• Title/Summary/Keyword: Utility Work

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Advances in Load-Sharing Parameter Estimation for Reliability Systems (시스템 신뢰도 계산을 위한 로드쉐어링 모수 추정에 관한 고찰)

  • Hyoungtae Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2024
  • This paper chronicles the evolution of load-sharing parameter estimation methodologies, with a particular focus on the significant contributions made by Kim and Kvam (2004) and Park (2012). Kim and Kvam's pioneering work underscored the inherent challenges in deriving closed-form solutions for load-share parameters, which necessitated the use of sophisticated numerical optimization techniques. Park's research, on the other hand, provided groundbreaking closed-form solutions and extended the theoretical framework to accommodate more general distributions of component lifetimes. This was achieved by incorporating EM-type methods for maximum likelihood estimation, which represented a significant advancement in the field. Unlike previous efforts, this paper zeroes in on the specific characteristics and advantages of closed-form solutions for load-share parameters within reliability systems. Much like the basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model enhances the understanding of real-life inventory systems dynamics, our analysis aims to thoroughly explore the conditions under which these closed-form solutions are valid. We investigate their stability, robustness, and applicability to various types of systems. Through this comprehensive study, we aspire to provide a deep understanding of the practical implications and potential benefits of these solutions. Building on previous advancements, our research further examines the robustness of these solutions in diverse reliability contexts, aiming to shed light on their practical relevance and utility in real-world applications.

Comprehensive Survey on Multi Attribute Decision Making Methods for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

  • Beom-Su Kim;Ki-Il Kim;GyuRi Chang;Kyong Hoon Kim;BongSoo Roh;Jae-Hyun Ham
    • Journal of Internet Technology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.1575-1588
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    • 2019
  • Recently, to design dynamic networks without existing infrastructure, wireless ad hoc networks have been proposed to establish self-organizing networks. In this type of network, to resolve the primary research challenge of establishing a stable path between source and destination, several metrics or utility values have been proposed to meet the specific objectives, as well as improve packet delivery ratio when developing communication protocols or addressing technical issues. Notably, most existing studies use the Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) algorithm to balance weights between relevant metrics to realize the above objective. However, despite their significant efforts, a comprehensive survey paper analyzing them together has not been published. Thus, in this paper, we describe the recent research and development efforts to employ MADM in ad hoc networks. First, we provide an overview of MADM and explain the well-known algorithms. After categorizing the current work according to the algorithms, the existing schemes are further divided by the type of networks. Based on this classification, we then detail the procedures with their research objectives. Furthermore, we present other research challenges and apparent problems in this research area.

A Study on Implementation of Primary Health Care Delivery System meet to Rural Area in Korea -Village Health Voluntary Worker Development- (우리 나라 농촌지역(農村地域)에 부합하는 1차(次) 보건의료전달체계(保健醫療傳達體系) 정착구현(定着具現)에 관한 연구(硏究) -마을 보건임원(保健任員) 개발(開發)-)

  • Koo, Y.C.;Wie, J.H.;Hwang, S.J.;Choi, S.S.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 1979
  • A study was carried out from October 1977 to September 1978 in order to develope health care delively system which will meet to rural area in Korea. For the study objective a model of health care delivery system of Myun (township) area was developed which is adopted the net-work of village health voluntary worker who will play the role of bridge for communication related with health and illness between families or village people and health subcenter, and :he model health care delivery system net-work was set in the area of Soodong Myun, Yangju Gun. which is the rural health demonstration area of Ewha Womans University since 1972. The activities and attitude of 22 village health voluntary workers were observed and analized. during the study period. The results are as follows; 1. For the field activities of village health voluntary workers. a guide line which is described with specific behavioral objectives was developed and used for not only training of the workers but also evaluation of their field activities. 2. During the study period, the number of 971 village people were served primary health care service by village health voluntary worker and the service was classified largely into symptomatic medications (92%) and preventive measures (8%). 3. Comparative percentage of the number of 894 symptomatic cases cared by village health voluntary workers to 5,695 cases of patient treated by Soodong Health Subcenter during the same period was 15.7%. 4. Annual utility rate of village health voluntary worker by Myun total people was 16.1% but utility rate by Rie was varied from 38.2% to 2.8% which shown there were considerable differences in each Rie. In order to settle the village health care service, the obstructive factors of utility should be detected and their counter measure must be taken. 5. As the health need of village people increases, it is expected that the supplement of drug excluding present sit basic drugs is inevitable, but considering the ability of village health voluntary worker, the selection of additional drugs and education, plan should be carefully studied. 6. It is desirable that a financial resource for supplementary purchase of first aid kit, drugs and materials whould be alloted from village public fund like Saemaeul Women's Club fund, which has already practiced in a few villages in the study area. 7. As pointed out by village health voluntary workers, in order to improve the village health, village leaders should be in the center of it and the cooperation of whole village people is a core of healthful village development, and it is reasonable that the health subcenter backs up these voluntary health activities by village people in techniques. 8. It seems effective that a supplementary education for village health voluntary worker be accomplished by a planned education through regular meetings like worker's monthly meeting and irregular post guide when Myun Health Workers can handle the problems found during the round trip of villages. 9. It is desirable that village health voluntary workers, who are recommended by a civil voluntary organization like Saemael Woman's Club, are charged by natural villagc unit, are given a function of village health care service and used through basic education at health subcenter. 10. It is advisable that the village health voluntary worker's service is compensated not by a form of money, but by other way such as an exemption of medical fee of worker herself or her families in health subcenter can be one method. 11. Daily health activities of each village health voluntary worker should be reported to health subcenter by biweekly or monthly in order to get not only for basic data of the program but also for evaluation the program. It is recomandable that the report form should be simple and clear enough for village health voluntary worker to fill it effectively. 12. Village health care service should be developed into a Saemaeul Movement in which village people actively participate. For this, the appointed function of village health voluntary worker should be absorbed into those of living Environment Betterment Section or Family Planning Section of Saemaeul Women's Club or it is desirable that establish a new section, Village Health Promoting Section and make it involve the appointed functions of those sections mentioned above.

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The Research on Job Analysis of Horse-Riding Instructor (승마지도사에 관한 직무분석 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon;Yi, Joo-Wook;Lee, In-Kyung
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.145-167
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to prepare the measures for evaluating the job of horse-riding instructor and improvement related to it and for distributing horse-riding industry effectively. Forsuch, we tried to analyze job of horse-riding instructor. Inparticular, we have developed DACUM chart of horse-riding instructor through DACUM method and experts related to it. As result, we found out eight duties and hundreds of job and arranged seven duty areas in total and eighty-two executed works. In addition, as experts said, the horse-riding instructor is the one who 'instructs people learning horse-riding in horse-riding facility and manages horses, horse-riding equipment and man-power.' Such results provide the procedure of horse-riding instructor cultivation which has been presently underway with many viewpoints. Especially, there are three educational processes and subject materials related to horse-riding instructor's examination(Hipologia, Horse-treatment technique, Horse Health management). However, as result of analysis on duty, we found out that racecourse management and horse-riding education theory has been needed to be added and complemented as well. In addition, the work and duty of analysis can be used to be made use up of as work profile and specification and such data can be also made use of as standard of training and submission. Through this study there should be a necessary work to distinguish between re-drafting and role of duty in its own right related to certification of horse-riding instructor in future and it would be necessary to develop study that is able to connect them all to certificate. What is more, there should be work and measure required for rethinking of utility of certification.

Estimation of fire Experiment Prediction by Utility Tunnels Fire Experiment and Simulation (지하공동구 화재 실험 및 시뮬레이션에 의한 화재 설칠 예측 평가)

  • 윤명오;고재선;박형주;박성은
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2001
  • The utility tunnels are the important facility as a mainstay of country because of the latest communication developments. However, the utilities tunnel is difficult to deal with in case of a fire accident. When a cable burns, the black smoke containing poisonous gas will be reduced. This black smoke goes into the tunnel, and makes it difficult to extinguish the fire. Therefore, when there was a fire in the utility tunnel, the central nerves of the country had been paralyzed, such as property damage, communication interruption, in addition to inconvenience for people. This paper is based on the fire occurred in the past, and reenacting the fire by making the real utilities tunnel model. The aim of this paper is the scientific analysis of the character image of the fire, and the verification of each fire protection system whether it works well after process of setting up a fire protection system in the utilities tunnel at a constant temperature. The fire experiment was equipped with the linear heat detector, the fire door, the connection water spray system and the ventilation system in the utilities tunnel. Fixed portion of an electric power supply cable was coated with a fire retardant coating, and a heating tube was covered with a fireproof. The result showed that the highest temperature was $932^{\circ}c$ and the linear heat detector was working at the constant temperature, and it pointed at the place of the fire on the receiving board, and Fixed portion of the electric power supply cable coated with the fire retardant coating did not work as the fireproof. The heating tube was covered with the fireproof about 30 minutes.

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A Study on the Leisure Programs and Programs Organization of Space in Senior Welfare Center according to Senior Citizens' Changed Life Style - Focused on the case of Gwangju Metropolitan City - (변화된 노인의 라이프스타일에 따른 노인복지관 여가프로그램 및 공간구성 연구 - 광주광역시 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Ju, Hyun-Jin;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.176-185
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    • 2015
  • Senior citizens' new life style has appeared according to the massive retirement of the baby boom generation since 2010. Consequently, Senior Welfare Centers, the provider of elderly leisure programs, has been asked for the programs and spaces which are able to meet the changing life style of the elderly. This study focuses on the survey for current status of leisure programs in accordance with the changing life style and on the investigation for sensible usage of space in senior welfare centers in Gwangju Metropolitan city. The result shows the portion of the programs which every center provides is quite different according to the life style. The program types for challenge and utility are provided 192 times a week and the program types for health and sociality 133 times a week. Both types shows high frequency of supply and use of the program especially 85 times of information-oriented education, 64 times of musical instruments, and 42 times of foreign language are supplied vividly. On the contrary, the program types for fashion and self-management and the program types for volunteer work and achievement are insufficient, so It should be reconsidered to establish the programs and to supply the space for the program from now on. The current status for spatial usage shows that most of the centers share a space for several programs. It means that the space of the Senior Welfare Center is limited and various programs should be run in the narrow space. High frequency programs like the program types for challenge and utility secure sufficient spaces not to miscarry the use for the programs. The center of case B has well equipped and large space and provides proper space for each programs to meet the demand of the senior citizens. Like these, Senior Welfare Centers in Gwangju Metropolitan city have supported Senior citizens' Life Style by supplying various leisure programs to meet the demand for it. This research could be used as the basis for the programs about the spatial utilization in accordance with various future life style of Senior citizens'.

What Factors Affect Pre-service Teachers in Choosing Teaching Science as Career?: Teaching Motivations of Pre-Service Science Teachers in Korea (왜 과학교사가 되려하는가? -우리나라 예비과학교사들의 교직 선택 동기-)

  • Lee, Bongwoo;Kim, Heekyong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service science teachers' motivation factor and satisfaction of teaching choice in Korea. For this purpose, we surveyed 815 pre-service science teachers in 11 universities in Korea. The questionnaire used in this study was the FIT-Choice scale (Factors Influencing Teaching-Choice) developed by Richardson and Watt (2006). The most significant factor in choosing teaching science as a profession was 'intrinsic value,' followed by 'social utility value,' but lower than the average of other countries in the previous research results. The confidence in teaching professions was low because the percentage of respondents about 'ability' was low and 'task demand' was high. Satisfaction with teaching choice was 5.36, and it is lower than the average of responses in Australia and USA. As for the differences according to gender, male pre-service teachers responded that they chose teaching because they have the proper ability to teach, while female pre-service teachers perceived that the influence of others was greater. Also, female pre-service teachers felt the burden of job such as hard work and emotional demands more than men. Finally, the motivation which showed the highest correlation with the satisfaction of choosing to teach was the intrinsic value. Therefore, finding ways to increase the intrinsic/social utility motivation for pre-service science teachers and differentiated approach considering gender differences are needed.

Comparison of CO2 Removal Capabilities among Rectisol, SelexolTM, and Purisol Process for DME Synthesis and Separation Process (DME 합성 및 분리공정에서 CO2 제거를 위한 Rectisol 공정과 SelexolTM 및 Purisol 공정 사이의 성능비교)

  • Noh, Jaehyun;Park, Hoey Kyung;Kim, Dongsun;Cho, Jungho
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.237-247
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    • 2017
  • In the dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis and separation process, over 8% by mole of $CO_2$ is fed to the DME synthesis reactor which lowers DME productivity. Therefore, this work focused on the removal of $CO_2$ using three kinds of processes with physical absorbents by comparing the utility consumption through computer simulation of each process. Among the processes selected for comparison are Rectisol$^{(R)}$ process using methanol, Purisol$^{(R)}$ process using n-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), and SelexolTM process using dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol (DEPG) as a solvent. As a result of this study, it was concluded that Purisol$^{(R)}$ process consumes the least energy followed by SelexolTM process. Therefore, it is considered that Purisol$^{(R)}$ process is the most suitable method to absorb $CO_2$ contained in the feed of DME synthesis reactor.

Developing and Utilizing of a Social Workers' Ethical Sensitivity Test(SWEST) (사회복지사 윤리적 민감성 검사도구(SWEST) 개발 및 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Myung-Min
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 2008
  • This study tried to develop an test tool of social workers' ethical sensitivity(SWEST) on base of realization about the importance of ethical sensitivity of social worker who are required more ethicalities than the other professionals. Nevertheless, there has been no tool that can measure ethical sensitivity of social workers in our country up to now. Through analysis of existing ethical sensitivity tests in other professions, a paper and pencil method about unstructured question with cases including ethical issues and structured scoring system was chosen as an appropriate method for the SWEST. This study progressed in order : 1st collecting cases, 2nd composing cases, 3rd consulting cases, 4th pilot study, 5th making scoring standards, 6th determining case examples and scoring standards. With the result, the tool consists of 3 case examples with ethical issues : 1) self-determination and confidentiality, 2) equality and double relationship, 3) informed consent and conflict interest. And ethical sensitivities of social work major students and social workers were measured with the SWEST, to see practical utility of this test. The agreement degrees between two independent raters were above 90%. And respondent's ethical sensitivity displayed the most definite difference according to taking or not taking a course 'Social work values and ethics'. Through these results, it can be drawn that the SWEST is reliable and valid to test relevant differences in Korean social workers' ethical sensitivity. The SWEST is expected to activate studying, educating, and practicing ethics in social work.

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Narrative Strategies for Learning Enhanced Interface Design "Symbol Mall"

  • Uttaranakorn, Jirayu;McGregor, Donna-Lynne;Petty, Sheila
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.417-420
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    • 2002
  • Recent works in the area of multimedia studies focus on a wide range of issues from the impact of multimedia on culture to its impact on economics and anything in between. The interconnectedness of the issues raised by this new practice is complicated by the fact that media are rapidly converging: in a very real way, multimedia is becoming a media prism that reflects the way in which media continually influence each other across disciplines and cultural borders. Thus, the impact of multimedia reflects a complicated crossroads where media, human experience, culture and technology converge. An effective design is generally based on shaping aesthetics for function and utility, with an emphasis on ease of use. However, in designing for cyberspace, it is possible to create narratives that challenge the interactor by encoding in the design an instructional aspect that teaches new approaches and forms. Such a design offers an equally aesthetic experience for the interactor as they explore the meaning of the work. This design approach has been used constructively in many applications. The crucial concern is to determine how little or how much information must be presented for the interactor to achieve a suitable level of cognition. This is always a balancing act: too much difficulty will result in interactor frustration and the abandonment of the activity and too little will result in boredom leading to the same negative result In addition, it can be anticipated that the interactor will bring her or his own level of experiential cognition and/or accretion, to the experience providing reflective cognition and/or restructure the learning curve. If the design of the application is outside their present experience, interactors will begin with established knowledge in order to explore the new work. Thus, it may be argued that the interactor explores, learns and cognates simultaneously based on primary experiential cognition. Learning is one of the most important keys to establishing a comfort level in a new media work. Once interactors have learned a new convention, they apply this cognitive knowledge to other new media experiences they may have. Pierre Levy would describe this process as a "new nomadism" that creates "an invisible space of understanding, knowledge, and intellectual power, within which new qualities of being and new ways of fashioning a society will flourish and mutate" (Levy xxv 1997). Thus, navigation itself of offers the interactors the opportunity to both apply and loam new cognitive skills. This suggests that new media narrative strategies are still in the process of developing unique conventions and, as a result, have not reached a level of coherent grammar. This paper intends to explore the cognitive aspects of new media design and in particular, will explore issues related to the design of new media interfaces. The paper will focus on the creation of narrative strategies that engage interactors through loaming curves thus enhancing interactivity.vity.

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