• Title/Summary/Keyword: Utility Work

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Can Glypican3 be Diagnostic for Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma among Egyptian Patients?

  • Abdelgawad, Iman Attia;Mossallam, Ghada Ibrahim;Radwan, Noha Hassan;Elzawahry, Heba Mohammed;Elhifnawy, Niveen Mostafa
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.7345-7349
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    • 2013
  • Background: Because of the high prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Egypt, new markers with better diagnostic performance than alpha-feto protein (AFP) are needed to help in early diagnosis. The aim of this work was to compare the clinical utility of both serum and mRNA glypican3 (GPC3) as probable diagnostic markers for HCC among Egyptian patients. Materials and Methods: A total of 60 subjects, including 40 with HCC, 10 with cirrhosis and 10 normal controls were analyzed for serum GPC3 (sGPC3) by ELISA. GPC-3 mRNA from circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells was amplified by RT-PCR. Both markers were compared to some prognostic factors of HCC, and sensitivity of both techniques was compared. Results: Serum glypican-3 and AFP were significantly higher in the HCC group compared to cirrhotic and normal controls (p<0.001). Sensitivity and specificity were (95% each) for sGlypican-3, (82.5% and 85%) for AFP, and (100% and 90%) for Glypican3 mRNA, and (80% and 95%) for double combination between sGPC3 and AFP respectively. Conclusion: Both serum GPC-3 and GPC-3mRNA are promising diagnostic markers for early detection of HCC in Egyptian patients. RT- PCR proved to be more sensitive (100%) than ELISA (95%) in detecting glypican3.

A Study on the Music of Musical based on Conceptual Blending Theory (개념적 혼성 이론을 통한 뮤지컬 <웨스트 사이드 스토리>의 음악 연구)

  • Seong, Chan-Kyeong;Chang, Min-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.648-658
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    • 2020
  • In essence, Musical theatre is a multimedia show, so when you listen to musical numbers, you will experience it through multiple senses. Therefore, in order to analyze musical numbers, emphasis should be placed on its interaction with various media such as lyrics, dance, and theatre, which have a direct association with the music. Through the Conceptual Blending Theory, which can comprehensively consider the combination of text and music, the combination of movement and music, and the combination of visual elements and music, this study analyzes the music of Musical . By exploring the result of interaction between lyrics and music, the interaction between choreography and music, and the interaction between stage and music, the artistry and intrinsic value of the work can be proved. In addition, we can discover the process and system of integrated interpretation through music analysis applying Conceptual Blending Theory. Therefore, Conceptual Blending Theory has sufficient utility as a methodology for music analysis of musical theatre.

The Application Technology of Korean-style R&D in Verification for deploying the Neo-Korean Style Public Building - Focused on the positivistic case R&D Technologies in Neo-Korean Style Public building

  • Kim, Young-Hoon;Peck, Yoo-Jung;Park, Joon-Young
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study, by comprehensively the characteristics of new Hanok application techniques with the proposed site application technology in the course of the design changes that have been accumulated through Hanok technology development the second stage business, by analyzing the range of reflection, new Considering the direction reflects the efficiency of the new Hanok application techniques. Method: new Hanok application technology, it was been established through research and development of large 1 new Hanok technology it has been proposed through the "site-specific application techniques" and 2 builders and designers "space-time proposed technique" Analysis of the case, at the center of the design changes, the land the body of laws and regulations, the requirements of the public buildings, compared to the construction method and the like for the reduction of construction costs, new Hanok applied technology in the process of change by it There was analyzed whether acceleration on the range and step which is reflected in the design Result: The result of new Hanok applied technology was built through the demonstration build business case, process another major technology, foundation, woodwork, walls, roof, has been reflected in the ceiling construction, the inclusion of items in the proposed technique of construction , it was applied to the main steps in general, except for other construction work landscaping. Application techniques and construction proposal technology research team has presented, show the difference between the scope and method. With significance effort to improve the unreasonable traditional methods of these core processes that can be reflected in the field repeated the construction proposed technique as a result of the utility that can be applied for substantial construction.

A Study about Materialism in Fashion and Arte Povera - Focusing on Italian Fashion in the 1960s and beyond - (패션과 Arte Povera에 표현된 물질성 - 1960년대와 이후 이탈리아 패션을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Kim, Min-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.126-142
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    • 2009
  • Arte Povera, which was started centering around of Italy in 1960, made a great sensation using by base materials in the works that were totally different from other artists' work. Beginning of Arte Povera was just starting of Base Materialism and it was a reconsideration about the life's authenticity in material civilization. Arte Povera carried worthless materials, which were overlook or ignored in the life, into the gallery. In this study, records and Arte Povera Group's works was studied. The outcome of Arte Povera's materialism was used to an analysis of fashion designers' works. It shows how to explain Arte povera's materialism in fashion designers' works in 1960s and since 1990. Materialism in fashion is expanding from constructed materials of the clothing to the body. The expression method is getting various and complex. As if 1960s' art was, modern fashion is getting one of the testing places for the Ideology. It is getting out of the boundary of the utility as fashion art by using materials. So a function of the clothing is expending including wareing. The same expression methods of the materialism between fashion and art are as follow: First, revealing silhouette or materialism of the body or material as formless material. Second, an expression method as Base Materialism from a raw material. Third, the mobility and the transformation, which are a changeable characteristic according to a place, a space and an audience.

Dual Cycle Plan for Efficient Ship Loading and Unloading in Container Terminals (컨테이너 터미널의 효율적인 선적 작업을 위한 Dual Cycle 계획)

  • Chung, Chang-Yun;Shin, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2009
  • At container terminals, a major measurement of productivity can be work-efficiency in quay-side. At the apron, containers are loaded onto the ship and unloaded to apron by Q/C(Quay Crane). For improving the productivity of quay crane, the more efficient Y/T(Yard Tractor) operation method is necessary in container terminals. Between quay-side and yard area, current transferring methods is single-cycling which doesn't start loading unless it finishes unloading. Dual-cycling is a technique that can be used to improve the productivity of quay-side and utility of yard tractor by ship loading and unloading simultaneously. Using the dual-cycling at terminals only necessitates an operational change without purchasing extra equipment. Exactly, Y/T operation method has to be changed the dedicate system to pooling system. This paper presents an efficient ship loading and unloading plan in container terminals, which use the dual-cycling. We propose genetic and tabu search algorithm for this problem.

Method of extracting context from media data by using video sharing site

  • Kondoh, Satoshi;Ogawa, Takeshi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.709-713
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    • 2009
  • Recently, a lot of research that applies data acquired from devices such as cameras and RFIDs to context aware services is being performed in the field on Life-Log and the sensor network. A variety of analytical techniques has been proposed to recognize various information from the raw data because video and audio data include a larger volume of information than other sensor data. However, manually watching a huge amount of media data again has been necessary to create supervised data for the update of a class or the addition of a new class because these techniques generally use supervised learning. Therefore, the problem was that applications were able to use only recognition function based on fixed supervised data in most cases. Then, we proposed a method of acquiring supervised data from a video sharing site where users give comments on any video scene because those sites are remarkably popular and, therefore, many comments are generated. In the first step of this method, words with a high utility value are extracted by filtering the comment about the video. Second, the set of feature data in the time series is calculated by applying functions, which extract various feature data, to media data. Finally, our learning system calculates the correlation coefficient by using the above-mentioned two kinds of data, and the correlation coefficient is stored in the DB of the system. Various other applications contain a recognition function that is used to generate collective intelligence based on Web comments, by applying this correlation coefficient to new media data. In addition, flexible recognition that adjusts to a new object becomes possible by regularly acquiring and learning both media data and comments from a video sharing site while reducing work by manual operation. As a result, recognition of not only the name of the seen object but also indirect information, e.g. the impression or the action toward the object, was enabled.

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A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Dynamic Spectrum Decision Methods for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Network (이종 인지 라디오 네트워크에서 협력 스펙트럼 센싱 및 동적 스펙트럼 결정 방법)

  • Kim, Nam-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.7A
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    • pp.560-568
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    • 2012
  • Spectrum sensing and spectrum decision are the main functions that cognitive radios (CRs) have to perform in order to get the best available spectrum band for the establishment of a wireless communication. These problems are worsened in the presence of users with different demands and spectrum channels with different properties in a heterogeneous network. The primary objective in this work is to design and simulate a new spectrum decision algorithm for heterogeneous cognitive radio system. To this end, first, we consider all cognitive users are separated into different traffic classes according to their Quality of Service (QoS). The cognitive users within one traffic class perform spectrum sensing in centralized group-based cooperative spectrum sensing system and the users of different traffic classes share the sensing results. Second, we propose a novel use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to optimally select available bands according to user requirements and detected spectrum channel characteristics (SCC). In this paper, utility function is used as spectrum decision algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method shows can effectively select the best available spectrum channels with a low complexity.

Game Theoretic Approach for Joint Resource Allocation in Spectrum Sharing Femtocell Networks

  • Ahmad, Ishtiaq;Liu, Shang;Feng, Zhiyong;Zhang, Qixun;Zhang, Ping
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.627-638
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we study the joint price and power allocation in spectrum sharing macro-femtocell networks. The proposed game theoretic framework is based on bi-level Stackelberg game where macro base station (MBS) works as a leader and underlaid femto base stations (FBSs) work as followers. MBS has fixed data rate and imposes interference price on FBSs for maintaining its data rate and earns revenue while FBSs jointly adjust their power for maximizing their data rates and utility functions. Since the interference from FBSs to macro user equipment is kept under a given threshold and FBSs compete against each other for power allocation, there is a need to determine a power allocation strategy which converges to Stackelberg equilibrium. We consider two cases for MBS power allocation, i.e., fixed and dynamic power. MBS can adjust its power in case of dynamic power allocation according to its minimum data rate requirement and number of FBSs willing to share the spectrum. For both cases we consider uniform and non-uniform pricing where MBS charges same price to all FBSs for uniform pricing and different price to each FBS for non-uniform pricing according to its induced interference. We obtain unique closed form solution for each case if the co-interference at FBSs is assumed fixed. And an iterative algorithm which converges rapidly is also proposed to take into account the effect of co-tier interference on interference price and power allocation strategy. The results are explained with numerical simulation examples which validate the effectiveness of our proposed solutions.

Utility of Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery Perforator's 3D Image with MD-CT (MD-CT로 얻은 가쪽넙다리휘돌이 관통동맥 3D 영상의 유용성)

  • Park, Soo Ho;Shim, Jeong Su;Lee, Sang Kon;Park, Dae Hwan
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Currently, using perforator artery flaps especially anterolateral thigh flaps are widely used for reconstruction of extremities, head and neck. Obtaining a precise anatomical picture prior to operation will translate to a more accurate, efficient and safe procedure. Authors used 3D-image work up via 64-slice MDCT to make a more precise preoperative plan. Methods: A total of 10 patients underwent soft tissue reconstruction with anterolateral thigh flap from December 2006 to December 2007. The 64-Channel MDCT (LightSpeed VCT, GE, USA) was used and 3D images were reconstructed. Findings from MDCT were applied to the preoperative planning and confirmed with intraoperative findings. Results: The average number of perforator arteries from lateral circumflex femoral artery was 2. The average lengths of vascular pedicle from the origin of lateral circumflex femoral artery to the first and second perforator artery were 11.0 cm and 20.0 cm, respectively. The average diameter of the pedicle artery was 2.2 mm. The locations of the perforator arteries were mapped and localized on the body surface based on the MDCT result. These were confirmed through direct visualization intraoperatively. Conclusion: MDCT has an advantage of obtaining accurate images of the general anatomy and even fine structures like perforator arteries. By using this state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging technique, it is now possible to make an operative plan safely and easily.

A Study on the Purpose of the Elementary Mathematics Education - Based on Korea and Japan's Curriculum and Its Handbook which was Revised in the Last 20th Century (한국과 일본의 초등학교 수학과 목표에 관한 고찰 - 20세기 말 개정된 교육과정 및 해설서를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Mun-Kyu
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.111-135
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    • 2005
  • In this study I compared Korea's elementary school mathematics curriculum and its handbook with Japan's curriculum and its handbook. Based on that work, I induced some suggestions which is useful to develop mathematics curriculum in the future. First, the purposes of Korea's elementary school mathematics curriculum focused on the system of mathematics, scholastic ability and learning volition. On the other hand, Japan's curriculum concentrated on the utility of mathematics in daily life and the motive of learning mathematics. Secondly, purposes of mathematics education written in Japan's curriculum handbook, differing from Korea's, are closely divided into concrete items. Finally, purposes of mathematics education in each grade, written in Japan's curriculum handbook, are presented in outlined form according to general purpose of mathematics curriculum. The merit of this way is that the researcher could display flexibilities and creativities in making mathematics textbook.

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