• Title/Summary/Keyword: Utilizing

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A Study on Improvement of throughput-linked Port Development (Trigger Rule) System (물동량 연동 항만개발제도 개선방안 연구)

  • LEE, Su-Young;LEE, Na-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2023
  • Korea's port development adjusts the completion time and size of port facilities according to the future port throughput. The current port development system, which is referred to as "throughput-linked port development (Trigger Rule)", has received positive evaluation for efficiently executing the limited port development budget. Recently concerns have been growing over deteriorating service levels in port facilities in Korea due to accelerated aging of terminal facilities. However, the current port development system does not possess any standard for assessing the level of service and utilizing development indicators. The purpose of this paper is to calculate the Port Service Index (PSI) by selecting indicators to measure the Level of Service (LOS) of ports and deriving weights between the indicators, so that the current "throughput-linked port development (Trigger Rule)" can be linked with the level of service. Based on the result of analysis on a variety of preceding studies, the ship waiting rate, berth productivity, ship turnaround time and ship productivity were selected as four indicators to constitute the Port Service Index. The AHP and entropy methodologies were used to derive weights for each of four indicators which were later combined to calculate the comprehensive weight. The calculation formula of the Port Service Index (PSI) was derived by using the aggregated weights of each indicator, based on which the LOS of domestic container and bulk terminals were evaluated and this measurement result was divided into 6 classes to define each LOS. This paper contributes to draw the improvement measures for port development system that are able to connect the quantitative indicator of throughput, as well as a qualitative indicator of the level of "service".

A Study on the Creative Process of Creative Ballet <Youth> through Motion Capture Technology (모션캡처 활용을 통한 창작발레<청춘>창작과정연구)

  • Chang, So-Jung; Park, Arum
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.809-814
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    • 2023
  • Currently, there is a lack of research that directly applies and integrates science and technology in the field of dance and translates it into creative work. In this study, the researcher applied motion capture to creative dance performance 'Youth' and described the process of incorporating motion capture into scenes for the performance. The research method involved utilizing practice-based research, which derives new knowledge and meaning from creative outcomes through the analysis of phenomena and experiences generated on-site. The creative ballet performance "<Youth>" consists of a total of 4 scenes, and the motion-captured video in these scenes serves as the highlight moments. It visually represents the image of a past ballerina while embodying the meaning of a scene that is both the 'past me' and the 'dream of the present.' The use of motion capture enhances the visual representation of the scenes and plays a role in increasing the audience's immersion. The dance field needs to become familiar with collaborating with scientific and technological advancements like motion capture to digitize intangible assets. It is essential to engage in experimental endeavors and continue training for such collaborations. Furthermore, through collaboration, the ongoing research should extend the scope of movement through digitized processes, performances, and performance records. This will continually confer value and meaning to the field of dance

Analysis on Awareness and Actual Condition of Metaverse Utilization in Education for Design Major Students : Focusing on D-University (메타버스 활용 교육에 대한 디자인 전공생의 인식 및 실태 분석 : D 대학교를 중심으로)

  • Heejung Kang;Hyunsuk Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.837-842
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the awareness and actual condition on metaverse utilization in education for design major students. An online survey was conducted for 14 days from May 10 to 23, 2023, targeting 120 students majoring in design at D University. The evaluation method of the questionnaire was a nominal scale and a 5-point scale, and the questionnaire results were analyzed through SPSS 29.0. First, it is necessary to sufficiently share the advantages of metaverse utilization in education with students, and to provide basic literacy programs utilizing the characteristics of metaverse and supporting class activities. Second, students' response will be higher in studio classes where practical training is conducted rather than information delivery or understanding-oriented lectures. Third, in order for the metaverse to become a means of education in the digital transformation era rather than just a temporarily medium in COVID-19 era, specific and systematic design education programs reflecting the characteristics of the metaverse need to be continuously developed. In addition, it is important for instructors to actively review the use of the metaverse and search for various ways to utilize it.

Unlicensed Band Traffic and Fairness Maximization Approach Based on Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (전송률 분할 다중 접속 기술을 활용한 비면허 대역의 트래픽과 공정성 최대화 기법)

  • Jeon Zang Woo;Kim Sung Wook
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2023
  • As the spectrum shortage problem has accelerated by the emergence of various services, New Radio-Unlicensed (NR-U) has appeared, allowing users who communicated in licensed bands to communicate in unlicensed bands. However, NR-U network users reduce the performance of Wi-Fi network users who communicate in the same unlicensed band. In this paper, we aim to simultaneously maximize the fairness and throughput of the unlicensed band, where the NR-U network users and the WiFi network users coexist. First, we propose an optimal power allocation scheme based on Monte Carlo Policy Gradient of reinforcement learning to maximize the sum of rates of NR-U networks utilizing rate-splitting multiple access in unlicensed bands. Then, we propose a channel occupancy time division algorithm based on sequential Raiffa bargaining solution of game theory that can simultaneously maximize system throughput and fairness for the coexistence of NR-U and WiFi networks in the same unlicensed band. Simulation results show that the rate splitting multiple access shows better performance than the conventional multiple access technology by comparing the sum-rate when the result value is finally converged under the same transmission power. In addition, we compare the data transfer amount and fairness of NR-U network users, WiFi network users, and total system, and prove that the channel occupancy time division algorithm based on sequential Raiffa bargaining solution of this paper satisfies throughput and fairness at the same time than other algorithms.

Adverse Effects on EEGs and Bio-Signals Coupling on Improving Machine Learning-Based Classification Performances

  • SuJin Bak
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.133-153
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a novel approach to investigating brain-signal measurement technology using Electroencephalography (EEG). Traditionally, researchers have combined EEG signals with bio-signals (BSs) to enhance the classification performance of emotional states. Our objective was to explore the synergistic effects of coupling EEG and BSs, and determine whether the combination of EEG+BS improves the classification accuracy of emotional states compared to using EEG alone or combining EEG with pseudo-random signals (PS) generated arbitrarily by random generators. Employing four feature extraction methods, we examined four combinations: EEG alone, EG+BS, EEG+BS+PS, and EEG+PS, utilizing data from two widely-used open datasets. Emotional states (task versus rest states) were classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) classifiers. Our results revealed that when using the highest accuracy SVM-FFT, the average error rates of EEG+BS were 4.7% and 6.5% higher than those of EEG+PS and EEG alone, respectively. We also conducted a thorough analysis of EEG+BS by combining numerous PSs. The error rate of EEG+BS+PS displayed a V-shaped curve, initially decreasing due to the deep double descent phenomenon, followed by an increase attributed to the curse of dimensionality. Consequently, our findings suggest that the combination of EEG+BS may not always yield promising classification performance.

Analyzing the Main Paths and Intellectual Structure of the Data Literacy Research Domain (데이터 리터러시 연구 분야의 주경로와 지적구조 분석)

  • Jae Yun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.403-428
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    • 2023
  • This study investigates the development path and intellectual structure of data literacy research, aiming to identify emerging topics in the field. A comprehensive search for data literacy-related articles on the Web of Science reveals that the field is primarily concentrated in Education & Educational Research and Information Science & Library Science, accounting for nearly 60% of the total. Citation network analysis, employing the PageRank algorithm, identifies key papers with high citation impact across various topics. To accurately trace the development path of data literacy research, an enhanced PageRank main path algorithm is developed, which overcomes the limitations of existing methods confined to the Education & Educational Research field. Keyword bibliographic coupling analysis is employed to unravel the intellectual structure of data literacy research. Utilizing the PNNC algorithm, the detailed structure and clusters of the derived keyword bibliographic coupling network are revealed, including two large clusters, one with two smaller clusters and the other with five smaller clusters. The growth index and mean publishing year of each keyword and cluster are measured to pinpoint emerging topics. The analysis highlights the emergence of critical data literacy for social justice in higher education amidst the ongoing pandemic and the rise of AI chatbots. The enhanced PageRank main path algorithm, developed in this study, demonstrates its effectiveness in identifying parallel research streams developing across different fields.

Understanding the Evaluation of Quality of Experience for Metaverse Services Utilizing Text Mining: A Case Study on Roblox (텍스트마이닝을 활용한 메타버스 서비스의 경험 품질 평가의 이해: 로블록스 사례 연구)

  • Minjun Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2023
  • The metaverse, derived from the fusion of "meta" and "universe," encompasses a three-dimensional virtual realm where avatars actively participate in a range of political, economic, social, and cultural activities. With the recent development of the metaverse, the traditional way of experiencing services is changing. While existing studies have mainly focused on the technological advancements of metaverse services (e.g., scope of technological enablers, application areas of technologies), recent studies are focusing on evaluating the quality of experience (QoE) of metaverse services from a customer perspective. This is because understanding and analyzing service characteristics that determine QoE from a customer perspective is essential for designing successful metaverse services. However, relatively few studies have explored the customer-oriented approach for QoE evaluation thus far. This study conducted an online review analysis using text mining to overcome this limitation. In particular, this study analyzed 227,332 online reviews of the Roblox service, known as a representative metaverse service, and identified points for improving the Roblox service based on the analysis results. As a result of the study, nine service features that can be used for QoE evaluation of metaverse services were derived, and the importance of each feature was estimated through relationship analysis with service satisfaction. The importance estimation results identified the "co-experience" feature as the most important. These findings provide valuable insights and implications for service companies to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide useful insights to gain an advantage in the changing metaverse service environment.

Utilizing the Application of High-Intensity Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) Lasers Focused on Acupoint Irradiation (경혈 조사를 중심으로 본 고출력 Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) 레이저의 활용)

  • Maeum Lee;Yoomin Choi;Subin Ahn;Gihyang Lee;Eunhee Lee;Myungjin Yim;Hyung-Sik Seo;Eui-hyoung Hwang;Insoo Jang
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate on the application of the yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) lasers for acupoints irradiation. Methods : We conducted a systematic search for peer-reviewed studies published from inception to November 2023, in the following electronic databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science in English, Science ON, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS) and Research Information Sharing Service (RISS) in Korean, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Wanfang in Chinese, and Japan Science Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-STAGE) and Citation Information by NII (CiNii) in Japanese. Inclusion criteria were original articles including clinical and experimental studies related with YAG lasers for acupoints including Ashi or meridian sinews. Results : Among the 8 selected studies, there were 7 studies on human subjects and 1 study on animals, 7 studies on Nd:YAG (1,064 nm) laser, and 1 study on Er:YAG (2,940 nm) laser. A total of 16 acupoints were used, 15 of which were in the face and 1 of which was located in the foot. In addition, there were two studies using Ashi. 4 studies looked at the effect of pain relief, 2 studies looked at safety, 1 study looked at changes in blood flow, and 1 study looked at the effect of skin care. There were no reported adverse events, and the YAG laser was confirmed to be safe and effective in pain relief, beautifying the skin, and increasing blood flow. Conclusions : We suggest that high intensity YAG lasers can be applied to laser acupuncture or laser moxibustion. YAG lasers are considered to be worth using for various clinical indications of Korean medicine because of photobiomodulation effects, analgesic action, and deep penetration depth. Further scientific research and clinical evidences should be warranted.

Modeling of Damage Effects Caused by Ammonia Leakage Accidents in Combined Cycle Power Plant (복합화력발전소 내 암모니아 누출 사고에 의한 피해영향 모델링)

  • Eun-Seong Go;Kyeong-Sik Park;Dong-Min Kim;Young-Tai Noh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2023
  • This study focuses on modeling the impact of ammonia leakage from the storage tank in a combined cycle power plant's flue gas denitrification facility. It employs accident impact assessments and diffusion models to determine the optimal scenarios for ammonia storage tank leakage accidents. The study considers the operating conditions of variables as standard conditions for predicting the extent of damage. The Taean combined cycle power plant is chosen as the target area, taking into account seasonal factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, atmospheric stability, and wind direction. By utilizing a Gaussian diffusion model, the concentration of ammonia gas at various locations is estimated to assess the potential extent of external damage resulting from a leak. The study reveals that in conditions of high temperature and stable atmosphere within the specified range, lower wind speeds contribute to increased damage to the human body due to ammonia diffusion.

A Study on Mitigating the Disparity in Public Transportation Information Usage among the Elderly through Expert Delphi Survey (전문가 델파이 조사를 통한 고령층의 대중교통 정보이용 격차 해소방안 연구)

  • Miyoung BHIN;Seulki SON;Hyunju KIM;Chaewon LEE
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2023
  • Gyeonggi Province has established a bus information system to provide real-time bus arrival information, aiming to make bus usage convenient for its residents. While the Gyeonggi bus information system is becoming more advanced through the application of IT technology, there are still information-vulnerable groups finding it difficult to use. In particular, the elderly have a low level of digital information literacy and habe difficulty using it. In this regard, this study aims to address the information usage disparity among the elderly in public transportation by utilizing expert in-depth survey methodology known as the Delphi technique. The study classified the policy initiatives that Gyeonggi Province should undertake into three categories: user education and expanded promotion, technological development and dissemination, and providing convenient usage environment. Through two rounds of surveys, the study assessed the priority of ten specific sub-tasks within these categories. Additionally, it gathered opinions on the effectiveness and feasibility of each item. The results yielded prioritization and evaluation of effectiveness and feasibility for nine sub-tasks. Based on these outcomes, the study proposed future projects that Gyeonggi Province should implement to address the information disparity among the elderly, offering a comprehensive approach to bridge the gap.