• 제목/요약/키워드: Tube Bulge Test

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.024초

하이드로 포밍용 튜브의 성형 한계선도 측정 (Forming Limit Diagram Measurement of Tube for Tube Hydroforming Process)

  • 한수식
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.467-472
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    • 2006
  • The forming limit diagram of tube is required for the part design and the formability analysis of tube hydroforming. The finite element analyses of simple bulge test were done to obtain the various strain combinations on FLC. The finite element analysis results were shown that the bursting at various strain combinations could be induced by simple bulge test. The experiment oi tube bulge test was carried out according to the test condition that obtained from finite element analysis and the left hand side of forming limit diagram was built.

역공학과 해석적 방법을 이용한 관재벌지시험에서의 관재물성치 결정 (Determination of Material Properties of Tube using Inverse Engineering and Analytic Method in Tube Bulge Test)

  • 김태준;김낙수
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제27권9호
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    • pp.1508-1516
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    • 2003
  • In numerical analysis for hydroforming process, the stress calculation is effected by flow stress which is general obtained by stress-strain relationship from uni-axial tension test, so the result of the analysis, especially in tube hydroforming, has limitation of accuracy, tubes are made in roll-forming process and become work-hardened. Then roll forming process causes material properties between rolling direction and circumstantial direction of the tube to be different. So it is difficult to predict material behavior in the process condition of bi-axial stress state. In this study, the flow stress of the tube is determined by inverse engineering approach and bulge test that is widely used for formability test in the condition of bi-axial stress. And Hill's quadratic yield function and flow rule are used to consider the anisotropy of the tube in the roll forming process.

이중튜브의 액압 성형특성 연구 (Hydroforming Characteristics of Double Layered Tube)

  • 권승오;이혜경;정기석;문영훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2007
  • Double layered tube is assembled with an inner tube and an outer tube, similar in material or not, contacting closely and deforming simultaneously when subjected to external force. For the manufacturing of double layered tube, the hydroforming assembly technology has several advantages. Therefore in this study, hydroforming characteristics of double layered tube was investigated. The free bulge test was performed to produce formability diagrams of double layered tubes at various forming pressure and feeding amounts. The hexagonal shape hydroforming test was also performed to estimate the dimensional accuracies of double layered tube through the corner filling ratio and the gap between inner and outer tube. Besides experimental analyses, the analytical model that can predict internal pressure for the hydroforming of double-layered tube was proposed and experimentally validated.

온간액압성형공정에서 Al 6061 튜브의 소성변형특성에 관한 연구 (A study on the formability in warm hydroforming of Al 6061 seamless tube)

  • 이혜경;이영선;이정환;손성만;문영훈
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2006년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.318-321
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    • 2006
  • In this strudy, the free-bulge test and FE analysis have been used to define the fracture criteria based on the cockroft and Latham's criterion in warm hydroforming of Al 6061 tube. Full annealing and T6 treatment for heat treatment of Al 6061 tube ware used in this study. As-extruded, full annealed and T6-treated Al 6061 seamless tubes were prepared. To evaluate the hydroformability, uni-axial tensile test and bulge test were performed between room temperature and $200^{\circ}C$. And measured flow stress was used to simulate the warm hydroforming. A commercial FEM code, DEFORM-$2D^{TM}$, was used to calculate the damage value. A forming limit based ductile fracture criteria has been proposed by the results of experimental and FE analysis. The calculated values for fracture criteria will be efficient to predict the forming limit in hydroforming for real complex shaped part.

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축대칭 튜브 하이드로포밍 공정의 유한요소 시뮬레이션 (Finite Element Simulation of Axisymmetric Tube Hydroforming Processes)

  • 김용석;금영탁
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.58-61
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    • 2001
  • An implicit finite element formulation for axisymmetric tube hydroforming is investigated. In order to describe normal anisotropy of the tube, Hill's non-quadratic yield function is employed. The frictional contact between die and tube and frictionless contact between tube and fluid are considered using the mesh-normal vector computed from finite element mesh of the tube. In order to verify the validity of the developed finite element formulation, the axisymmetric tube bulge test is simulated and simulation results are compared with experimental measurements. In the axisymmetric tube hydroforming process, an optimal hydraulic curve is pursued by performing the simulation with various internal pressures and axial forces.

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알루미늄 튜브를 이용한 액압성형품 특성연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Aluminum Tube Hydroformed Products)

  • 이혜경;이건엽;이성문;이영선;문영훈
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제32권11호
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    • pp.1010-1015
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the characteristics of aluminum tube hydroformed products at different extrusion type and heat treatment conditions were investigated. For the investigation, as-extruded, full annealed and T6-treated Al 6061 tubes at different extrusion type were prepared. To evaluate the hydroformability, free bulge test was performed at room temperature to $300^{\circ}C$. Also mechanical properties of hydroformed products at various pre- and post-heat treatments were estimated by hexagonal prototype hydroforming test at $250^{\circ}C$. And the tensile test specimens were obtained from hexagonal prototype hydroformed tube. As a results, hydroformability of full annealed tube is $5{\sim}8%$ higher than that of extruded and T6-treated tube. The tensile strength and elongation of T6-post heat treated indirect extrusion tube were more than 330MPa and 12%, respectively. However, T6 pre treated hydroformed product represents high strength, 330MPa and low elongation, 8%. Therefore, Hydroformability of Al6061 tube showed similar value for both extrusion types. However flow stress of direct tube showed $20{\sim}50MPa$ lower value than indirect tube.

알루미늄 6061 압출재의 제조공정에 따른 온간액압성형성과 기계적 특성 연구 (Hydroformability and mechanical properties of A16061 tubes on different extrusion type)

  • 이혜경;장정환;권승오;이영선;문영훈
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.254-257
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    • 2007
  • In this study, hydroformability and mechanical properties of pre- and post- heat treated Al6061 tubes at different extrusion type were investigated. For the investigation, as-extruded, full annealed and T6-treated Al 6061 tubes at different extrusion type were prepared. To evaluate the hydroformability, uni-axial tensile test and free bulge test were performed at room temperature and $200^{\circ}C$. Also mechanical properties of hydroformed part at various pre- and post-heat treatments were estimated by tensile test. And the tensile test specimens were obtained from hexagonal prototype hydroformed tube at $200^{\circ}C$. As for the heat treatment, hydroformability of full annealed tube is 25% higher than that of extruded tube. The tensile strength and elongation were more than 330MPa and 12%, respectively, when hydroformed part was post-T6 treated after hydroforming of pre- full annealed tube. However, hydroformed part using T6 pre treated tube represents high strength and low elongation, 8%. Therefore, the T6 treatment after hydroforming for as-extruded tube is cost-effective. Hydroformability of Al6061 tube showed similar value for both extrusion types. But flow stress of seam tube showed $20{\sim}50MPa$ lower value.

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온간액압성형특성에 미치는 압출제조공정과 열처리 조건의 영향 (Effect of process type and heat treatment conditions on warm hydroformability)

  • 이혜경;권승오;박현규;임홍섭;이영선;문영훈
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2007년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.132-135
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    • 2007
  • In this study, hydroformability and mechanical properties of pre- and post- heat treated Al6061 tubes at different extrusion type were investigated. For the investigation, as-extruded, full annealed and T6-treated Al6061 tubes at different extrusion type were prepared. To evaluate the hydroformability, uni-axial tensile test and free bulge test were performed at room temperature and $250^{\circ}C$. Also mechanical properties of hydroformed part at various pre- and post-heat treatments were estimated by tensile test. And the tensile test specimens were obtained from hexagonal prototype hydroformed tube at $250^{\circ}C$. As for the heat treatment, hydroformability of full annealed tube is 25% higher than that of extruded tube. The tensile strength and elongation were more than 330MPa and 12%, respectively, when hydroformed part was post-T6 treated after hydroforming of pre- full annealed tube. However, hydroformed part using T6 pre treated tube represents high strength and low elongation, 8%. Therefore, the T6 treatment after hydroforming for as-extruded tube is cost-effective. Hydroformability of Al6061 tube showed similar value for both extrusion types. But flow stress of seam tube showed $20{\sim}50MPa$ lower value.

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연성파괴 이론을 적용한 튜브 온간액압성형의 성형한계 예측 (Prediction for Forming Limit of Tube Warm Hydroforming Based on the Ductile Fracture Criteria)

  • 이혜경;문영훈;이정환;이영선
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.426-431
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    • 2007
  • Hydroformability and fracture criteria of FE analysis based on ductile fracture were investigated in warm hydroforming of A16061 tube. To evaluate the hydroformability, uni-axial tensile test and bulge test were performed at room temperature and $200^{\circ}C$. The measured flow stresses were used as input parameters for FE analysis. The damage values were calculated by FE analysis based on ductile fracture criteria at maximum radius of free bulged tubes. Damage values were compared of hexagonal shaped hydroformed parts. As a result, the formability by critical damage value for extruded tube is lower than that of full annealed tube up to 0.5.

하이드로포밍용 소재의 성형성 평가 연구 (Development of Formability Test for Tube, Hydroforming)

  • 한수식;박기철
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.631-637
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    • 2000
  • The tube hydroforming technology is new key production technologies, which contribute to a light-weight cu. Because the tubes are used for hydroforming instead of the sheet materials formability test for tube is required to measure the formability of materials for hydroforming. In this Paper, a kind of formability test for tube, which can well represent the characteristics of tube hydroforming processes, is developed. Developed formability test method can consider not oかy the influence of material Properties but also contact with die and material. Some investigation was carried out to verify the effectiveness of developed formability test.

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