• 제목/요약/키워드: Velocity correction

검색결과 236건 처리시간 0.027초

Settlement Evaluation of Caisson-Type Quay Wall Using PSI of Velocity During Earthquake (지진시 속도의 PSI를 활용한 케이슨식 안벽의 침하량 평가 )

  • Gichun Kang;Hyunjun Euo;Minje Baek;Hyunsu Yun;Jungwook Choi;Seong-Kyu Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2023
  • It is very important to predict the amount of settlement in order to maintain the function of the coastal structure. Finite element analysis methods and real and model experiments are used as methods for this, but this has the disadvantage of requiring a lot of cost and time. Therefore, this study was conducted for the purpose of a simple formula proposal that can easily predict the amount of settlement of the caisson-type quay wall structure. In the research process, after calculating the PSI (Power Spectrum Intensity) of the velocity, the amount of settlement of the structure is calculated by substituting it into the simple formula of the existing gravity breakwater. By comparing and analyzing the amount of settlement of the structure obtained through numerical analysis, it was confirmed that the error between the amount of settlement of the existing simple formula and the amount of settlement of the numerical analysis was large, and it was confirmed that the background could not be considered in the case of the existing simple formula. Therefore, this study proposed a correction factor for the background of the quay wall structure, indicating a simple formula that can obtain the amount of settlement of the caisson-type quay wall structure. Compared to the numerical analysis settlement amount, it was judged that this simple formula had sufficient precision in calculating the caisson-type quay wall settlement amount. In addition, facilities vulnerable to earthquake resistance can be easily extracted in situations where time and cost are insufficient, and it is expected to be used as a screening technique.

An Estimation of Roughness Coefficient in a Channel with Roughness Correction Blocks (조도보정 블록 수로에서의 조도계수 추정)

  • Choi, Heung Sik;Kim, Si Hoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2014
  • A volume density of roughness correction blocks in a channel is defined and the corresponding roughness coefficient(n) is estimated by analyzing the diverse hydraulic characteristics of VR, the product of the average velocity and the hydraulic radius, block Reynolds number ($Re^*$), drag coefficient ($\acute{C}_D$), and the roughness coefficient ($n_b$) of bottom shear. The increase of VR and block Reynolds number causes the exponential decrease of roughness coefficient converged to a constant value as expected. The drag coefficient also exponentially decreases as block Reynolds number increases as well. The drag force is governed by the block shape defined by volume density in high block Reynolds number of turbulent flow region. For more accurate estimation of roughness coefficient the use of the correlation equation of it is required by block Reynolds number and volume density. The regression equations for n-VR, $\acute{C}_D-Re^*$, and $n_b-\acute{C}_D$ are presented. The regression equations of roughness coefficient are also presented by block Reynolds number and volume density. The developed equation of roughness coefficient by block Reynolds number and volume density has practical use by confirming the coincidence between the experimental results and the results of HEC-RAS using the developed equation.

The Numerical Study on the Ventilation of Non-isothermal Concentrated Fume (수치해석적 방법을 이용한 비등온 고농도 연무의 배기량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seok-Chai;Chang, Hyuk-Sang;Ha, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.534-543
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    • 2008
  • The experimental study with the prototype provides more acceptable data than the others. But there are so many limited conditions to perform the experimental study with the prototype. So the theoretical similitude with the scaled model and the numerical study with the CFD method have been chosen alternatively to analysis the fume movement. In this study, the ventilation was estimated from the results of the numerical study based on the experimental results as the boundary conditions. The grid A and B were same size and shape with the models which was used in the experimental study and consisted with 163,839, 122,965 cells respectively. The height of the fume layer was estimated form the mole fraction of fume components and the ventilation was determined by the velocity and temperature of the fume. The results of this study showed that the fume movements estimated from the numerical study are enough to apply to the prototype if there are proper heat loss correction factors. The numerical study is easier to change study conditions and faster to get results from the study than the experimental study. So if we find some proper heat loss correction factors, it's possible to execute the various and advanced study with the numerical study.

A Method of Rating Curve Adjustment (수위유량곡선보정방법에 대하여)

  • 박정근
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.4116-4120
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    • 1976
  • With the use of many rivers increased nearly to the capacity, the need for information concerning daily quantities of water and the total annual or seasonal runoff has became increased. A systematic record of the flow of a river is commonly made in terms of the mean daily discharge Since. a single observation of stage is converted into discharge by means of rating curve, it is essential that the stage discharge relations shall be accurately established. All rating curves have the looping effect due chiefly to channel storage and variation in surface slope. Loop rating curves are most characteristic on streams with somewhat flatter gradients and more constricted channels. The great majority of gauge readings are taken by unskilled observers once a day without any indication of whether the stage is rising or falling. Therefore, normal rating curves shall show one discharge for one gauge height, regardless of falling or rising stage. The above reasons call for the correction of the discharge measurements taken on either side of flood waves to the theoretical steady-state condition. The correction of the discharge measurement is to consider channel storage and variation in surface slope. (1) Channel storage As the surface elevation of a river rises, water is temporarily stored in the river channel. There fore, the actual discharge at the control section can be attained by substracting the rate of change of storage from the measured discharge. (2) Variation in surface slope From the Manning equation, the steady state discharge Q in a channel of given roughness and cross-section, is given as {{{{Q PROPTO SQRT { 1} }}}} When the slope is not equal, the actual discharge will be {{{{ { Q}_{r CDOT f } PROPTO SQRT { 1 +- TRIANGLE I} CDOT TRIANGLE I }}}} may be expressed in the form of {{{{ TRIANGLE I= { dh/dt} over {c } }}}} and the celerity is approximately equal to 1.3 times the mean watrr velocity. Therefore, The steady-state discharge can be estimated from the following equation. {{{{Q= { { Q}_{r CDOT f } } over { SQRT { (1 +- { A CDOT dh/dt} over {1.3 { Q}_{r CDOT f }I } )} } }}}} If a sufficient number of observations are available, an alternative procedure can be applied. A rating curve may be drawn as a median line through the uncorrected values. The values of {{{{ { 1} over {cI } }}}} can be yielded from the measured quantities of Qr$.$f and dh/dt by use of Eq. (7) and (8). From the 1/cI v. stage relationship, new vlues of 1/cI are obtained and inserted in Eq. (7) and (8) to yield the steady-state discharge Q. The new values of Q are then plotted against stage as the corrected steadystate curve.

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A Study on the Velocity, the Grain Size and the Bed Depth of the Rapid Filter (급속여과지(急速濾過池)의 여과속도(濾過速度)와 여재구성(濾材構成)의 연구(硏究) -여과저항(濾過抵抗)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Kang, Yong Tai
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1983
  • In spite of extensive knowledge of the surface chemistry and the transport mechanism in filtration systems, there is still insufficient understanding of the physical characteristics of suspensions and the system components. Because of this, no filtration mechanisms are mathematically generalized to the full extent. The purpose of this paper is to propose experimental equations for the filtration process. using the tracer study in filter layer. Some of results are as follows. (1) The Volume of the specific deposit (${\sigma}$) in filtration was directly measurable using the tracer study without interrupting the filtration. (2) It was also confirmed that the head loss in filtration was greatly in fluenced by the micro-air babbles. (3) The correction coefficient(f) was introduced into the Kozeny-Carman equation in order to apply it for the clogging filter media. The coefficient(f) was experimentally obtained. The total head loss of the filter media is given by next equation. $${\frac{h}{h_0}}={\frac{1}{L}}{\int}^{z=L}_{z=0}f({\sigma})g({\varepsilon}_0,{\sigma})dz$$ $$f=aexp(-b{\sigma})$$ The above equation was applicable without regard to the variation of the suspension concentration, the filter medium diameter, the filter depth, the filtration velocity, and the amount of aluminum in all continuous filtration experiments. (4) The total head loss was graphically generalized assuming mathematical filtration models I II (see fig. 7,8) (5) The total head loss was obtained from the filtration model in the field filtration conditions. (see fig. 9,10)

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High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling on Land with Hydrophones Employed in the Stream-Water Driven Trench (하천수유입과 하이드로폰을 이용한 육상 고분해능 탄성파반사법탐사)

  • Kim Ji-Soo;Han Su-Hyung;Kim Hak-Soo;Choi Won-Suk;Jung Chang-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2001
  • An effective seismic reflection technique for mapping the cavities and bedrock surface in carbonate rocks is described. The high resolution seismic reflection images were successfully registered by using the hydrophones employed in the stream-water driven trench, and were effectively focused by applying optimal data processing sequences. The strategy included enhancement of the signal interfered with the large-amplitude scattering noise, through pre- and post stack processing such as time-variant filtering, bad-trace editing, residual statics, velocity analysis, and careful muting after NMO (normal moveout) correction. The major reflections including the bedrock surface were mapped with the desired resolution and were correlated to the seismic crosshole tomographic data. Shallow major reflectors could be identified and analyzed on the AGC (auto gain control)-applied field records. Three subhorizontal layers were identified with their distinct velocities; overburden (<3000 m/s), sediments (3000-4000 m/s), limestone bedrock (>4000 m/s). Taking into account of no diffraction effects in the field records, gravel-rich overburdens and sediments are considered to be well sorted. Based on the images mapped consistently on the whole survey line and seismic velocity increasing with depth, this area probably lacks in sizable cavities (if any, no air-filled cavities).

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Precision Improvement of GPS Height Time Series by Correcting for Atmospheric Pressure Loading Displacements (대기압하중에 의한 지각변위 보정을 통한 GPS 수직좌표 시계열 정밀도 향상)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Hui;Park, Kwan-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.599-605
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    • 2009
  • Changes of atmospheric pressures cause short- and long-term crustal deformations and thus become error sources in the site positions estimated from space geodesy equipments. In this study, we computed daily displacements due to the atmospheric pressure loading (ATML) at the 14 permanent GPS sites operated by National Geographic Information Institute. And the 10-year GPS data collected at those stations were processed to create a continuous time series of the height estimate. Then, we corrected for the ATML from the GPS height time series to see if the correction changes the site velocity and improves the precision of the time series. While the precision improved by about 4% on average, the velocity change was not significant at all. We also investigated the overall characteristics of the ATML in the southern Korean peninsula by computing the ATML effects at the inland grid points with a $0.5^{\circ}{\times}0.5^{\circ}$ spatial resolution. We found that ATML displacements show annual signals and those signals can be fitted with sinusoidal functions. The amplitudes were in the range of 3-4 mm, and they were higher at higher latitudes and lower at the costal area.

The Development and Verification of Balance Insole for Improving the Muscle Imbalance of Left and Right Leg Using based Sound Feedback (청각 피드백이 적용된 좌우 불균형 개선을 위한 밸런스 인솔 개발 및 검증)

  • Kang, Seung-Rok;Yoon, Young-Hwan;Yu, Chang-Ho;Nah, Jae-Wook;Hong, Chul-Un;Kwon, Tae-Kyu
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2017
  • This study was to develop the balance insole system for detecting and improving the muscle imbalance of left and right side in lower limbs. We were to verify the validation of balance insole system by analyzing the strategy of muscular activities and foot pressure according to sound feedback. We developed the balance insole based FSR sensor modules for estimating the muscle imbalance using detecting foot pressure. The insole system was FPCB have 8-spot FSR sensor with sensitivity range of 64-level. The participants were twenty peoples who have muscle strength differences in left and right legs over 20%. We measured the muscular activity and foot pressure of left and right side of lower limbs in various gait environment for verifying the improvement effect of muscle imbalance according to sound feedback. They performed gait in slope at 0, 5, 10, 15% and velocity at 3, 4, 5km/h. The result showed that the level of muscle imbalance reduced within 30% for sound feedback of balance insole system contrast to high level of muscle imbalance at 169.9~246.8% during normal gait for increasing slope and velocity. This study found the validation of balance insole system with sound feedback stimulus. Also, we thought that it is necessary to research on the sensitivity of foot area, detection of muscle imbalance and processing algorithm of correction threshold spot.

Soil Depth Estimation and Prediction Model Correction for Mountain Slopes Using a Seismic Survey (탄성파 탐사를 활용한 산지사면 토심 추정 및 예측모델 보정)

  • Taeho Bong;Sangjun Im;Jung Il Seo;Dongyeob Kim;Joon Heo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제112권3호
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    • pp.340-351
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    • 2023
  • Landslides are major natural geological hazards that cause enormous property damage and human casualties annually. The vulnerability of mountainous areas to landslides is further exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Soil depth is a crucial parameter in landslide and debris flow analysis, and plays an important role in the evaluation of watershed hydrological processes that affect slope stability. An accurate method of estimating soil depth is to directly investigate the soil strata in the field. However, this requires significant amounts of time and money; thus, numerous models for predicting soil depth have been proposed. However, they still have limitations in terms of practicality and accuracy. In this study, 71 seismic survey results were collected from domestic mountainous areas to estimate soil depth on hill slopes. Soil depth was estimated on the basis of a shear wave velocity of 700 m/s, and a database was established for slope angle, elevation, and soil depth. Consequently, the statistical characteristics of soil depth were analyzed, and the correlations between slope angle and soil depth, and between elevation and soil depth were investigated. Moreover, various soil depth prediction models based on slope angle were investigated, and corrected linear and exponential soil depth prediction models were proposed.

Case Report: Quantitative Evaluation of Gait Function Following Treatment Progression in a Patient with Central Pontine Myelinolysis (중심성 교뇌수초용해 환자의 치료 경과에 따른 보행 기능의 정량적 평가)

  • Sangho Ji;Sunny Kang;Jiwoo Kim;Youngjo So;Sangkwan Lee;Cheol-Hyun Kim
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2024
  • Introduction: Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) is a rare neurological disorder marked by symmetric nerve fiber damage, commonly following rapid hyponatremia correction, with no established treatment and a poor prognosis. The condition, often linked to alcoholism, malnutrition, and various diseases, lacks comprehensive studies on its impact on gait. This research aims to quantitatively analyze gait changes in CPM patients receiving both traditional Korean and conventional rehabilitation treatments, addressing a gap in current understanding of CPM management. Case presentation: A 56-year-old male diagnosed with CPM following an initial misdiagnosis underwent combined electoracupuncture and rehabilitative treatment at ○○ university Korean medical center, resulting in significant gait improvements. A treadmill gait analysis system was used to measure changes in key gait parameters at 2-week intervals, and the patient's progress was documented. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis revealed significant gait improvements. Foot rotation decreased from 8.9° to 6.4° (right) and from 11.1° to 7.2° (left); lateral symmetry improved from -7.8 to 0.8; step length increased from 21 cm to 44 cm (right) and from 19 cm to 44 cm (left); and velocity increased from 1.2 m/s to 2.7 m/s. These findings highlight decreased foot rotation and lateral symmetry, along with increased step length and velocity, suggesting a positive outcome of the treatment regimen. Notably, the patient experienced no adverse effects related to the treatments. Despite limitations, including the singe case focus and lack of prior gait-focused CPM research, this case report provides valuable insights into effective CPM management strategies, paving the way for future research in this domain.