• Title/Summary/Keyword: View point

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Knowledge and Attitude toward Restaurant-Related Sanitation of New Restaurateurs (일반음식점 신규영업주의 위생관리지식 및 위생행정에 대한 태도)

  • Kim, Seun-Taek;Park, Jae-Yong;Kam, Sin;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sanitation affairs of general restaurants. The questionnaire survey on the attitude and knowledge toward sanitation, the attitude for sanitary administration and the sanitary education was conducted against new 600 restaurateurs who were educated from June 20 to July 11, 1996, at the administration hall's division of Kyungsangbook-do in charge of food industry that offered regular sanitary education to new restaurateurs annually. And the visit survey on sanitary practice was also conducted over 93 restaurateurs who obtained the commercial license for food service business. The findings from the survey were as follows; In regard to food sanitation, some 87.1 to 88.3% got the right knowledge about the reason and precaution of food poisoning, food's frozen or cold-storage, and the disposal of products after expiration of validity term. But it was about 20.8% to 50.0% who knew right about major precaution, storage temperature in refrigerator, fermented milk product's storage temperature and validity term. There was therefore a necessity for education in food sanitation. 38.2% of the subjects placed an emphasis on sanitary storage of foodstuffs as the most important thing in sanitary management. 33.8% emphasized cooking sanitation. The environmental sanitation was counted as the most important thing by 19.2%, and personal sanitation of worker was counted by 8.8%. There was differences in what they thought the most important thing was, according to the respondent's educational level and cooker. 86.6% replied it necessary to improve the sanitary level. The respondents who were younger or had better educational level emphasized more the need for it. Concerning health examination, 90.2% replied it necessary. 81.4% answered the reason was because there was a potentiality Quests might be infected with contagious disease. 78.5% pointed the need for sanitary education, but respondents with higher educational level less emphasized its needs. As the reason for poor sanitation, restaurateur's poor awareness about it was most frequently pointed out, by 46.9%. Cooking sanitation was most frequently counted, by 38.5%, as the first thing to be improved. As the most critical point in sanitary education, 34.5% indicated food's sanitary Quality control 30.9% mentioned sanitary treatment of kitchen facilities and peripheral environment, and 27.1% emphasized the summary of the general food sanitation. 77.7% answered to correct immediately in case of violating the Food Hygiene Law, and 12.0% replied to correct in the same case if they would get the order from public official or administrative action would be taken. Respondents with higher educational level answered more to correct immediately. What they wanted the government office to do toward sanitary improvement was a fund aid an facilities and management which was pointed out by 38.9%, a periodical sanitary education by 26.3% and a on-the-spot guidance of sanitary officials by 22.3%. In view of the food service business's sanitary practice, the rate of wearing a sanitary clothes was 32.9% in city and 35.0% in county. The rate of hand-washing without soap or non-washing at cooking was 73.9%, 85%, respectively. The rate of personnel sanitation was 34.2% in city and 50.0% in county. These things indicated the sanitation was not well practiced. To improve the poor sanitary conditions of the food service businesses, it is recommended to offer institutional backing and financial aid from administrative office, and encourage restaurateurs to take pride in their job. and conduct the sanitary education effectively by sanitary education institution.

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Antibacterial effects of Chitosanon-ascorbate Treated Kwamaegi Prepared on Microorganism Contamination (Chitosan-ascorbate 처리 과메기에 있어서 오염미생물에 대한 저해효과)

  • Kim, Young-Sook;oh, Seung-Hee;Kim, Soon-Dong
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2009
  • We examined saury, herring, gizzard shad kwamaegi to measure of microbic contamination rate of kwamegi that are sold in the market now. In the total bacteria, staphylococcus, peroxide value, and microorganisms is inhibited that from sample that we treated a substance with chitosan-ascorbate (CA) and other orders deep water (DW), ginseng steamed red and wine (GRW), NT (not treated). When we compared between SGRW and SNT, SCA show us more inhibition effect 0.22-0.49 log cycle in the total aerobacter. When we compared between HDW and HNT, HCA restraint 0.05-0.45log cycle, and when we compared between GDW and GNT, GCA inhibited 0.45 log cycle. In the coliform and E. coli, growths of microorganisms were inhibited followed order by treatment of CA, NT, and DW. GDW, HCA and HNT checked enough amount of water from the moisture measurement; but SGW, GCA, HEW and SCA showed 7-15% lack of moisture, and SNT and GNT have 10% more moisture. Peroxide value is changed to 41-51meq/kg when we did treat CA in there and a side that didn't add antimicrobial expressed the result numerically that 56-58meq/kg. In the sensory evaluation, customer gave preference to followed by Saury kwamaegi, herring, and gizzard shad kwamaegi. We have a point of view when kwamaeki manufactured if we add natural antibiotic and it uses to vacuum drying, we would inhibited of multiplication of microorganism, and of peroxides.

A Study on Analysis of Investment Effects of Farm Mechanization, Korea -Mainly on the Case Study of Saemaeul Farm Mechanization Groups in Nonsan Area, Chungnam Province- (농업기계화(農業機械化)의 투자효과분석(投資效果分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -충남논산지역(忠南論山地域) 새마을 기계화영농단(機械化營農團)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lim, Jae Hwan;Han, Gwan Soon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.164-185
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    • 1987
  • The Korean economy has been developed rapidly in the course of implementing the five year economic development plans since 1962. Accordingly the industrial and employment structure have been changed from the traditional agriculture to modem industrial economy. In the course of implementing export oriented industrialization policies, rural farm economy has been encountered labour shortage owing to rural farm population drain to urban areas, rural wage hike and pressure on farm operation costs, and possibility of farm productivity decrease. To cope with the above problems the Korean government has supplied farm machinery such as power tillers, tractors, transplanters, binders, combines, dryers and etc. by means of the favorable credit support and subsidies. The main objectives of this study are to identify the investment effects of farm mechanization such as B/C and Internal Rate of Return by machinery and operation patterns, changes of labour requirement per 10a for rice culture since 1965, partial farm budget of rice with and without mechanization, and estimation labour input with full mechanization. To achieve the objectives Saemaeul farm mechanization groups, common ownership and operation, and farms with private ownership and operation were surveyed mainly in Nonsan granary area, Chungnam province. The results of this study are as follows 1. The national average of labor input per 10a of paddy has decreased from 150.1Hr in 1965 to 87.2Hr in 1985 which showes 42% decrease of labour inputs. On the other hand the hours of labour input in Nonsan area have also decreased from 150.1Hr to 92.8Hr, 38% of that in 1965, during the same periods. 2. The possible labor saving hours per 10a of Paddy was estimated at 60 hours by substituting machine power for labor forces in the works of plowing, puddling, transplanting, harvesting and threshing, transporting and drying The labor savings were derived from 92.8 hours in 1986 deducting 30 hours of labor input with full mechanization in Nonsan area. 3. Social benefits of farm mechanization were estimated at 124,734won/10a including increment of rice (10%): 34,064won,labour saving: 65,800won,savings of conventional farm implements: 18,000 won and savings of animal power: 6,870won. 4. Rental charges by works prevailing in the area were 12,000won for land preparation, 15,000won for transplanting with seedlings, 19,500won for combine works and 6,000won for drying paddy. 5. Farm income per 10a of paddy with and without mechanization were amounted to 247,278won and 224,768won respectively. 6. Social rate of return of the machinery were estimated at more than 50% in all operation patterns. On the other hand internal rate of return of the machinery except tractors were also more than 50% but IRR of tractors by operation patterns were equivalent to 0 to 9%. From the view point of farmers financial status, private owner-operation of tractors is considered uneconomical. Tractor operation by Saemaeul mechanization groups would be economical considering the government subsidy, 40% of tractor price. 7. Farmers recommendations for the government that gained through field operation of farm machinery are to train maintenance technology for rural youth, to standardize the necessary parts of machinery, to implement price tag system, to intercede spare parts and provide marketing information to farmers by rural institutions as RDA,NACF,GUN office and FLIA.

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Policy Change and Innovation of Textile Industry in Daegu·Kyungbuk Region (대구·경북지역 섬유산업의 정책변화와 혁신과제)

  • Shin, Jin-Kyo;Kim, Yo-Han
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.223-248
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    • 2012
  • This study analyses support policy and structural change of textile industry in Daegu Kyungbuk region, and suggests major issues for textile industry's innovation. In Daegu Kyungbuk, it was 1999 that a policy, so called Milano Project, in order to promote a textile industry was devised. In 2004, the Regional Industrial Promotion Plan was devised. The plan was born from a view point of establishing a regional innovation system and of promoting the innovative clusters under a knowledge based economy. After then, the Regional Industry Promotion Project or Regional Strategic Industry Promotion Project became a core of regional textile industrial policy. Research results indicated that the first stage Milano project (1999-2003) showed both positive and negative effects. There were no long-term development plan, clear vision and strategy. But, core industrial infrastructure for differentiated product development, such as New product Development Support Center and Dyeing Design Practical Application Center, was constructed. The second stage Daegu Textile Industry Promotion Plan (2004-2008) displayed a significant technological performance and new product sales with the assistance of Kyungbuk province. Also, textile industry revealed positive fruits such as financial structure, productivity, and profitability as a result of strong restructuring. In industrial structure, there was a important change from clothe textile material to industry textile material. Most of textile companies did not showed high capability in CEO's technology innovation intention, entrepreneurship, R&D and human resource competency in compare with other industry. We suggested that Daegu Kyungbuk has to select and concentrate on the high-tech textile material and living textile for sustainable development and competitiveness. We also proposed a confidence and cooperation based innovation network and company oriented innovation cluster.

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Height Suppression of Cucumber and Tomato Plug Seedlings Using of Brushing Stimulus (브러싱 자극을 이용한 오이와 토마토 공정묘의 초장 억제)

  • Kim, Hyeon Min;Lee, Hye Ri;Jeong, Hyeon Woo;Kim, Hye Min;Hwang, Seung Jae
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to evaluate the effect of height suppression of cucumber and tomato plug seedlings as affected by mechanical stimulus using brushing as environment-friendly method. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. 'Joeunbaekdadagi') and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. 'Mini Chal') seeds were sown in 40-cell plug trays ($54{\times}27.5{\times}5cm$) filled with growing medium on Oct. 9, 2017. The cultivation environment in a venlo-type glasshouse was maintained as cultivation temperature range of 1525C and the relative humidity of 50±10. Nontreatment and diniconazole (7.5mgL1) application at 15 days after sowing were used as the control. In addition, brushing treatments in cucumber and tomato were applied interval of 2, 4 or 6 hrs for 15 and 20 days, respectively. Plant height, hypocotyl length, and internode length were inhibited for cucumber and tomato in the diniconazole treatment than in the control. The leaf size was reduced, both cucumber and tomato, while the SPAD increased under the diniconazole treatment. However, stem diameter of cucumber was the thickest in the 2 hrs brushing interval treatment. Fresh weights of shoot and root were the significantly lowest in the diniconazole treatment. Application of brushing improved seedlings quality by promoting dry weights of shoot and root, and compactness of tomato seedlings. The chlorophyll fluorescence of tomato seedlings drastically decreased with 2 hrs treatment, indicating that mechanical stress by brushing treatment. The relative growth rate of tomato seedlings was significantly lower in the diniconazole treatment, but cucumber seedlings were not significantly different in all treatments. As a results, height suppression of cucumber and tomato seedlings was best achievement in the diniconazole treatment by the chemical as growth regulator. In an environment-friendly point of view, however, it is considered that 2 hrs brushing interval treatment can be the applicability for replacing the chemical methods in plug seedling growth of cucumber and tomato.

Myanmar's Macroeconomic changes and its Implications for the Invest of Korean Enterprises (미얀마 통상환경의 변화와 한국기업의 투자 및 진출에 관한 시사점)

  • Jung, Sung-Hoon;Kwon, O-Yoon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.177-201
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    • 2011
  • Myanmar had fallen behind other southeast asian nations since Burmese way to Socialism settled down. However, historically second election in Myanmar hold in 2011 and dramatic changes in areas such as Special Economic Zone announcement, the very huge inflows of foreign direct investment in a year of 2009, the infrastructure building projects, a permit of the right to strike for Labour Organization in Myanmar etc. Particularly, Foreign investments and trade with neighbouring countries are actively growing and also with Korea. But investments of Korea in Myanmar relatively are not diversity, with limited sectors such as mining and sewing manufacturing. In this point of view, this paper is trying to make implications for strategies of entry and investments of Korea in Myanmar by using previous papers related to Myanmar economies, trade and foreign investments with updated statistical data. The implications for Korea is that recently Myanmar economy is in its early stages of development. Although it can occur huge demand of railway, road, communications and constructions related to social infrastructures essentially needed for development of a country, these sectors relatively need huge investments. On the other hands, textile and sewing industry relatively need smaller investments in which investors can utilize low labour cost and a position for export to third countries. But those firms which set up for those purpose in Myanmar might have trouble creating domestic markets in future. Moreover, due to demand which occur in the early stage of growth in Myanmar, trade volume tend to increase and trading is also possible to invest but Myanmar still have lots of problems with infrastructure such as road and logistics and we need to make pre-survey for the costs and benefits of our products Finally, Myanmar government is trying to promote and encourage some of industries such as export-oriented industry, import substitution industry and labour-intensive industry. It can also means they will accumulate capital which can be sources for Myanmar economic growth.

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The Trend of Aviation Terrorism in the 4th Industrial Revolution Period and the Development Direction for Domestic Counter Terrorism of Aviation (제4차 산업혁명 시대의 항공 테러리즘 양상 및 국내 항공테러 대응체계 발전방향)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won;Kim, Seung-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.155-188
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    • 2017
  • On the one hand, the 4th Industrial Revolution provides a positive opportunity to build a new civilization paradigm for mankind. However, on the other hand, due to the 4th Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence such as 'Goggle Alpha Go' revolutionized and even the human ability was replaced with a 'Silicon Chip' as the opportunity to communicate decreases, the existence of human beings is weakened. And there is a growing concern that the number of violent crimes, such as psychopath, which hunts humans as games, will increase. Moreover, recent international terrorism is being developed in a form similar to 'Psychopathic Violent-Crime' that indiscriminately attacks innocent people. So, the probability that terrorist organizations abuse the positive effects provided by the Fourth Industrial Revolution as means of terrorism is increasing. Therefore, the paradigm of aviation terrorism is expected to change in a way that attacks airport facilities and users rather than aircraft. Because airport facilities are crowded, and psychopathic terrorists are easily accessible. From this point of view, our counter terrorism system of aviation has many weak points in various aspects such as: (1) limitations of counter-terrorism center (2) inefficient on-site command and control system (3) separated organization for aviation security consultation (4) dispersed information collection function in government (5) vulnerable to cyber attack (6) lack of international cooperation network for aviation terrorism. Consequently, it is necessary to improve the domestic counter terrorism system of aviation so as to preemptively respond to the international terrorism. This study propose the following measures to improve the aviation security system by (1) create 'Aviation Special Judicial Police' (2) revise the anti-terrorism law and aviation security law (3) Strengthening the ability respond to terrorism in cyberspace (4) building an international cooperation network for aviation terrorism.

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The Limitations of the Privatization of Social Security Programs : the American Workers' Compensation Program Case (산재보험 민영화의 한계 : 미국 산재보험 사례)

  • Cho, Young-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.53
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2003
  • Neo-liberalism, the most influential ideology in the current world, argues for the commercialization of social security programs and for the dissolution of the interventionist welfare state. From the neo-liberal viewpoint, social services become more efficient and more advantageous for recipients, when provided by the market, not by the state. It is also argued that the welfare of all social members is best secured when the market freely operates without any interference from the state. From the neo-liberal point of view, an argument was raised to commercialize the state-administered Workers' Compensation program of Korea in the mid-1990s. This argument was faced with strong resistances from labor unions and social welfare circles, and has disappeared since the economic breakdown and the restructuring of Korean society during the late 1990s. Butr, such an argument can emerge anytime as the nee-liberal ideology become more powerful. This article aims to examine the neo-liberal argument that the privatization of social security programs, through an increases in efficiency, improves the interests of the recipients as well as the whole society. For this, this article attempts to analyze the Workers' Compensation programs of the USA, which, from state to state, are administered by the state government or by private insurance companies. This study can serve as an effective critique for the neo-liberal argument, if it finds that state-administered Workers' Compensation programs are more efficient than those managed by insurance companies. This article's another aim is to assess the controversies over the privatization of the Workers' Compensation program of Korea during the mid to late 1990s. The controversies were more about which viewpoint is right and, in most cases, lacked empirical evidence. This study shall empirically criticize the argument for the privatization of the Workers' Compensation program.

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Verification of Indicator Rotation Correction Function of a Treatment Planning Program for Stereotactic Radiosurgery (방사선수술치료계획 프로그램의 지시자 회전 오차 교정 기능 점검)

  • Chung, Hyun-Tai;Lee, Re-Na
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 2008
  • Objective: This study analyzed errors due to rotation or tilt of the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging indicator during image acquisition for a stereotactic radiosurgery. The error correction procedure of a commercially available stereotactic neurosurgery treatment planning program has been verified. Materials and Methods: Software virtual phantoms were built with stereotactic images generated by a commercial programming language, Interactive Data Language (version 5.5). The thickness of an image slice was 0.5 mm, pixel size was 0.5×0.5mm, field of view was 256 mm, and image resolution was 512×512. The images were generated under the DICOM 3.0 standard in order to be used with Leksell GammaPlan(R). For the verification of the rotation error correction function of Leksell GammaPlan(R), 45 measurement points were arranged in five axial planes. On each axial plane, there were nine measurement points along a square of length 100 mm. The center of the square was located on the z-axis and a measurement point was on the z-axis, too. Five axial planes were placed at z=-50.0, -30.0, 0.0, 30.0, 50.0 mm, respectively. The virtual phantom was rotated by 3 around one of x, y, and z-axis. It was also rotated by 3 around two axes of x, y, and z-axis, and rotated by 3 along all three axes. The errors in the position of rotated measurement points were measured with Leksell GammaPlan(R) and the correction function was verified. Results: The image registration errors of the virtual phantom images was 0.1±0.1mm and it was within the requirement of stereotactic images. The maximum theoretical errors in position of measurement points were 2.6 mm for a rotation around one axis, 3.7 mm for a rotation around two axes, and 4.5 mm for a rotation around three axes. The measured errors in position was 0.1±0.1mm for a rotation around single axis, 0.2±0.2mm for double and triple axes. These small errors verified that the rotation error correction function of Leksell GammaPlan(R) is working fine. Conclusion: A virtual phantom was built to verify software functions of stereotactic neurosurgery treatment planning program. The error correction function of a commercial treatment planning program worked within nominal error range. The virtual phantom of this study can be applied in many other fields to verify various functions of treatment planning programs.

A Case Study of a Text Mining Method for Discovering Evolutionary Patterns of Mobile Phone in Korea (국내 휴대폰의 진화패턴 규명을 위한 텍스트 마이닝 방안 제안 및 사례 연구)

  • On, Byung-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2015
  • Systematic theory, concepts, and methodology for the biological evolution have been developed while patterns and principles of the evolution have been actively studied in the past 200 years. Furthermore, they are applied to various fields such as evolutionary economics, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary linguistics, making significant progress in research. In addition, existing studies have applied main biological evolutionary models to artifacts although such methods do not fit to them. These models are also limited to generalize evolutionary patterns of artifacts because they are designed in terms of a subjective point of view of experts who know well about the artifacts. Unlike biological organisms, because artifacts are likely to reflect the imagination of the human will, it is known that the theory of biological evolution cannot be directly applied to artifacts. In this paper, beyond the individual's subjective, the aim of our research is to present evolutionary patterns of a given artifact based on peeping the idea of the public. For this, we propose a text mining approach that presents a systematic framework that can find out the evolutionary patterns of a given artifact and then visualize effectively. In particular, based on our proposal, we focus mainly on a case study of mobile phone that has emerged as an icon of innovation in recent years. We collect and analyze review posts on mobile phone available in the domestic market over the past decade, and discuss the detailed results about evolutionary patterns of the mobile phone. Moreover, this kind of task is a tedious work over a long period of time because a small number of experts carry out an extensive literature survey and summarize a huge number of materials to finally draw a diagram of evolutionary patterns of the mobile phone. However, in this work, to minimize the human efforts, we present a semi-automatic mining algorithm, and through this research we can understand how human creativity and imagination are implemented. In addition, it is a big help to predict the future trend of mobile phone in business and industries.