• Title/Summary/Keyword: Two-dimensional temperature

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Application of CE-QUAL-W2 [v3.2] to Andong Reservoir: Part I: Simulations of Hydro-thermal Dynamics, Dissolved Oxygen and Density Current

  • Bhattarai, Prasid Ram;Kim, Yoon-Hee;Heo, Woo-Myoung
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.247-263
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    • 2008
  • A two-dimensional (2D) reservoir hydrodynamics and water quality model, CE-QUAL-W2, is employed to simulate the hydrothermal behavior and density current regime in Andong Reservoir. Observed data used for model forcing and calibration includes: surface water level, water temperature, dissolved oxygen and suspended solids concentration. The model was calibrated to the year of 2003 and verified with continuous run from 2000 till 2004. Without major adjustments, the model accurately simulated surface water levels including the events of large storm. Deep-water reservoirs, like Andong Reservoir, located in the Asian Monsoon region begin to stratify in summer and overturn in fall. This mixing pattern as well as the descending thermocline, onset and duration of stratification and timing of turnover phenomenon were well reproduced by the Andong Model. The temperature field and distinct thermocline are simulated to within $2^{\circ}C$ of observed data. The model performed well in simulating not only the dissolved oxygen profiles but also the metalimnetic dissolved minima phenomenon, a common1y occurring phenomenon in deep reservoirs of temperate regions. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values of model calibration for surface water elevation, temperature and dissolved oxygen were 0.0095 m, $1.82^{\circ}C$, and $1.13\;mg\;L^{-1}$, respectively. The turbid storm runoff, during the summer monsoon, formed an intermediate layer of about 15 m thickness, moved along the metalimnion until being finally discharged from the dam. This mode of transport of density current, a common characteristic of various other large reservoirs in the Asian summer monsoon region, was well tracked by the model.

Simulation of Silicon Carbide Converted Graphite by Chemical Vapor Reaction (Ⅰ) (화학적 기상 반응에 의한 탄화규소 피복 흑연의 시뮬레이션(Ⅰ))

  • Lee, Joon-Sung;Choi, Sung-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.846-852
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    • 2001
  • A two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation has been used to investigate the effect of the reaction temperature on the formation of the silicon carbide conversion layer near the surface of graphite substrate The carbothermal reduction of silica is the reaction mechanism of silicon carbide formation on graphite substrate by chemical vapor reaction methods. The chemical composition of silicon carbide conversion layer gradually changes from carbon to silicon carbide because gaseous reactants diffuse through micropores within graphite substrate and react with carbon at the surface of inner pores. The simulation was carried out under the condition of reaction temperature at 1900K, 2000K, 2100K and 2200K for 500MCS. It was found from the results of simulation that the thickness of silicon carbide conversion layer increases with reaction temperature.

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Performance of steel beams at elevated temperatures under the effect of axial restraints

  • Liu, T.C.H.;Davies, J.M.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.427-440
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    • 2001
  • The growing use of unprotected or partially protected steelwork in buildings has caused a lively debate regarding the safety of this form of construction. A good deal of recent research has indicated that steel members have a substantial inherent ability to resist fire so that additional fire protection can be either reduced or eliminated completely. A performance based philosophy also extends the study into the effect of structural continuity and the performance of the whole structural totality. As part of the structural system, thermal expansion during the heating phase or contraction during the cooling phase in most beams is likely to be restrained by adjacent parts of the whole system or sub-frame assembly due to compartmentation. This has not been properly addressed before. This paper describes an experimental programme in which unprotected steel beams were tested under load while it is restrained between two columns and additional horizontal restraints with particular concern on the effect of catenary action in the beams when subjected to large deflection at very high temperature. This paper also presents a three-dimensional mathematical modelling, based on the finite element method, of the series of fire tests on the part-frame. The complete analysis starts with an evaluation of temperature distribution in the structure at various time levels. It is followed by a detail 3-D finite element analysis on its structural response as a result of the changing temperature distribution. The principal part of the analysis makes use of an existing finite element package FEAST. The effect of columns being fire-protected and the beam being axially restrained has been modelled adequately in terms of their thermal and structural responses. The consequence of the beam being restrained is that the axial force in the restrained beam starts as a compression, which increases gradually up to a point when the material has deteriorated to such a level that the beam deflects excessively. The axial compression force drops rapidly and changes into a tension force leading to a catenary action, which slows down the beam deflection from running away. Design engineers will be benefited with the consideration of the catenary action.

Preliminary Performance Assessment of a Fuel-Cell Powered Hypersonic Airbreathing Magjet

  • Bernard Parent;Jeung, In-Seuck
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.703-712
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    • 2004
  • A variant of the magnetoplasma jet engine (magjet) is here proposed for airbreathing flight in the hypersonic regime. As shown in Figure 1, the engine consists of two distinct ducts: the high-speed duct, in which power is added electromagnetically to the incoming air by a momentum addition device, and the fuel cell duct in which the flow stagnation temperature is reduced by extracting energy through the use of a magnetoplas-madynamic (MPD) generator. The power generated is then used to accelerate the flow exiting the fuel cells with a fraction bypassed to the high-speed duct. The analysis is performed using a quasi one-dimensional model neglecting the Hall and ion slip effects, and fix-ing the fuel cell efficiency to 0.6. Results obtained show that the specific impulse of the magjet is at least equal to and up to 3 times the one of a turbojet, ram-jet, or scramjet in their respective flight Mach number range. Should the air stagnation temperature in the fuel cell compartment not exceed 5 times the incoming air static temperature, the maximal flight Mach number possible would vary between 6.5 and 15 for a magnitude of the ratio between the Joule heating and the work interaction in the MPD generator varied between 0.25 and 0.01, respectively. Increasing the mass flow rate ratio between the high speed and fuel cell ducts from 0.2 to 20 increases the engine efficiency by as much as 3 times in the lower supersonic range, while resulting in a less than 10% increase for a flight Mach number exceeding 8.

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A Study on the Heat Loss Effect of Steel Structure in a Refrigerator Mullion (냉장고 멀리언부 구조보강용 철구조물의 열손실 영향 연구)

  • Ha, Ji Soo
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2014
  • The present study has been carried out to reduce the heat loss from a refrigerator by numerical heat transfer analysis and temperature measurement experiment for the verification of heat transfer analysis result. To perform this purpose, two dimensional heat transfer analysis and measurement of temperature on the surface of freezer for the horizontal cross sectional plane of a refrigerator has been accomplished. From the present study, it could be seen that the steel support in the mullion near gasket region has a heat transfer characteristics which transfer outside heat well from the high temperature hotline and outside air to the inner refrigerator. The effect of removing steel support on the reducing heat loss of a refrigerator was 24.8% and removing steel support might introduce significant improvement of refrigerator heat loss.

Experimental and numerical investigation of closure time during artificial ground freezing with vertical flow

  • Jin, Hyunwoo;Go, Gyu-Hyun;Ryu, Byung Hyun;Lee, Jangguen
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2021
  • Artificial ground freezing (AGF) is a commonly used geotechnical support technique that can be applied in any soil type and has low environmental impact. Experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to optimize AGF for application in diverse scenarios. Precise simulation of groundwater flow is crucial to improving the reliability these investigations' results. Previous experimental research has mostly considered horizontal seepage flow, which does not allow accurate calculation of the groundwater flow velocity due to spatial variation of the piezometric head. This study adopted vertical seepage flow-which can maintain a constant cross-sectional area-to eliminate the limitations of using horizontal seepage flow. The closure time is a measure of the time taken for an impermeable layer to begin to form, this being the time for a frozen soil-ice wall to start forming adjacent to the freeze pipes; this is of great importance to applied AGF. This study reports verification of the reliability of our experimental apparatus and measurement system using only water, because temperature data could be measured while freezing was observed visually. Subsequent experimental AFG tests with saturated sandy soil were also performed. From the experimental results, a method of estimating closure time is proposed using the inflection point in the thermal conductivity difference between pore water and pore ice. It is expected that this estimation method will be highly applicable in the field. A further parametric study assessed factors influencing the closure time using a two-dimensional coupled thermo-hydraulic numerical analysis model that can simulate the AGF of saturated sandy soil considering groundwater flow. It shows that the closure time is affected by factors such as hydraulic gradient, unfrozen permeability, particle thermal conductivity, and freezing temperature. Among these factors, changes in the unfrozen permeability and particle thermal conductivity have less effect on the formation of frozen soil-ice walls when the freezing temperature is sufficiently low.

Thermodynamical bending analysis of P-FG sandwich plates resting on nonlinear visco-Pasternak's elastic foundations

  • Abdeldjebbar Tounsi;Adda Hadj Mostefa;Abdelmoumen Anis Bousahla;Abdelouahed Tounsi;Mofareh Hassan Ghazwani;Fouad Bourada;Abdelhakim Bouhadra
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.307-323
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    • 2023
  • In this research, the study of the thermoelastic flexural analysis of silicon carbide/Aluminum graded (FG) sandwich 2D uniform structure (plate) under harmonic sinusoidal temperature load over time is presented. The plate is modeled using a simple two dimensional integral shear deformation plate theory. The current formulation contains an integral terms whose aim is to reduce a number of variables compared to others similar solutions and therefore minimize the computation time. The transverse shear stresses vary according to parabolic distribution and vanish at the free surfaces of the structure without any use of correction factors. The external load is applied on the upper face and varying in the thickness of the plates. The structure is supposed to be composed of "three layers" and resting on nonlinear visco-Pasternak's-foundations. The governing equations of the system are deduced and solved via Hamilton's principle and general solution. The computed results are compared with those existing in the literature to validate the current formulation. The impacts of the parameters (material index, temperature exponent, geometry ratio, time, top/bottom temperature ratio, elastic foundation type, and damping coefficient) on the dynamic flexural response are studied.

Growth of Two-Dimensional Nanostrcutured VO2 on Graphene Nanosheets (그래핀 나노 시트 위에 2차원 나노구조를 갖는 VO2의 성장)

  • Oh, Su-Ar;Kim, Ki-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.502-507
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    • 2016
  • Vanadium dioxide, $VO_2$, is a thermochromic material that exhibits a reversible metal-insulator phase transition at $68^{\circ}C$, which accompanies rapid changes in the optical and electronic properties. To decrease the transition temperature around room temperature, a number of studies have been performed. The phase transition temperature of 1D nanowire $VO_2$ with a 100 nm diameter was reported to be approximately $29^{\circ}C$. In this study, 1D or 2D nanostructured $VO_2$ was grown using the vapor transport method. Vanadium dioxide has a different morphology with the same growth conditions for different substrates. The 1D nanowires $VO_2$ were grown on a Si substrate ($Si{\setminus}SiO_2$(300 nm), whereas the 2D & 3D nanostructured $VO_2$ were grown on an exfoliated graphene nanosheet. The crystallographic properties of the 1D or 2D & 3D nanostructured $VO_2$, which were grown by thermal CVD, and exfoliated-transferred graphene nanosheets on a Si wafer which was used as substrate for the vanadium oxide nanostructures, were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The as-grown vanadium oxide nanostructures have a $VO_2$ phase, which are confirmed by Raman spectroscopy.

Rheological Behavior of Semi-Solid Ointment Base (Vaseline) in Steady Shear Flow Fields (정상전단유동장에서 반고형 연고기제(바셀린)의 레올로지 거동)

  • Song, Ki-Won;Kim, Yoon-Jeong;Lee, Chi-Ho
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2007
  • Using a strain-controlled rheometer [Rheometrics Dynamic Analyzer (RDA II)], the steady shear flow properties of a semi-solid ointment base (vaseline) have been measured over a wide range of shear rates at temperature range of $25{\sim}60^{\circ}C$. In this article, the steady shear flow properties (shear stress, steady shear viscosity and yield stress) were reported from the experimentally obtained data and the effects of shear rate as well as temperature on these properties were discussed in detail. In addition, several inelastic-viscoplastic flow models including a yield stress parameter were employed to make a quantitative evaluation of the steady shear flow behavior, and then the applicability of these models was examined by calculating the various material parameters (yield stress, consistency index and flow behavior index). Main findings obtained from this study can be summarized as follows : (1) At temperature range lower than $40^{\circ}C$, vaseline is regarded as a viscoplastic material having a finite magnitude of yield stress and its flow behavior beyond a yield stress shows a shear-thinning (or pseudo-plastic) feature, indicating a decrease in steady shear viscosity as an increase in shear rate. At this temperature range, the flow curve of vaseline has two inflection points and the first inflection point occurring at relatively lower shear rate corresponds to a static yield stress. The static yield stress of vaseline is decreased with increasing temperature and takes place at a lower shear rate, due to a progressive breakdown of three dimensional network structure. (2) At temperature range higher than $45^{\circ}C$, vaseline becomes a viscous liquid with no yield stress and its flow character exhibits a Newtonian behavior, demonstrating a constant steady shear viscosity regardless of an increase in shear rate. With increasing temperature, vaseline begins to show a Newtonian behavior at a lower shear rate range, indicating that the microcrystalline structure is completely destroyed due to a synergic effect of high temperature and shear deformation. (3) Over a whole range of temperatures tested, the Herschel-Bulkley, Mizrahi-Berk, and Heinz-Casson models are all applicable and have an almostly equivalent ability to quantitatively describe the steady shear flow behavior of vaseline, whereas the Bingham, Casson,and Vocadlo models do not give a good ability.

Effect of Carrier Confinement and Optical Properties of Two-dimensional Electrons in Al0.3Ga0.7N/GaN and Al0.3Ga0.7N/GaN/Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN Heterostructures (Al0.3Ga0.7N/GaN 및 Al0.3Ga0.7N/GaN/Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN 이종접합 구조에서 운반자 구속 효과와 이차원 전자가스의 광학적 특성)

  • Kwack, H.S.;Lee, K.S.;Cho, H.E.;Lee, J.H.;Cho, Y.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2008
  • We have investigated optical and structural properties of $Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}N$/GaN and $Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}N/GaN/Al_{0.15}Ga_{0.85}N/GaN$ heterostructures (HSs) grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, by means of Hall measurement, high-resolution X-ray diffraction, and temperature- and excitation power-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. A strong GaN band edge emission and its longitudinal optical phonon replicas were observed for all the samples. At 10 K, a 2DEG-related PL peak located at ${\sim}\;3.445\;eV$ was observed for $Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}N$/GaN HS, while two 2DEG peaks at ${\sim}\;3.42$ and ${\sim}\;3.445\;eV$ were observed for $Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}N/GaN/Al_{0.15}Ga_{0.85}N/GaN$ HS due to the additional $Al_{0.15}Ga_{0.85}N$ layers. Moreover, the emission intensity of the 2DEG peak was higher in $Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}N/GaN/Al_{0.15}Ga_{0.85}N/GaN$ HS than in $Al_{0.3}Ga_{0.7}N$/GaN HS probably due to an effective confinement of the photo-excited holes by the additional $Al_{0.15}Ga_{0.85}N$ layers. The 2DEG-related emission intensity decreased with increasing temperature and disappeared at temperatures above 150 K. To investigate the origin of the new 2DEG peaks, the energy-band structure for multiple AlGaN/GaN HSs were simulated and compared with the experimental data. As a result, the observed high- and low-energy peaks of 2DEG can be attributed to the spatially-separated 2DEG emissions formed at different AlGaN/GaN heterointerfaces.