• Title/Summary/Keyword: Unfolding energy spectra

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Measuring and unfolding fast neutron spectra using solution-grown trans-stilbene scintillation detector

  • Nguyen Duy Quang;HongJoo Kim;Phan Quoc Vuong;Nguyen Duc Ton;Uk-Won Nam;Won-Kee Park;JongDae Sohn;Young-Jun Choi;SungHwan Kim;SukWon Youn;Sung-Joon Ye
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.1021-1030
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    • 2023
  • We propose an overall procedure for measuring and unfolding fast neutron spectra using a trans-stilbene scintillation detector. Detector characterization was described, including the information on energy calibration, detector resolution, and nonproportionality response. The digital charge comparison method was used for the investigation of neutron-gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD). A pair of values of 600 ns pulse width and 24 ns delay time was found as the optimized conditions for PSD. A fitting technique was introduced to increase the trans-stilbene Proton Response Function (PRF) by 28% based on comparison of the simulated and experimental electron-equivalent distributions by the Cf-252 source. The detector response matrix was constructed by Monte-Carlo simulation and the spectrum unfolding was implemented using the iterative Bayesian method. The unfolding of simulated and measured spectra of Cf-252 and AmBe neutron sources indicates reliable, stable and no-bias results. The unfolding technique was also validated by the measured cosmic-ray induced neutron flux. Our approach is promising for fast neutron detection and spectroscopy.

Neutron spectrum unfolding using two architectures of convolutional neural networks

  • Maha Bouhadida;Asmae Mazzi;Mariya Brovchenko;Thibaut Vinchon;Mokhtar Z. Alaya;Wilfried Monange;Francois Trompier
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.2276-2282
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    • 2023
  • We deploy artificial neural networks to unfold neutron spectra from measured energy-integrated quantities. These neutron spectra represent an important parameter allowing to compute the absorbed dose and the kerma to serve radiation protection in addition to nuclear safety. The built architectures are inspired from convolutional neural networks. The first architecture is made up of residual transposed convolution's blocks while the second is a modified version of the U-net architecture. A large and balanced dataset is simulated following "realistic" physical constraints to train the architectures in an efficient way. Results show a high accuracy prediction of neutron spectra ranging from thermal up to fast spectrum. The dataset processing, the attention paid to performances' metrics and the hyper-optimization are behind the architectures' robustness.

Neutron and gamma-ray energy reconstruction for characterization of special nuclear material

  • Clarke, Shaun D.;Hamel, Michael C.;Di fulvio, Angela;Pozzi, Sara A.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.1354-1357
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    • 2017
  • Characterization of special nuclear material may be performed using energy spectroscopy of either the neutron or gamma-ray emissions from the sample. Gamma-ray spectroscopy can be performed relatively easily using high-resolution semiconductors such as high-purity germanium. Neutron spectroscopy, by contrast, is a complex inverse problem. Here, results are presented for $^{252}Cf$ and PuBe energy spectra unfolded using a single EJ309 organic scintillator; excellent agreement is observed with the reference spectra. Neutron energy spectroscopy is also possible using a two-plane detector array, whereby time-of-flight kinematics can be used. With this system, energy spectra can also be obtained as a function of position. Spatial-dependent energy spectra are presented for neutron and gamma-ray sources that are in excellent agreement with expectations.

Method of the known cross sections for calibration of the fast neutron spectrometer with a single-crystal stilbene based detector

  • I.V. Urupa;E.V. Ryabeva;R.F. Ibragimov;V.D. Sapozhnikov
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.9
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    • pp.3602-3607
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    • 2024
  • The present work is devoted to implementation of the stilbene-based neutron spectrometer energy calibration method. The results of experiments with portable neutron generators and 238PuBe source and scattering materials with known cross sections are used for this method. It is shown that the submitted method makes it possible to carry out fast neutron spectrometry in the energy range from 1 to 15 MeV with the uncertainty of the unfolded neutron energy no more than 200 keV. Neutron spectra unfolding was carried out based on the measured spectra and a Geant4 simulated response matrix. Unfolded spectra were compared with the literature data and reference spectra.

An adaptive deviation-resistant neutron spectrum unfolding method based on transfer learning

  • Cao, Chenglong;Gan, Quan;Song, Jing;Yang, Qi;Hu, Liqin;Wang, Fang;Zhou, Tao
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.2452-2459
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    • 2020
  • Neutron spectrum is essential to the safe operation of reactors. Traditional online neutron spectrum measurement methods still have room to improve accuracy for the application cases of wide energy range. From the application of artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm in spectrum unfolding, its accuracy is difficult to be improved for lacking of enough effective training data. In this paper, an adaptive deviation-resistant neutron spectrum unfolding method based on transfer learning was developed. The model of ANN was trained with thousands of neutron spectra generated with Monte Carlo transport calculation to construct a coarse-grained unfolded spectrum. In order to improve the accuracy of the unfolded spectrum, results of the previous ANN model combined with some specific eigenvalues of the current system were put into the dataset for training the deeper ANN model, and fine-grained unfolded spectrum could be achieved through the deeper ANN model. The method could realize accurate spectrum unfolding while maintaining universality, combined with detectors covering wide energy range, it could improve the accuracy of spectrum measurement methods for wide energy range. This method was verified with a fast neutron reactor BN-600. The mean square error (MSE), average relative deviation (ARD) and spectrum quality (Qs) were selected to evaluate the final results and they all demonstrated that the developed method was much more precise than traditional spectrum unfolding methods.

Experimental Evaluation of Scattered X-Ray Spectra due to X-Ray Therapeutic and Diagnosis Equipment for Eye Lens Dosimetry of Medical Staff

  • Kowatari, Munehiko;Nagamoto, Keisuke;Nakagami, Koich;Tanimura, Yoshihiko;Moritake, Takashi;Kunugita, Naoki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2022
  • Background: For proper monitoring of the eye lens dose, an appropriate calibration factor of a dosimeter and information about the mean energies of X-rays are indispensable. The scattered X-ray energy spectra should be well characterized in medical practices where eye lenses of medical staffs might be high. Materials and Methods: Scattered X-ray energy spectra were experimentally derived for three different types of X-ray diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, i.e., the computed tomography (CT) scan, the angiography and the fluoroscopy. A commercially available CdZnTe (CZT) spectrometer with a lead collimator was employed for the measurement of scattered X-rays, which was performed in the usual manner. Results and Discussion: From the obtained energy spectra, the mean energies of the scattered X-rays lied between 40 and 60 keV. This also agreed with that obtained by the conventional half value layer method. Conclusion: The scattered X-rays to which medical workers may be exposed in the region around the eyes were characterized by means of spectrometry. The obtained mean energies of the scattered X-rays were found to match the flat region of the dosimeter response.

Measurement of Gamma-ray Yield from Thick Carbon Target Irradiated by 5 and 9 MeV Deuterons

  • Araki, Shouhei;Kondo, Kazuhiro;Kin, Tadahiro;Watanabe, Yukinobu;Shigyo, Nobuhiro;Sagara, Kenshi
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2017
  • Background: The design of deuteron accelerator neutron source facilities requires reliable yield estimation of gamma-rays as well as neutrons from deuteron-induced reactions. We have so foar measured systematically double-differential thick target neutron yields (DDTTNYs) for carbon, aluminum, titanium, copper, niobium, and SUS304 targets. In the neutron data analysis, the events of gamma-rays taken simultaneously were treated as backgrounds. In the present work, we have re-analyzed the experimental data for a thick carbon target with particular attention to gamma-ray events. Materials and Methods: Double-differential thick target gamma-ray yields from carbon irradiated by 5 and 9 MeV deuterons were measured using an NE213 liquid organic scintillator at the Kyushu University Tandem accelerator Laboratory. The gamma-ray energy spectra were obtained by an unfolding method using FORIST code. The response functions of the NE213 detector were calculated by EGS5 incorporated in PHITS code. Results and Discussion: The measured gamma-ray spectra show some pronounced peaks corresponding to gamma-ray transitions between discrete levels in residual nuclei, and the measured angular distributions are almost isotropic for both the incident energies. Conclusion: PHITS calculations using INCL, GEM, and EBITEM models reproduce the spectral shapes and the angular distributions generally well, although they underestimate the absolute gamma-ray yields by about 20%.

Development of Unfolding Energy Spectrum with Clinical Linear Accelerator based on Transmission Data (물질투과율 측정정보 기반 의료용 선형가속기의 에너지스펙트럼 유도기술 개발)

  • Choi, Hyun Joon;Park, Hyo Jun;Yoo, Do Hyeon;Kim, Byoung-Chul;Yi, Chul-Young;Min, Chul Hee
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2016
  • Background: For the accurate dose assessment in radiation therapy, energy spectrum of the photon beam generated from the linac head is essential. The aim of this study is to develop the technique to accurately unfolding the energy spectrum with the transmission analysis method. Materials and Methods: Clinical linear accelerator and Monet Carlo method was employed to evaluate the transmission signals according to the thickness of the observer material, and then the response function of the ion chamber response was determined with the mono energy beam. Finally the energy spectrum was unfolded with HEPROW program. Elekta Synergy Flatform and Geant4 tool kits was used in this study. Results and Discussion: In the comparison between calculated and measured transmission signals using aluminum alloy as an attenuator, root mean squared error was 0.43%. In the comparison between unfolded spectrum using HEPROW program and calculated spectrum using Geant4, the difference of peak and mean energy were 0.066 and 0.03 MeV, respectively. However, for the accurate prediction of the energy spectrum, additional experiment with various type of material and improvement of the unfolding program is required. Conclusion: In this research, it is demonstrated that unfolding spectra technique could be used in megavoltage photon beam with aluminum alloy and HEPROW program.

Calculations of ISO Narrow and ANSI X-Ray Spectra, Their Average Energies and Conversion Coefficients (ISO Narrow Series및 ANSI의 X선 스펙트럼, 평균에너지 및 선량환산인자의 이론적 계산)

  • Kim, Jang-Lyul;Kim, Bong-Whan;Chang, Si-Young;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1995
  • In spite of the prescriptions on the reference X-ray fields given by the International Organization of Strandard(ISO) and American National Standard Institute(ANSI), the measurement of X-ray spectrum is not only time consuming but very difficult, paticularly when significant corrections have to be applied to the measured pulse-height distributions of the observed spectra. This paper describes the calculation method of ISO Narrow Series and ANSI X-ray filtered radiations by theoretical model which is modified framer's theory by target attenuation and backscatter correction. The X-ray spectra, average energies and conversion coefficients are calculated and compared with those obtained using the spectra prescribed by ISO and AMSI to assure good agreement.

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  • Cechak, Tomas;Gerndt, Josef;Kluson, Jaroslav;Musilek, Ladislav;Thinova, Lenka
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.203-206
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    • 2001
  • The mathematical processing (unfolding) of pulse height spectra from a scintillation detector helps to calculate the photon fluence rate energy distribution in a measured photon field. The data processing is based on the knowledge of detection system response function and directional dependence respectively. The experimental results of the photon fields measurements in the vicinity of the spent fuel temporary storage and inside the storage hall are presented. The containers Castor 440 are used for temporary storing of the burnt up fuel assemblies in the Czech nuclear power plant Dukovany. A set of periodical measurements was performed in order to get basic information on the time dependence of the photon fields spatial distributions and spectral characteristics in the temporary storage hall and its vicinity. The photon fields were measured by the scintillation system. The obtained photon fields spatial distributions and spectral characteristics present the information on the radiation hazard in the storage.

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