• Title/Summary/Keyword: VISUAL PREFERENCE

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Visual Evaluation to the types of Set-in Sleeve (Set-in Sleeve의 형태에 따른 시각적 평가)

  • Kim, Ye-Kyung;Lee, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2008
  • This subject investigated visual evaluation of preference and fitness level of set-in sleeve in sleeve types(form)and studied suitable sleeve type at silhouette and targeted female students in twenties. The results of study were as follows: 1. Visual evaluation factors in set-in sleeve of sleeve types were selected 6 factors; the 1st factor is decorativeness, the 2nd factor is attractiveness, the 3rd factor was activeness, the 4th factor was feminine, the 5th factor was charming and 6th factor was a figural element. Decorativeness and attractiveness factors in visual evaluation of sleeve types were the most important level. 2. The visual evaluation differences of sleeve types in set-in sleeve were as follows; in the 1st factor, S and P2 were the most decorative sleeve type. in the 2nd factor, S, P2 and P3 are the most attractive sleeve type. in the 3rd factor, B and P3 were the most active sleeve type. in the 4th factor, L was the most feminine sleeve type. in the 5th factor, P1, L and P3 were charming sleeve type. in the 6th factor, P3 was evaluated that it shows narrowened shoulder sleeve types. 3. The analysis result of preference and wearing level in each sleeve types were as follows. 20's female university students like to wear S, P1, P2 and P3 sleeve types and the most favorite sleeve types are S, P2 and P3. 4. The analysis result of silhouette set-in sleeve in sleeve types; S, B and P2 in H-type silhouette, P2, S and P1 in A-type silhouette, B and P3 in O-type silhouette, L and P3 in X-types silhouette were show the most suitable sleeve types.

Image and Visual Preference of the Median Bus Stops;Focusing on Seoul City (중앙부 버스 정류장의 이미지와 시각적 선호에 관한 연구;서울시를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Ni-A;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2008
  • The City of Seoul enforces the 'Median reserved bus lane', a revised public transportation system, in order to achieve both a faster and more convenient transit system. This study examines the visual image and preference of the median bus stops in accordance with the operation of the median reserved bus lanes. In order to evaluate and clarify the distinct landscape of each bus stop in a different environment, our team selected 3 representative bus stops with different environments on main roads and conducted landscape simulations so as to evaluate visual preference. The sites were on a narrow range road, wide width road in the downtown area and wide width road on the outskirts of the city. The preference degree for each selected bus-stop environment was compared. The comparison conditions were a median bus stop with preexisting landscape, a median bus stop with planted trees, and a landscape without a median bus stop. The results of the study can be Summarized as follows: First, the visual influence on median bus stops depends on the visual complexity of the environment where they are located. People had an affinity for the median bus stop in which the visual complexity was low, while the preference degree of median bus stop was low in a highly complex area. Secondly, regardless of regional environment where median bus stops are located, research showed that it is more "impressive" to have a median bus-stop with planted trees than landscape without a median bus stop. Thirdly, the median bus stop with plants highly preferred over one without moreover, the landscape with planted trees would provide a comfortable mind for people. This study reveals that planting-oriented design concepts in median bus stops exhibit significant differences in the preference assessment factors. Thus, for further median bus stop construction, planting is desirable to create an impressive streetscape and better scenic quality.

A Study on Motion Typography Visyal Communication Preference Analysis for Video Content CFs

  • Myoung-Mi Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2024
  • CF video content refers to various types of advertising content provided through TV media. CF video content includes various types of videos as well as promotion of products and brand companies. CF video content is often produced with relatively small personnel, and in many cases, it is produced without properly reflecting viewer preference factors. Therefore, it is necessary to increase viewers' viewing satisfaction through various studies on the method of directing motion typography suitable for the production of CF video content. To this end, the preference was investigated by classifying the visual components of motion typography, and the limitations of motion typography were found by the object and design analysis. For the specific analysis, based on a review of previous studies on the preference of CF video content, a questionnaire was conducted for viewers or users centering on the CFTV site, and the observation model was also intended to find preference factors focusing on Motion Typography Effect Analysis. This factor analysis is intended to activate various CF image contents in the future and to enhance the wide effect of motion typography.

On the Prospect Angle and Preference factors in Jungja which has Artificially Constructed Pond. (인공지를 갖춘 정자에 있어서 조망각도와 선호요인에 관하여)

  • 김용수;이재화
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the principle of space composition in Jungja of a category of korean traditional space. The results which analyzed outside space, prospect angle and preference factors for landscape with making, Jungja which has artificially constructed pond within Gyeongbug province, the subject of study were as fellows ; Size of pond was quite different in each Jungja, and its form was retangular. There was built circle island or figured ten-long life within pond. These pursued harmony of the cosmic dual force or eternal youth. Average angle of depression and horizontal angle from floor of Jungja to pond were respectively 16$^{\circ}$ 23', 48$^{\circ}$ 26'. Average angle of depression to island in pond was 13$^{\circ}$28'. Average angle of depression from floor of Jungia to wall was 2$^{\circ}$58'. With controlling height of wall, there was maintained privacy and used borrowed landscape. Tree within garden was mainly planted a deciduous tall tree, the important species of tree were bamboo, pomegranate tree, crape myrtle, etc. Variables that gave influence on landscape preference degree were things about tree and pond. On prospecting pond, these variables-feeling for shore protection, impression for water, visual depth to pond feeling for shore protection, impression for water, visual depth to pond-gave Largely influences.

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The Effects of Demographic Factors on Children's wear Brand Preference and Their Reasons, and Brand Evaluation (paper no.3)

  • Koo, In-Sook
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.32-50
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    • 2011
  • This study is designed to analyze the effects of demographic factors on children's wear brand preference and their reasons, and brand evaluations. A total of 355 usable data was collected from housewives in three metropolitan cities (Seoul, Daejeon, and Sungnam) in Korea. An ANOVA and crossing analysis were used to determine the strength(percentage) among several dependent variables. Also, regression analysis was used to examine the effects of demographic factors on each factor and component related to fashion brand evaluation. Overall, ANOVA and crossing analysis results showed that the visual attributions (variables) of clothing marked significantly higher scores than others (functional attributions). This result is noteworthy because it is opposite of common stereotypes and prejudices that selectors who first recognize visual information (aesthetic attributions) as a clothing buying criteria should be unsatisfied with them after wearing. Therefore, this research suggests that the chief reason in determining the outcome of success or failure in fashion industry depends on their trend productions with fashion image creation by reflecting the exclusive trends based on consumer's taste and wants.

The Preference of Geriatric Depression Scale and the Images Applied to Preferable Color of the Elderly - Focused on the Living room - (고령자의 우울증 정도와 선호 색채 적용 이미지의 선호도 분석 - 거실 공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sung-Jun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the concern of aging society is 'Healthy life' for the elderly and pre-elderly. Especially, realizing the 'Healthy life', it is very important for the elderly to establish living environment for holding and maintaining mental depression. Mental depression is related to dysfunction of sensory organ included physical functions. Therefore, the dysfunction of elderly's sensory organ is required to the guideline of environmental planning. In this study, among five senses, I focused visual sense due to the large proportion of environmental perception. The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of geriatric depression and preference of simulated images applying preferable color for the elderly. This study conducted literature review and questionnaire survey. Firstly, the previous studies related with the melancholy, sense of isolation, self-regard for the elderly analyzed. Secondly, the questionnaire tool measuring the degree of geriatric depression developed. Thirdly, the tool investigating the preference for the simulated images applied main, sub, and accent colors produced. Applied preferable colors were used from the results previous study. Lastly, based on the result, the basic data of color planning were suggested. It was judged that this study is an useful as the basic guideline of color planning for the elderly's residential spaces and the potential value of considering geriatric depression and the color planning in terms of the elderly's visual sense.

A Study on the Characteristics of the Form and the Preference of the Main Gates of Universities in Korea (대학교문의 조형적 특성과 선호도에 관한 연구)

  • 김동찬;성현지
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.110-121
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to focus on the characteristics of the form and preference of the main gates of universities. The gate of a university have both functions and artistic design aspects. Fifty-two universities selected for this study were placed all around country except for Je-ju island. The following two research methods were used for this study. 1) an analysis of form character through a classification of the types. 2) and analysis of preference to the gates through a side show. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Main gates of universities were classified by covered-type and uncovered-type in existence of cover. And they were classified by eighteen types in detail. 2. Visual preference have been analyed by using the regression, the result is as follows: Y=-0.357+0.630 X$_4$+0.377X$_1$+0.075X$_2$-0.015X$_3$($R^2$=0.971, X$_4$;harmony, X $_1$;speciality, X$_2$;softness, X$_3$;complex) 3. The gate of Chung-Ang university(Ahn Sung campus) is the highest of all the universities at the average of preference 4.32 through result of slide show. Covered type has a higher preference than uncovered type. This has a good modification and decoration in front side type of main gate.

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A Study on the Relationships between Complex and Preference by Perceptual-cognitive and Affective Judgement - Focused on the Commercial Interior Design - (지각적-인지적 판단과 감정적 판단에 따른 복잡성과 선호도의 관계 - 상업공간의 실내디자인을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi Eun-Hee;Kwon Young-Gull
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.3 s.56
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2006
  • Design is inseparably related to aesthetics. In spite of that, it is difficult to explain the precise aesthetic variables that affect the aesthetic value of space or environment. Therefore, this study intended to find the relationships between aesthetic variables by perceptual and affective judgement for space design with focus on complexity and preference variables. The research found low level of 'arousing' as well as high levels of affective dimension variables 'pleasant' and 'relaxing' evoked high preference. High preference also appeared in space design cases with high unity, order, and clarity with low contrast and complexity, which are variables of perceptual dimension. Complexity, one variables of preference by Kaplan, is in an inverse proportion to space preference. Thus, space design with high complexity has high level of 'exciting' and 'arousing' affective responses and relatively low level of 'relaxing' response. Additionally, it was confirmed that the most importantly influential factor on complexity was diverse components rather than visual richness and ornamentation.

A study on the Visual identity of Rural Landscape - Focusing on the Comparison between Urban and Rural Residents - (농촌경관의 시각 정체성에 대한 연구 - 도시와 농촌 거주자 지각 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Chung-Hee;Kim, Dong-Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2010
  • Recently, there are many people who live in rural keep getting away from their town. The reason why become aging and reducing society in Rural is weakness of agricultural competition, education, culture and welfare. Thereupon, we need counter plans to make boom in exhaustion rural landscape counter plan, losing consciousness of citizenship, over developing from city planners who are giving serious damage to rural landscape. However, there are many promotions going on to cover weakness of rural. In this research, to set up the right view of rural which considered the different cognitions, it is important to derive each preference or non-preference scenery, and countrified or non countrified scenery. From different cognition, finding preserved and improved factors is necessary to preserve, reform, and improve the countryside scenery. Based on this, to investigate natural characters of viewpoint is providing right direction for future rural landscape.

A Study on Mixing Expression Methods of Finish Materials for Visual Differentiation in Housing Space (주거공간의 시각적 차별화를 위한 마감재 혼합적 표현방법 연구)

  • Seo, Ji-Eun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to grope for plan methods through analyzing preferences on expression methods of materials for visual differentiation in hosing space. The results are as follows : First, we could know that finish material is the important element to make differential design in housing space. It is a effective method to use the color and material of finish materials. Second, we could find they preferred woods in materials and Y color, N9.5, bright and light in colors through grasping preference about types in material elements. The preferred texture is soft and the preferred patterns are solid and geometry. Third, it is a good method to mix materials which give us different season feeling, and to mix colors which are different tones to lead the differential design by materials in housing space. In case texture and patterns, what we mix similar things is the effective method. Fourth, preference of the expression method is manifested differently depending on the selected elements. so when we plan the housing, we have to consider that. lastly, I think this study will be a basic data on a study to differentiate the design of the residential space.