• Title/Summary/Keyword: Users Knowledge

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Distributed Hashing-based Fast Discovery Scheme for a Publish/Subscribe System with Densely Distributed Participants (참가자가 밀집된 환경에서의 게재/구독을 위한 분산 해쉬 기반의 고속 서비스 탐색 기법)

  • Ahn, Si-Nae;Kang, Kyungran;Cho, Young-Jong;Kim, Nowon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.12
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    • pp.1134-1149
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    • 2013
  • Pub/sub system enables data users to access any necessary data without knowledge of the data producer and synchronization with the data producer. It is widely used as the middleware technology for the data-centric services. DDS (Data Distribution Service) is a standard middleware supported by the OMG (Object Management Group), one of global standardization organizations. It is considered quite useful as a standard middleware for US military services. However, it is well-known that it takes considerably long time in searching the Participants and Endpoints in the system, especially when the system is booting up. In this paper, we propose a discovery scheme to reduce the latency when the participants and Endpoints are densely distributed in a small area. We propose to modify the standard DDS discovery process in three folds. First, we integrate the Endpoint discovery process with the Participant discovery process. Second, we reduce the number of connections per participant during the discovery process by adopting the concept of successors in Distributed Hashing scheme. Third, instead of UDP, the participants are connected through TCP to exploit the reliable delivery feature of TCP. We evaluated the performance of our scheme by comparing with the standard DDS discovery process. The evaluation results show that our scheme achieves quite lower discovery latency in case that the Participants and the Endpoints are densely distributed in a local network.

A Study on the Role Performance of Collective intelligence as Scaffold in Web-based PBL (웹을 활용한 PBL에서 집단지성의 스캐폴더 역할 연구)

  • Suh, Soon-Shik;Heo, Dong-Hyeon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2008
  • In order to enhance the effect of Problem-based Learning, the role of scaffold as a learning support strategy is necessary. Collective intelligence provides scaffolding in the sense that it integrates users' knowledge, information, experiences, values, etc. Based on these factors, collective intelligence determines the direction of behavior, revises the direction continuously, and provides problem-solving methods. Teaching and learning situations emphasize learners' initiative, voluntary, and active participation. Thus, this study was conducted to find out if collective intelligence can be an effective and attractive alternative of learning strategy. Specifically, this study purposed to examine how collective intelligence performs the role of scaffold on the Web and what types of scaffolding are provided to learners. According to the results of this study, collective intelligence had a positive effect on learners' learning attitude, confidence, interest, etc. in the affective aspect, but its effect on the cognitive aspect was different according to learners' school year and learning level. Because collective intelligence had a positive effect on learners, we identified scaffolding types explanation, suggestion of direction, illustration and feedback in the cognitive aspect, and positive response and encouragement in the affective aspect.

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A Study on the Improvement of In-Home Care Service Quality through Evaluation of Services and Agency by Long-term Care Workers (요양보호사의 기관 및 서비스 평가를 통한 재가노인서비스 품질 향상 방안)

  • Bae, Hwa-Sook;Han, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to suggest methods to improve in-home service quality through service evaluation by long-term care workers. To achieve this objective, general characteristics of 223 long-term care workers, evaluation of service and agency, and retraining needs have been surveyed. An assessment of the survey results have resulted in the following conclusions. Though long-term care workers are not uneducated, the majority face unstable employment. And the content of supervision hoped for in producing improved long-term care services has been found to be based on the service-user's relationships. Moreover, among topics needing to be addressed for retraining, much attention has been shown for understanding of the elderly and their families, health care knowledge about geriatric diseases, and counseling techniques directed towards the affected person and their family. Findings from the research are as follow: enhancing the quality of long-term care requires a structural reassessment; upgrading the quality of care agencies requires the improvement of methods used to raise awareness of users and their guardians and the expansion of opportunities for education programs for professionalism.

The Atmospheric Factors Affecting User's Satisfaction in Natural Parks (자연공원의 분위기가 이용자의 만족도에 미치는 영향 - 국립공원과 도립공원을 대상으로 -)

  • 장병문;배민기
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine atmospherical factors affecting user's satisfaction in natural park to answer the research question: what are the effects of atmosphere on user's satisfaction in natural parks(NP). After reviewing the literature, mechanism of NP, and use elements in NP, We constructed the conceptual framework and have formulated the hypothesis of this research. We had obtained data through a questionnaire, which surveyed 508 visitors at 6 of the 73 NP in Korea in 2001, based on stratified sampling method. We have analyzed the data using descriptive statistical methods, the mean difference test, Pearson's correlation analysis, and the multiple linear regression method. We found that 1) the five atmospheric variables, j.e., number of users(NOU), crowding, damage to park resources(DPR), and maintenance of park resources and facilities(MPRF), encounter level(EL) affecting user's satisfaction, have tuned out to be statistically significant at a five percent level. The direction of the relationship between user's satisfaction and MPRF, NOU, EL is the same as that of the dependent variable and the opposite of crowding, and BPR, 2) in bivariate analysis, the positive relationships between user's satisfaction and park resources, MPRF are fairly high and statistically significant. The higher the value of DPR, and crowing, the lower the degree of user's satisfaction, 3) in multivariate analysis, such variables as NOU, crowding, DPR, EL, and MPRF affecting user's satisfaction have been statistically significant at five percent level, and 4) the relative contribution of MPRF, park resources, park facilities, NOU, crowding, DPR, and size of activity space on user's satisfaction have been determined to have respectively 6.00, 4.78, 2.53, 1.83, 1.64, 1.59 and 2.03 times more important than that of EL. Among the atmospheric variables, MPRF is the most important at 1.26 times higher than that of park resources. The research results suggest that the development of devices for the increase in user's satisfaction and user management program based on the knowledge we have found, be recommended in the planning and development process of natural park. The approach adopted by this research is valid and useful for evaluation criteria of NP. It is recommended that more empirical studies by activity types, activity spaces, and seasons on atmospheric elements affecting user's satisfaction be performed in the future.

Needs Assessment for Developing a Nutrition Information Site for Elementary School Children Among Elementary School Dietitians (초등학교 영양사를 대상으로 취학 어린이용 영양정보 사이트 개발을 위한 요구도 분석)

  • Ahn, Yun;Kim, Hyung-Mee;Seo, Jung-Sook;Yoon, Eun-Young;Bae, Hyun-Joo;Kim, Kyung-Won
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 2007
  • This study was to examine the needs among elementary school dietitians (n = 115) for developing a nutrition information internet site for children. A survey questionnaire included general characteristics, internet use regarding health and nutrition information, and needs for developing a nutrition information site. The mean age of the subjects was 36.2 years. The higher working experience group (> 10 years of working as dieticians) had higher mean age (p < 0.001), had a larger number of enrolled students at school (p < 0.01) and the number of those receiving school lunch (p < 0.01) than the counterparts (${\le}10$ years group). Sources of health and nutrition information were mainly PC/internet (60.4%) and seminar (14.4%). About 95% used health or nutrition information using the internet, however, the majority of users (71.6%) used internet information only when they needed it. Major reasons for using internet information was 'to get nutrition education materials' (63.8%) and 'to obtain general nutrition information' (21%). One third of the subjects were satisfied with nutrition information internet sites; major problems with internet sites were 'lack of content' (38.9%) and 'lack of practical information' (33%). These characteristics regarding internet use were not different between work experience groups. Major problems with nutrition education were 'lack of nutrition educational materials' (41.1 %) and 'lack of nutrition education skills' (32.1%). These were significantly different between the work experience groups (p < 0.01). Subjects preferred CD/internet to leaflet/booklet as nutrition educational materials. In developing nutrition sites for children, subjects wanted topics such as obesity assessment, dietary assessment, and obesity. Subjects responded that contents of nutrition information should be 'suitable to the children's knowledge levels' (31.1%), 'interesting enough by including quizzes, games and songs' (27.8%), 'inserting many illustrations/icons' (16.3%). In terms of designing internet sites for children, they wanted that internet sites should 'be easy enough to find the sites' (29.2%), 'use illustrations and characters' (24.8%), 'use communication channels such as Q&A' (18.7%). Needs for developing internet sites for children were not different by the work experience group. This study suggests that web sites for children should be carefully developed considering the contents and design, have less information with more illustrations, designed to induce the interest of children, as well as including sections such as eating habit assessment and games.

A Study on the Development of Library Anxiety Scales (도서관불안척도의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park Hyun-Young;Nam Tae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.99-120
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    • 2006
  • This study is conformed to having library anxiety of our domestic university library users. and. to developing the Korean Library Anxiety Scales(K-LAS). The research methods is literature research. library use Postscript report analysis. and questionnaire survey. The research subjects were selected to be 4 universities in consideration of their student number and library scale. The research period was from September 3, 2005 to March 23. 2006. The questionnaire survey was administered in the liberal arts courses which all the students could take. The development method of the Library Anxiety Scale are the content validity test by expert group. reliability test and validity test of SPSS Program. Also. the correlation between library variables and library anxiety was tested by using K-LAS. The results of this study developed the K-LAS. which was composed of 6 factors and 40 items. 6 factors were set up as physical environmental factor, library use and knowledge factor, task and research factor. digital information factor, and the factor on library staff. and Psychological ? emotional factor. According to the Post-test results of the correlation between library anxiety and variables. 5 factors except the factor on library staff were correlated with more than 2 variables respectively.

Usage and Satisfaction of Food-related Smartphone Applications of Office Workers in Seoul Area (수도권 지역 직장인의 음식 관련 스마트폰 어플리케이션 이용 실태와 만족도)

  • Gil, Munkyung;Jeong, Heesun;Yoon, Jiyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.1096-1106
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to figure the usage status and satisfaction of food-related smartphone applications by generic characteristics and food purchase attributes of Seoul area workers. The results show that health vitality-oriented group, married compared to single, those with higher eating-out expenses possess more food-related applications (p<0.05). The primary reason for the usage of food-related applications was the need for food-related information (53.7%). The highest application subjects in use were restaurant-related information and recipe information. The real-life aid food-related applications utilized most were also restaurant information (60.7%) and recipe information (28.3%). Health vitality-oriented respondents especially turned out to use nutrition information and food functionality information often (p<0.01), and recipes or calories & diet information usage frequency was higher in women than in men (p<0.001). Restaurant-related information were more frequently used by singles, highly educated, and those with high income and eating-out expenses (p<0.05). Satisfaction of food-related applications was normal (3.06), showing that the satisfactory level is not yet high. Satisfaction regarding purchase attributes showed that the health vitality-oriented group (3.19) was more satisfied compared to other groups (p<0.05), and women (3.16) were more satisfied that men (2.89) were (p<0.05). Inconveniences of food-related applications were highest in usage fee (3.29), simplicity of information (3.28), lack of reliability of information and need for update (3.10). The results of this study implies that various subdivisions of food-related applications users should be implemented; at the same time, food-related applications covering diverse subjects that regard each group's characteristics should be developed in order to utilize food-related knowledge and information as a marketing tool in the food industry; this can efficiently be done by paying attention to the quality of information and updates within applications.

Knowledge and Current Status about AED in the Public Facilities - Focused on the Gwangju City - (다중이용시설에서의 AED에 관한 지식 및 운영실태에 관한 연구 - 광주광역시 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Si-Goo;Park, Chang-Hyun;Chae, Min-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: In this study, we investigated the better application of the law which is about the AED installation and more effective ways of emergency medical care system, to understand the law and to research the current condition of public facilities which belong to local governments, and to seize the aspect of safety guards who currently work in order to provide the installation of AED in the public facilities and to provide more efficient emergency medical service with the effectuation of the immunity law of the good intention of first-aid treatment. Methods: In Gwang-ju, 234 public facilities have been identified by 31 December, 2008. With the exception of the duplication, we researched 158 facilities and received the answers from 95 of them. Results: In the research, 53% of them have had internal emergency first-aid education, and 55% of them didn't have this education and a CPR education manual, and 30% of the facilities even didn't know how to connect with the manager of the company for the first-aid department. On the other hand, most of them were highly interested in CPR and AED education on the ratio of 91% and 93%. 88% of them have been trained about first-aid, 51% of them haven't been retrained, 17% have never been trained. so, the reality of emergency system at public facilities is serious. 78% of them knew they are working at public facilities, though 49% of them didn't know about AED installation. 57% of them didn't know the fact there is the immunity law related with good intentions for first-aid treatment. 63% of the facilities have security guards, and 30% of them didn't answer the questions. Also, many of them agreed to the opinion that all employees should have first-aid training. At representative survey report of participator of public-facility, emergency treatment is 61%, 16% of patients calling. Accordingly they importantly think better doing an on-site first-aid than evacuating the patient. And the rates show that 57% of them answerers tend to call Fire-Office(119) for evacuating the patients, and 28% of them EMIC(1339) for the first-aid. Conclusions: In this study, we are suggest to improve the details of the efficient operations and management after the grasp of the uninstallation, indifference, and unreliable conditions of AED. 1) Need a publicity of AED install cognition which is an emergency medical instrument at public facilities. 2) Arrangement of safety agents at facilities and concerns about them for good management from the parties concerned. 3) Need a designation of legal details according to the decision of the AED installation and the standard of the AED installation. 4) Training about first-aid of safety guards and the persons concerned in the facilities should be practiced participation with the positive and through this, first-aid treatment could be done by anyone who knows the immunity law related to medical emergency. 5) The brochures for the potential users and the results form practicing the instructions need to be improved in many ways through recording the emergency cases that have happened.

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A Study on the Construction of Database, Online Management System, and Analysis Instrument for Biological Diversity Data (생물다양성 자료의 데이터베이스화와 온라인 관리시스템 및 분석도구 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Bec Kee-Yul;Jung Jong-Chul;Park Seon-Joo;Lee Jong-Wook
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.1119-1127
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    • 2005
  • The management of data on biological diversity is presently complex and confusing. This study was initiated to construct a database so that such data could be stored in a data management, and analysis instrument to correct the problems inherent in the current incoherent storage methods. MySQL was used in DBMS(DataBase Management System), and the program was basically produced using Java technology Also, the program was developed so people could adapt to the requirements that are changing every minute. We hope this was accomplished by modifying easily and quickly the advanced programming technology and patterns. To this end, an effective and flexible database schema was devised to store and analyze diversity databases. Even users with no knowledge of databases should be able to access this management instrument and easily manage the database through the World Wide Web. On a basis of databases stored in this manner, it could become routinely used for various databases using this analysis instrument supplied on the World Wide Web. Supplying the derived results by using a simple table and making results visible using simple charts, researchers could easily adapt these methods to various data analyses. As the diversity data was stored in a database, not in a general file, this study makes the precise, error-free and high -quality storage in a consistent manner. The methods proposed here should also minimize the errors that might appear in each data search, data movement, or data conversion by supplying management instrumentation on the Web. Also, this study was to deduce the various results to the level we required and execute the comparative analysis without the lengthy time necessary to supply the analytical instrument with similar results as provided by various other methods of analysis. The results of this research may be summerized as follows: 1)This study suggests methods of storage by giving consistency to diversity data. 2)This study prepared a suggested foundation for comparative analysis of various data. 3)It may suggest further research, which could lead to more and better standardization of diversity data and to better methods for predicting changes in species diversity.

Inferring and Visualizing Semantic Relationships in Web-based Social Network (웹 기반 소셜 네트워크에서 시맨틱 관계 추론 및 시각화)

  • Lee, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Ji-Hyeok;Kim, Heung-Nam;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2009
  • With the growth of Web 2.0, lots of services allow yours to post their personal information and useful knowledges on networked information spaces such as blogs and online communities etc. As the services are generalized, recent researches related to social network have gained momentum. However, most social network services do not support machine-processable semantic knowledge, so that the information cannot be shared and reused between different domains. Moreover, as explicit definitions of relationships between individual social entities do not be described, it is difficult to analyze social network for inferring unknown semantic relationships. To overcome these limitations, in this paper, we propose a social network analysis system with personal photographic data up-loaded by virtual community users. By using ontology, an informative connectivity between a face entity extracted from photo data and a person entity which already have social relationships was defined clearly and semantic social links were inferred with domain rules. Then the inferred links were provided to yours as a visualized graph. Based on the graph, more efficient social network analysis was achieved in online community.

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