• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visual cue

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Action effect: An attentional boost of action regardless of medium and semantics (의미적 표상 및 매개체와 무관한 단순 행동의 주의력 증진 효과)

  • Dogyun Kim;Eunhee Ji;Min-Shik Kim
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.153-180
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    • 2023
  • Previous research on the action effect had shown how simple action towards a stimulus can enhance the processing of that stimulus in subsequent visual search task (Buttaccio & Hahn, 2011; Weidler & Abrams, 2014). In four experiments, we investigated whether semantic representation of action word can induce the same attentional boost towards that stimulus and whether the type of action performed can modulate the action effect. In experiment 1, we replicated the same experimental paradigm displayed in previous studies. Participants were first shown an action word cue - "go" or "no". When the action cue was "go", participants were to press a designated key, but not to when the action cue was "no". Next, participants performed a visual search task, in which they reported the orientation of a tilted bar. The target could appear on top of the previously shown prime object (valid), or not (invalid). Reaction times (RTs) to the search task were measure for analysis and comparison, and the action effect had been replicated. In experiment 2, participants were instructed to respond with the keyboard for the action task, and to respond with the joystick for the visual search task. In experiment 3, participants were instructed not to press any key on the onset of prime, and then perform the visual search task to isolate the effect of semantic representation. Lastly, in experiment 4, participants were instructed to press separate keys for "go" and "no" on the onset of prime, and then perform the visual search task. Results indicate that semantic representation alone did not modulate the action effect, regardless of type of action and medium of action.

Visual Information Selection Mechanism Based on Human Visual Attention (인간의 주의시각에 기반한 시각정보 선택 방법)

  • Cheoi, Kyung-Joo;Park, Min-Chul
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.378-391
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we suggest a novel method of selecting visual information based on bottom-up visual attention of human. We propose a new model that improve accuracy of detecting attention region by using depth information in addition to low-level spatial features such as color, lightness, orientation, form and temporal feature such as motion. Motion is important cue when we derive temporal saliency. But noise obtained during the input and computation process deteriorates accuracy of temporal saliency Our system exploited the result of psychological studies in order to remove the noise from motion information. Although typical systems get problems in determining the saliency if several salient regions are partially occluded and/or have almost equal saliency, our system is able to separate the regions with high accuracy. Spatiotemporally separated prominent regions in the first stage are prioritized using depth value one by one in the second stage. Experiment result shows that our system can describe the salient regions with higher accuracy than the previous approaches do.

Effect of Design Elements and Brand Identity on Brand Association, Brand Personality, and Brand Image: Focusing on Franchisee Coffee Shop

  • SHON, Jung Hieh;SONG, Jisung
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: As the visual expression cue that can easily reveal and imprint the brand image to consumers becomes more important, franchise coffee shops are making various efforts to establish design elements and brand identity. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the structural model between design elements, brand identity, brand association, brand personality, and brand image of franchise coffee shops from various angles, and to suggest a plan for using visual elements makes a brand image on the franchise in the future. Research design, data, and methodology: This study tests the structural relationship between design elements, brand identity, brand association, brand personality, and brand image of franchise coffee shops. design elements are divided into three attributes (interior design, product design). And brand identity is divided into two attributes (brand name, brand symbol/logo). In order to achieve the purposes of this research, research model and hypotheses were developed based on previous researches. All constructs were measured with multiple items developed and tested in the previous studies. The data were collected from 380 customers who visited franchise coffee shops and were analyzed through SPSS 26.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical package program. Result: As a result of this study, first, it is confirmed that product design has a positive effect on brand association toward coffee shops. Second, interior design and product design have a positive effect on brand personality. Third, all brand identity have a significant positive impact on brand association and brand personality. Finally, brand association and brand personality of coffee specialty shops have a positive effect on brand image. Conclusions: The following implications of this study are as follows. This study is confirmed that there is an effect of design elements attributes and brand identity attributes on brand association and brand personality. And, the brand image was found to be influenced by brand association and brand personality. This suggests that it can be used to establish visible marketing strategies for franchise coffee shops. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve efforts to raise the level of the brand image through visual factors such as unusual interior design, product packages.

A Study on Environmental Applications of Subway Line Color as Place Indicating Cues - Focused on Subway Transfer Stations of Seoul and Hong Kong - (장소지시단서로서 지하철 노선색 활용에 관한 연구 - 서울과 홍콩의 지하철환승역 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hey-Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2009
  • Currently, subway is becoming a major part of transportation and living environment in large cities such as Seoul or Hong Kong. As the numbers of subway lines and stations increase, visual cues indicating places are needed for users with various destinations, and environmental colors as well as line colors can be expected as effective informations for easy wayfinding. The purpose of this study is to understand the current color applications in terms of creating regional differentiation and informing subway lines in the transfer stations of Seoul and Hong Kong, by field investigation. The investigation has been proceed on 24 transfer stations from February to April, 2009 by taking photos and measuring environmental colors using Minolta spectrophotometer CM-2600d. As a result, regional differentiation in color application appeared generally low in both Seoul and Hong Kong but various 'hues' differing each station are used in Hong Kong, compared to limited use of 'hues' in Seoul, In terms of 'value', the rate of Seoul appeared lightly higher than that of Hong Kong, and the use of medium high rate of 'saturation' of main and secondary colors are shown as a remarkable character of Hong Kong.

Inhibitory effect of acupuncture at HT7 on the sympathetic activations to smoking-related visual cues during smoking cessation (금단기간 중 흡연관련 시각자극에 의한 교감신경 반응에 대한 신문혈 침자극의 억제 효과)

  • Chae, Youn-Byoung;Lee, Jeong-Chan;Park, Kyung-Mo;Lee, Hye-Jung;Kang, O-Seok;Kim, Song-Yi;Lee, Hwa-Jin;Yin, Chang-Sik;Park, Hi-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Cue reactivity is a key factor that modulates motivational goal-directed behavior associated with compulsive drug-taking and relapse. We investigated whether acupuncture attenuated the skin conductance response and the heart rate response to smoking-related visual cues in smokers. Methods : Twenty-nine smokers were treated with real acupuncture (RA) or sham acupuncture (SA). The stress response inventory was measured on the 5th day after quitting smoking. The skin conductance response and the heart rate were measured to evaluate the autonomic changes to the smoking related visual cues on the same day. Results : The sympathetic alterations in skin conductance and the heart rate induced by the smoking-related visual cues were significantly lower in the RA group, as compared to the SA group. The stress response inventory, such as somatization and frustration, in the RA group was significantly lower than that of the SA group. Conclusions : Acupuncture ameliorated the stress symptoms as well as the sympathetic activation to smoking cues during withdrawal. These findings indicate that acupuncture might be a useful tool in smoking cessation by inhibiting smoking cues-induced autonomic responses.

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Colour Changes in Meat of Foals as Affected by Slaughtering Age and Post-thawing Time

  • Palo, Pasquale De;Maggiolino, A.;Centoducati, P.;Tateo, A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1775-1779
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    • 2012
  • The aim of the present work was to investigate how colour changes of foal meat can vary after thawing out in relation to the slaughtering age of the horses and to the post-thawing time. Eighteen Italian Heavy Draught Horse (IHDH) foals were used for the trial. They were subdivided in three groups according to their slaughtering age (6, 11 and 18 months). Two different surfaces were investigated for each sample: a fresh cut surface (daily renewed cutting surface: DRCS), and not-renewed cutting surface (NRCS). The redness of both investigated surfaces increased with slaughtering age (p<0.01). Moreover, this parameter decreased during post-thawing time (p<0.01) only on the NRCS, probably due to the myoglobin oxidation processes. Colour is an important visual cue denoting perceived quality by consumers. So, by a chromatic perspective the thawed meat of IHDH foals slaughtered at 6 and 11 months proved to be that which best meets the market requirements.

Kinetic characteristics of initiation of gait (보행시작의 운동역학적 특성)

  • 김봉옥;조강희
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.141-155
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    • 1995
  • To understand kinetic characteristics during the process of initation of gait from standing, from the visual cue to toe off of the stance limb, vertical ground reaction forces(GRF) and center of pressure(COP) during gait initation period were evaluate with two force platforms placed side by side in thirty two adults(young 16, elderly 16, each mean age 27.79 and 51.70 years) with no history of 7 neuromusculo-skeletal abnormality. Gaint initation period of swing and stance limbs, percentage of gait initiation period and ratio of the vertical forces to body weight at each peak of the vertical forces of both limbs, and also movement of net COP were measured and described. 2 groups, one of 16 young adults and another of 16 elderly adults, were compared statistically. These data showed the increase of initiation of gait period and the decrease of movement of net COP, nd also can now be used as a part of database when initation of gait in subjects with neuromusculoskeletal abnormalities need to be evaluated.

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Color Segmentation robust to Illumination Variations based on Statistical Methods of Hue and Saturation including Brightness (밝기 변화를 고려한 색상과 채도의 확률 모델에 기반한 조명변화에 간인한 컬러분할)

  • Kim, Chi-Ho;You, Bum-Jae;Kim, Hagbae
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.54 no.10
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    • pp.604-614
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    • 2005
  • Color segmentation takes great attentions since a color is an effective and robust visual cue for characterizing one object from other objects. Color segmentation is, however, suffered from color variation induced from irregular illumination changes. This paper proposes a reliable color modeling approach in HSI (Hue-Saturation-Intensity) rotor space considering intensity information by adopting B-spline curve fitting to make a mathematical model for statistical characteristics of a color with respect to brightness. It is based on the fact that color distribution of a single-colored object is not invariant with respect to brightness variations even in HS (Hue-Saturation) plane. The proposed approach is applied for the segmentation of human skin areas successfully under various illumination conditions.

Sensory substitution in perceiving architectural surfaces

  • Kim, Young-Kil;Young, Rockefeller-S.L.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1992.04b
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    • pp.573-580
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    • 1992
  • 인공건물의 평면특성에 대한 시각을 통한 인지를 청각으로 대체했을 경우의 인지능력을 측정하였다. 정상적으로 시각(visual)을 이용하겠으나, 시각 장애자의 경우는 청각(auditory) 또는 촉각(tactile) 또는 두가지 모두를 사용하게 된다. Psychophysical approach를 사용하여 모의평면에 대한 인지능력을 JND단위로 측정하였다. 청각적인 신호를 관찰자에게 제공하기 위해 전자장치(electronic ranging device)가 고안되었다. 이 장치는 목표물까지의 거리를 초음파의 이동시간으로 측정하여 음의세기(sound level)로 발생시켜 준다. 관찰자는 이 음의 세기를 듣고 거리를 추정하고 물표의 방향은 이 장비를 쥔 손의 방향, 즉, proprioceptive cue를 이용하게 된다. 세가지 task에 대한 실험은 평면의 slantness, 두 평면이 교차하는 모서리의 크기, 두 평면사이의 공간(aperture size)등에 대한 인지능력의 측정실험이다. 실험결과를 보면, 관찰자는 시각신호 대신에 청각신호를 사용할 수 있는 능력이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 세가지 task별 JND측정치는 slant angle 6도, 모서리의 concavity 10도, angular aperature size 3-5도로 나타났다. 이 결과는 정상인이 시각을 이용한 인지능력과 큰 차이가 없음을 보여주고 있다.

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From Exoscope into the Next Generation

  • Nishiyama, Kenichi
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2017
  • An exoscope, high-definition video telescope operating monitor system to perform microsurgery has recently been proposed an alternative to the operating microscope. It enables surgeons to complete the operation assistance by visualizing magnified images on a display. The strong points of exoscope are the wide field of view and deep focus. It minimized the need for repositioning and refocusing during the procedure. On the other hand, limitation of magnifying object was an emphasizing weak point. The procedures are performed under 2D motion images with a visual perception through dynamic cue and stereoscopically viewing corresponding to the motion parallax. Nevertheless, stereopsis is required to improve hand and eye coordination for high precision works. Consequently novel 3D high-definition operating scopes with various mechanical designs have been developed according to recent high-tech innovations in a digital surgical technology. It will set the stage for the next generation in digital image based neurosurgery.