• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visualization of information

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Idea proposal of InfograaS for Visualization of Public Big-data (공공 빅데이터의 시각화를 위한 InfograaS의 아이디어 제안)

  • Cha, Byung-Rae;Lee, Hyung-Ho;Sim, Su-Jeong;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.524-531
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we have proposed the processing and analyzing the linked open data (LOD), a kind of big-data, using resources of cloud computing. The LOD is web-based open data in order to share and recycle of public data. Specially, we defined the InfograaS (Info-graphic as a service), new business area of SaaS (software as a service), to support visualization technique for BA (business analytics) and Info-graphic. The goal of this study is easily to use it by the non-specialist and beginner without experts of visualization and business analysis. Data visualization is the process to represent visually and understand the data analysis easily. The purpose of data visualization is to deliver information clearly and effectively by chart and figure. The big data of public data are shared and presented in the charts and the graphics understood easily by various processing results using Hadoop, R, machine learning, and data mining of open source and resources of cloud computing.

A Development and Application of Data Visualization EducationProgram for 3rd Grade Students in Elementary School (초등학교 3학년 학생들을 위한 데이터 시각화 교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Jiseon Woo;Kapsu Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.481-490
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    • 2022
  • With the development of computing technology, the big data era has arrived, and we live with a lot of data around us. Elementary school students are no exception. Therefore, it is very important to learn to process data from elementary school. Since elementary school students have intuitive thinking, data visualization, which expresses data directly in pictures, is an important learning element. In this study, we study how effective elementary school students can visualize data in their daily lives to improve their information processing capabilities. Adata visualization program was developed by organizing and visualizing data using data visualization tools for the 8th class, which can be done by third graders in elementary school, and then experiencing the process of interaction. As a result of applying the developed program to 186 students in 7 classes, knowledge information processing competency factors were evaluated before and after class. As a result of the pre- and post-test, there was a significant difference in knowledge information processing capabilities. Therefore, the data visualization program developed in this study is effective.

Augmented Presentation Framework Design and System Implementation for Immersive Information Visualization and Delivery (몰입적 정보 표현과 전달을 위한 증강 프레젠테이션 디자인 및 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Minju;Wohn, Kwangyun
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2017
  • Interactive intervention of the human presenter is one of the important factors that make the visualization more effective. Rather than just showing the content, the presenter enhances the process of the information delivery by providing the context of visualization. In this paper, we define this as an augmented presentation. In augmented presentation concept, the presenter can facilitate presentation more actively by being fully immersed in the visualization space and reaching and interacting into digital information. In order to concrete the concept, we design presentation space that enables the presenter to be seamlessly immersed in the visualization. Also we increase the presenter's roles as a storyteller, controller and augmenter allowing the presenter to fully support communicative process between the audience and the visualization. Then, we present an augmented presentation system to verify the proposed concept. We rendered 3D visualization through a half-mirror film and a wall projection screen that are place in parallel and applied with stereoscopic images, then, spatially align the presenter inside the virtual visualization space. After that, we conduct a controlled experiment to investigate the subjective level of immersion and engagement of the audience to HoloStation compared to traditional presentation system. Our initial investigation suggests that the newly conceived augmented presentation has potential not only to enhance the information presentation but also to supports the delivery of visualization.

Sound Visualization Method using Joint Time-Frequency Analysis for Visual Machine Condition Monitoring

  • Seo, Jung-Hee;Park, Hung-Bog
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2015
  • Noise from the surrounding environment, building structures and machine equipment have significant effects on daily life. Many solutions to this problem have been suggested by analyzing causes of noise generated from particular locations in general buildings or machine equipment and detecting defects of buildings or equipment. Therefore, this paper suggests a visualization technique of sounds by using the microphone array to measure sound sources from machines and perform the visual machine condition monitoring (VMCM). By analyzing sound signals and presenting effective sound visualization methods, it can be applied to identify machine's conditions and correct errors through real-time monitoring and visualization of noise generated from the plant machine equipment.

Abstract Visualization for Effective Debugging of Parallel Programs Based on Multi-threading (멀티 스레딩 기반 병렬 프로그램의 효과적인 디버깅을 위한 추상적 시각화)

  • Kim, Young-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.549-557
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    • 2016
  • It is important for effective visualization to summarize not only a large amount of debugging information but also the mental models of abstract ideas. This paper presents an abstract visualization tool which provides effective visualization of thread structure and race information for OpenMP programs with critical sections and nested parallelism, using a partial order execution graph which captures logical concurrency among threads. This tool is supported by an on-the-fly trace-filtering technique to reduce space complexity of visualization information, and a graph abstraction technique to reduce visual complexity of nested parallelism and critical sections in the filtered trace. The graph abstraction of partial-order relation and race information is effective for understanding program execution and detecting to eliminate races, because the user can examine control flow of program and locations of races in a structural fashion.

A Study on Advanced Visualization Methods based on Information Needs Analysis according to NTIS General Users Groups (NTIS 일반 이용자 그룹별 정보 요구 분석에 기반한 정보시각화 개선방안 연구)

  • Nam, Yeon-Hwa;Gang, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Tae-Young;Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.361-382
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    • 2016
  • NTIS(National Science & Technology Information Service) is the first national R&D information knowledge portal service in the world to provide information of government-funded R&D projects and it has been developed by KISTI. This study investigated several limitations of current NTIS information service, analyzed information needs for end users, and then proposed information recomposition and visualization method to satisfy their information needs. For doing this, we firstly clarified the definition of 'end-users' and classified three different groups of general users. We also discriminated various information needs according to three groups and illustrated some examples of visualization results to meet the requirements - 'retrieval simplification' and 'information visualization'. To consider practicality of our proposed method, we suggested implementation plans to utilize existed NTIS services.

3D Graphics Visualization and Context Information Service for a Virtual Tourist System

  • Nguyen, Congdu;Le, Minh Tuan;Yoon, Dae-Il;Kim, Hae-Kwang
    • Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we present a virtual tourist system with realtime 3D visualization and the assistance of context information service. Our system enables a visitor to take a discovering tour on a virtual environment from a remote client by following navigator or by self-navigating. During the tour, the system provides immersive 3D graphics contents while supporting relevant information to the visitors corresponding to their positions in the virtual environment. When the visitors interact with interested objects, the context information service will also support introduction information for presenting about the objects. The introduction information based on text format is represented by a comfortable way-audio conversion to visitors in different languages depended on their preferences using TTS(Text-To-Speak) tool.

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User Preference and Workload Changes According to Information Visualization Methods (정보표현방식에 따른 사용자 호의도 및 업무부하량 변화)

  • Chung Kyung Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2005
  • Despite the wide range of information and engineering visualization techniques available, studies in investigating the effectiveness of the techniques in visualization has been rare. The typical visualization techniques were CAD, 2D and 3D computer graphics, and virtual environment (VE) that use 3D displays of 3D. space. The objects of this study is to analyze the user preferences and workload changes according to the visualization methods of engineering drawings such as 2D CAD, 2D computer graphics, 3D computer graphics, and augmented reality which is a variation of VEs. The results showed that users preferred 3D visualization techniques to 2D visualization techniques, though there were no workloads differences. Furthermore, the 3D perspective of AR which analogies the real world could facilitate the interpretation of engineering drawings.

A Development of GVP for Hierarchical POI Information Visualization based on GML (GML 기반 계층적 POI 정보 가시화를 위한 GVP 개발)

  • Song, Eun-Ha;Park, Yong-Jin;Jeong, Young-Sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.4
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    • pp.541-548
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    • 2008
  • Today, GIS service requires not only a simple map visualization but also geographical information of each object. However, POI service provides simply geographical naming service only because of lacking in geographical information of objects. In addition, geographical space data representation functioning that is the basis for most GIS has not been standardized yet. In this paper, it is designed that POI DB that is hierarchical and user-oriented and it is constructed that GVP(GML Viewer POI) that is the basis of GML specification to overcome difference and incompatibility of map visualization. GVP adds POI DB in a 3-Layer structure to dBase file managing the information of SHP file attributes. Therefore, POI visualization enables hierarchical search, by providing POI information in directory-type grouping. Consisting of map visualization and POI visualization, GVP regenerates attributes in the form of individual objects and responds to user events immediately.