• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trust model

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A Study about the Mediating Effects of Website Attitude and Trust in Continuously using the Website (웹사이트의 계속적 이용에 있어 신뢰와 태도의 매개효과 연구)

  • Lee Kook-Yong;Hyung Sung-Woo;Park Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.81-104
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    • 2005
  • In the past days, most of studies about users' behavior in online environments have been mainly focused on the adoption of website and internet shopping or shopping mall. But the generic model of website usage behavior has not been made and the leading theory of website usage behavior has not been existed. The purpose of this study consists of two parts: (1) to find the determinant variables of the website users' continuous using Intention in a certain website, (2) to examine the relative influences of the variables influencing the users' behavior in online environments. The framework of this study is based on the combination of some theories - Davis(1989)'s TAM, Fishbein(1975)'s TRA, Hoffman et al.(1997), Schneiderman(2000), Yoon(2002), Lee and Turban(2001), Sultan et al.(2002), Shankar et al.(2002a, 2002b), McKnight et al.(2002), Chen and Dhillon(2003), Heijden(2003) and so on. Major findings of this research are summarized as fellows: First, determinant of website continuous using intention was affected by 1) the-attitude and 2) the trust of the website except of perceived usefulness. Second, the website attitude was affected by the perceived usefulness, design, experience, reputation. But perceived ease of use did not affect the website attitude. Third, the website trust was affected by the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, design, experience of website. But the reputation of website did not determine the trust of Website in this research model.

Understanding a User's Service Usage and Knowledge Sharing Behavior in the Context of Knowledge Search Service (지식검색 서비스 사용자의 서비스 사용과 지식 공유 행위에 관한 이해)

  • Kim, Byoungsoo;Jeon, Jin Ho;Kang, Young Sik
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.85-103
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    • 2009
  • Web 2.0, characterized as openness, sharing, and participation, has enabled Internet users to easily generate a variety of contents, and to share them through Web 2.0 services. Knowledge search service (KSS) is positioning itself as one of typical Web 2.0 services. Yet, few studies have sharpened our understanding of users' knowledge sharing behavior in the KSS environment. In order to address this knowledge void, this paper attempts to explore antecedents of their usage behavior in the KSS environment. Typically, they utilize stored knowledge and share their knowledge simultaneously. Considering this characteristic, our study regards service usage intention and knowledge sharing intention as final dependent variables. This study advances a research model based on Bhattacherjee's expectation-confirmation model, which is expanded by incorporating trust belief. Because of the openness of KSS, trust belief is believed to play a critical role in forming users' service usage intention and knowledge sharing intention. Furthermore, this study examines the difference of the antecedents' effects in terms of users' gender. We collected data from 275 respondents who have experience in using KSS. PLS (partial least squares) was employed for the analysis of the data. Analysis results confirm the important role of user satisfaction and trust belief in the formation of users' service usage intention and knowledge sharing intention. More importantly, trust belief has a more salient effect on knowledge service usage intention than user satisfaction. This study also shows the moderating role of users' gender. Finally, this paper provides managerial guidance on strategic planning aimed at improving users' service usage intention and knowledge sharing intention in the KSS environment.

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A Study about UCC Communication Structure for improving Social Trust (소셜 신뢰 제고를 위한 UCC 의사소통구조에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jang-Mook
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to find the UCC (User Created Contents) communication structure in the perspective of smart-phone technologies or SNS (Social Network Service). In developing the research model, we have focused on selecting the success factors appropriate for the UCC through reviewing past researches and on developing more accurate success measures. The model consists of relation each service (Facebook linked in Flickr and so on), relation of trust, transfer to Social Capital and so on . The result shows thar process of trust based in UCC is the most important determinants of structure and organization network. And collaboration relationship is the most important of SNS used in SSO and Open-API technologies. The practice characteristic of UCC has direct and indirect effect on SNS of improving social trust.

The Effect on Start-up Performance and Organizational Trust of Receptiveness for Balanced Scorecard in Business Incubator (입주기업의 성과관리 수용성이 창업보육센터 조직신뢰 및 창업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jin-Won;Kang, Ho-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.730-740
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to find empirically the effect on start-up performance and organizational trust of receptiveness for balanced scorecard in tenant companies of business incubator. In order to achieve the purposes of this study, we collected survey data for 216 employees in order to verify the research model and the hypothesis, we performed structural equation model analysis by using AMOS 18.0. Results of this study are as follows. First, receptiveness for balanced scorecard in tenant companies of business incubator has positive effect on organizational trust significantly. Second, receptiveness for balanced scorecard in tenant companies of business incubator has positive effect on start-up performance significantly. Third, organizational trust for business incubator has positive effect on start-up performance significantly.

The Effects of Product Involvement on Required Trust Level and the Online Merchant Choice (제품관여도가 요구 신뢰수준 및 온라인 상인의 선택에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Min;Cho, Hwi-Hyung;Seo, Yong-Won;Hong, Il-Yoo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.17-41
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    • 2011
  • A review of the related literature indicates that consumers' risk perceptions are largely affected by product involvement. This study investigates the impact of product involvement on required trust level and the online merchant choice. We developed a conceptual model that depicts the nomological relationships among product involvement, required trust level, and the online merchant choice, and formulated three hypotheses based on the conceptual model. An empirical study designed to accomplish the research objectives has been conducted using a questionnaire survey with 230 students in a university in Korea. The findings indicated that high-involvement products have higher trust level as required by consumers than low-involvement products, that consumers buying high-involvement products prefer digital storefronts, and that consumers buying low-involvement products prefer B2C e-marketplaces. The paper offers implications for academics as well as practitioners, based on the research results.

Study on Effect of Characteristics of Financial Professionals on Knowledge Sharing, Job Satisfaction, and Firm Innovation (금융업 종사자의 특성이 지식공유, 직무만족, 기업혁신에 미치는 영향 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Hwihyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.225-240
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    • 2013
  • This study is intended to identify the relationship between antecedents and performance factors that affect the knowledge-sharing of financial professionals. In order to accomplish the objective, antecedents were established as 'disposition to trust', 'subjective norm', and 'knowledge-sharing willingness' in the personal aspect, and 'trust in peers' and 'management support' in the organizational aspect. As performance factors, 'job satisfaction' and 'firm innovation' were established, and a research model was presented. Empirical analysis was done on the research model using collected questionnaires from 185 financial professionals. The research findings are as follows. First, disposition to trust of financial professionals has a positive effect on their knowledge-sharing. Second, trust in peers and management support have a positive effect on their knowledge-sharing. Among the antecedents, trust in peers has the strongest effect on their knowledge-sharing. Third, knowledge-sharing of financial professionals has a positive effect on their job satisfaction and firm innovation.

The Effect of Disability Acceptance Mediated with Policy Trust on the Life Satisfaction: Group Comparison of Disability Type (장애수용이 정책신뢰도를 매개로 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향: 장애유형별 집단 비교)

  • Choi, Youn Jeong
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of disability acceptance mediated with policy trust on the life satisfaction and group difference of disability type. For this purpose, the raw data(2nd wave, 2st survey) of Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled(PSED) conducted by the Korea Employment for the Disabled were used. Among the respondents, the data of 2,378 of the external physical disabled and 571 of mental disabled were analyzed. For the analysis, the structural equation model was used to verify the effect of mediation and group difference. The result of the study were as follows. First, disability acceptance of the disabled people effect on the life satisfaction by policy trust, and this was verified with partial mediated model. Second, In both groups, the external physical disabled and metal health disabled, disability acceptance and policy trust were the predictors of life satisfaction. Third, the difference in path coefficients between the two groups of external physical disabled and mental disabled was identified. Based on the results of this study, action plans were discussed to improve the life satisfaction of the disabled.

Influence of Spiritual Experience on Church Commitment: Moderating Effect of Church Interpersonal Trust (교인들의 영적경험이 교회 헌신도에 미치는 영향: 교회 대인신뢰의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Kunho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2022
  • This study examined the moderating effect which the interpersonal trust between christians has on the daily spiritual experiences and church commitments of christians. This study was conducted on 400 Christians - 193 men (48.3%) and 207 women (51.7%). The SPSS 25.0 program and PROCESS Procedure for SPSS version 3.5 (Model 1) were used for data analysis and for verifying the hypothesis. the results of the study showed: First, the daily spiritual experience of Christians had a significant positive effect on church commitment. Second, the interpersonal trust between christians had a significant positive effect on church commitment among Christians. Third, the interpersonal trust between christians had a significant positive effect on daily spiritual experiences and on church commitment. Hence, based on the above conclusions the role and importance of trustworthy relationships in the church as well as personal beliefs were discussed.

Effects of Transformational Leadership on Trust, Perceived Support from Superiors, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employees in Coffee Shop Industry - Moderating Role of Locus of Control - (커피전문점에서의 변혁적 리더십이 신뢰, 상사후원인식 및 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 - 종사원 통제위치의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Seong, Woon-Joo;Yoon, Hye Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to examine the effects of transformational leadership on employees' trust, perceived support from superiors, organizational citizenship behavior, and moderating effects of locus of control. Using the Amos program, this study tested reliability and fitness of the research model and verified five hypotheses based on empirical data from 233 employee samples in coffee shops. The result of this study shows that positive consideration and charisma of transformational leadership positively influenced employees' level of trust toward superiors and perceived support from superiors. Trust had positive effects on promotion of organizational citizenship behavior of employees. Lastly, analysis of the moderating effect of locus of control showed that a lower level of extrinsic control and higher level of intrinsic control were both positively correlated with greater receptiveness to transformational leadership. The findings in this study identified several significant factors of employee effectiveness influenced by transformational leadership in the coffee shop industry. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.

Effects of Self-Presentation and Privacy Concern on an Individual's Self-Disclosure : An Empirical Study on Twitter (자기표현욕구와 개인정보노출우려가 자기노출의도에 미치는 영향 : 트위터를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sae-Bom;Fan, Liu;Lee, Sang-Chul;Suh, Yung-Ho
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2012
  • While feeling anxious about the risk of exposure of personal information and privacy, users of microblogs and social network services are continuously using them. This study aims to develop a model to investigate this phenomenon. Specifically, this study explores the relationship between personal characteristics (represented by privacy concern and self-presentation) and an individual's self-disclosure. An individual's personal belief (represented by perceived risk and perceived trust) is also tested as an mediator between the relationship. Through a questionnaire survey to 183 twitter users in Korea, the results indicate that self-presentation has a direct influence on self-disclosure as well as an indirect influence through perceived trust. In contrast, privacy concern has not a direct but an indirect negative influence on self-disclosure through perceived risk. In conclusion, self-presentation has a stronger influence on self-disclosure then privacy concern to Twitter users. An individual who has a higher propensity for self-presentation will form a stronger perceived trust on Twitter, which in turn, affects the individual's self-disclosure. On the other hand, an individual who is more concerned with personal privacy will feel more serious about perceived risk, which in turn, negatively influences one's perception of the trust in Twitter as well as his desire for self-disclosure.