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Studies on the Effect of Fiber Reinforcing upon Mechanical Properties of Concrete and Crack Mode of Reinforoed Concrete (섬유보강이 콘크리트의 역학적 특성과 철근콘크리트의 균열성상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 박승범
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.4645-4687
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    • 1978
  • This study was attempted to investigate the mechanical properties of concrete and crack control effects of reinforced concrete with steel and glass fiber. The experimental program includes tests on the properties of fresh concrete containing fibers, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, Young's modulus, Shrinkage and deformation of steel or glass fiber reinforced concrete. Also this study was carried out to investigate the effect of steel or glass fiber to retard the development in reinforced concrete subject to uniaxial tension and thus facilitate the use of steels of higher strength. The major conclusions that can be drawn from the studies are as follows: 1. The effect of the fibers in various mixes on fresh concrete confirmed that fibers do have a significant effect on the properties of fresh concrete, bringing much more stable and exhibiting a signiflcant reduction in surface bleeding, and that the cohesion is greatly improved and the internal resistance increases with fiber concentration. But the addition of an excess contents and length of fibers brings about the reduction of workability. 2. With the addition of steel fibers(1.5% Vol.) to concrete, the compressive strength as compared with plain concrete showed a very slight increase, but excess addition, over 1.5% Vol. of steel and glass fiber reduced its strength. 3. Splitting tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete showed a significant increase tendency, as compared with plain concrete. In case of containing steel fiber (2.5%, 30mm), it showed that the maximum increase rate of 1.48 times as much rate, and in case of containing glass fiber (2.5%, 30mm), the increase rate of strength was 1.25 times as much rate. 4. Flexural strength of fiber reinforced concrete showed a significant tendency, as compared with plain concrete. Containing steel fiber (2.5%, 30mm) showed the maximum increase rate of 1.64 times as much rate and containing glass fiber (2.5%, 30mm) showed the increase rate of strength of 1.32 times as much rate, and in general, the 30mm length brougth the best results. 5. The strength ratio ($\sigma$b/$\sigma$c and $\sigma$t/$\sigma$c) increased, when steel fiber's average spacing was up to 3.05mm, but decreased when beyond 3.05mm, and it was confirmed that tensile or flexural strengths of steel fiber reinforced concrete are apparently governed by fiber's average spacing. 6. The compressive strain of fiber reinforced concrete showed a significant increasing tendency as the fiber was added, but Young's modulus. with the addition of steel and glass fibers, showed a slight decrease tendency. And according to the increase of flexural strength, a considerable increase was seen in toughness. 7. With the addition of fiber's the shrinkage of concrete was significantly decreased, in both case of adding steel fibers 12.5%, 30mm, and showed a significant decrease ratio, in average 30.4% and 36.7%, as compared with plain concrete. 8. With the increase of fiber volume fraction and length, the gained stress in reinforcing bar in concrete specimens increased in all crack widths, but at different rates, with the decrease of fiber diameter, the stress showed a considerable increasing tendency. And the duoform steel fibers showed the greatest improvement, as compared with the other types tested. 9. The influence of fiber dimensions in order of significanse on the machanical properties of concrete and the crack control of reinforced concrete was explained as follows: content, length, aspect ratio and dimeter.

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Pharmacokinetic Study of Pyrazinamide Related to the Mechanism of the Renal Excretion (Pyrazinamide의 신배설기전에 관한 약동학적 연구)

  • Choi, Eung-Sang;Shin, Sang-Goo;Lee, Sun-Hee;Choi, Cheol-Hee;Kim, Yong-Sik;Lim, Jung-Kyoo;Park, Chan-Woong
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1987
  • The renal handling and tissue distribution of pyrazinamide were studied after administration of single dose intravenous injection for 15 min or constant infusion in New Zealand White rabbits. Peak pyrazinamide serum concentration ranged from 57.3 to $105.0{\mu}g/ml$ ($mean{\pm}SD;83.0{\pm}17.8$). The mean half-life of the a phase was $0.143{\pm}0.047$ hr while the ${\beta}$ phase ranged from 1.66 to 3.25 hr($mean{\pm}SD;2.38{\pm}0.57$). The mean steady-state volume of distribution in non-compartmental model was $0.935{\pm}0.362\;L/kg$ Excretion ratio of pyrazinamide was dramatically reduced from 1.02 to 0.30 when unbound serum pyrazinamide concentration was increased from 6.04 to $60.9\;{\mu}g/ml$. The urine flow dependency of renal clearance of pyrazinamide was demonstrated in steady-state serum concentration. The tissue/serum concentration ratio of pyrazinamide was highest in kidney and lowest in skeletal muscle among the tissues examined. The results suggested that a large fraction of pyrazinamide filtered by glomerulus and secreted by renal tubule was reabsorbed and this tubular reabsorption of pyrazinamide might be greatly influenced by urine flow.

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Evaluation of Hemodynamic Failure with Acetazolamide Challenged $^{123}I-IMP$ Brain SEPCT and PET (PET과 Acetazolamide 부하 $^{123}I-IMP$ 뇌혈류 SPECT를 이용한 혈역학적 부전의 평가)

  • Chun, Kyung-Ah;Cho, In-Ho;Won, Kyu-Jang;Lee, Hyung-Woo;Hayashida, Kohei
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Cerebral blood flow (CBF) reactivity to acetazolamide (ACZ) is useful to select patients with hemodynamic failure. However, it is still a matter of speculation that varying degrees of regional CBF increases after ACZ administration represent the severity or stage of regional hemodynamic failure as assessed by positron emission tomography (PET). We studied to elucidate whether ACZ challenge $^{123}I-IMP$ brain single photon emission tomography (SPECT) can accurately grade the seventy of regional hemodynamic failure. Materials and Methods: Eighteen patients (M: 16, F: 2, average age: 61 years) with unilateral occlusive disease of the internal carotid artery or the trunk of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). Patients undewent $^{123}I-IMP$ brain SPECT study with acetazolamide challenge and PET study was carried out within 2 weeks before and after SPECT study. Five healthy volunteers with a mean age of 48 years (range: 28-73 yr, M: 3, F: 2) underwent PET studies to determine normal values. In SPECT study, an asymmetry index (Al)-the percentage of radioactivity of region of interest (ROI) in the occlusive cerebrovascular lesion to the contralateral homologous ROI-was used for numerical evaluation of relative $^{123}I-IMP$ distribution. In PET study, regional CBF, oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen ($CMRO_2$) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) values were measured with $^{15}O-labeled$ gas inhalation method and the values were used for comparison with Al (Al during acetazolamide challenge-Al of basal study) on the SPECT study. ROls were classified by severity into three groups (normal, stage I and stage II). Results: Mean values of Al in areas with normal, stage I and stage II hemodynamic failure were $6.25{\pm}7.77%\;(n=107),\;-10.38{\pm}10.41%\:(n=117)\;and\;13.30{\pm}10.51%\;(n=140)$, respectively. Al significantly differed with each groups (p<0.05). Correlation between Al and CBF, OEF and CBV/CBF in hemisphere with occlusive cerebrovascular lesion was 0.20 (p<0.01), -0.28 (p<0.01) and -0.28 (p<0.01), respectively. Conclusion: We concluded that $^{123}I-IMP$ brain SPECT with acetazolamide challenge could determine the severity ad stage of regional hemodynamic failure as assessed by PET.

The Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival in Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy (방사선치료를 받은 근 침윤성 방광암의 예후 인자)

  • Chung Woong-Ki;Oh Bong-Ryoul;Ahn Sung Ja;Nah Byung Sik;Kwon Dong-Deuk;Park Kwangsung;Ryu Soo-Bang;Park Yang-IL
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study analyzed the prognostic factors affecting the survival rate and evaluated the role of radiation therapy in muscle-invading bladder cancer. Materials and Methods : Twenty eight patients with bladder cancer who completed planned definitive radiotherapy in the Departments of Therapeutic Radiology and Urology, Chonnam National University Hospital between Jan. 1986 to Dec. 1998 were retrospectively analyzed. The reviews were peformed based on the patients' medical records. There were 21 males and 7 females in this study. The median of age was 72 years old ranging from 49 to 84 years. All patients were confirmed as having transitional cell carcinoma with histological grade 1 in one patient, grade 2 in 15, grade 3 in 9, and uninformed in 3. Radiation therapy was peformed using a linear accelerator with 6 or 10 MV X-rays. Radiation was delivered daily with a 1.8 or 2.0 Gy fraction size by 4 ports (anterior-posterior, both lateral, alternatively) or 3 ports (Anterior and both lateral). The median radiation dose delivered to the isocenter of the target volume was 61.24 Gy ranging from 59 to 66.6 Gy. The survival rate was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate analysis was peformed on the prognostic factors affecting the survival rate. Results : The survival rate was $76\%,\;46\%,\;33\%,\;33\%$ at 1, 2, 3, 5 years, respectively, with 19 months of median survival. The potential factors of age (less than 70 years vs above 70), sex, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hydronephrosis, 1-stage (T3a vs T3b), TUR, chemotherapy, total duration of radiotherapy, radiation dose (less than 60 Gy vs above 60 Gy), and the treatment response were investigated with uniand multivariate analysis. Un univariate analysis, the T-stage (p=0.078) and radiation dose (p=0.051) were marginally significant, and the treatment response (p=0.011) was a statistically significant factor on the survival rate. Multivariate analysis showed there were no significant prognostic factors affecting the survival rate. Conclusion : The treatment response and radiation dose are suggested as th은 statistically significant factors affecting the survival rate of muscle invasive bladder cancer. A Further prospective randomized study is needed to confirm these prognostic factors.

PTV Margins for Prostate Treatments with an Endorectal Balloon (전립선 암의 방사선치료 시 직장 내 풍선삽입에 따른 계획표적부피마진)

  • Kim, Hee-Jung;Chung, Jin-Beom;Ha, Sung-Whan;Kim, Jae-Sun;Ye, Sung-Joon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.166-176
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To determine the appropriate prostate planning target volume (PTV) margins for 3-dimensitional (3D) conformal radiotherapy (CRT) and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) patients treated with an endorectal balloon (ERB) under our institutional treatment condition. Materials and Methods: Patients were treated in the supine position. An ERB was inserted into the rectum with 70 cc air prior to planning a CT scan and then each treatment fraction. Electronic portal images (EPIs) and digital reconstructed radiographs (DRR) of planning CT images were used to evaluate inter-fractional patient's setup and ERB errors. To register both image sets, we developed an in-house program written in visual $C^{++}$. A new method to determine prostate PTV margins with an ERB was developed by using the common method. Results: The mean value of patient setup errors was within 1 mm in all directions. The ERB inter-fractional errors in the superior-inferior (SI) and anterior-posterior (AP) directions were larger than in the left-right (LR) direction. The calculated 1D symmetric PTV margins were 3.0 mm, 8.2 mm, and 8.5 mm for 3D CRT and 4.1 mm, 7.9 mm, and 10.3 mm for IMRT in LR, SI, and AP, respectively according to the new method including ERB random errors. Conclusion: The ERB random error contributes to the deformation of the prostate, which affects the original treatment planning. Thus, a new PTV margin method includes dose blurring effects of ERB. The correction of ERB systematic error is a prerequisite since the new method only accounts for ERB random error.

Analysis of prognostic factors of laparotomy for necrotizing enterocolitis in extremely low birth weight infants (괴사성 장염으로 수술한 초극소저체중출생아(<1,000 g)의 예후인자 분석)

  • Kim, Jin Kyu;Kim, Yi Sun;Yoo, Hye Soo;Ahn, So Yoon;Seo, Hyun Ju;Choi, Seo Heui;Park, Soo Kyung;Jung, Yu Jin;Kim, Myo Jing;Jeon, Ga Won;Koo, Soo Hyun;Lee, Kyung-Hoon;Chang, Yun Sil;Park, Won Soon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : With improved survival of extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI), there is an increase in the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) requiring laparotomy, and the risk of morbidity and mortality in these ELBWI is increased. Thus, we determined the prognostic factors in ELBWI who underwent laparotomy for NEC. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 35 ELBWI who underwent laparotomy for NEC from January 2001 to December 2008 at Samsung Medical Center. Results : Of 480 ELBWI, 35 required laparotomy for NEC; the mortality rate was 20% (Alive group n=28, Dead group n=7). The values of preoperative score for neonatal acute physiology-II (P =0.022) and fraction of inspired oxygen (P <0.001) were significantly higher in the dead group and values of base excess (P =0.004) were significantly lower in the dead group. Values of preoperative heart rate, respiration rate, mean blood pressure, pH, $CO_2$, and potassium ion were not significantly different between the study groups. Intraoperative fluid volume was significantly higher in the alive group than in the dead group (P =0.045). Postoperative infusion rate was significantly lower in the alive group than in the dead group (P =0.022). Conclusion : Good preoperative condition, more intraoperative fluid infusion, and stable postoperative hemodynamic condition were factors associated with favorable prognosis of laparotomy for NEC in ELBWI.

Na, K-ATPase Activity in the Aged Erythrocytes of Hypertensive Rats (고혈압쥐 노화 적혈구에서의 Na, K-ATPase에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chang-Kil;Hur, Gang-Min;Seok, Jung-Ho;Lee, Jae-Heun
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 1991
  • To study the age dependent change of Na, K-ATPase in the erythrocyte of hypertensive rat, 1-kidey 1-clip hypertensive rat was made by the removal of right kidney and partial ligation of left renal artery. After 4 weeks, aged erythrocyte fraction was separated by density gradient centrifugation, and Na, K-ATPase activity and $^3H-ouabain$ binding with ghost cell membrane and ouabain sensitive Rb-uptake with whole cell were measured. 1) In the hypertensive rats, blood pressure was significantly increased to 165.5/119.0 mmHg (systolic/diastolic). Mean corpuscular volume and membrane protein(mg) per $10^9RBC$ were decreased and hemoglobin content was increased in the aged erythrocyte. 2) Na, K-ATPase activity in the solution containing 110 mM NaCl and 10 mM KCI, was decreased in hypertensive rat, and decreased in aged erythrocyte of both group. 3) Ouabain sensitive Rb-uptake by low RbCl concentration(4 mM) was slightly decreased in aged erythrocyte compared to that in young erythrocyte of each group, but slightly increased in young erythrocyte in hypertensive rat compared to that in normotensive rat. 4) Ouabain sensitive Rb-uptake by high RbCl concentration(16 mM) was decreased about 30% to 50 % in aged erythrocyte in both group. And in hypertensive rat, especially in young erythrocyte it was significantly decreased compared to that in normotensive rats. 5) $^3H-ouabain$ binding at 0.13 or $1{\times}10^-6M$ ouabain concentration was slightly decreased in aged erythrocyte of normotensive rat, and significantly decreased in aged erythrocyte of hypertensive rats. 6) $^3H-ouabain$ binding at 6 or $64{\times}10^-6M$ ouabain concentration is slightly decreased in aged erythrocyte of both group, but significantly decreased in young and aged erythrocyte of hypertensive rats compared to that of normotensive rats. The present results suggest that (1) in the young erythrocyte of hypertensive rat, the alterations of Na-pump activity that slightly increased in weak stimulation and inhibited in strong stimulation, may be related to increased molecular activity and the decrease in the number of low affinity site without change in high affinity site, (2) in the aged erythrocyte of normotensive rat, inhibited Na-pump may be related to the change in molecular activity of pump. (3) And in the aged erythrocyte of hypertensive rat, it may be related to the decrease in the number of high and low affinity site as well as the change in molecular activity

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Similarities of Scaritoxin to Ciguatoxin on the Chromatographic Behaviours (Scaritoxin과 Ciguatoxin의 크로마토그라피상에서의 몇가지 유사성)

  • Joh, Yong-Goe;Scheuer, Paul J.
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 1985
  • In studying the structural work on ciguatoxin, parrot fish collected were identified as Scarus sordidus, S. frenatus, S. scaber and S. pectarlis, in which only S. sordidus contained toxic materials. Crude toxins obtained by silicic acid column chromatography, could be separated on a DEAE-cellulose column into two fractions, ST-1(less polar) and ST-2(polar) eluted with chloroform and chloroform-methanol(1:1). Furthermore ST-1 could be changed into ST-2 by repeated chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Rf values of ST-1 and ST-2 were 0.60-0.75 and 0.30-0.54 on TLC coated with silica gel 60F-254 developed by chloroform-methanol-water-acetic acid (90:9.5:0.2:0.3) mixture. The peaks of ST-1 and ST-2 were not observed on each HPLC chromatogram at low sensitivity(2X), but by bioassay they were detected in the fraction of 24-27ml(less polar toxin, 120ng) and 22-27 ml (polar toxin, 150 ng). Less polar ciguatoxin from morey eel viscera also showed its peak in the same elution volume(25ml). Being subjected to chromatography on basic aluminum oxide (activity grade I) or to alkaline treatment, followed by basic aluminum oxide (activity grade I) chromatography ST-1 toxin was remarkably converted into the polar toxic component supposed to be polar ciguatoxin in both cases. In the latter case, approximately 74% of the residual toxicity was changed into the polar component, accompanied by about 50% loss of the initial toxicity. More than 26% of ST-2 toxicity was transformed into the less polar toxic component supposed to be less polar ciguatoxin on a deactivated aluminum oxide (activity grade V) column.

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A Study on the Measurement of the Dimensionless Light Extinction Constant for Particulate Matter from Fuel Oil for Marine and Land Diesel Engines (선박 및 육상 디젤 엔진용 연료유에서 발생하는 입자상물질에 대한 무차원 광소멸계수 계측에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Beom-Seok;Choi, Jae-Hyuk;Cho, Kwon-Hae;Park, Seul-Hyun;Lee, Won-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2018
  • It is known that he pollutant emitted from the combustion process of marine fuel oil causes air pollution and harmful effects to the human body. Accordingly, IMO regulates pollutants emitted from ships. However, the regulation of Particulate Matter (PM) is still in the process of debate, so preemptive action is needed. Fundamental research on PM is essential. In this study, the Dimensionless Light Extinction Constant ($K_e$) of fuel oil used in marine diesel engines was measured and analyzed to construct the basic data of the PM generated from marine-based fuel oil. The fuel oil used in the land diesel engine was measured in the same way for character comparison. Both fuel oils differ in sulfur content and density. The $K_e$ was measured via the optical method using a 633 nm laser and was determined by using the volume fraction of PM collected by the gravimetric filter method. The $K_e$ of the PM discharged from marine fuel oil is 8.28, and the land fuel oil is 8.44. The $K_e$ of two fuel oils was similar within the measurement uncertainty range. However, it was found by comparison with the value obtained by the Rayleigh-Limit solution that the light scattering portion could be large. Also, it was found that light extinction characteristics could be different due to the relationship between light transmittance and collected mass.

Treatment Margin Assessment using Mega-Voltage Computed Tomography of a Tomotherapy Unit in the Radiotherapy of a Liver Tumor (간종양 방사선치료 시 토모테라피 메가볼트 CT를 이용한 치료 여백 평가)

  • You, Sei-Hwan;Seong, Jin-Sil;Lee, Ik-Jae;Koom, Woong-Sub;Jeon, Byeong-Chul
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.280-288
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To identify the inter-fractional shift pattern and to assess an adequate treatment margin in the radiotherapy of a liver tumor using mega-voltage computed tomography (MVCT) of a tomotherapy unit. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six patients were treated for liver tumors by tomotherapy from April 2006 to August 2007. The MVCT images of each patient were analyzed from the $1^{st}$ to the $10^{th}$ fraction for the assessment of the daily liver shift by four groups based on Couinard's proposal. Daily setup errors were corrected by bony landmarks as a prerequisite. Subsequently, the anterior-, posterior-, right-, and left shifts of the liver edges were measured by maximum linear discrepancies between the kilo-voltage computed tomography (KVCT) image and MVCT image. All data were set in the 2-dimensional right angle coordinate system of the transverse section of each patient's body. Results: The liver boundary shift had different patterns for each group. In group II (segment 2, 3, and 4), the anterior mean shift was $2.80{\pm}1.73\;mm$ outwards, while the left mean shift was $2.23{\pm}1.37\;mm$ inwards. In group IV (segment 7 and 8), the anterior-, posterior-, right-, and left mean shifts were $0.15{\pm}3.93\;mm$ inwards, $3.15{\pm}6.58\;mm$ inwards, $0.60{\pm}3.58\;mm$ inwards, and $4.50{\pm}5.35\;mm$ inwards, respectively. The reduced volume in group II after MVCT reassessment might be a consequence of stomach toxicity. Conclusion: Inter-fractional liver shifts of each group based on Couinard's proposal were somewhat systematic despite certain variations observed in each patient. The geometrical deformation of the liver by respiratory movement can cause shrinkage in the left margins of liver. We recommend a more sophisticated approach in free-breathing mode when irradiating the left lobe of liver in order to avoid stomach toxicity.