• Title/Summary/Keyword: Utilizing

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An EMG-based Input Interface Technology for the Tetraplegic and Its Applications (사지마비 장애인을 위한 근전도 기반 입력 인터페이스 기술 및 그 응용)

  • Jeong, Hyuk;Kim, Jong-Sung;Son, Wook-Ho;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2006
  • We propose an EMG-based input interface technology for helping the tetraplegic to utilize mouse, keyboard and power wheelchair. Among possible actions for the tetraplegic utilizing these devices, teeth-clenching is chosen as an input action. By clenching left, right or both teeth, and controlling the clenching duration, several input commands for utilizing the devices can be conducted. EMG signals generated by teeth-clenching are acquired around one's left and right temples and they are used as control sources for utilizing the devices. We develop signal acquisition devices, signal processing algorithms, and prototype systems such as power wheelchair control, mouse control, and game control. Our experimental results with the tetraplegic show that the proposed method is useful for utilizing the devices.

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DRA: Duplication Resolver Algorithm for Power Conservation Utilizing Software Defined Network (SDN)

  • Masoud, Mohammad;Jaradat, Yousef;Jannoud, Ismael;Huang, Hong
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.3351-3369
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, datacenters, network devices and computers have proliferated. The power consumed by information and communication technology (ICT) devices has inflated in an extraordinary manner. Green communication has emerged as a new approach to reduce and optimize power consumption in ICT sector. Many methods and protocols have been proposed and implemented to achieve green communication. Nevertheless, the increase of power consumption remains a problem. In this work, we attempt to reduce and optimize power consumption of network devices in datacenters environment utilizing software defined network (SDN) paradigm. To gain more insight of the power consumption requirements of network switches, a power measurement system is constructed to measure power consumption levels of network devices. Subsequently, we propose a duplication resolver algorithm (DRA) to power off/on switches reactively. DRA algorithm reduces the required time by switches to construct their flow tables after rebooting. To this end, DRA-based external circuit has been constructed utilizing Ethernet module and an Arduino kit to control power supplies of network devices. To facilitate our work, a testbed has been constructed utilizing Ryu SDN controller, HP2920-24G switches and Arduino kits. Our results show that DRA algorithm can reduce both the power usage and start-up time delay of network switches after failures.

Study on Estimation for Discharge Coefficient of Diagonal Weir (경사 위어의 유량계수 산정에 대한 연구)

  • Im, Jang-Hyuk;Jin, Sin-Wook;Song, Jai-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2009
  • This study examined hydraulic characteristics on diagonal weirs with hydraulic experiment and presented a discharge coefficient equation utilizing multiple regression analysis for various design conditions. This study had a object in designing efficiently diagonal weirs utilizing this equation. Diagonal weirs maintained uniformly upstream water level than rectangular suppressed weirs. Also, as installation degrees of diagonal weirs increased, diagonal weirs increased maintenance effects of a upstream water level. Because of these characteristics, diagonal weirs were suitable to canal system. This study presented discharge coefficient equations for diagonal weirs utilizing simple regression analysis. But, these equations are some restrictions on degrees. Therefore, this study presented an equation to estimate directly discharge coefficients to various degrees utilizing multiple regression analysis. This equation was verified by making use of analyses of $R^2$, the sum of residuals, MAPE. Therefore, this equation is enable to make good use of a design in diagonal weirs.

A case study of assessment items construction through the teacher's training for making up questions utilizing GeoGebra (GeoGebra 활용 문항 출제 연수를 통한 평가 문항 제작 사례 연구)

  • Yang, Seong Hyun;Huh, Nan
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2015
  • When teachers make up assessment questions regarding the content area that contains shapes and graphs, they should present the pictures so that their role might be represented properly. We exhibited the process of constructing shapes and graphs utilizing GeoGebra, and simultaneously analyzed the process of developing and revising questions using this and awareness changes in teachers who participate in the teacher's training focused on improving professionalism for making up questions such as CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test). Through the survey they mentioned that making questions utilizing algebraic construction overcame the limitations of making up questions and played an instrumental role in developing creative questions. Based on the results, We suggested effectiveness of making up questions utilizing algebraic construction. Our intention was to improve the skills of teachers for making up questions such as CSAT and to suggest implications about it.

The Effect of Motion Activities Utilizing Various Materials on Young Children’s Emotional Intelligence (다양한 소재를 활용한 동작활동이 유아의 정서지능에 미치는 효과)

  • 김영주;송영나
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motion activities utilizing various of materials(ex, using fabric, stone, wood, percussion instrument) on young children's emotional intelligence and its subareas, including the an ability to identify and control their on emotions, self-motivating skills, the ability to identify other's emotional state, and interpersonal skills. The subjects in this study were 60, 5-year-old preschoolers attending D kindergarten in U city. The experiment w3s implemented in an experimental group 36 times for 12 weeks, three times a week, by using various of materials. The control group was only exposed to the routine phvsical programs according to the 6th curricula. To see if there were any disparities between pretest and posttest results, paired t-test was carried out, and t-test by independent sampling was employed to find out intergroup gaps. Following are the findings of this study. First, the motion activities utilizing various materials made a significant difference to the young children's emotional intelligence. Second, the motion activities atilizing various materials was effective for their ability to identify their own emotions, ability to control their own emotions and self-motivation. Third, the motion activities utilizing various materials didn't bring any significant changes to the young children's ability to identify other's emotions and their interpersonal skills. Thus, motion activities that took advantage of various materials had a positive impact on the development of the emotional intelligence of the young children. We suggest that more attention be paid to motion activities and the formulation of various and systematic motion programs as a way to raise emotional intelligence.

Blended Learning Applied Curriculum Design for Nursing Department's Computer-Utilizing Academic Subjects (간호학과의 컴퓨터 활용 교과목 수업을 위한 브랜디드 러닝을 적용한 교과과정 설계)

  • Yoon, Sung-Ja;Kim, No-Whan;Park, Jin-Seob
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2017
  • This paper is intended to provide a good lecture to computer utilizing courses in the Department of Nursing, therefore first analyzes the outlines of relevant qualifying examinations as well as the contents of the textbooks and syllabus that are currently taught in universities, and then design the curriculum by applying blended learning for effective proceedings of computer-utilizing course. The curriculum for computer-utilizing course which this paper suggests is based on blended learning which blends face-to-face classes with e-learning classes, and its two tracks of teaching and practice include weekly core areas, teaching goals, and subjects. Therefore, this curriculum is expected to lead to excellent learning outcomes as it will become a good teaching scheme for teachers and will motivate students to acquire license. and to find employment.

Development and Effects of the Project-Based Learning Instruction Module Using ICT in Elementary School Science Classroom (초등 과학과 ICT 활용 프로젝트 기반 학습 수업 모듈 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, Sang-Gyun;Lee, Yong-Seob;Kim, Sang-Dal;Choi, Sung-Bong;Kim, Sun-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.189-200
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of learning that has applied instruction module utilizing ICT in project-based learning in elementary science classroom on improvement of the self-directed learning skills and the problem-solving skills. For this purpose, the project based learning instruction module utilizing ICT based was developed and conducted to 2 class consisting of 66 elementary students in the 6th grade to clarify the effects. As a result of the study, first, the instruction module utilizing ICT in project-based learning was effective in improving self-directed learning skills of students. As the subordinate effects of self-directed learning skills it showed improved effects in diagnosing desire to learn, setting goals, basic self-managing ability, selecting learning strategy, durability of practicing learning, making effort for result, and self-examination but it did not show improved effects in figuring out recognition of resources for Learning. Second, it was effective in improving the problem-solving skills of students. As the subordinate effects of problem-solving skills it showed improved effects in problem recognition, information gathering, analysis, thinking prior to dissemination, planning skill, and evaluation but it did not show effect on decision making, implementation & risk-taking and feedback.

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A Study on Efficient Plans for Acquisition of Office Automation Certificate of Qualification Relating to Computer (컴퓨터 관련 사무자동화 자격증취득을 위한 효율화 방안)

  • Lee Kyong-Oh
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.15
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    • pp.165-186
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    • 2004
  • When certificates of qualification relating to computer have shown up like dam water and meeting the age of office automation (OA) utilizing computer throughout the community, and at the point of time when the promotion of efficiency of duty is attempted by utilizing internet, the improvement plans should be groped for to expect to cultivate the national industrial manpower efficiently and by easily approaching the related OA certificates of qualification related to computer so that everyone can acauire the additional points for recognition of credit, entering company and promotion by the dimension of public trust, recognition degree, practial using level in actual affairs, reliability of problems and after manpower management of the certificates of qualification less expensively and saving time. the concrete plans are as follows: First, in the standard of making questions for the examination of 'Computer Utilizing Ability' executed by the chamber of commerce and Industry, there is the independent examination, but by inserting the presentation portion in the higher grade and middle grade, it should be contributed to improve office efficiency both in mane and reality. Second, though the internet retriever's examination is executed by the nongovernment specialized examination, since it is actually widely utilized in the office activities due to universality of using internet, it is now the time to newly establish and accommodate it as the national examination of 'internet Utilizing Ability', not the interest specialized retriever. Third, the applicants, shall take examination for the nongoverment certificate of qualification or enterprise's certificate of qualification at the date and place designated by the applicant, but there are much restrictions for the national certificate of qualification, so the date of examination shall be decided flexibly and efficiently to give chances to students by adjusting to the semesters of the students. Fourth, in this rapidly changing age of the informationalization community, the acquisition of the certificates of qualification through the university and the designated and entrusted educational institutes should be increased the proportion of activation to become officially recognized, and the extent of special treatment for obtainers of the certificate of qualification should be expanded to equip manpower competitive power in the age of informationalization.

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A Study on the State of Utilizing Fire Facility in Fire Fighting (소방시설의 화재진압 활용실태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Seop
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.144-148
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    • 2011
  • In this study I investigated that fire fighters utilize fire facilities properly or not, and found problems and solutions with interview and questionnaire. Fire fighters tend to utilize portable instruments. 62% of fire fighters have used fire facilities which is installed in building. The most useful facility is indoor fire hydrant, 42% of fire fighters have used that. The primary reason to avoid to use facility is that they think the facilities are not good at quick response. Almost fire fighters want improvement to enhance utilizing fire facilities. Finally in the fire scene, commander's initiative, fire fighter's ability, easiness of utilizing fire facilities, and fire fighter's creditibility about fire facilities are related to the degree of utilizing fire facilities.

Integration of UTIS and WIS information for Determining Speed Limits of Variable Speed Limit System (가변속도제한시스템의 제한속도 결정을 위한 UTIS 정보와 기상정보 연계방안)

  • Son, Hyun-Ho;Lee, Choul-Ki;Lee, Sang-Soo;Yun, Il-Soo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2012
  • There has been a strong demand for providing diverse services to drivers utilizing existing ITS infrastructure. To this end, this study is aiming at improving the accuracy of a variable speed limit system by determining recommended speeds for the system utilizing the information from Urban Traffic Information System(UTIS) and Weather Information System(WIS). In order to determine appropriate speed limits under inclement weather conditions for the variable speed limit system, this study examined three methods: i) the method utilizing the information from WIS, ii) the method utilizing the information from UTIS, and iii) the method which combines the information from WIS and UTIS using different weights for diverse weather conditions. Finally, this study selected the third method which determines an appropriate speed limit using the relationship between the vehicle operating speed and the minimum stopping distance which is estimated using the existing speed limit, surface coefficient of friction and superelevation.