• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vit C

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Biochemical Properties, Volatile Compounds and Total Phenol Contents of Yuza Variety (유자의 종류별 생리화학적인 특성과 향기성분, 총 페놀 함량 분석)

  • Hwang, Seong-Hee;Kim, Min-Jeong;Kim, Kang-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.685-692
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    • 2013
  • Yuza (Citrus junos) has 3 varieties with variable physiochemical properties. This study analyzed these volatile compounds and physiochemical properties according to variety. Three Yuza varieties, native (Citrus junos I), improved I (Citrus junos I+Poncirus trifoliata), improved II (Citrus junos I+C. junos II) were used. The native Yuza weighted more than the improved varieties, but the peel ratio (weight of peel versus pulp) was high in improved one. Protein and ash contents were high in Improved I than native one. Native had 29.6mg% vit. C in pulp and improved I had 57.7mg% vit. C in peel. Free sugar was mainly fructose, and the main organic acid was citric acid in Yuza. Improved I Yuza had high free sugar contents, and the organic acid levels were high in improved II Yuza. Linoleic acid was the most prevalent fatty acid in Yuza; it was distributed in peel or pulp. The most common volatile flavor component was dl-limonene (64~70%); improved II Yuza showed significantly higher contents of dl-limonen and ${\gamma}$-terpinen. Total phenol level of Yuza was identical in all types, but peels had 2.5 times more than pulps.

The Changes of Vitamin C Content in Yulmoo Mulkimchi According to the Shift of Fermentation Temperature (발효 온도의 변화에 따른 열무 물김치 중 비타민 C의 함량 변화)

  • 최성유;한영숙
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.364-368
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    • 1997
  • The vitamin C contents in Mulkimchi (watery kimchi prepared with Yulmoo, leaf radish) were analyzed during its fermentation and storage at 30$^{\circ}C$, 15$^{\circ}C$ and 4$^{\circ}C$, respectively. The total amount of vit. C in Mulkimchi fermented for 1 day at 30$^{\circ}C$ was rapidly increased to the highest level of 20 mg%. At this time, Mulkimchi showed pH 4.5 and 0.2% of total acidity expressed in lactic acid. The total microbes of the kimchi amounted to 10$\^$8/ cfu/$m\ell$ which are mostly found to be lactic acid bacteria. However, the amount of vitamin C in Mulkimchi was decreased gradually during the storage at 30$^{\circ}C$, 15$^{\circ}C$ and 4$^{\circ}C$ for 9 days. In the Mulkimchi fermentated at 15$^{\circ}C$, the maximum amount of vitamin C was 15 mg% at 4 to 5 day-fermentation. The pH of this kimchi was 4.0 and its acidity was 0.15% as lactic acid. When the storage temperature was dropped to 4$^{\circ}C$ after 1 day-fermentation at 15$^{\circ}C$, its vitamin C didn't reach the above level after 9 day storage. As the fermentation temperature was kept at 4$^{\circ}C$, the content of vitamin C in Mulkimchi remained at 10 mg% of its initial storage and didn't change through the 9 days storage.

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The Influence of Feeding Dietary Differences on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality in Finishing Pigs (사료조성 차이가 돼지 생산 및 도체형질에 미치는 영향)

  • 진상근;김일석;송영민;하경희;이성대;김회윤;주선태;박구부
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2003
  • All diets were based on feeds of fattening period pigs(LY x D, ca. 90 kg) with six treatments, which were the control, containing 5% beef tallow(C), 3% beef tallows and 2% perilla seeds oil(T1), 250 ppm vit. E(${\alpha}$-tocopheryl acetate) in T1(T2), 3% beef tallow and 2% squid viscera oil(T3), 250 ppm vit. E in T3(T4), and 3% beef tallow and 2% CLA(T5), respectively. Produced porks and their carcass characteristics were as follows. The daily gain of pigs was higher in T2 and 73 than any other treatments(p<0.05). Its T2 and T3 was 3.71 and 3.80 respectively, however, there was no significance in feed intake. The highest back fat thickness was shown in control group on market weight, while there was no significant difference on their initial weight. Loin-eye muscle area did not show any significant difference on initial weight and on market weight, however, its T5 was about twice as large as T2's. Content of triglyceride in blood was high in control group as compared to others; especially, the values for T3, T4 and T5 were significantly low(p <0.05). There was no significant difference in total cholesterol contents, and the ratio of HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol was higher in vit. E treated samples than untreated sample. Atherogenic index was high in sample with T3 and low in sample with T2. The perilla seed oil, squid fish oil, and vit. E decreased atherogenic index. Dressing percentage, back fat thickness, and grade did not show any significant difference(p >0.05); however, T2, C and T3, T1 and T5 showed 4.67, 4.29, 4.00 respectively, in grades.

The Effect of Gibberellin, Urea and Sucrose on Growth and Some Nutrients in Soybean Sprout (콩나물의 성장(成長) 및 성분(成分)에 미치는 Gibberellin, Urea 및 Sucrose의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Dong-Yeon
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.4
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 1963
  • The Gibberellin is applied to partial fruit trees, vegetables and flowers, but there is only a few information on the components of the effect of Gibberellin on these higher plants. There is no any information on the effect of Gibberellin, Urea and Sucrose mixed liquid on the plant components. So this mixed liquid and gibberellin spraied to the soybean sprout and observed growth velocity variety of some nutrients. Growth velocity, weight, Amino acid contents and fat contents of mixed plot and gibberellin plot are almost same. Mixed liquid plot's sugars and crude proteins contents in a little much than gibberellin plot, but mixed liquid plot's Ascorbic acid contents is a little less than gibberellin plot.

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Bone Density and Nutrient Intake of University Students (대학생의 골밀도와 영양소섭취 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Soon-Nam;Chung, Nam-Yong;Song, Chang-Ho;Kim, Sang-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.841-847
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate on bone density and nutrient intake of university students in Seoul area. Nutrient intake data were obtained by using the 24-hour recall method to evaluate the usual diet of the subjects. BQI(bone quality index) of the subjects was measured by an Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS). The results are summarized as follows: The average height, weight, BMI of the male and female student were 173.3 cm, 68.5 kg, 22.7; 161.4 cm, 54.2 kg, 20.8, respectively. The BQI and Z-score of the subjects were 99.50, -0.69 in male student group, and 82.6, -1.15 in female student group, respectively. Normal, osteopenia and osteoporosis percentage by bone status were 73.8%, 24.9%, 1.3% in male student group, and 39.8%, 57.6%, 2.6% in female student group, respectively. Energy intake of male and female group were 71.7%, 79.1% of EER(estimated energy requirement) respectively. Fiber, Ca, Vit $B_2$, niacin, folic acid, Vit C intake were less than RI(recommended intake) and protein, phosphorus intake were higher than RI in subjects. Nutrient intake were not significantly related with BQI in male and female groups generally.

Effects of the Red Pepper Powders Dried in Hot-Air by Various Processing Methods on Quality of Kochujang during Fermentation (가공방법을 달리하여 열풍건조한 고춧가루가 고추장의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 박소희;구혜진;임호수;유진현;황성연;신언환;박영희;이종호;조재선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.870-875
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    • 2003
  • Physicochemical characteristics of Kochujang based on hot-air dried the red pepper powders with different treatments, were investigated during 90 days fermentation to obtain information for the industrial production of Kochujang. The pH was decreased gradually during fermentation, and pH of the control Kochujang was consistently higher than those of others. The total acidity was increased linearly during fermentation, and Kochujang with 0.1% vitamin C was consistently higher than others. Reducing sugar contents of Kochujang was increased until 75 days but was decreased slightly thereafter, showing highest value for the control sample. Amino nitrogen contents was increased gradually until 75 days, showing highest value for Kochujang with mash-dried red pepper powder, but it was decreased remarkably thereafter The L and a values of Kochujang were increased, whereas b value was decreased during fermentation. L, and b values of Kochujang with mash-dried red pepper powder were higher than those of others, showing the more light and deep color than others. Appearance, taste and overall acceptability of Kochujang based on mash-dried red pepper powder were higher than others.

Teucrium polium L. Improved Heart Function and Inhibited Myocardial Apoptosis in Isolated Rat Heart Following Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

  • Mahmoudabady, Maryam;Talebian, Faezeh Sadat;Zabihi, Narges Amel;Rezaee, Seyed Abdolrahim;Niazmand, Saeed
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Myocardial reperfusion is the only logical cure for ischemic heart disease. However, ischemic-reperfusion (I/R) injury is one of the underlying factors facilitating and accelerating the apoptosis in the myocardium. This study set to investigate the impact of Teucrium polium (TP) hydro-alcoholic extract on I/R induced apoptosis in the isolated rat heart. Methods: Isolated rat hearts were classified into six groups. The control samples were subjected to 80 min of perfusion with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate (KHB) buffer; in control-ischemia group, after primary perfusion (20 min) the hearts were exposed to global ischemia (20 min) and reperfusion (40 min). Pretreated groups were perfused with $500{\mu}M$ of vitamin C and various TP concentrations (0.5, 1, 2 mg/ml) for 20 min, and then the hearts were exposed to ischemia and reperfusion for 20 min and 40 min, respectively. Cardiodynamic parameters including rate pressure product (RPP), heart rate (HR), the maximum up/down rate of left ventricular pressure (${\pm}dp/dt$), left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), and coronary artery flow (CF) were achieved from Lab Chart software data. The Bax and BCl-2 gene expressions were measured in heart samples. Results: Hearts treated with TP extract and vit C represented a meaningful improvement in cardiac contractile function and CF. The overexpression of Bcl-2, downregulation of Bax, and improvement of apoptotic index (Bax/Bcl-2) were observed in pretreated TP extract and vit C hearts. Conclusion: The TP extract was found to ameliorate the cardiac function in the reperfused myocardium. Also, it can hinder apoptotic pathways causing cardioprotection.

A Clinical Proterties on Nutrients Intake and Serum Concentration of Diabetic Subjects by Duration in Ansung Kyunggi-do (경기도 안성지역 당뇨병 환자의 유병기간에 따른 영양소 섭취 실태와 혈액성상의 임상적 특징)

  • 노숙령
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.1203-1210
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    • 1997
  • This study was performed from March to June 1994 in ANsung Medical Center. We investigated serum components of 78 diabetics in the center, in addition to the nutrient intake status and anthrophometric status of 60 diabetics among them. We separated the latter into 2 groups(ⅰ) less tan 5 years of diabetic duration and ⅱ) more than 6 years of diabetic duration) and analyzed the clinical characteristics of each group. The results are as follows : \circled1 The average ages of male and female subjects were 57.1 and 58.9 years, respectively. The average diabetic duration of male subjects was 4.8 years and that of female subjects was 5.9 . The major occupational field of both male and female subjects was agriculture(33.3%, 36.1%). 50% of male and 75% of female subject's monthly incomes were less than 600, 000 won and 75% of male and 94.4% of female subjects had weekly food expense less than 40, 000 won. The nutrient intake status of the subjects was lower than RDA on the whole. There was no big differences between 2 the male groups of different diabetic duration , but calorie, protein , fat carbohydrate, phosphorus, iron and Vit B$_1$intakes of the above 6 year female group were appearently higher than those of the under 5 year female group (p<0.05). There were different intake tendencies between male and female subjects . For females. the longer the diabetic duration, the less intakes of calorie, protein , fat carbohydrate, phosphorus, iron Vit B$_1$, Vit B$_2$, and niacin were observed. Furthermore, the longer the diabetic duration in females , the more intakes of energy and nutrients, except Vit C were observed. Fasting blood glucose levels were 155mg/dl and 164mg/dl and Postprandial glucose levels were 242mg/dl and 247mg/dl for males and females respectively. Hb of both males and females , and Ht of males met the lower limit of normal status, The serum TG level was higher than normal , so that they seemed to suffer from hyperlipidemia ; their high HbAIC status indicated that the management of diabetes mellitus was poor. The total protein level of female subject was higher when compared with that of males(p<0.05). All subjects blood pressure were higher than normal , and the longer the diabetic duration, the higher was the blood pressure. The serum HDL-cholesterol levels of the above 6 year group male subjects were lower(p<0.05) than those of the under 5 year male group subjects, and the former group's systolic and diastolic blood pressures were higher than those of the latter(p<0.05). Levels of serum total protein, albumin and TG of the above 6 year female group were lower than those of the under 5 year female group(p<0.05). As the diabetic duration was extended, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels showed a tendency to increase, while Hb, Ht, total protein, albumin, and A/G, which represent the nutrients state of iron and protein, were inclined to decrease. This result showed that serum lipid components went bad. To summarize the results, the longer the diabetic duration, the worse were the male subjects nutrient intake status, but those of the female subjects were good. With respect to serum components and serum lipid subjects Fe, protein, nutrition status and serum lipid component got worse as the diabetic duration was extended , implying the possibility of diabetes mellitus complication grows.

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Analysis of Cellular Components of Starch-Utilizing Yeast Sporobolomyces holsaticus (전분이용성 효모 Sporobolomyces holsaticus의 균체성분 분석에 대하여)

  • Park, Wan-Soo;Koo, Young-Jo;Shin, Dong-Hwa;Suh, Kee-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 1983
  • Starchy single cell protein produced by a starch-utilizing yeast, Sporobolomyces holsaticus FRI Y-5 was analyzed for its composition such as intracellular protein, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and pigments. It was shown that it contained 33.08% of total carbohydrate, 45.63% of crude protein, 20.01% of crude lipid, 3.24% of ash and 4.46% of pigment. Whole cell extracted by cold and hot NaOH method contained 40.89% of soluble protein and the estimated nucleic acid content from crude and soluble protein contents was about 7.6%. The sulphur-containing amino acids, threonine, isoleucine and valine were analyzed to be the limiting amino acids in the starchy SCP, and the protein score was calculated as 89.4. It was shown from its fatty acid analysis that it contained $6.5%\;of\;C_{16:0}$, $2.4%\;of\;C_{18:0}$, $81.9%\;of\;C_{18:1}$, $3.2%\;of\;C_{18:2}$, and $6.0%\;of\;C_{18:3}$. Also it was observed that it contained, per 100 g of dry cell, 365.33mg of Mg and 282.75mg of K more than Fe and Ca. The content of Vit. $B_2$ was 3.7mg per 100 g of dry cell, but niacin was not detected under this experimental condition. The UV-visible scanning result of pigment extract showed that the yeast contained carotenoid and unknown pigments.

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Genotoxicity of Environment-friendly Organic Materials of Plant Origin in the Micronucleus Test Using Chinese Hamster Lung Cells (Chinese Hamster Lung Cell의 소핵시험을 이용한 식물추출물 유기농업자재의 유전독성평가)

  • Cho, Hyeon-Jo;Park, Kyung-Hun;Jeong, Mi Hye;Park, Soo Jin;Oh, Jin-Ah;Kim, Won-Il;Cho, Namjun;Ryu, Jae-Gee;Paik, Min-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.138-143
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND: Azadirachta Indica extract(AIE) and Sophorae radix extract(SRE) are widely used as environment-friendly organic materials of plant origin in South Korea. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study, the in vitro micronucleus(vitMN) tests of two samples of AIE and SRE were conducted to evaluate their genotoxicity using the Chinese hamster lung(CHL) cell. This study was composed of two parts; cytochalasin B(cyto B) test and non-cyto B test. Mitomycin C and colchicine were used as positive controls. As a result, the incidence of micronucleus(MN) in all AIE and SRE treated groups increased in dose-dependent manner, but were less than 2.2% in 1,000 binucleated cells. In addition, there were no significant increases of MN incidence in all AIE and SRE treated groups, compared with the negative control group. CONCLUSION: Therefore, we suggest that AIE samples and SRE samples used in this study may have no genotoxicity in the in vitro micronucleus test using the CHL cells. In our previous study, we reported that AIE and SRE did not cause genotoxicity in Ames test. According to the genotoxicity battery system, we concluded that AIE and SRE used in this study have no genotoxic effects to humans.