• Title/Summary/Keyword: Under Cover

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The Effect of Freeze and Thaw for the Stabilized Soil Bottom Liners in the Landfill (폐기물 매립지 바닥층의 고화토 포설시 동결/융해 현상에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Song;Lee, Jai-Young;Kim, Heung-Suck
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this research is to complement the existing researches on landfill bottom liners behavior during the periods of freeze and thaw. Landfill-related researches have been typically focused on small-scale soil samples that are often compacted under conditions different from those used in the field. Although these tests have been invaluable in clarifying the problem of freeze and thaw, extending the results of such experimental studies to prototype landfills are questionable. In this investigation, the author utilized a large scale laboratory simulation allowing inclusion of the field depth of the cover systems, layered soil profiles, rainfall simulation, a cold climate and boundary conditions similar to those encountered in the landfill. The soil materials were stabilized soils (mixed clays, cements, and minerals) instead of clays. The bottom liners are made up of drainage layer (30 cm), stabilized layer (75 cm), and leach collection layer (60 cm). The stabilized layers are made up of supporting layer (45 cm) and low permeable layer (30 cm) - consisting of $P_A\; and\; P_B$ layer. As a results, depths of penetration increased by about 2~5 more centimeters at rainfall simulated designs than those at no rainfall simulated designs (that is design 3, design 5 and design 7) - it increased by about 20mm/day in the bottom liners and frost heaves also increased it by a few millimeters. Also, a few cracks appeared partly. According to these results, we can surmise that the compacted stabilized soil is more reliable than the compacted clay liners for construction of the landfill liners.

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A Study Analyzing Nursing Diagnoses and Nursing Interventions used in a Demonstration Home Care Project (가정간호 시범사업 간호진단 및 간호중재 분석 연구)

  • Suh, Mi-Hae;Lee, Hae-Won;Chun, Choon-Young
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 1996
  • As home care in developing and becoming part of the health care delivery system in Korea, it is necessary to examine the use of nursing diagnoses and related nursing interventions with a view to increasing the standardization of nursing recording. This study was done to examine the nursing diagnosis and related nursing interventions used in home care. Data were collected using a chart review of the nursing notes written for the home care given to 38 patients who had pulmonary diseases or traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries and who had received home care as part of a demonstration home care project in a college of Nursing in Seoul. Early on in the project discussions as to format and use to nursing diagnosis was done and a tool was developed based on Gordon's eleven functional catergories with the addition of categories to cover family and environment. This tool was used in the data collection. Data included nursing diagnosis, etiologies and interventions. Real numbers and percentages were used in the analysis. The results show that the most frequently used diagnoses were in the category of physical function (75.6%), followed by the category of emotional and social function (21.8%). The least frequently used category was the one for family and environment (2.6%). The order of the frequency of recorded nursing interventions was the same, 82.3% for physical function, 16.2% of emotional and social function and 1.5% for family and environment. Under the category of physical functioning the most frequently used nursing diagnoses were related to mobility (62.2%), nutrition (23.6%) and elimination (11.9%). The frequencies of nursing interventions for these three diagnostic categories were 69.8%, 16.0% and 10.8% respectively. For emotional and social functioning, the most frequently used diagnoses were for cognition-perception (37.1%), self-perception (30.6%) and perception of health (23.7%). The ordering of the frequency of nursing interventions varied slightly. The most frequently used interventions were for the category of self-perception (31.7%) followed by cognition-perception (24.1%) and perception of health (22.9%). Looking at individual diagnoses, it was found that within the categroy of physical functioning, the most frequently used diagnosis was "impaired physical mobility" (29.5%) and this diagnosis involved 43.9% of the interventions. This was followed by "ineffective breathing pattern" (19.4%) with 17.7% of interventions, and "alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements" (11.2%) with 8.1% of the interventions. For the emotional social category, noncompliance was the most frequently used nursing diagnosis (18.2%) with 19.2% of the interventions. This was followed by "anxiety" (13.4%) with 13.6% of the interventions and by "knowledge deficit" (13.4%) but with only 5.5% of the interventions. The other diagnoses and interventions did not follow this pattern of frequency. Although there were a large number of diagnostic and intervention events, the number of actual diagnoses and interventions used were relatively small ranging from six interventions for "knowledge deficit" to 40 interventions for "imparied physical mobility". From this it can be concluded that the results of this study could be used as basic data for the development of standardized charts with respect to nursing diagnosis and interventions for clients with pulmonary disease and clients with traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries. Interventions that were direct care activities (1178) were much more frequent that education (430), and assessment and observation (148). There were also few diagnoses or interventions related to the family and the environment. This suggests two areas that need to be developed in home care and that need to be considered in the development of standardized records for use in home care.

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Fundamental Studies on the Development of Axial-Flow Combine(I) -Evaluation of the Design Parameters of Grain-Straw Separator- (축류(軸流) 콤바인의 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 기초(基礎) 연구(硏究)(I) -조선별장치(粗選別裝置)의 설계변수(設計變數)의 평가(評價)-)

  • Lee, S.K.;Kim, S.T.;Choi, K.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1986
  • Cylindrical and conical types of grain-straw separation equipment which has a stationary crimped sieve drum with rotating inner rotor were constructed. The developed equipments were tested to investigate the characteristics of separating performance under various mechanical conditions and crop conditions. As increase of the inclination of equipment and decrease of pitch of cover vane, the grain recovery was increased while straw rejection was decreased. The grain recovery and overall efficiency were decreased as the rotor speed and feeding velocity were increased for both varieties of rice, moisture contents, and test equipments. Conical prototype equipment performed higher straw rejection, lower grain recovery, and lower power requirement. However, separation performance of conical type equipment was more widely varied with various test conditions compared to cylindrical one. The performance of both equipments showed relatively insensitive to crop feedrate and crop properties, such as variety, moisture content, and grain-to-straw ratio.

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Estimation of Soil Loss Due to Cropland Increase in Hoeryeung, Northeast Korea (북한 회령지역의 농경지 변화에 따른 토양침식 추정)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Kang, Chul-Sung;Shin, Keun-Ha;Choe, Han-Sung;Han, Uk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.373-384
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    • 2003
  • This study analyses the soil loss due to cropland increase in the Hoeryeung area of northeast Korea, using Landsat images of 1987 TM and 2001 ETM, together with DTED, soil and geological maps, and rainfall data of 20 years. Items of land cover and land use were categorized as cropland, settlement, forest, river zone, and sand deposit by supervised classification with spectral bands 1, 2 and 3. RUSLE model is used for estimation of soil loss, and AML language for calculation of soil loss volumes. Fourier transformation method is used for unification of the geographical grids between Landsat images and DTED. GTD was selected from 1:50,000 topographic map. Main sources of soil losses over 100 ton/year may be the river zone and settlement in the both times of 1987 and 2001, but the image of the 2001 shows that sources areas have developed up to the higher mountain slopes. In the cropland average, increases of hight and gradient are 24m and $0.8^{\circ}$ from 1987 to 2001. In the case of new developed cropland, average increases are 75m and $2.5^{\circ}$, and highest soil loss has occurred at the elevation between 300 and 500m. The soil loss 57 ton of 1987 year increased 85 ton of 2001 year. Soil loss is highest in $30{\sim}50^{\circ}$ slope zones in both years, but in 2001 year, soil loss increased under $30^{\circ}$ zones. The size of area over 200 ton/year, indicating higher risk of landslides, have increased from $28.6km^2$ of 1987 year to $48.8km^2$ of 2001 year.

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Studies on Soil Conservation Effects of the Straw-mat Mulching (III) -Effects of the Mat Structures and Its Practicality- (볏짚거적덮기공법(工法)의 사방효과(砂防效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(III) -거적 밀도(密度)의 영향(影響) 및 공법(工法)의 실용성(實用性)-)

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 1975
  • Eroded sloping faces in hillsides including cut-bank slopes are liable to both surface erosion and land-slides and the key to control of these form of erosion lies with drainages of excessive run-off and dense vegetation establishment including surface mulching on the slopes. Micro-plots having $1.6m^2$ (1 metre in width and 1.6 metres in slope length, and 1:1.2 in gradient) of banking slopes on coarse sand soil are used to establish the order of magnititude of the difference in controlling of soil erosion and water runoff, and in rating of survival, performed on the repetetions of three-experiment plots consisted of such three levels as 90% (Dense), 70% (Moderate), and 50% Sparse of the density of the coarse straw-mat mulchings. The main results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. The rates of surface runoff are calculated as 13.13% from the dense mulchings, 14.21% from the moderate mulchings, and 15.57% from the sparse mulchings respectively. 2. The total amounts of soil loss are measured as about 1.24 tons/ha. from the dense mulchings, about 1.33 tons/ha. from the moderate mulchings, and about 1.44 tons/ha. from the sparse mulchings respectively. The amounts of soil loss under these treatments are much lower than the standard of erosion in USDA (1939 Bennet). 3. Average numbers of germination by treatment are counted as 80 seedlings at the dense mulchings. 132 at the moderates and 121 at the sparse respectively. Large numbers of seedling are suppressed and died during the growing at the dense mulchings due to mainly mechanical obstruction. 4. Coarse straw-mat having about 70% of coverage density is the most suitable mulches in both soil erosion control and vegetation establishment. 5. The method of coarse straw-mat mulching is the most recommendable measure for establishing the vegetation cover with less soil erosion on the denuded gentle slopes in hillsides at present in Korea.

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A Study on the Liability for Damage caused by Space Activity - With reference to Relevant Cases - (우주활동에 의하여 발생한 손해배상책임에 관한 연구 - 관련 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.177-213
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to research on the liability and cases for space damage with reference to the space activity under the international space treaty and national space law of major countries. The United Nations has adopted two treaties relating to the liability for space damage as follows: the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and the Liability Convention of 1972. Korea has enacted the Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008 relating to the liability for space damages. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 regulates the international responsibility for national activities in outer space, and the national tort liability for damage by space launching object. The Liability Convention of 1972 regulates the absolute liability by a launching state, the faulty liability by a launching state, the joint and several liability by a launching state, the person claiming for compensation, the claim method for compensation, the claim period of compensation, the claim for compensation and local remedy, the compensation amount for damage by a launching state, and the establishment of the Claims Commission. The Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008 in Korea regulates the definition of space damage, the relation of the Outer Space Damage Compensation Act and the international treaty, the non-faulty liability for damage by a launching person, the concentration of liability and recourse by a launching person, the exclusion of application of the Product Liability Act, the limit amount of the liability for damage by a launching person, the cover of the liability insurance by a launching person, the measures and assistance by the government in case of occurring the space damage, and the exercise period of the claim right of compensation for damage. There are several cases with reference to the liability for damage caused by space accidents as follows: the Collision between Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251, the Disintegration of Cosmos 954 over Canadian Territory, the Failure of Satellite Launching by Martin Marietta, and the Malfunctioning of Westar VI Satellite. In the disputes and lawsuits due to such space accidents, the problems relating to the liability for space damage have been settled by the application of absolute(strict) liability principle or faulty liability principle. The Liability Convention of 1972 should be improved as follows: the clear definition in respect of the claimer of compensation for damage, the measure in respect of the enforcement of decision by the Claims Commission. The Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008 in Korea should be improved as follows: the inclusion of indirect damage into the definition of space damage, the change of the currency unit of the limit amount of liability for damage, the establishment of joint and several liability and recourse right for damage by space joint launching person, and the establishment of the Space Damage Compensation Review Commission. Korea has built the space center at Oinarodo, Goheung Province in June 2009. Korea has launched the first small launch vehicle KSLV-1 at the Naro Space Center in August 2009 and June 2010. In Korea, it will be the possibility to be occurred the problems relating to the international responsibility and the liability for space damage in the course of space activity. Accordingly the Korean government and launching organization should make the legal and systematic policy to cope with such problems.

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Historical Change of Population Abundances of Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Selected Apple Orchards in Suwon and Its Hypothetical Explanation (수원 지역 사과원에서 사과응애와 점박이응애 개체군의 역사적 변천과정 및 해석)

  • Kim Dong Soon;Lee Joon Ho
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2005
  • Historical changes of population abundances of European red mite (ERM), Panonychus ulmi (Koch), and two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae), were described in selected apple orchards in the National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI, Suwon, Korea), based on research reports of the NHRI from 1958 to 1998. ERM was an abundant species up to 1970, and TSSM became a dominant species after 1980. The change occurred around mid 1970. Three hypotheses were made to explain the change: TSSM competitively replaces ERM, ground cover weeds are a major influencing factor on movement of TSSM (TSSM movement into trees is accelerated by destroying weeds), and ERM and TSSM populations are regulated by natural enemy complexes when the orchard system is not disrupted. And long-term results of the interaction between two species were projected according to the combination of different orchard management strategies: pesticide sprays (non-selective toxic pesticide spray : heavy pesticide pressure (HPP), and selective soft pesticide spray = low pesticide pressure (LPP)) and weed control methods (grass planting, and clean culture system with herbicides). In the HPP and grass planting system, ERMs are abundant because ERM can avoid competition with TSSM as movement of TSSM to trees are restricted, and natural enemy complexes are destroyed by toxic pesticides. In the HPP and clean culture system, TSSMs are abundant because TSSM moves to trees from early season and competitively replaces ERM. In the LPP and grass planting system, ERMs are abundant because movement of TSSM to trees is reduced, but they do not build up a high population density since their densities are regulated by natural enemy complexes. In the LPP and clean culture system, TSSM moves to trees and competes with ERM, but the competition pressure is reduced because population densities of mites are regulated in a lower level by natural enemy complexes. So, ERM can occurs in late season. Thus, two species can coexist temporarily with more ERM in early season and more TSSM in late season. TSSM abundant phenomenon presented in this study can be partially explained as a result of long-term interaction between ERM and TSSM under the HPP and clean culture system.

Evaluation of the Satellite-based Air Temperature for All Sky Conditions Using the Automated Mountain Meteorology Station (AMOS) Records: Gangwon Province Case Study (산악기상관측정보를 이용한 위성정보 기반의 전천후 기온 자료의 평가 - 강원권역을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Keunchang;Won, Myoungsoo;Yoon, Sukhee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2017
  • Surface air temperature ($T_{air}$) is a key variable for the meteorology and climatology, and is a fundamental factor of the terrestrial ecosystem functions. Satellite remote sensing from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) provides an opportunity to monitor the $T_{air}$. However, the several problems such as frequent cloud cover and mountainous region can result in substantial retrieval error and signal loss in MODIS $T_{air}$. In this study, satellite-based $T_{air}$ was estimated under both clear and cloudy sky conditions in Gangwon Province using Aqua MODIS07 temperature profile product (MYD07_L2) and GCOM-W1 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) brightness temperature ($T_b$) at 37 GHz frequency, and was compared with the measurements from the Automated Mountain Meteorology Stations (AMOS). The application of ambient temperature lapse rate was performed to improve the retrieval accuracy in mountainous region, which showed the improvement of estimation accuracy approximately 4% of RMSE. A simple pixel-wise regression method combining synergetic information from MYD07_L2 $T_{air}$ and AMSR2 $T_b$ was applied to estimate surface $T_{air}$ for all sky conditions. The $T_{air}$ retrievals showed favorable agreement in comparison with AMOS data (r=0.80, RMSE=7.9K), though the underestimation was appeared in winter season. Substantial $T_{air}$ retrievals were estimated 61.4% (n=2,657) for cloudy sky conditions. The results presented in this study indicate that the satellite remote sensing can produce the surface $T_{air}$ at the complex mountainous region for all sky conditions.

Analysis on the Growth Environment of Chionanthus retusus Community at the Wansanchielbong in Jeonju (전주 완산칠봉 이팝나무 자생지의 생육환경으로 본 자연유산 가치 분석)

  • Kim, Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the distribution, structure and environmental condition of the vegetation of the Chionanthus retusus Lindly et Paxton community at the Wansanchielbong in the Jeonju city to offer basic data for sustainable conservation and ecological management system. And the results are as follows; 1. The average pH of soil at the community was pH 5.69 and it was slightly higher than the average of forest soil pH of Korea. But if the degree of pH will be down, it will be needed some more fertilization of Calcium. 2. The total average for contents of organism was 4.98%. And the nitrate - nitrogen content(mg/kg) of A, B, C, D quadrat was 20.29%, 28.87%, 7.65%, and 23.3% respectively. And there were good condition except quadrat C which was contaminated by amount of earth and sand. 3. The flora of the Chionanthus retusus Lindly et Paxton community was listed as 60 taxa; 37 families, 50 genera, 47 species, 10 varieties and 3 forms. The average appearance species of each Quadrat were A sector 30, B sector 26, C sector 19 and D 19 taxa respectively. 4. Surveyed woody plants in the community were as follows : Chionanthus retusus, Zelkova serrata, Quercus variabilis, Cornus walteri, Robinia pseudo-acacia and those were mixed status. And Chionanthus retusus, Zelkova serrata, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Albizzia julibrisin, Cudrania tricuspidata, Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa were mixed in mid layer trees. Herbaceous plants were founded such as Chionanthus retusus, Zelkova serrata, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Grewia parviflora, Rosa multiflora, Trachelospermum asiaticum was dominant with 35~64% in the ground cover, and Commelina communis, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Dryopteris bissetiana, Lilium lancifolium were founded also. 5. The importance values of Chionanthus retusus was 40.2% in the quadrat A1, 50.2% at quadrat A, 50.0% B1, 45.2% B2, 22.4% C1, 73.6% C2, 33.2% D1 and the total average of I.V. was 44.9%. 6. The average height of surveyed Chionanthus retusus was 5.7m and the average DBH was 12.4cm. The number of trees higher than 2m were 107 and the number of trees lower than 2m were 63. The total numbers of Chionanthus retusus were 170. 7. The age of surveyed Chionanthus retusus were analyzed 42 thru 87 years old and that of Zelkova serrata were 42, Quercus variabilis were 60, Quercus aliena were 48, Robinia pseudo-acacia were 40. 8. The number of trees with DBH 40 through 50cm were 6, and that of 30~39cm were 3, and that of 20~29cm were 16, so the total number that was over 20cm was 25. And there were 70 trees under 10cm of DBH and 63 seedlings. It will be very important data to conserve the habitat that the structure and environmental condition of the Chionanthus retusus Lindly et Paxton community at the Wansanchielbong was stable, and sustainable monitoring will be needed. Now that community is nurse forest of Jeonju City but more positive preservation plan will be needed and assigning monument of city or province also be necessary.

Fundamental Study on the Evapo- transaration Requirements of Patty rice Plant (벼 용수량계획상의 엽면증발량 및 주간수면 증발량에 관한 기초적인 연구)

  • 김철기
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1651-1660
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    • 1969
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the reasonable amount of evapo-transpiration required for the paddy rice plant during the whole growing season. So. On the basis of the experimental data concerning the evapo-transpiration form 1966 to 1968, the author obtained the follow results. 1) The leaf area index in the densely planted plo is generally higher than that in the conventionally planted one during the first half of growing season So, the coefficient of transpiration in the former plot is somewaht higher than in the latter, and the coefficient of water surface evaporation under the plant cover has the inverse relation between both plots. 2) It is unreasonable that coefficient of evapo-transpiration is applied to the calculation of the evapo-transpiration requirements of each growing stage, because a degree of variation in meteorological factors and in the thickness of the plant growth is involved in it. 3) It is most reasonable that the rate of transpiration and of the water surface evapoation is applied to the calculation of the transpirated amount and evaporated one in each growing stage, because it shows almost constant value in spite of any meteorological conditions in so far as the variety of rice, planted density and control of applying fertilizer are sanme and the disease and blight are negligible. 4) The ratio of the amount of transpiration to the weight of the whole air dried yields has the tendency of decreasing as that of the yields increases having almost constant value despite the amount of pan evaporation; and the value is about 210 when the weight of root parts is included to that the yields. 5) Although the required amount of transpiration during the whole growing season can be calculated with the above ratio, Fig. 7 showing the relation between the amount of transpiration and the weight of the yields is more reasonable and will be convinient to find it. And the requirements of water surface evaporation during the same season can also be directly found witht theweight air dried straw refering to Fig. 8.

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