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Influences that the Transition of Sports Cartoons Affects Sportainment Industries: The Aspect of Cultural Industries (스포츠만화의 변화가 스포테인먼트 산업에 끼치는 영향: 문화산업의 맥락에서)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Lee, Won-Seok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.28
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    • pp.79-99
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    • 2012
  • As a type of mass media, cartoon has been changed by political, economic, and social cultural influences. Certainly, sports cartoon also has been influenced by them. Ever since Park Ki Jung's cartoon came out, which was assumed as the first sports cartoon in Korea, sports cartoons had been used as a means of vicarious satisfaction until 1980s. Sometimes they reflected the phases of the era that struggled to overcome poverty, and adversity followed by war. Sometimes they showed people's suppressed feelings against their society. However, in modern society, the perspective of readers changes in various ways because of the influence by postmodernism. They put more weight on individualism rather than on group, they consider individual tastes very important since personal tastes and diversity has been one of significant factors. For these reasons, sport cartoons were no more what they had used to be. By 1990s, sports cartoons had attracted readers' attention again by presenting distinctive characters, and describing fancy sports skills in cartoons trying to escape from cliche story plots such as stories about rivals, competitions, winners-losers composition, and characters' diligence. Moreover, some sports cartoons contained professional contents focusing on expert sport knowledges, and deepen information of sports. From the point of cultural industries view, these tendencies are heavily affected on sportainment industry which stands out as an emerging industry recently. The ultimate purpose of sportainment industries is making a profit by providing entertainment and amusement for their readers beyond sports games. This study focused on influences that the transition of sports cartoons affects sportainment through concrete cases in context of cultural industries since 90s. The study will analyze the concept of sportainment industries, and discuss the process of sports cartoons' transition. Once sports cartoons keep trying to challenge, and make a progress with aggressive changes, it would give great influences not only to sportainment industries but also to other kinds of pop cultural industries.

High Density Tilapia Culture in a Recirculating Water System without Filter Bed (무여과순환수 탱크 이용 Tilapia의 고밀도 사육실험)

  • KIM In-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 1983
  • An experiment on the rearing of tilapia stocked in closed recirculating tanks eliminating biological filter beds was carried out at the Fish Culture Experiment Station of the National Fisheries University of Pusan, from May 18 through October 21, 1982, and the growth rates, feed conversion, water quality, spawning prevention and space utilization efficiency were discussed. Finally discussed is the feasibility on the establishment of commercial production units. On the water quality, the water temperature ranged from 22.8Cto29.1C, and total ammonia arround 10 ppm or slightly up. Maintaining phytoplankton bloom was not successful probably because of the active consumption by the heavily stocked tilapia. Several attempts were made by changing the culture water with green water from a nearby earthen pond with results of fading-away in a couple of days. Feed conversions were relatively high ranging from 0.9 to 1.2 except for experiment 1 when the fish were not fully recovered from weakened wintering state. The feed used was partly laboratory prepared 25% protein diet and mostly commercially available 39% protein carp feed. Spawning was completely controlled during the experiment, resulting from density effect, which ranged from 10kg to 40.7kg per square meter with water depth of 0.5 to 0.6m. Space utilization efficiency was very high. Daily net production from the experiment division 3, which showed the highest result, was 6.206 kg per tank, which is calculated 3,235 metric tons per hectare per year, This time, water temperature ranged from 27.8 to 29.1circC, average being 28.4circC, and total ammonia arround 10 ppm. An estimation for the commercial set-up of the production system based on the results of experiment divisions which had initial stocking rate 15kg/m2 or up, is made. If the total facility, 8 tanks comprising 56m2 in surface area, is used for the present study, the yield would become 5,639 kg from 200 day rearing, which would be possible under double sheets vinyl house without additional heating, and it is thought feasible in the economic view point, when 10 or more units are operated.

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Effect of the Cooking Condition on Enzyme-resistant Starch Content and in vitro Starch and Protein Digestibility of Tarakjuk (Milk-rice Porridge) (타락죽의 효소저항전분 함량과 in vitro 전분 및 단백질 분해율에 대한 가열조건의 영향)

  • Lee, Gui-Chu;Lim, Seung-Taik;Yoon, Hyun-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.765-772
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    • 2004
  • Cooking condition of Tarakjuk (milk-rice porridge) was established based on gelatinization temperature using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of roasted Ilpum rice flour, which has highest enzyme-resistant starch (RS) content. Effect of cooking temperature and time on DSC characteristics, crystallity with X ray diffractogram, RS content, in vitro starch digestibility (IVSD), amino acid composition, and in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of Tarakjuk were determined. Tarakjuk was cooked at 50, 56.5, 64, and 69C for various durations. Rice flour ingredient used was Ilpum, previously roasted at 185C for 25 min. Tarakjuk cooked at 50 and 56.5C showed two thermal transitions between 63.7125.2C as determined by DSC, corresponding to endotherms of starch gelatinization (63.773.8C) and melting of amylose-lipid complex (AM-lipid complex, 97.7125.2C), whereas that cooked at 64 and 69C showed only AM-lipid complex melting transition between 96.9127.6C. As cooking temperature increased, RS content of Tarakjuk decreased, whereas IVSD increased. Total amino acid content was between 11,558-15,601mg/100g, depending on cooking condition used. Compared with conventionally made control, contents of essential amino acids, such as lysine and tryptophane, were higher at 50 and 56.5C, and IVPD showed higher increase. Results reveal degree of gelatinization in Tarakjuk with high RS content as well as low IVSD and high IVPD, which are important from physiological and nutritional point of view, can be produced by controlling cooking condition.

The Centra of the aesthetics and the aspect of existence of the Sijo in the Choseon Dynasty (조선조(朝鮮朝) 시조(時調)의 미적주체(美的主體)와 그 존재양상(存在樣相))

  • Choi, Dong-Kook
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.23
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    • pp.107-131
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this is to make sure what the scholar of the Choseon thought the object of aesthetics, and which psychological element did they use to clear the center of the aesthetics. In addition, I consider their way to recognize the human's aesthetic point of view. A literary man in Choseon regarded the five senses as an obstacle which interrupted to see the nature of all things. So they set up the spiritual condition as their aesthetic subject, with suppressing the pleasure through five senses. The goal to make one's mind calm was to cause someone's spirit to activate freely. The condition of the calmness was considered as a process of recovering the human's natural spirit, which was connected to the poetic spirit and became the aesthetic subject. Simultaneously, a literary man at that time set up the condition of the calmness as a subject of objective consciousness, and estimated the common things as a objective existence, which led to the result that all the materials of the poem and the poet could be unified. This aesthetic centra put a premium on the senses caused by contacting with all natural things, and adopted the 'Xing' as a method of expression. This 'Xing' is not a sense based upon one's experience, but a sense which is created of itself. The expression method of 'Xing' caused the reader to feel and express, encourage, and sublimate what they feel through the poem, as well as purified reader's mind.

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의료인의 호스피스가정간호에 대한 지식과 태도 조사연구

  • Kim, Ok-Gyeom
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.28-48
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    • 2002
  • The advances of medical technologies have not only prolonged human life span, but also extended suffering period for the patients with incurable medical diseases. Hospice movement was developed to help these patients keep dignity and lives peaceful at the end of their life. Since many patients prefer to spend the last moment of life at home with their family, hospice home care has become very popular worldwide. The purpose of this study for a promotion and development of hospice home care in Korea, and features basic research on medical profession's knowledge and attitudes to hospice home care. This study which was used for the research questionnaires developed by the researcher that were answered by 100 physicians and 127 nurses in a general hospital. Data were collected from April 22, 2002 to May 10, 2002. The SPSS was used to make a comparative analysis of the frequency, percentile, ANOVA, and x2-test. The results of the study were as follows; 1.The medical profession showed high level of knowledge of the definition and philosophy of hospice. However, the physician group of the examinees showed insufficient knowledge of the fact that hospice care includes bereavement care, while the nurse group's response to the same question showed a significant difference(x2=10.752, p=.001). 2.For whom the hospice home care is provided, 95.6% of the respondents showed very high level of knowledge as answering that the incurable terminal illness patients and their families are the beneficiaries of hospice care. The respondents counted nurses, volunteers, pastors, physicians and social workers, consecutively, as hospice care providers. More nurse were positive toward pastors than physicians in regarding as a hospice care provider by a significant difference(x2=11.634, p=.001). 3.For when to referral hospice home care to the patients, only 34.2% answered that patients with less than 6 months of survival time are advised to receive hospice care, reflecting very low level of knowledge. 23.0% of the physicians and 48.0% of the nurses answered that hospice care should be provided when death is imminent, making a significant difference between the two groups(x2=6.413, p=.000). 4.To promote hospice activities, 87.2% pointed out that it is crucial to make general people, including those engaging in the medical field, more aware of hospice. 79.7% answered that a national hospice management should be developed, marking a significant difference between the physician group and nurse group(x2=10.485, p=.001). 5.Advantages of hospice home care are 87.2% responded that patients can have better rest at home receiving hospice home care. Economical merit was brought forward as one of the advantages also, where there was a significant difference between the physicians group and nurse group(x2=7.009, p=.008). 6.The medical professions' attitude to hospice home care are 92.8% of the physicians answered that they would advise incurable terminally ill patients to be discharged from hospital, with 44.3% of them advising the patients to receive hospice home care after leaving the hospital. From the nurses' point of view, 20.9% of the terminally ill patients are being referred to hospice home care after discharge, which makes a significant difference from the physicians' response(x2=19.121, p=.001). 7. 30.6% of physicians have referred terminally ill patients to hospice home care, 75.9% of whom were satisfied with their decision. Those physicians who have never referred their patients to hospice home care either did not know how to do it(66.7%) or were afraid of losing trust by giving the patients an impression of giving up(27.3%). 94.9% of the physicians responded that they would refer their last stage patients to a doctor who is involving palliative care. 8.Only 36.2% of nurses have suggested to physicians that refer the terminally ill patients discharged from the hospital to hospice home care. Once suggested, 95.8% of the physicians have accepted the suggestion. Nurses were reluctant to suggest hospice home care to the physicians, as 48.8% of the nurses said they did not want to. From the result of this study the following conclusion can be drawn, the medical profession's awareness of general hospice care has been increased greatly compared to the results of the previously performed studies. However, this study result also shows that their knowledge of hospice home care is not good enough yet. There is a need for high recommended that medical education institute and develop regular courses on various types of hospice care. Medical field training courses for physicians and nurses will be very helpful as well. It is also important to train hospice experts such as palliative physicians and develop a national hospice management urgently in order to improve the hospice care in Korea.

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The Study on Acupuncture Operation Method of Sang Han Lun(傷寒論)Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng(大經辯證) -Based on the Study of Tai-Yang-Bing(太陽病)- (상한론(傷寒論) 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)의 침구학적(鍼灸學的) 분경(分經) 및 정증(定證)의 운용(運用) 방법론(方法論)에 관한(關) 연구(硏究))

  • Back, Song-ook;Son, Seong-cheol;Lee, Jun-beom;Hwang, Min-seob;Yoon, Jong-hwa
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2005
  • Objective : The following study was undertaken in order to seek the acupuncture operation method of Sang Han Lun(傷寒論) Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng(六經辨證). Methods : Based on the documents quoted in Sang Hang Za Bing Lun Xu Wen(傷寒雜病論) of "Zhang, Zhong-Jing(張仲景)", the relativity of the theory of Jing-Mai(經脈) and Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng of convalescence, and from the Liu-Jing-Bing(六經病), the origin and implication that caused Tai-Yang-Bing(太陽病) to form was studied on the basis of acupuncture medicine publications and the commentary writing of Sang Han Lun. Results : 1) Sang Ham Lun Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng has succeeded and was developed based on Liu-Jing-Fen-Zheng(六經分證) of Su Wen Re Lun(素問 熱論). In addition the summary of Liu-Jing-Bing became the general principle of Fen-Jing(分經) and Ding-Zheng(定證) that may be applicable to Fenghan(風寒), Wenre(溫熱), Lili(疫疾) and Zabing(雜病). 2) Most commentators of Sang Han Lun in the Song, Ming and Ching Dynasties of Sang Han Lun interpreted the Tai-Yang-Bing in physiological and pathological aspects of Rong-Wei(榮衛) as the disease of the bladder meridian that oversees the skin of the human body. 3) From the Liu-Jing-Bing of Sang Han Lun), the region of acupuncture treatment of Tai-Yang-Bing is treated with the needle from the point of view of Bing-Zheng-Lun-Zhi(辨證論治) with the basis of the important region of acupuncture of the small intestine meridian bladder meridian and governor vessel.

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A Study on Intuitive IoT Interface System using 3D Depth Camera (3D 깊이 카메라를 활용한 직관적인 사물인터넷 인터페이스 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jongsub;Hong, June Seok;Kim, Wooju
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2017
  • The decline in the price of IT devices and the development of the Internet have created a new field called Internet of Things (IoT). IoT, which creates new services by connecting all the objects that are in everyday life to the Internet, is pioneering new forms of business that have not been seen before in combination with Big Data. The prospect of IoT can be said to be unlimited in its utilization. In addition, studies of standardization organizations for smooth connection of these IoT devices are also active. However, there is a part of this study that we overlook. In order to control IoT equipment or acquire information, it is necessary to separately develop interworking issues (IP address, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, etc.) and related application software or apps. In order to solve these problems, existing research methods have been conducted on augmented reality using GPS or markers. However, there is a disadvantage in that a separate marker is required and the marker is recognized only in the vicinity. In addition, in the case of a study using a GPS address using a 2D-based camera, it was difficult to implement an active interface because the distance to the target device could not be recognized. In this study, we use 3D Depth recognition camera to be installed on smartphone and calculate the space coordinates automatically by linking the distance measurement and the sensor information of the mobile phone without a separate marker. Coordination inquiry finds equipment of IoT and enables information acquisition and control of corresponding IoT equipment. Therefore, from the user's point of view, it is possible to reduce the burden on the problem of interworking of the IoT equipment and the installation of the app. Furthermore, if this technology is used in the field of public services and smart glasses, it will reduce duplication of investment in software development and increase in public services.

A study on the limit of orthodontic treatment (교정 치료의 한계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Ju;Park, So-Young;Woo, Hae-Hong;Park, Eun-Jie;Kim, Young-Ho;Lee, Shin-Jae;Moon, Seong-Cheol;Baek, Seung-Hak
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.34 no.2 s.103
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2004
  • Information on the limits of treatment could allow for more rational treatment Planning and better results after treatment. From this point of view, this article has attempted to discuss the limits of orthodontic tooth movement. A relatively wider range of tooth movement is expected after Class III surgical-orthodontics than after conventional orthodontic treatment in general. The purposes of this Paper were: first, to evaluate the reliability of teeth position measuring gauge; and second, to elucidate the limits of orthodontic tooth movement. Dental casts of fifty-fine subjects were analyzed by using Set-up model checker (InVisitec Co., Korea) before and aster the Class III surgical-orthodontic treatment. The changes of maxillary and mandibular dental arch widths were also measured from the canines to the second molars. To test the inter-examiner reliability, randomly selected casts were measured by another examiner. Descriptive statistics and paired t tests were used to explain the tooth movement during treatment. The results showed a relatively good reliability of measuring instruments and a very diverse range of tooth movement. Collective changes by the orthodontic tooth movement evaluated in Class III surgical-orthodontics allowed for a suggestive interpretation of specific treatment patterns. Arch width changes during the inter-arch coordination were mainly the result of tipping in both buccal segments. Based on the results of this study, the possibility of a change in dentition as a result of orthodontic treatment should be understood in order to launch a well-organized plan of treatment.

Legal Relations of the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Air (국제항공화물운송계약(國際航空貨物運送契約)의 법률관계(法律關係) -화주(貨主)의 권리의무(權利義務)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.193-222
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to review the rights and duties of cargo owners, the party to the contract of international carriage of goods by air under the Warsaw Convention System and the IATA conditions. It is generally known that air freight is the most-cost mode of transportation. However, should there be considerations of total distribution cost, the use of air freight leads exporters to be advantageous in physical distribution. The Warsaw Convention System defined and limited the rights and duties of cargo owners and air carriers paticipating in the international carriage of goods, but it does not regulate every aspect of air transportation. Therefore, the unregulated parts are governed by national laws and by individual contracts of carriage. The International Air Transport Association(lATA), a worldwide organization of airlines, has formulated model conditions of contract for the carriage of cargo. These models are not uniformly followed but they serve as a basis for many of the individual standard form of contracts prepared by air carriers. The contract of air carriage of goods is a contract of adhesion, 'the consignor recognizing and accepting the conditions laid down by the carrier'. There are consignors and carriers as the parties to the contract of international carriage of goods. In addition to his basic right, implied in Warsaw Convention Article 18 and 19, to require devery of the goods in good condition and at the date agreed upon, the consignor has the right to dispose the goods in the course of the journey up to the moment when the consignee is entitled to require delivery. If it is impossible to carry out the orders of the consignor, the carrier must so inform him forthwith. The right conferred on the consignor ceases at the moment when that of the consignee begins in accordance with Warsaw Convention Article 13. Nevertheless, if the consignee declines to accept the air waybill or the goods, or if he cannot be communicated with, the consignor resumes his right of disposition. Unless it is otherwise agreed, it is the duty of the carrier to give notice to the consignee as soon as the goods arrive. The consignee is entitled, on arrival of the goods at the place of destination, to require the carrier to hand over to him the air waybill and to deliver the goods to him, on payment of the charges due and on complying with the conditions of carriage set out in the air waybill. The air waybill is supposed to be made out by the consignor. If the carrier makes it out, he is deemed, subject to proof to the contrary, to have done so on behalf of the consignor, whether there is one air waybill or several, each must be made out in three original parts. The first is for the carrier, the second is for the consignee, and the the third is handed to the consignor when the shipment has been accepted. The consignor is responsible for the correctness of the particulars and statement concerning the cargo appearing in the air waybill. Each of the original parts of the air waybill has evidential value and possession of his part is a condition for the exercise by the consignor or consignee of his rights under the contract of carriage. Hague Protocol set forth in Article 9 that nothing in this. Convention prevents the issue of a negotiable air waybill, but Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 deleted this article. All charges applicable to a shipment are payable in cash at the time of acceptance thereof by the carrier in case of a prepaid shipment or at the time of delivery thereof by the carrier in case of a collect shipment. The carrier shall have lien the cargo for unpaid charges and, in the event of non-payment thereof, shall have the right to dispose of the cargo at public or private sale and pay itself out of the proceeds of such sale any and all such amounts. In conclusion, the Warsaw Convention System has the character of ambiguity in various respects, not only in the part of the forms of documents but also in conditions of contract. Accordingly, the following propositions might be considered: (1) If the carrier does not obey the orders of the consignor for the disposition of the goods without proper reasons, he will be liable strictly for any damage which may be caused thereby to the cargo owner. The special agreement and carrier's conditions of carriage which limit unreasonably the consignor's right of disposition of the goods will be nullified. (2) The instrument of the Warsaw Convention System which is not yet in force(Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4) would considerably simplfy the processing and keeping of computerized records of the carriage. Until this instrument enters into force, the airlines will be faced with practical problems preventing them to substitute computerized data processing techniques for the formal issuance of the documents. Accordingly, Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 should become effective as soon as posisble. From a practical point of view in the international trade, the issuance of negotiable air waybill should be permitted for the security of the bank.

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The Levels of Interferon-gamma, Interleukin-2 Receptor, Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 in the Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusion, Tuberculosis Effusion, Parapneumonic Effusion, and Lung Emphysema? (악성 흉수, 결핵성 흉수 및 부폐렴 삼출액과 농흉에서 Interferon-gamma, Interleukin-2 Receptor, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-10 농도의 비교)

  • Kim, Myung-Hoon;Kim, Seung-Joon;Park, Yong-Keun;Kim, Seok-Chan;Lee, Sook-Young;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Kim, Kwan-Hyoung;Moon, Hwa-Sik;Song, Jeong-Sup;Park, Sung-Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.568-575
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    • 2000
  • Background : Cytokines are chemical mediators that control and modulate many inflammatory processes. They work in different fashions in a variety of diseases. Discriminating between malignant effusion, tuberculous effusion, and parapneumonic effusion are crucial from the clinical view-point in Korea. In the current study, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), soluble interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were measured for this purpose. Methods : Pleural fluids from patients with malignant disease, tuberculosis, parapneumonic effusion and lung empysema were collected and gauged using commercial ELISA kits. Results : 34 patients were enrolled in this study. Among these 15 cases were malignant effusions, 12 were tuberculosis pleurisy and 7 were parapneumonic effusion and lung empyema. The levels of cytokines measured in this study were as follows, in order of frequency, malignant effusion, tuberculous effusion, parapneumonic effusion and lung empyema. The levels of INF-γ were higher in tuberculous effusion than in malignant or parapneumonic effusion (295.5±585.5 vs. 16.7±50 vs. 10.0±0 pg/ml, p>0.05). The levels of IL-2R were higher in tuberculous effusion than in malignant or parapneumoruc effusion (7423.5±3752.8 vs. 3247.4±1713.3 vs. 3790.2±3201.1 pg/ml, p<0.05). No significant differences were found in the levels of IL-6 between the groups (600±12.8 pg/ml in malignant effusion, 556.4±161.7 pg/ml in tuberculous effusion, 514.4±224.8 pg/ml in parapneumoruc effusion). IL-10 levels were higher in parapneumoruc effusion than in malignant or tuberculous effusions (98.4±141.7 vs. 28.2±55.5 vs. 11.3±11.7 pg/ml, p<0.05). Conclusion : These results suggest that the measurement of IL-2R levels in pleural fluids may be a useful means of differentiating between tuberculous effusion and pleural effusions of other origins, and that the measurement of IL-10 levels in pleural fluids may be useful to differentiate between parapneumonic effusion and pleural effusions of other origins.

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