• Title/Summary/Keyword: Two-Zone Model

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Evaluation of the Laboratory-Scale Cometabolic Air Sparging Process : Characterization of Indigeneous Microorganism on MTBE Degradation (실험실 규모 Cometabolic Air Sparging 공정 적용 특성 평가 : 토양 내 활성미생물 별 MTBE 분해특성)

  • An, Sang-Woo;Lee, Si-Jin;Chang, Soon-Woong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • Cometabolic air sparging (CAS) is a new and innovative technology that uses air sparging principles but attempts to optimize in situ contaminant degradation by adding a growth substrate to saturated zone. CAS relies on the degradation of the primary growth substrate and cometabolic substrate transformation in the saturated zone and in the vadose zone for volatilized contaminants. In this study, we have investigated to determine MTBE degradation pattern and microbial activity variation if using propane as a primary substrate at the condition of considering air injection rate and air injection pattern. Laboratory-scale two-dimentional aquifer physical model studies were used and the experimental results were represented that the optimal conditions were as air injection rate of 1,000 mL/min and pulsed air injection pattern (15 min on/off). Over 1,000 mL/min air injection rate and continuous air injection pattern was no affected to increase DO concentration. On the other hand, Injection of propane and propane-utilizing bacteria degraded MTBE partially. And also, injection of propane- and MTBE-utilizing bacteria effectively degraded MTBE and TBA production was observed.

Inundation Hazard Zone Created by Large Lahar Flow at the Baekdu Volcano Simulated using LAHARZ

  • Park, Sung-Jae;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2018
  • The Baekdu volcano (2,750 m a.s.l.) is located on the border between Yanggando Province in North Korea and Jilin Province in China. Its eruption in 946 A.D. was among the largest and most violent eruptions in the past 5,000 years, with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of 7. In this study, we processed and analyzed lahar-inundation hazard zone data, applying a geographic information system program with menu-driven software (LAHARZ)to a shuttle radar topography mission 30 m digital elevation model. LAHARZ can simulate inundation hazard zones created by large lahar flows that originate on volcano flanks using simple input parameters. The LAHARZ is useful both for mapping hazard zones and estimating the extent of damage due to active volcanic eruption. These results can be used to establish evacuation plans for nearby residents without field survey data. We applied two different simulation methods in LAHARZ to examine six water systems near Baekdu volcano, selecting weighting factors by varying the ratio of height and distance. There was a slight difference between uniform and non-uniform ratio changes in the lahar-inundation hazard zone maps, particularly as slopes changed on the east and west sides of the Baekdu volcano. This result can be used to improve monitoring of volcanic eruption hazard zones and prevent disasters due to large lahar flows.

An Immuno-Electron Microscopic Study of Expression of $\alpha$-tubulin on Ciliogenesis in Newborn Rat Trachea (신생 횐쥐의 기관섬모에서 $\alpha$-tubulin의 발현과 섬모형성 양상에 대한 면역전자현미경적 연구)

  • 김보형;진정언;임대준;김동욱;이근수;강성호
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 1999
  • Background: This study was undertaken to detect the patterns of ciliogenesis in newborn rats trachea. Materials and Methods: The experimental animals(Sprague-Dawley strain) were divided five groups, one day, two day, three day, five day and seven day newborns as experimental groups. To obtain differential distribution of $\alpha$-tubulins in the ciliated cells and patterns of ciliogenesis, we used immunohistochemical stain method with mouse anti $\alpha$-tubulin monoclonal antibody as the primary antibody and gold particles conjugated goat anti mouse IgG as the secondary antibody. And we observed the specimens by electron microscope (Hitach-600 Model). Results : 1) The distribution of the $\alpha$ -tubulin reactions in apical zone was slightly decreased from three day after birth. 2) From 5th day after birth, the decreasing number of gold particles in intermediate zone was remarkable. 3) On the comparison with the other zones, the number of gold particles in the Golgi zone for seven days showed no statistical difference. Conclusion : The ciliogenesis of the tracheal ciliated cells in early newborn rat were made via centriolar and acentriolar pathways, in late groups, from five day after birth, the major ciliogenesis pattern might be centriolar pathway.

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Effects of Shock Waves on the Mixing and the Recirculation Zone of Supersonic Diffusion Flames (초음속 확산화염 내의 혼합과 재순환 영역에 대한 충격파의 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Ho;Huh, Hwan-Il;Choi, Jeong-Yeol;Yoon, Young-Bin;Jeung, In-Seuck
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1998
  • A numerical study has been conducted to investigate the effect of shock waves on the mixing and the recirculation zone of a hydrogen jet diffusion flame in a supersonic combustor. The general trends are compared with the experimental results obtained from the supersonic combustor at the University of Michigan. For the numerical simulation of supersonic diffusion flames, multi-species Navier-Stokes equations and detailed chemistry reaction equations of $H_2$-Air are considered. The $K-{\omega}/k-{\varepsilon}$ blended two equation turbulent model is used. Roe's FDS method and MUSCL method are used for convection fluxes in governing equations. Numerical results show that when slender wedges are mounted at the combustor wall the mixing and the combustion are enhanced and the size of recirculation zone is increased . The flame shape of supersonic flames is different in the flame-tip; it is not closed but open. The flame shape is shown to be greatly affected by shock waves.

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Analysis of Environmental Factors Affecting on the Reduction Rate of Land Compensation in Urban Development Project (도시개발사업의 토지부담률에 영향을 미치는 환경적 요인분석)

  • Koo, Ja-Kon;Sun, Jong-Geun;Jung, Min-Jung;Hong, Ji-Yeon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out for analysing the relationship of environmental factors and the reduction rate of land compensation of six urban development projects near waste landfill sites located in the Seoul metropolitan area. For a close investigation, 24 variables were selected but only 4 environmental variables were identified to have high correlation to the reduction rate of compensation. These are fine particles(PM10), bad smell, the ratio of a greening zone of land and park, and the distance in straight line from the landfill site. Two variables-PM10 and bad smell-were found to have an effect on the average reduction rate of land compensation by correlation analysis. On the other hand, the ratio of a greening zone and the distance in straight line from the landfill site have been rejected for the significance test. The result of regression analysis of six models for the search of affecting variables on the reduction rate of compensation is that PM10 and bad smell have the impact ratio of more than 0.5. But the ratio of greening zone and the distance from the landfill are not significant factors, having the impact ratio of 0.025~0.045 except one model.

The numerical investigation of tensile strength of coal model on the performance of coal plow using Particle Flow Code

  • Fu, Jinwei;Haeri, Hadi;Sarfarazi, Vahab;Marji, Mohammad Fatehi;Li, Tong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.82 no.6
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    • pp.713-724
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    • 2022
  • Effects of coal tensile strength and plow configuration on the coal fragmentation process was modeled by two-dimensional particles flow code (PFC2D). Three tensile strength values, 0.5, 1,5 and 3.5 MPa were considered in this numerical study. The cutters of plow penetrated in the coal for 4 mm at a rate of 0.016 m/s. According to the PFC manual, the local damping factor was 0.7. Three failure mechanism of coal during the fragmentation process by plow were modelled. The coal material beneath the cutters showed the elastic, plastic and fracturing behaviors in this analysis. In all the models, the plastic zone was fractured and some micro-cracks were induced but the elastic zone remained undamaged. It was observed that the tensile strength affected the failure mechanism of coal significantly and as it increased the extent of the fractured zone underneath the plow cutter decreased during the fragmentation process.

Modeling of Welding Heat Input for Residual Stress Analysis (용접 잔류응력 해석을 위한 Heat Input Model 개발)

  • 심용래;이성근
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.34-47
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    • 1993
  • Finite element models were developed for thermal and residual stress analysis for the specific welding problems. They were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the various welding heat input models, such as ramp heat input function and lumped pass models. Through the parametric studies, thermal-mechanical modeling sensitivity to the ramp function and lumping techniques was determined by comparing the predicted results with experimental data. The kinetics for residual stress formation during welding can be developed by iteration of various proposed mechanisms in the parametric study. A ramp heat input function was developed to gradually apply the heat flux with variable amplitude to the model. This model was used to avoid numerical convergence problems due to an instantaneous increase in temperature near the fusion zone. Additionally, it enables the model to include the effect of a moving arc in a two-dimensional plane. The ramp function takes into account the variation in the out of plane energy flow in a 2-D model as the arc approaches, travels across, and departs from each plane under investigation. A lumped pass model was developed to reduce the computation cost in the analysis of multipass welds. Several weld passes were assumed as one lumped pass in this model. Recommendations were provided about ramp lumping techniques and the optimum number of weld passes that can be combined into a single thermal input.

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Seismic Analysia of Absorber Rod in KMRR Reactivity Control Mechanism (다목적연구로 반응도 제어장치의 제어봉에 대한 내진해석)

  • Cho, Yeong-Garp;Yoo, Bong;Kim, Tae-Ryong;Ahn, Kyu-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1990.04a
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 1990
  • This study is a seismic analysia of absorber rod in KMRR Reactivity Control Mechanism. The model being studied i8 two coaxial tubes (control absorber rod and flow tube) immersed in the water and partially coupled (overlap) by water Hap. The hydrodynamic mass effects by the water in each surrounding conditions are considered in the model. The natural frequencies, stresses and displacements of the system due to Safe Shutdown Earthquake are computed in the cases of in-phase modes and out-of-phase modes of two coaxial tubes. The results show that maximum stresses are well below the allowable limit and maximum displacements at the ends of both tubes in out-of-phase modes are so huck that the tubes contact each other in the overlap zone.

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Consideration of reversed Boudouard reaction in solid oxide direct carbon fuel cell (SO-DCFC)

  • Vahc, Zuh Youn;Yi, Sung Chul
    • Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.514-518
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    • 2018
  • The direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) has attracted researcher's attention recently, due to its high conversion efficiency and its abundant fuel, carbon. A DCFC mathematical model has developed in two-dimensional, lab-scale, and considers Boudouard reaction and carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation. The model simulates the CO production by Boudouard reaction and additional electron production by CO oxidation. The Boudouard equilibrium strongly depends on operating temperature and affects the amount of produced CO and consequentially affects the overall fuel cell performance. Two different operating temperatures (973 K, 1023 K) has been calculated to discover the CO production by Boudouard reaction and overall fuel cell performance. Moreover, anode thickness of the cell has been considered to find out the influence of the Boudouard reaction zone in fuel cell performance. It was found that in high temperature operating DCFC modeling, the Boudouard reaction cannot be neglected and has a vital role in the overall fuel cell performance.

Estimation of Forest Productive Area of Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica Using Site Environmental Variables (산림 입지토양 환경요인에 의한 상수리나무와 신갈나무의 적지추정)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo;Won, Hyung-Kyu;Shin, Man-Yong;Son, Young-Mo;Lee, Yoon-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.429-434
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to estimate site productivity of Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica by four forest climatic zones. We used site environmental variables (28 geographical and pedological factors) and site index as a site productivity indicator from nation-wide 23,315 stands. Based on multiple regression analysis between site index and major environmental variables, the best-fit multivaliate models were made by each species and forest climatic zone. Most of site index prediction models by species were regressed with seven to eight factors, including altitude, relief, soil depth, and soil moisture etc. For those models, three evaluation statistics such as mean difference, standard deviation of difference, and standard error of difference were applied to the test data set for the validation of the results. According to the evaluation statistics, it was found that the models by climatic zones and species fitted well to the test data set with relatively low bias and variation. Also having above middle of site index range, total area of productive sites for the two Quercus spp. estimated by those models would be about 6% of total forest area. Northern temperate forest zone and central temperate forest zone had more productive area than southern temperate forest zone and warm temperate forest zone. As a result, it was concluded that the regressive prediction with site environmental variables by climatic zones and species had enough estimation capability of forest site productivity.