A Clinical Proterties on Nutrients Intake and Serum Concentration of Diabetic Subjects by Duration in Ansung Kyunggi-do

경기도 안성지역 당뇨병 환자의 유병기간에 따른 영양소 섭취 실태와 혈액성상의 임상적 특징

  • 노숙령 (중앙대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.12.01


This study was performed from March to June 1994 in ANsung Medical Center. We investigated serum components of 78 diabetics in the center, in addition to the nutrient intake status and anthrophometric status of 60 diabetics among them. We separated the latter into 2 groups(ⅰ) less tan 5 years of diabetic duration and ⅱ) more than 6 years of diabetic duration) and analyzed the clinical characteristics of each group. The results are as follows : \circled1 The average ages of male and female subjects were 57.1 and 58.9 years, respectively. The average diabetic duration of male subjects was 4.8 years and that of female subjects was 5.9 . The major occupational field of both male and female subjects was agriculture(33.3%, 36.1%). 50% of male and 75% of female subject's monthly incomes were less than 600, 000 won and 75% of male and 94.4% of female subjects had weekly food expense less than 40, 000 won. The nutrient intake status of the subjects was lower than RDA on the whole. There was no big differences between 2 the male groups of different diabetic duration , but calorie, protein , fat carbohydrate, phosphorus, iron and Vit B$_1$intakes of the above 6 year female group were appearently higher than those of the under 5 year female group (p<0.05). There were different intake tendencies between male and female subjects . For females. the longer the diabetic duration, the less intakes of calorie, protein , fat carbohydrate, phosphorus, iron Vit B$_1$, Vit B$_2$, and niacin were observed. Furthermore, the longer the diabetic duration in females , the more intakes of energy and nutrients, except Vit C were observed. Fasting blood glucose levels were 155mg/dl and 164mg/dl and Postprandial glucose levels were 242mg/dl and 247mg/dl for males and females respectively. Hb of both males and females , and Ht of males met the lower limit of normal status, The serum TG level was higher than normal , so that they seemed to suffer from hyperlipidemia ; their high HbAIC status indicated that the management of diabetes mellitus was poor. The total protein level of female subject was higher when compared with that of males(p<0.05). All subjects blood pressure were higher than normal , and the longer the diabetic duration, the higher was the blood pressure. The serum HDL-cholesterol levels of the above 6 year group male subjects were lower(p<0.05) than those of the under 5 year male group subjects, and the former group's systolic and diastolic blood pressures were higher than those of the latter(p<0.05). Levels of serum total protein, albumin and TG of the above 6 year female group were lower than those of the under 5 year female group(p<0.05). As the diabetic duration was extended, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels showed a tendency to increase, while Hb, Ht, total protein, albumin, and A/G, which represent the nutrients state of iron and protein, were inclined to decrease. This result showed that serum lipid components went bad. To summarize the results, the longer the diabetic duration, the worse were the male subjects nutrient intake status, but those of the female subjects were good. With respect to serum components and serum lipid subjects Fe, protein, nutrition status and serum lipid component got worse as the diabetic duration was extended , implying the possibility of diabetes mellitus complication grows.



  1. 한국영양학회지 v.26 no.2 성인 여성 당뇨환자의 체지방분포와 영량섭취, 혈당 및 운동과의 관계 최미자
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  5. 당뇨병 v.16 no.1 인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병 환자에서 이환기간이 영양상태에 미치는 영향 최미숙;이종호;백인경;안광진;정윤석;이현철;허갑범
  6. 대한의학협의회지 v.23 한국인에 있어서 각종 질환에서의 고지혈증형별 양상에 관한 연구 양충모;이재익;김재익;송병상;이동후;박성철;손이석
  7. 대한의학협회지 v.18 한국인의 고지혈증에 관한 연구 (1) - 정상인 및 고혈압증에 있어서의 고지혈증 손이석
  8. 특수영양학 이기열
  9. 식이요법 모수미
  10. 당뇨병 v.15 no.2 대혈관 합병증(죽상 경화증)의 병태 생리와 진단 김성연
  11. 당뇨병 v.15 no.2 한국인 비의존형 당뇨병 합병증에 관한 연구 고경수;오태근;김철희;박경수;이문규;김성연;조보연;이홍규;고창순;민헌기
  12. 당뇨병 v.9 no.2 당뇨병의 병형에 따른 합병증에 관한 연구(예보) 이이형;윤정환;임승길;윤금석;김원중;김현만;이현철;허갑범
  13. 당뇨병 v.8 no.1 한국인 18,201명에서 당뇨병과 관련질환에 관한 역학적 연구 이광우;손호형;강성구;박병기;박두호;민병석
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