• 제목/요약/키워드: Underground Transmission Systems

검색결과 98건 처리시간 0.043초

고온초전도 전력케이블의 기념설계 (Conceptual Design of HTS Power Gable)

  • 조전욱;성기철;김해종;이언용;류강식
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1998년도 하계학술대회 논문집 E
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    • pp.1626-1628
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    • 1998
  • In reccent years the large capacity underground power transmission systems have been required gradually with the increasing demand of electric power, the increasing electric power system and the environmental limitations of an overhead transmission line in the city. But it is difficult to get the space for the underground power transmission lines because of complicated distributions of underground public facilities. But as the superconducting power cables have the large power transmission capacity, the high power transmission density, and low loss characteristics in comparison with a conventional cable, the necessity for their development are increasing. In this paper, the results of the conceptual design of HTS power cable is described.

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실계통 345kV 지중송전선 대칭좌표 임피던스의 해석 (Analysis of Sequence Impedances of 345kV Cable Transmission Systems)

  • 최종기;안용호;윤용범;오세일;곽양호;이명희
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제62권7호
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    • pp.905-912
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    • 2013
  • Power system fault analysis is commonly based on well-known symmetrical component method, which describes power system elements by positive, negative and zero sequence impedance. In case of balanced fault, such as three phase short circuit, transmission line can be represented by positive sequence impedance only. The majority of fault in transmission lines, however, is unbalanced fault, such as line-to-ground faults, so that both positive and zero sequence impedance is required for fault analysis. When unbalanced fault occurs, zero sequence current flows through earth and skywires in overhead transmission systems and through cable sheaths and earth in cable transmission systems. Since zero sequence current distribution between cable sheath and earth is dependent on both sheath bondings and grounding configurations, care must be taken to calculate zero sequence impedance of underground cable transmission lines. In this paper, conventional and EMTP-based sequence impedance calculation methods were described and applied to 345kV cable transmission systems (4 circuit, OF 2000mm2). Calculation results showed that detailed circuit analysis is desirable to avoid possible errors of sequence impedance calculation resulted from various configuration of cable sheath bonding and grounding in underground cable transmission systems.

지중송전케이블계통에서 절연통의 과전압 해석 및 억제대책 검토 (Analysis of Overvoltage and Reduction Methods of Insulation Joint Box in Underground Power Cable Systems)

  • 홍동석;정채균;이종범;서재호;조한구
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부문A
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes the overvoltage analysis and reduction methods of insulation joint boxes in underground transmission power cables when direct lightning surge strikes to overhead transmission line. An actual 154kV combined transmission line with underground Power cables was modelled in ATPDraw for simulation. Simulations were performed to analyze the overvoltage between insulation joint boxes, sheath-to-ground voltage according to the distance between cable conductors, cable lengths, burying types, CCPU connection types. The most effective method to reduce the induced overvoltage of Insulation joint boxes was proposed. It is evaluated that the proposed reduction method riven from the detailed simulations can be effectively applied to the actual underground power cable systems.

지중송전케이블 접속부에서의 열전달에 관한 연구 (A Study on Heat Transfer of an Underground Power Transmission Cable-Joint)

  • 박만흥;김재근;이재헌
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.265-277
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    • 1993
  • Recently, underground transmission system is growing continuously according to the electric power demand increase in the downtown area. Even if domestic cable makers are manufacturing 154kV oil filled cable and joint, the design technology of cable-joint has not been fully self-reliance. This study is aimed at the detail heat transfer analysis of 154kV cable-joint. So, that is cut into the five sections in order to analyze a conjugate natural convection in two dimensional $r-{\theta}$ coordinate. The streamline and temperature distributions are obtained for each sections. Also the changes of those are analyzed with respect to the variation of transmission currents and cable-joint surface heat transfer coefficients. The same analyses are also shown in view point of the maximum temperature of conductor and local equivalent conductivity.

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345kV 지중 및 혼합 송전계통에서의 개폐 과전압 해석 (Analysis of Switching Overvoltage in 345kV Underground and Combined Transmission Systems)

  • 정채균;이종범;강지원
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부문A
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    • 제52권12호
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    • pp.713-721
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    • 2003
  • This paper analyzes the switching overvoltage occurred on 345kV underground power cable system as well as combined transmission system using EMTP. Cable length and closing time, preinsertion resistance have effect on switching overvoltage. Therefore, this paper analyzes the switching overvoltage occurred on conductor and sheath with change of those parameters. Specially, the cross bonding position becomes discontinuity point because of the difference between surge impedance of metal sheath and that of lead cable. Thus, the transmission and the reflection of traveling wave complexly occur at this connection point. According to these influences, voltage between sheath and earth as well as voltage between joint boxes rise. Time to crest point of switching overvoltage is longer than lightning overvoltage. Even though the voltage induced by switching surge is smaller than lightning surge, that voltage may have serious effect on the metal sheath. Therefore, this paper also analyses the reduction effect of switching overvoltage when the preinsertion resistance of circuit breaker is considered.

초고압 지중케이블 장기신뢰성 실증시험장 구축 (Test-Field Construction for Long-term Reliability of EHV Underground Transmission Cable)

  • 김진;강지원;장태인;양병모;박준우;박흥석;윤형희
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2009년도 제40회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.383_384
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    • 2009
  • After the 1970s, the importance of underground transmission systems increased and the construction rate of underground transmission lines also showed increasing trends each year, especially in metropolitan areas. Accordingly the social ripple effects are very large and wide when the fault occurs in underground power system, and the amount of time and money spent to restore the system also increases. So we must ensure stable operation and long-term reliability of the facilities. In Korea's case, long-term reliability tests for EHV power cables and accessories progressed poorly because equipment was not compatible for long-term reliability tests. Therefore we planned to construct a long-term reliability test field for EHV underground cables in order to ensure international quality reliability and optimal power cable operation techniques. The Gochang Underground Cable Test Field is under construction, funded by the Korean government, the govenment's union investment department, KEPCO, KERI and three private cable corporations. This project began in March, 2005 and will be completed by February, 2010. It is designed to promote joint research by incorporating several types of test equipment, construction of operating facilities, and being an internationally certified authority.

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지중송전케이블룡 디지털 거리계전 알고리즘 개선 (An Improvement of Digital Distance Relaying Algorithm on Underground Transmission Cables)

  • 하체웅;이종범
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부문A
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    • 제49권12호
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    • pp.595-601
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes the improvement method of distance relaying algorithm for the underground transmission cables. Distance relaying algorithms have been mainly developing to protect the overhead transmission lines than the underground cables. If the cable systems are directly protected using distance relaying algorithm developed for overhead line without any improvement, there will be really occurred many misoperation in cable systems, because the cable systems consist of the conductor, the sheath, several grounding method, cable cover protection units(CCPUs), and grounding wire. Accordingly, the complicated phenomena are occurred, if there is a fault in cable systems. Therefore, to develope a correct distance relaying algorithm, such cable characteristics should be taken into account. This paper presents the process to improve distance relaying algorithm which is now used. REal cable system was selected to establish modeling in EMTP and ATP Draw. It was discovered through the detailed simulation during the fault that the large error existed between impedance measured at the relay point and real impedance is due to the resistance of grounding wire in each grounding method. And also compensation factor obtained by the simulation is proposed in this paper. It is proved that the factor proposed can fairly improve the accuracy of impedance at the relay point. It is evaluated that the protective ability will be really much improved, if the algorithm proposed in this paper is applied for cable systems of utility.

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혼합송전계통에서 재폐로 시행시 개폐과전압 해석 (Analysis of Switching Overvoltage on Operating Reclosing in Combined Transmission Systems)

  • 임광식;이종범;정채균;강지원;박흥석
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집 전력기술부문
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    • pp.391-393
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    • 2008
  • This paper is analysed by switching overvoltage on operating reclosing in 154 [kV] combined transmission systems. Combined transmission systems are modeled by EMTP/ATPDraw program. It is fault condition that simulate high resistance earth fault. The simulation is carried out considering variation of parameters such as resistance value of fault point and rate of underground line.

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배전선로 접지저항 및 누설전류 실태조사 (Investigation for Earth Resistance and Leakage Current of D/L)

  • 이현구;하태현;배정효;하윤철;김대경
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2003년도 추계학술대회 논문집 전력기술부문
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    • pp.379-381
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    • 2003
  • The sharing of common corridors by electric power transmission lines and pipelines is becoming more common place. However, such corridor sharing can result in undesired coupling of electromagnetic energy from the power lines to the near facilities. This causes induced voltages on underground metallic pipelines due to the power line currents. This could cause AC corrosion in the pipeline, which could in turn lead to disastrous accidents, such as gas explosion or oil leakage. This paper investigates for the limitation of induced voltage on the buried metal structures which is used in the inside and outside of the country. And then we measure the earth resistance and leakage current of 22.9kV distribution lines and pipe to soil potential of near pipelines in Seoul Korea. Hereby we can see the leakage current flowing through the earthing electrode have an effect on near pipelines.

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지중송배전계통에서 과도상태시 공통접지의 영향 분석 (Analysis of Common Grounding Effect during the Transient State in Underground Transmission and Distribution Systems)

  • 임광식;이종범
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제57권2호
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes the effect of transient state in underground transmission and distribution lines installed together in the same tunnel. Two systems installed in the same tunnel are operated by the common grounding. This paper analyzed that how much one of the two kinds of systems influences the other systems during the transient state by EMTP/ATPDraw. Single line-to-ground fault and lightning surge were selected in transient state condition. These cases were simulated variously according to the variation of common grounding magnitude, fault location and lightning surge magnitude. It is evaluated that the analyzed results will be used for establishment and operating materials of common grounding in the same tunnel.