• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vector geographic data

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Analysis of Urban Inundation Considering Building Footprints Based on Dual-Drainage Scheme (건물의 영향을 고려한 이중배수체계기반 침수해석)

  • Lee, Jeong-Young;Jin, Gi-Ho;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate urban inundation considering building footprints based on dual-drainage scheme. For this purpose, LiDAR data is cultivated to generate two original data set in terms of DEM with $1{\times}1$ meter and building layer of the study drainage area in Seoul and then the building layer is overlapped as vector polygon with the mesh data with the same size as DEM. Then, terrain data for modeling were re-sampled to reduce resolution as $10{\times}10$ meters. As results, the simulated depth without considering building footprints has a tendency to underestimate the inundation depth compared to observed data analized by CCTV imagery. Otherwise, the simulation result considering building footprints revealed definitely higher fitness. The difference of inundation depth came from the variation of inundation volume which was relevant to inundation extent. If the building footprints are enlarged, the possible inundation depth is increased, which results in being inundation depth higher because hydrological conditions such as rainfall depth are conservational. Otherwise, according to comparison of inundation extents, there were no significant difference but the case of considering building footprint was revealed slightly higher fitness. Thus, it is concluded that the considering building footprint for inundation analysis of urban watershed should be required to improve simulation accuracy synthetically.

Analysis of Urban Thermal Environment for Environment-Friendly Spatial Plan (친환경적 공간계획을 위한 도시의 열환경 분석)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.142-154
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of various spatial characteristics on the land surface temperature and to grasp the characteristics of thermal environment by types of urban area in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do. The spatial data were consisted LST, normalized difference built-up index(NDBI) and normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) obtained from Landsat 5 TM and land use and land cover map classified from high resolution digital aerial photograph($10cm{\times}10cm$). The unit space for spatial analysis was built by $500m{\times}500m$ Vector GRID. According to the results of estimation of relationship between thermal environment and spatial characteristics, LST had the highest positive correlation with NDBI by 0.929 and had high positive correlation with impervious area ratio by 0.857. In order to analysis of thermal environment on land use, types of urban area were classified by 4 of residential focus area, industrial focus area, green focus area and mixed area. According to the results of analysis, mean LST of industrial focus area was showed the highest by $21.10^{\circ}C$. But mean LST of green focus area was analyzed the lowest by $18.85^{\circ}C$. In conclusion, the results of this study investigated the effects of spatial characteristics on urban thermal environment and can provide methods and basic informations about land use planning and development density restriction for reduction of urban heat.

Accuracy Evaluation of DEM generated from Satellite Images Using Automated Geo-positioning Approach

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2017
  • S The need for an automated geo-positioning approach for near real-time results and to boost cost-effectiveness has become increasingly urgent. Following this trend, a new approach to automatically compensate for the bias of the rational function model (RFM) was proposed. The core idea of this approach is to remove the bias of RFM only using tie points, which are corrected by matching with the digital elevation model (DEM) without any additional ground control points (GCPs). However, there has to be a additional evaluation according to the quality of DEM because DEM is used as a core element in this approach. To address this issue, this paper compared the quality effects of DEM in the conduct of the this approach using the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) DEM with the spatial resolution of 90m. and the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) DEM with the spatial resolution of 5m. One KOMPSAT-2 stereo-pair image acquired at Busan, Korea was used as experimental data. The accuracy was compared to 29 check points acquired by GPS surveying. After bias-compensation using the two DEMs, the Root Mean Square (RMS) errors were less than 6 m in all coordinate components. When SRTM DEM was used, the RMSE vector was about 11.2m. On the other hand, when NGII DEM was used, the RMSE vector was about 7.8 m. The experimental results showed that automated geo-positioning approach can be accomplished more effectively by using NGII DEM with higher resolution than SRTM DEM.

An Alternative Method for Assessing Local Spatial Association Among Inter-paired Location Events: Vector Spatial Autocorrelation in Housing Transactions (쌍대위치 이벤트들의 국지적 공간적 연관성을 평가하기 위한 방법론적 연구: 주택거래의 벡터 공간적 자기상관)

  • Lee, Gun-Hak
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.564-579
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    • 2008
  • It is often challenging to evaluate local spatial association among onedimensional vectors generally representing paired-location events where two points are physically or functionally connected. This is largely because of complex process of such geographic phenomena itself and partially representational complexity. This paper addresses an alternative way to identify spatially autocorrelated paired-location events (or vectors) at a local scale. In doing so, we propose a statistical algorithm combining univariate point pattern analysis for evaluating local clustering of origin-points and similarity measure of corresponding vectors. For practical use of the suggested method, we present an empirical application using transactions data in a local housing market, particularly recorded from 2004 to 2006 in Franklin County, Ohio in the United States. As a result, several locally characterized similar transactions are identified among a set of vectors showing various local moves associated with communities defined.

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Toward Research Collaboration Between Korea and Russia: KSGPC's Research Activities and Corporational Issues in Geomatics

  • KIM, Kam-Lea;LEE, Ho-Nam;KIM, Uk-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2004
  • In recent years, the importance of geospatial data have been emphasized not only for the national GIS programs and but also in the value added commercial and industry markets. There is no doubt that GIS, GPS, aerial and satellite imagery data were provided powerful tools to support national information infrastructure for geospatial database. While great emphasis has been laid on the geospatial data, there has been little analysis or evaluation of how to maximize the benefits of using these information sources. Also, with the proliferation of geographic data and information sources such as satellite imagery, digital aerial photograph, digital topographic and vector data, there is a great need to inform professionals from all disciplines as to the benefits of these information sources and how to best put them to use within any given application. From the first publication of KSGPC(Korean Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography) papers in 1981, our objective was, and is, to help develop the wider spectrum of GIS in the academy and industry by exposing new users to the benefits of GIS, remote sensing, mapping, GPS and photogrammetry. In this presentation, we will introduce KSGPC works and will evaluate GIS-related governmental policies and programs in Korea for the past and the future to present different status between Korea and Russia. It is now important to investigate lessons learnt from two countries' experiences and developed an empirical framework to combine outcome from GIS-related researches in Korea and Russia. This may enable GIS professionals to gain a wider range of experiences in the international context, and consequently, help them to develop new markets for GIS. Therefore, we arranged the possible action items and interesting points to corporate and to promote the academic growth in the practice of GIS.

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Toward Research Collaboration Between Korea And Russia: Ksgpc'S Research Activities And Corporational Issues In Geomatics

  • Kim, Kamlae;Lee, Honam;Kim, Uknam;Shin, Bong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.02a
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    • pp.16-21
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    • 2004
  • In recent years, the importance of geospatial data have been emphasized not only for the national GIS programs and but also in the value added commercial and industry markets. There is no doubt that GIS, GPS, aerial and satellite imagery data were provided powerful tools to support national information infrastructure for geospatial database. While great emphasis has been laid on the geospatial data, there has been little analysis or evaluation of how to maximize the benefits of using these information sources. Also, with the proliferation of geographic data and information sources such as satellite imagery, digital aerial photography, digital topographic and vector data, there is a great need to inform professionals from all disciplines as to the benefits of these information sources and how to best put them to use within any given application. From the first publication of KSGPC(Korean Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography) papers in 1981, our objective was, and is, to help develop the wider spectrum of GIS in the academy and industry by exposing new users to the benefits of GIS, remote sensing, mapping, GPS and photogrammetry. In this presentation, we will introduce KSGPC works and will evaluate GIS-related governmental policies and programs in Korea for the past and the future to present different status between Korea and Russia. It is now important to investigate lessons learnt from two countries' experiences and developed an empirical framework to combine outcomes from GIS-related researches in Korea and Russia. This may enable GIS professionals to gain a wider range of experiences in the international context, and consequently, help them to develop new markets for GIS. Therefore, we arranged the possible action items and interesting points to corporate and to promote the academic growth in the practice of GIS.

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Traffic Emission Modelling Using LiDAR Derived Parameters and Integrated Geospatial Model

  • Azeez, Omer Saud;Pradhan, Biswajeet;Jena, Ratiranjan;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Ahmed, Ahmed Abdulkareem
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2019
  • Traffic emissions are the main cause of environmental pollution in cities and respiratory problems amongst people. This study developed a model based on an integration of support vector regression (SVR) algorithm and geographic information system (GIS) to map traffic carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations and produce prediction maps from micro level to macro level at a particular time gap in a day in a very densely populated area (Utara-Selatan Expressway-NKVE, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). The proposed model comprised two models: the first model was implemented to estimate traffic CO concentrations using the SVR model, and the second model was applied to create prediction maps at different times a day using the GIS approach. The parameters for analysis were collected from field survey and remote sensing data sources such as very-high-resolution aerial photos and light detection and ranging point clouds. The correlation coefficient was 0.97, the mean absolute error was 1.401 ppm and the root mean square error was 2.45 ppm. The proposed models can be effectively implemented as decision-making tools to find a suitable solution for mitigating traffic jams near tollgates, highways and road networks.

Mapping Man-Made Levee Line Using LiDAR Data and Aerial Orthoimage (라이다 데이터와 항공 정사영상을 활용한 인공 제방선 지도화)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyen-Cheol;Chung, Youn-In;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2011
  • Levee line mapping is critical to the protection of environments in river zones, the prevention of river flood and the development of river zones. Use of the remote sensing data such as LiDAR and aerial orthoimage is efficient for river mapping due to their accessibility and higher accuracy in horizontal and vertical direction. Airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) has been used for river zone mapping due to its ability to penetrate shallow water and its high vertical accuracy. Use of image source is also efficient for extraction of features by analysis of its image source. Therefore, aerial orthoimage also have been used for river zone mapping tasks due to its image source and its higher accuracy in horizontal direction. Due to these advantages, in this paper, research on three dimensional levee line mapping is implemented using LiDAR and aerial orthoimage separately. Accuracy measurement is implemented for both extracted lines generated by each data using the ground truths and statistical comparison is implemented between two measurement results. Statistical results show that the generated 3D levee line using LiDAR data has higher accuracy than the generated 3D levee line using aerial orthoimage in horizontal direction and vertical direction.

A Study on Implementation of SVG for ENC Applications (전자해도 활용을 위한 SVG 변환 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2006
  • Electronic Navigational Charts(ENCs) are official nautical charts which are equivalent to paper charts with supplementary information. Although their main purpose is to be used for the safe navigation of ships, they also contain much information on coasts and seas which may be interesting to ordinary people. However, there is no easy way to access them because of therir specialized data format, access method and visualization. This paper proposes on implementation of SVG for the access and services of ENCs. SVG(Scalable Vector Graphic) makes it possible to make use of Vector graphics for servicing maps in basic internet browsing environment. Implement of SVG for ENC applications by this research is free of special server side GIS mapping system and client side extra technology. The implementation of SVG for ENC Applications can be summarized as follows: Firstly, SVG provides spatial information to possess searching engine to embody SVG map. Secondly, SVG can provide high-quality vector map graphics and interactive facility without special Internet GIS system. It makes it possible to use services with very low cost. Thirdly, SVG information service targeting on maritime transportation can be used as template, so it can be used dynamically any other purpose such as traffic management and vessel monitoring. Many good characteristics of SVG in mapping at computer screen and reusability of SVG document provide new era of visualization of marine geographic information.

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A Study on Implementation of SVG for ENC Applications (전자해도 활용을 위한 SVG 변환 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Seo, Ki-Yeol;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.1930-1936
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    • 2007
  • Electronic Navigational Charts(ENCs) are official nautical charts which are equivalent to paper charts with supplementary information. Although their main purpose is to be used for the safe navigation of ships, they also contain much information on coasts and seas which may be interesting to ordinary people. However, there is no easy way to access them because of their specialized data format, access method and visualization. This paper proposes m implementation of SVG for the access and services of ENCs. SVG(Scalable Vector Graphic) makes it possible to make use of Vector graphics for map services in basic internet browsing environment. Implementation of SVG for ENC applications by this research is free of special server side GIS mapping system and client side extra technology. The Implementation of SVG for ENC Applications can be summarized as follows: Firstly, SVG provides spatial information to possess searching engine to embody SVG map. Secondly SVG can provide high-quality vector map graphics and interactive facility without special Internet GIS system. It makes it possible to use services with very low cost. Thirdly, SVG information service targeting on maritime transportation can be used as template, so it can be used dynamically any other purpose such as traffic management and vessel monitoring. Many good characteristics of SVG in mapping at computer screen and reusability of SVG document provide new era of visualization of marine geographic information.