해 알아본 동향은 보행안전정책, 보행중심계획, 인식전환, 교통시스템, 활동연계보행, 시설활용보행, 자연역사연계보행, 콘텐츠융합보행 등 여덟 개의 범주로 나눌 수 있었다. 관련연구들에서 언급된 거시·미시 지표와 요소를 종합하여 분류하고 이를 통합하여 보편성과 차별화를 위한 바탕을 갖추었다. 다음으로 이를 보완하여 보행 체계의 기본 구성에 따라 안전항목에 보행잠재성과 경사안전성, 편리항목에 보행기초연결성과 대중교통연계성, 건강항목에 보행정돈성과 휴식편의성, 매력항목에 경관자원연계성과 활동풍부성 여덟 개의 거시 평가 체계를 설정하고 측정방법을 개발하였다.

토지이용을 고려한 보행환경 평가지표 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구 (A Study on Assessment Indicator of Walking Environment Considering Land Use Characteristics)

  • 김숙희;이규진;최기주
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.931-938
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 효율적인 보행로 관리에 기여하기 위한 목적으로, 토지이용 특성이 반영된 보행로 유형에 따라 보행자가 인식하는 보행환경 만족도의 평가척도는 다를 것이라는 인식을 전제로, 보행로에 대한 보행환경 평가방법을 제시하였다. 연구결과, 신도시, 구도심, 상업지, 지하철역, 하천 공원에 대한 보행로별 보행환경 평가지표와 각 평가지표의 상대적 중요도는 통계적으로도 유의미한 차이가 존재하는 것으로 판명되었다. 본 연구에서 구축한 보행환경 평가모형을 수원시 일부 보행로에 적용한 결과, 본 모형은 현상을 비교적 현실적으로 묘사할 수 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구결과는 지자체의 보행환경 개선 우선순위 결정 등에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

대학생들의 캠퍼스 벚꽃터널 산책로 이용 만족도와 이미지 선호도 평가 (Evaluation of User Satisfaction and Image Preference of University Students for Cherry Blossom Campus Trail)

  • 이인규;엄붕훈
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제28권12호
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    • pp.1101-1110
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) of cherry blossom trails 'Cherry Road' in Daegu Catholic Univ. campus, at Gyeonsan-city, Korea. The evaluation focused on image preference and satisfaction of users i.e., students, using questionnaire surveys. A total 201 questionnaire samples were analyzed and most of the respondents were in the age group of 20. Frequency analysis was conducted on demographics, use behavior, reliability, and means. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted for user satisfaction and image preference. Over 80% of visitors came with companions during daytime. The most common motives for use were strolling and walking, event and meeting, passing. For user satisfaction the mean scores were highest for landscape beauty (4.22), image improvement (4.14), campus image (4.08). Night lighting facility received the lowest score (3.32). Factor analysis concerning user satisfaction was categorized into environment-human behavior and physical factors. Multiple regression analysis showed that the overall satisfaction of user was significantly influenced by five independent variables: 'harmonious' (β=.214), 'night lighting facility' (β=.173), 'landscape beauty' (β=.208), 'lawn care' (β=.154), and 'walking trails' (β=.123). The mean scores of image variables were highest for 'beautiful' (5.81), 'bright' (5.67), and 'open' (5.64). The lowest scores was for 'quiet' (4.47). Exploratory factor analysis led to three factors being categorized: aesthetics, comforts, and simplicity. Result of multiple regression analysis indicated that the preference of space image was significantly influenced by five variables: 'bright' (β=.397), 'refreshing' (β=.211), 'cool' (β=.219), 'clean' (β=.182), and 'natural' (β=.-142). Hence, Cherry Road has a high level of user satisfaction and image evaluation, which is interpreted as having various cultural events and value for students on campus. To improve the satisfaction of Cherry Road in the future, it is necessary to secure night lighting, to manage trash cans, and to secure rest space.

걷기행사 참가의 결정요인 (Factors Associated with Perticipation in a Walking Campaign)

  • 조희숙;송예리아;홍선영;유승현;이정렬
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2007
  • Objective: The purposes of this study are to understand the characteristics of the participants in a community walking campaign and to analyze the factors related to their participation based on the Transtheoretical Model (TTM). Methods: The study composed of the description of participant characteristics and comparison of them with non-participant characteristics in a walking campaign in K province. The data were collected through a survey of 2,590 participants and 258 non-participants from the same community. The survey instrument included questions about stages of walking and exercise, knowledge and attitude toward walking, and environmental condition for walking. Results: A majority of the walking campaign participants were in the action(24.8%) and maintenance(43.6%) stages of walking and exercise behavior. The non-participant group was split between maintenance(51.6%) and precontemplation (30.6%) stages. Among the participants, effective campaign promotion channels differed by age group while motivation for participation and participation patterns were associated with both age and gender. Favorable physical environment was a significant factor of participating in walking campaign(OR=1.396, CI=1.149-1.696). Although the campaign participants scored higher than the non-participants in most attitude toward walking questions, differences in knowledge scores between two groups were less significant. Conclusion: In conclusion, further social marketing to increase the awareness and to increase the concern of population in the community is needed based on the survey result. Transtheoretical model seems appropriate to apply to the evaluation and the planning the program of the behavior change in the community. Also, more organized and sustainable support in need to maintain the good habit of walking for the participants in walking campaign.

아파트 거주 고령자의 운동실태 및 실내운동시설 평가 (Current Status of Exercise and Evaluation of Indoor Exercise Environment of Seniors Living in Apartment Complex)

  • 오찬옥;권현주
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the indoor exercise environment use and needs of older adults. The target population was seniors aged 60 years and older living in a newly developed apartment complex. Variables include demographic and housing characteristics, status of exercise, and indoor exercise environmental evaluation and needs. A total of 102 data items were analyzed using frequency, t-test and ANOVA. Noteworthy results are as below. First, community centers and community welfare centers were the most desirable exercise environments because of affordability, exercise programs/spaces. Such exercise environments should be developed in more locations for increasing numbers of seniors. Second, indoor exercise environments need to be improved based on seniors' physical capabilities and environmental behavior. Third, supportive spaces such as restrooms, shower rooms, locker rooms should be carefully designed. Fourth, seniors wanted to have walking trails and indoor swimming pools, the most desirable exercise spaces, within ten to 15 minutes walking distance.

GIS기법을 이용한 근린주구 보행환경평가 -창원시를 사례지역으로- (An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Walking Environment Using GIS Method -Focusing on the Case Study of Changwon City-)

  • 박경훈;이우성;변지혜
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 창원시를 대상으로 일상생활 속에서 걷기와 자전거 타기를 활성화하기 위한 보행환경 평가지표와 Mobile GIS를 활용한 현장에서의 보행환경 DB 구축방법론을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 국내 외 문헌연구를 통하여 총 20개의 보행환경 평가항목을 선정한 후 항목별 평가점수 부여방식을 정립하였고, Mobile GIS 기법을 활용하여 각 조사항목의 DB를 효과적으로 구축하였다. 그 결과를 활용하여 종합적인 보행환경 평가를 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 전반적으로 창원광장을 중심으로 분포하고 있는 구역의 종합점수가 42점 이상으로 다른 구역에 비해 양호한 보행환경을 가지는 것으로 평가되었으나, 단독 및 연립주택 중심의 주거지역에서는 보행환경이 상대적으로 매우 불량한 것으로 평가되었다. 본 연구결과는 보행환경의 개선이 필요한 지역과 주요 목적지인 공원, 쇼핑시설, 학교 등에 접근할 수 있는 구간을 전략적으로 설정하는데 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 보행환경개선 지역 또는 구간이 결정되면, 현장조사 결과 및 지역주민의 보행환경 인식조사결과와 비교 분석하여 집중적으로 개선해야 할 보행환경 요소를 추출하는 것이 가능할 것이며, 일상생활 속에서 시민들의 신체 활동을 증진시키기 위한 보행환경계획 및 설계, 그리고 유지 관리를 수행하는데 있어 유용한 의사결정지원수단으로 활용 가능할 것이다.

근린공원 시설유형에 따른 이용실태 및 만족도에 관한 연구 (A Study on Status of Use of Community Park and Level of Satisfaction Based on Types of Its Facilities)

  • 박율진;김화옥
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2010
  • In this study this author made research and analysis on physical status and characteristics of community parks in Ik-san provinces and also depending on its potential resources such parks were classified into constructed parks and unconstructed parks and status of use of such parks and level of satisfaction were studied. Through this paper this author strived to provide basic data required for forming green track of land for the parks. Required time for visiting community parks either constructed or unconstructed type was within 40 minutes or less. However constructed parks appeared to be more convenient for access in comparison with natural unconstructed parks. Mostly they were used by residents in neighboring community and also residents in the area around it were found as using it frequently. At the time of using community parks either constructed or unconstructed types means of access were mostly by walking or by riding bicycles. Thus considering large number of users of such parks are from neighboring community it appeared that parks with its simplicity and convenience in terms of distance and with rich nature were preferred by users rather than large scale parks at distance. In terms of time frame of use and motivation of visit constructed parks were used mainly for exercise and relaxation in the morning at parks and its facilities whereas un constructed parks were mostly used in the afternoon for for walking and chatting and rest under with time to spare at shadows of its trees. Time spent at parks were composed mostly of rest and walking more frequently than exercise and leisure activity thus it was different from motivation for visiting parks. As for evaluation of use of parks natural elements, unique environment, trees and lawns featured highly in unconstructed parks in comparison with constructed parks. Thus it seemed visitors are more conscious of forest and landscape in a form of unchanged nature. Thus for community parks first consideration should be heightening accessibility in view of primary concern for convenience by users rather than facilities or environmental conditions.

병원 옥상정원의 이용후 평가 - 서울아산병원을 대상으로 - (The Post-occupancy Evaluation of Roofgarden at Hospital - A Case Study of Asan Medical Center -)

  • 김인혜;허근영;최아현;김유일
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.58-72
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    • 2003
  • Rooftop greenery has been used as a way to solve urban environmental problems by creating green space in densely populated cities. This study was carried out to suggest more effective designs for roof-garden at hospitals through a post-occupancy evaluation. The roofgarden of Asan Medical Center was evaluated with regards to setting, proximate environmental context, users, and design activity by a multi-method including plan investigations, observations, in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The results are summarized as follows; the users' main activities included resting, walking, and talking. A number of users were observed at shaded spaces sitting on such things as benches, pergolas, and shelters. The satisfaction of the users showed high satisfaction level except in the amount of shade, facilities, and shelter. The variables affecting a overall satisfaction were ‘accessibility’, ‘safety’, ‘quality of surroundings’, and ‘suitability for speculation’. By comparing the design concept with using pattern, designer's intention was not reflected sufficiently in several aspects such as ‘event deck for therapy programs’, ‘grove and path’, and ‘low planters’. This study suggests some design implications; it is necessary to furnish shaded sitting places for passive behaviors and pathways for walking or a light exercise. A wind-break wall with glass windows could widen the users' views in a limited space. Natural shade like tree shade or pergola are more desirable than artificial shades. As for the vertical location of the roofgarden, the middle floor could be better than top area for accessibility. Characteristics of building and users should be considered in detail to provide distinct spaces. Proper technical standards for the greening of artificial ground should be established.