• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ubiquitous city

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Real time Motion Graphics produce study of methods that use LED device (LED 장치를 응용한 실시간 모션그래픽스 구현방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Min Young
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2011
  • LED design works make user experience the conditions of time and space, and enable maximized spatial exploration and pursuit of ultimate sources. Light itself includes an ample dimension of time and, through the process of on and off, time-duration, similarity, and discontinuation is reorganized. LED design works make people experience the conditions of time and space, and enable maximized spatial exploration and pursuit of ultimate sources. LED design have been approached more from the viewpoint of material than from the viewpoint of aesthetics. LED based environmental design will be embedded deeply into our life with the technology of ubiquitous city. As the problem of the light intensity, tempo of change LED motion graphic and colors, substitutability is almost completely resolved now, LED is have more potentials than any other material as a tool of motion graphic. These result well make that using of LED is could be better useful from now on. In edition, users could be offered better beneficial lighting environment, and they will enjoy their better lives in the future.

Establishment and Promotion Strategy of Lifetime Tracing(Traceibility) System of Agricultural Products using RFID (농작물이력추적시스템 정착 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Sam;Lee, Kook-Chul;Lee, Sung-Hyun
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 2009
  • Diffusion of information technology such as internet has brought a great influence on modern society and industrial development. Currently wide-spread RFID/USN technology has become a central momentum of this rapid changes for the establishment of ubiquitous society in the future. Historically agricultural products has drawn research interest due to its importance of human life. A standard monitoring system throughout of life cycle of the agricultural products should be developed and careful monitoring process should be introduced. In this paper, by way of case study, current lifetime tracing systems are evaluated and critical drawbacks and issues are also developed. In addition, some implications and guidelines to improve the tracing performance of the products are also suggested.

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Working with Low-Income Elders in Korea: An Ethnographical Exploration of u-Health Nurses' Experiences (저소득 노인을 간호대상으로 한 유헬스 간호사에 관한 문화기술지)

  • Choi, Hanna;Kim, Jeongeun;Jin, Meiling;Lee, Jisan;Kim, Sukwha;Jeong, Suyong
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study sought to ascertain and describe u-Health nurses (ubiquitous healthcare nurse, tele-nurse)' experiences working with low-income elders in Korea. Methods: Data were collected through semi-structured interview, focus group interviews of 6 nurses and participant observations in community places in public rental housing in the city of Seoul. The ethnographical analysis method, proposed by Spradley, was used to analyze interview data. Results: We identified two major clusters of themes on common issues and concerns experienced by nurses: "work environment" and "daily work life." In addition, ten themes and fourteen sub-themes were extracted from the field work data. Conclusion: The study provided a deeper understanding of the experiences and services of u-Health nurses in Korea, of which much remains to be understood, as the healthcare services they currently provide are limited. Moreover, its findings could empower novice nurses and expand nurse's professional knowledge and competence.

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A Typology of Modern Housing in Malaysia

  • Ju, Seo-Ryeung;Omar, Saari Bin
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2010
  • Modernization of cities and housing in Malaysia is a reflection of the history of the establishment of colonial trading ports for worldwide maritime trade and exchange. In cosmopolitan cities, new housing typology appeared from the influence of various ethnic immigrants and with the fusion of traditional Malay housing characteristics. This study is to focus on classifying the housing typologies of Malaysia which were formed through the modernization process of cities. The typologies of modern housing in Malaysia can be classified into two categories. The first category is the 'transformation of traditional housing'. The representative typology of this group is the ubiquitous shophouse. The shophouse was originally brought in by the Chinese immigrants from the south coast of China and transformed into the Malaysian urbanscape. The other typology is a detached-house known as the bungalo, which was the housing style combining the Malay traditional timber house and European palazzo. The second category is the 'modern urban housing typology'. Modern urbanization after the independence from the British in 1957 required the maximum utilization of land. To accommodate new social and economic needs, the new typologies were developed in the form of medium-density terrace houses (row houses) and high-density apartment. In the suburban areas, the British terrace house was adopted and developed into unique Malaysian terrace house and semi-detached house based on the British system of land sub division. In premium area of the city, luxurious housing type in the form of high-end condominium is one of the popular housing for upper middle-class and high-class society.

Lead Concentrations of Pigeon's Tissue as Indicator of Lead pollution in Air and Soil (대기 및 토양 오염의 지표로서 비둘기 조직의 연농도)

  • Byun, Yung-Woo;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Lee, Jung-Jeung;Kim, Chang-Yoon;Chung, Jong-Hak
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.1 s.52
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 1996
  • It has been studied that a variety of fauna and flora are sensitive biological indicators which reflect the severity of regional pollution of heavy metals, but in the center of part of Taegu City the controversial issue of lead poisoning attributable to the atmosphere which contains an increased concentrations of lead has been raised recently, it is usually hard to find suitable plants or animal in the areas with heavy traffic. Pigeons are ubiquitous in and around Taegu City area, inhabiting even the most densely populated areas with heavy traffic. With its small body size, high metabolic turnover, and rather limited mobility, a pigeon, as a biological indicator is expected. This study was conducted to monitor lead pollution in the Taegu and Kyongju City in Korea. We measured the lead content of the various tissue of three groups of feral pigeon(Columba livia) and soil and atmospheric lead concentration. First group was obtained in heavy traffic area in Taegu City, the second group was obtained a park in Taegu City and the third group was obtained light traffic area in Kyongju City. The air and soil lead concentration of heavy traffic area in Taegu City was $0.11{\mu}g/m^3,\;4.96{\mu}g/g$, that of park in Taegu City was $0.05{\mu}g/m^3,\;2.65{\mu}g/g$ and that of light traffic area in Kyongju City was $0.03{\mu}g/m^3,\;0.01{\mu}g/g$. The lead content of lung, blood, kidney, femur and liver of feral pigeons in heavy traffic area in Taegu City was significantly higher than pigeons obtained in a park in Taegu City and low traffic density area in Kyongju City(p<0.01). But stomach lead content of three group did not reflect a significant difference. In this study positive correlation was found between atmospheric lead concentrations and the concentration of lead in the pigeon's lung(r=0.5040, p<0.001), blood(r=0.3322, p<0.01), kidney(r=0.4824, p<0.001), femur(r=0.7214, p<0.001) and liver(r=0.4836, p<0.01). We can also found positive correlation between soil lead concentrations and the concentration of lead in the pigeon's femur(r=0.4850, p<0.001), kidney(r=0.4850, p<0.001) and liver(r=0.4386, p<0.01). In the pigeon's tissue there were significant correlations between concentration of lead in the blood and kidney(r=4818, p<0.001), femur(r=0.6157, p<0.001) and liver(r=0.3889, p<0.001). In conclusion, at the heavy traffic area in Taegu City, lead concentrations found in the atmosphere and soil are reflected in the lead concentrations of different tissue of urban pigeons. It is suggested that the tissue of pigeons can be good biological indicators of environmental lead pollution.

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A Technique on the 3-D Terrain Analysis Modeling for Optimum Site Selection and development of Stereo Tourism in the Future (미래입체관광의 최적지선정 및 개발을 위한 3차원지형분석모델링 기법)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Choi, Seung-Kuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.415-422
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    • 2013
  • The contents development for the Internet and cyber tour has been attempted in a number of areas. 3D topography of the spatial environment, land planning and land information contents as a 3D tour of the future ubiquitous city safe for tourism due to the implementation of information made available major area. Domestic service, and in urban areas of the country where land and precise spatial information in order to shoot satellites and aircraft in the area you want to mount the camera on a variety of photo images taken by conducting 3D spatial that is required is able to obtain the information. Geo spatial information in a variety of direct or indirect acquisition of the initial spatial data into a database for accurate collection, storage, editing, manipulation and application technology changes in the future by establishing a database of 3D spatial by securing content organization ubiquitous tourist to take advantage of new tourism industry was greatly. As a result of this study for future tourism using geo spatial information and analysis of 3D modeling by intelligent land information indirectly, with quite a few stereo site experience and a variety of tourist spatial acquisition and utilization of information could prove.

Development of the Monitoring System Model Based on USN for Landslide Detection Using Tilting Sensor (기울기 센서를 이용한 산사태 감지 USN 모니터링 시스템 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seop;Park, Young-Jik;Cheon, Dong-Jin;Jung, Do-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3628-3633
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a model of the real time monitoring system based on Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) for the detection and prediction of landslides. For this purpose, the real time monitoring system with tilting sensor and USN was set up and the performance was conducted. The performance was accomplished by conducting both field examinations and the experimental evaluation of the monitoring system. The results of this study show that the angle $0^{\circ}$, $-10^{\circ}$, $-20^{\circ}$ and $0{\sim}-30^{\circ}$ of sensor position detected by the sensor module coincide with the data measured from USN monitoring system by giving a sampling time 100[msec]. Consequently, the proposed model of the real time monitoring system with tilting sensor based on USN will be widely used as a monitoring system in the exposure to dangerous landslide regions.

Efficient Roadside Trees Management using RFID and GIS Technology (무선인식과 지형공간정보체계를 이용한 효율적인 가로수관리)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Lee, Yun;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, In-Hyun;Choi, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2006
  • Roadside trees that are managed by the local government play important roles to enhance the city lifestyle in many ways. However, because of insufficient human resources that monitor fields and regulations, most roadside trees were left unprotected and lacked the professional management. Also, due to the lack of financial support, pesticides or treatments have rarely been done in a proper time. To solve this existing matter, we have proposed concrete methods that include a latest communication technology, and developed an on-site management system and a web-monitoring system for roadside trees. Our successful research includes efficient approaches to identify an individual tree and integration of both field works and internal work processes with wireless communications and web displays to monitor the roadside trees.

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A Study of Applied Digital Media in Street Environmental Design (가로환경디자인에 있어서 디지털미디어의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Soo;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2005
  • Fast developing digital technology is Having an enormous societal influence, creating a porous new world without boundaries. This phenomenon applies to a whole range of fields, including culture, politics and even our daily lives. Urban Street cannot be excluded from this world-transforming change. Digital technology is changing the physical structure, growing patterns, function and role of the Urban Street. As a result, Urban Street should now be freeing themselves from the old-world functionalism, which has been pursued uniformly under the names of rationality and efficiency. We have, then, to think about the culture of the Digital Urban Street,'that is, the digital life style, which is tangibly generated in the concrete city space, and which must be prepared for further digitalization. This paper argues that the street must be understood as a communications centre, because digital technology has created a new communications style. Also, this paper focuses on how the physical environment of Urban Street will evolve with regard to both function and appearance. In conclusion, studying the ubiquitous space, it also looks at how existing urban planning and space design should lead to the further development of Urban Street using digital technology, as well as to the role this technology will have in the future.

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Prototype Implementation of a Context Awareness System by Analyzing Alarm and Neighborhood Environment for Managing Underground Facilities (알람정보와 인접환경 분석을 통한 지하시설물 상황인식 시스템의 프로토타입 구현)

  • Cho, Sung-Youn;Hong, Sang-Ki;Jang, Seok-Woo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2011
  • Since urban facilities have a signigicant meaning that represents the degree of development of nations and cities, it is very important to effectively manage and operate the facilities. In this paper, we propose a context-awareness system for managing urban underground facilities intelligently and develop its algorithm and prototype. The algorithm of the suggested system includes the period from the point when various sensors set up in USN environments sense abnormal signals and make alarms to the point when the context-awareness system analyzes the alarm and sends the analysis results to integrated platform and related modules. We then implement the prototype of the proposed context awareness system and verify the effectiveness of the system by performing unit tests. Our developed prototype will become the basis of actual system development. We expect that the suggested system will be used as a good reference model of related systems managing various types of urban facilities.