• Title/Summary/Keyword: Twin-fluid Nozzle

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Improvement of the Efficiency of a Twin-fluid Nozzle using Ultrasonic Vibration (초음파 가진을 이용한 2-유체 노즐의 효율 향상)

  • 주은선;나우정;정진도;송민근;이경열
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2002
  • Characteristics of a twin-fluid spray with ultrasonic vibration were examined in order to obtain a high efficiency of cold-fog spray of the automatic pest control machine which has been widely used in protected horticulture recently. An electrostrictive vibrator of PZT BLT and a magnetostrictive $\pi$-type vibrator were used applied as the ultrasonic transducers with a frequency of 28 kHz. All experiments were conducted in 4 methods of spray ; a conventional spray method without ultrasonic forcing, an indirect vibration method with ultrasonic forcing, an improving-quality method by ultrasonic forced within liquid, and a combined-use method with both of the indirect vibration method and the improving quality method. It was found that the ultrasonic energy increased the atomization efficiency of spray droplets about 10% and especially much more in the case of the combined-use method.

Study on the Structures of the Nozzle for the Spray (분무기용(噴霧機用) Nozzle의 구조(構造)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, S.W.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.100-109
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    • 1993
  • The aim of this study was to provide the reasonable data for design of the nozzle which produces finer droplets on the same level of the effective travel distance or which transports droplets to the farther target on the reasonable atomization in comparison with the commercial nozzles being used much in Korean rural areas. Newly designed twin-fluid atomizers with some commercial nozzles were tested in this study, and their results were as follows : 1. The characteristics of the spray deposit distribution of No.1 nozzles for farther target were nearly same in the near or nearer travel distance less than 8m. Therefore it was reasonable to combine the characteristics of the spray deposit distributions of No.2 and No.3 nozzles to those of No.1 nozzle. 2. The effective travel distance was increased with increase of the sectional area of the jet ligament, and the maximum effective travel distance was reached to about 17m. 3. The droplet size was increased with increase of the sectional area of the jet ligament, and the maximum droplet size was produced in the front of the point of the maximum spray deposit distribution. 4. The atomization was excellent in the twin-fluid atomizer in comparison with the hydraulic atomizer and also the effective travel distances were nearly same level in both atomizers.

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Experimental Study on Spray Characteristics of Twin Fluid Nozzle in Urea-SCR (Urea-SCR에 적용되는 이유체 노즐의 분무특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Hyung Sun;Hong, Jung Goo
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2017
  • In order to reduce the NOx, SCR technology is most suitable. In this study, we focused on studying the injector part of urea-SCR system. When stoichiometric 1 mole of urea is injected, 2 moles of $NH_3$ are created. $NH_3$ causes a SCR reaction by reacting with NOx. However, urea is decomposed by the side reaction of coming out HNCO, deposit formation is formed. In this study, it was to design a nozzle that can spray the optimal spray flow rate. Test nozzle used in this experiment is efferverscent type. The result of the experiment, liquid flow rate was confirmed to be that they are dominated by the exit orifice diameter. The area ratio is defined by ratio of the area of exit orifice hole and that of aerorator. The droplet size was measured by varying the area ratios. In addition, it was also confirmed that there is no change of the liquid flow rate and air flow rate to change the aerorator at the same exit orifice. Further, It was confirmed that the droplet size was relatively uniform even though the area ratio was different. Finally, there is little change in the SMD that air flow rate increases in 0.3 or more ALR.

Atomizing Mechanism for a Mist Blower (동력살분무기의 무화기구에 관한 연구)

  • 이상우
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 1996
  • Droplet sizes produced from a mist blower should be adequate to get highly biological effects with a reasonable level of work performance. However the droplet sizes from the conventional nozzles of the mist blower were around VMD 95 to 469$\mu$ which were relatively large as compared with the recommended droplet sizes in liquid flow rate of 17.2 m$/ell$s with air flow rate of 16660$m^3$/s on the maximum travel distance of about 4.0 m. The velocity of air stream at the point where two fluids, air and liquid, impact each other, was tried to maximize as much as possible in order to enhance the atomization performance of a newly designed twin fluid nozzles with the same or better level of performance of the conventional mist blower, The configuration of nozzle orifice should be designed to enlarge the contact area between air and liquid to enhance the atomization.

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Study on the Fire Extinguishing Performance of the Water Mist Gun used Twin-Fluid having a Low Pressure Nozzle (Twin-Fluid를 이용한 저압용 미분무 건의 소화성능에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Yeul;Myoung, Sang-Youb;Ryou, Hong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.175-178
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 기존의 고압으로 작동되는 고압 미분무 건과는 달리 Twin-Fluid의 Turbulence 및 Break-up 현상 등을 이용하여 저압상태에서 작동하며 경량화 및 소형화에 성공하여 기존 소방관의 진입이 어려운 장소 또는 수원으로부터 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 원활한 소화활동을 위해 개발한 저압용 미분무 건의 성능을 화재소화능력 시험을 통해 입증하였다. 화재 소화능력 시험을 수행한 결과 물과 질소가 Mixing Chmaber 내부에서 혼합되면서 두 유체간의 상호작용 및 운동 에너지으로 인해 물의 액적이 미세하게 Atomizing되어 목재화재는 물론 유류화재의 진압에 있어서도 우수한 성능을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Spray characteristics of effervescent atomizer with internal flows (Effervescent atomizer의 내부 유동에 따른 분무특성)

  • Ku, K.W.;Hong, J.G.;Kim, J.H.;Lee, C.W.;Park, C.D.;Lim, B.J.;Chung, K.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2012.06a
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    • pp.123-124
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    • 2012
  • Effervescent atomizer in which the liquid is ejected from nozzle with bubble caused by gas injection into the liquid is one of twin-fluid atomizers. Effervescent atomizer is operated with the lower injection pressure and the smaller air flow rate when compared with those of other twin-fluid atomizers. In this study, we attempted experiment study to investigate the atomization characteristics of effervescent atomizer related with the internal flow condition. The nozzle was made with acrylic material to investigate the nozzle internal flow. The macroscopic spray analysis was conducted with internal flow images and spray images. Furthermore, SMD was measured by using the laser diffraction method. According to this study, the internal flow condition changed from bubbly flow to annular flow as the air-liquid mass ratio(ALR) increases. At that time, the atomization characteristics were improved.

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The Effect of the Y-jet Nozzle Exit Orifice Shape on Asymmetric Spray (Y-jet 노즐의 출구오리피스 형상이 비대칭 분무에 미치는 영향)

  • Baik, Gwang Yeol;Hong, Jung Goo
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2021
  • Y-jet nozzle has a wide fuel flow rate range and turn-down ratio, thus, it is used in industrial boilers, furnace and agricultural atomizer. However, it has asymmetrical spray characteristics due to the nozzle design factors. Therefore, in this study, asymmetric spraying characteristics of the elliptical Y-jet nozzle was studied by using the lab-scale spray apparatus. As a result, the elliptical Y-jet nozzle had lower gas mass flow rate than circular Y-jet nozzle at same gas pressure, because of bigger shear stress due to the wider inner surface at the elliptical Y-jet nozzle. Larger SMD was measured on the elliptical Y-jet nozzle than the circular Y-jet nozzle. When SMD was measured in the X_Axis direction at the same gas mass flow rate, the elliptical Y-jet nozzle with an aspect ratio of 2:1 showed greater asymmetry than the others.

Development of Control System of Twin-Fluid Nozzles for Controlling Spraying Rate and Droplet Size (이류체노즐을 이용한 분무량과 분무입경 제어시스템 개발)

  • 이중용;안형철;정창주
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2000
  • In precision chemical application increment of biological efficacy with less chemical is the virtue. spraying rate and droplet size is closely related to biological efficacy. this study was performed to develope a spray-control-system that could control spraying rate and droplet size independently. Twin-fluid nozzles were selected and tested to certify if the nozzles were suitable for the objective of this study. Characteritics of the nozzles i.e., spraying rte and droplet size change u8nder the changes of spraying pressure and air pressure were statistically modeled. The model had I to 1 matching property between dependent variables and independent variables. Using the property and the model, inverse relationship could be determined between variables. A feedback spray control system was developed and tested with predetermined error of 5 % in pressure. The system showed 4 % error in spraying rate and 9 % error in droplets size. Performance of the system could be upgraded by fine tuning but, in practical sense keeping air pressure in the field sprayer was the bottle neck of commercialization of the spray system.

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Effect of Swirl Angle on the Atomization Characteristics in Two-Fluid Nozzle with Dual Air Supplying System (이중공기공급 이유체노즐의 선회각 변화에 따른 분무특성)

  • Kim, E.S.;Kang, S.M.;Choi, Y.J.;Kim, D.J.;Lee, J.K.;Rho, B.J.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03b
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2008
  • The atomization characteristics of the dual air supplying twin-fluid nozzle were investigated experimentally using PIV and PDA systems. The two-fluid nozzle is composed of three main parts: the feeding injector to supply fluid that is controlled by a PWM (pulse-width modulation) mode, the adaptor as a device with the ports for supplying the carrier and assist air and the main nozzle to produce the spray. The main nozzle has the swirl tip with four equally spaced tangential slots, which give the injecting fluid an angular momentum. The angle of the swirl tip varied with 0$^{\circ}$ 30$^{\circ}$, 60$^{\circ}$ and 90$^{\circ}$, and the ratios of carrier air to assist air and ALR(total air to liquid) were 0.55 and 1.23, respectively. The macroscopic behavior of the spray was investigated using PIV system, and the mean velocity, turbulent intensity and SMD distributions of the sprays were measured using PDA system. As the results, the mean axial velocity at the spray centerline decrease with the increase of the swirl angle. The turbulent intensities of the axial and radial velocity were increased with the increase of the swirl angle. The mean SMD (Sauter mean diameter) of the radial direction along the axial distance shows the lowest value at the swirl angle of 60$^{\circ}$.

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Flow characteristics of supersonic twin-fluid atomizers (초음속 2유체 분무노즐의 유동 특성)

  • Park, Byeong-Gyu;Lee, Jun-Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.2267-2276
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    • 1996
  • Twin-fluid atomization has been widely used in combustors and process industries because of its high performance and simple structure. Flow visualization and pressure measurements were conducted to investigate the effects of gas flow in twin-fluid atomization. Schlieren photographs showed that changes in atomizing gas pressure, altered the wave patterns, and the lengths of both recitrculating toroid (impinging stangnation point) nad supersonic flow region in the jet. A longer supersonic wave pattern like net-shape wqas observed as atomizing gas pressure increased. The disintegration phenomenon of liquid delivery tube. The variation of spray angles with gas pressures were obtained by visualization using laser sheet beam. Suction pressuresat the nozzle orifice exit and recirculating region are shown to be used to estimate the stable atomization condition of a twin-fluid atomizer.