• Title/Summary/Keyword: Truss shapes

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Experimental Study on the Flexural Capacity of the U-Flanged Truss Hybrid Beam (U-플랜지 트러스 복합보의 휨 내력에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Oh, Myoung Ho;Kim, Young Ho;Kim, Myeong Han
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2018
  • U-flanged truss beam is composed of u-shaped upper steel flange, lower steel plate of 8mm or more thickness, and connecting lattice bars welded on the upper and lower sides. The hybrid beam with U-flanged steel truss is made in the construction site through pouring the concrete, and designated as U-flanged truss hybrid beam. In this study the structural experiments on the 4 hybrid beams with the proposed basic shapes were performed, and the flexural capacities from the tests were compared with those from the theoretical approach. The failure modes of each specimen were quite similar. The peak load was reached with the ductile behavior after yielding, and the failure occurred through the concrete crushing. The considerable increasement of deformation was observed up to the concrete crushing. The composite action of concrete and steel member was considered to be reliable from the behavior of specimens. The flexural strength of hybrid beam has been evaluated exactly using the calculation method applied in the boubly reinforced concrete beam. The placement of additional rebars in the bottom instead of upper side is proposed for the efficient design of U-flanged truss hybrid beam.

Damage detection for truss or frame structures using an axial strain flexibility

  • Yan, Guirong;Duan, Zhongdong;Ou, Jinping
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.291-316
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    • 2009
  • Damage detection using structural classical deflection flexibility has received considerable attention due to the unique features of the flexibility in the last two decades. However, for relatively complex structures, most methods based on classical deflection flexibility fail to locate damage sites to the exact members. In this study, for structures whose members are dominated by axial forces, such as truss structures, a more feasible flexibility for damage detection is proposed, which is called the Axial Strain (AS) flexibility. It is synthesized from measured modal frequencies and axial strain mode shapes which are expressed in terms of translational mode shapes. A damage indicator based on AS flexibility is proposed. In addition, how to integrate the AS flexibility into the Damage Location Vector (DLV) approach (Bernal and Gunes 2004) to improve its performance of damage localization is presented. The methods based on AS flexbility localize multiple damages to the exact members and they are suitable for the cases where the baseline data of the intact structure is not available. The proposed methods are demonstrated by numerical simulations of a 14-bay planar truss and a five-story steel frame and experiments on a five-story steel frame.

Optimal Shape Design of Space Truss Structure using Topology Optimization and Cellular Automata Model (위상최적화와 Cellular Automata 모델을 이용한 대공간 트러스 구조물의 최적형태 설계)

  • Kim, Ho-Soo;Lee, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2012
  • It is important to design the optimal shape in the initial process because the influences on the design and construction are large according to the shape and pattern of spatial structures. However, the existing optimal shape designs for spatial structure are performed by the designer's intuition and experiences. Therefore, this study proposes the integrated process using the topology optimization and cellular automata model. First, the initial optimal shapes are obtained by using the topology optimization, and then the spatial truss structural patterns are created through the application of cellular automata rules. Finally, the optimal shapes to satisfy the various design conditions are generated by the structural analysis and size optimization.

Initial Shape Design of Space Truss Structure using Density Method (밀도법을 이용한 스페이스 트러스 구조물의 초기 형상 설계)

  • Kim, Ho-Soo;Park, Young-Sin;Yang, Myung-Kyu;Lee, Min-Ho;Kim, Jae-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2010
  • This study presents the topology optimization technique by density method to determine the initial shape of space truss structures. Most initial shape design is performed by designer's previous experiences and trial and error method instead of the application of reasonable optimization method. Thus, the reasonable and economical optimization methods are needed to be introduced for the initial shape design. Therefore, we set design domain for cantilever space truss structure as an example model. And topology optimization is used to obtain optimum layout for them, and then size optimization method is used to find the optimum member size. Therefore, the reasonable initial optimal shapes of spatial truss structures can be obtained through the topology and size optimization using density method.

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A Study on the Optimal Shape Design of 2-D Structures (2차원 구조물의 최적형상설계에 관한 연구)

  • 김홍건;양성모;노홍길;나석찬;유기현;조남익
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2003
  • A strategy of the optimal shape design with FEA(Finite Element Analysis) for 2-D structure is proposed by comparing subproblem approximation method with first order approximation method. A cantilever beam with two different loading conditions, a concentrated load and an evenly distribute load, and truss structure with a concentrated loading condition are implemented to optimize the shape. It gives a good design strategy on the optimal truss structure as well as the optimal cantilever beam shape. It is found that the convergence is quickly finished with the iteration number below ten. Optimized shapes of cantilever beam and truss structure are shown with stress contour plot by the results of the subproblem approximation method and the first order approximation methd.

The Shape Optimization of Plane Truss Structures with Constraints based on the Failure Probability of Member (부재(部材)의 파괴확률(破壞確率)을 고려(考慮)한 트러스 구조물(構造物)의 형장최적화(形狀最適化))

  • Lee, Gyu Won;Lim, Byeong Yong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 1987
  • The algorithm proposed utilizes the tow-levels technique. In the first level which consists of teeatment only the applied load and design stress as the random variables whose parent distribution has the normal distribution, the cross-sectional areas of the truss members such that the their probabilities of failure have the preseribed failure probabilites are optimized by transforming the nonlinear problem into SUMT, and solving it utilizing modified Newton-Raphson method. In the second level, the geometric shape of truss structure is optimized by utilizing the unidirectional search technique of Powell method which makes it possible to minimize only the objective function. The algorithm proposed is numerically tested for the several truss structures with various shapes and loading conditions. The numerical analysis shows that the rate of decreasing the weight of truss structures is dependent on the prescribed failure probability of the each member of truss structure and the covariance of the applied load and design stress.

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Experimental Study on the Structural Capacity of the U-Flanged Truss Steel Beam (U-플랜지 트러스 보의 구조 내력에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Oh, Myoung Ho;Kim, Young Ho;Kang, Jae Yoon;Kim, Myeong Han
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2018
  • U-flanged truss beam is composed of u-shaped upper steel flange, lower steel plate of 8mm or more thickness, and connecting lattice bars. Upper flange and lower plate are connected by the diagonal lattice bars welded on the upper and lower sides. In this study the structural experiments on the U-flanged truss beams with various shapes of upper flange were performed, and the flexural and shear capacities of U-flanged truss beam in the construction stage were evaluated. The principal test parameters were the shape of upper flange and the alignment space of diagonal lattice bars. In all the test specimens, the peak loads were determined by the buckling of lattice bar regardless of the upper flange shape. The test results have shown that the buckling of lattice bar is very important design factor and there is no need to reinforce the basic u-shaped upper flange. However, the early lattice buckling occurred in the truss beam with upper steel bars because of the insufficient strength and stiffness of upper chord, and the reinforcement in the upper chord is necessary. The formulae of Eurocode 3 (2005) have presented more exact evaluations of lattice buckling load than those of KBC 2016.

A Study on the Structural and Other Influential Characteristics of Western Timber Roof Truss in Modern Buildings - Focusing the Record of Modern Buildings among the Cultural Assets maintained by Public Institution - (근대 건축물에 사용된 서양식 목조 지붕 트러스의 구조요인 및 기타 영향요인에 관한 연구 - 공공기관이 관리하는 문화재 중 근대건축물 기록을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoon-Hee;Yu, Hye-Ran;Kwon, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.95-114
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    • 2011
  • Western style timber roof trusses used as typical roof structures of buildings during a modern period have been developed with the interactions with their facade and functionality. The shapes of trusses and member sizes have been diversely changed by the purposes of architects, historical circumstances, and structural characteristics. For this reason, the change in the shapes of western style timber trusses along the times is one of important technology assets demonstrating the development of their structures during the modern period. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to find out their structural characteristics throughout parametric analysis of which parameters were determined from the collected and classified documents on western style timber roof structure built in the modern period carefully obtained from public institutions. Results of the parametric analysis are as follows. The number of king-post trusses and modified king-post trusses built between 1920 and 1937 reaches almost half of the total number of truss types investigated. The mean values of their spans, distances, tributary areas, and height are respectively, 10.5m, 2.4m, $24.37m^2$and 3.24m. The cross-section areas of trusses tend to reduce since the city construction law was enacted in 1920. Also, this study found that western architects usually used larger structural members than eastern architects and usages and finishing materials of roof trusses are not always considered as one of the important design parameters.

Diagnostics of Truss Structures via Vibration Monitoring (진동감시를 통한 트러스 구조물의 진단)

  • Park, Soo-Yong;Kim, Jeong-Tae;Kim, Yeon-Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2001
  • In this paper the feasibility of Nondestructive Damage Detection (NDD) in large structures is demonstrated via simulating vibration monitoring of such structures. The theory of NDD for truss type structures is formulated. To examine the feasibility of the theory, a finite element model of a 3-D truss structure, which consists of sixteen bays and includes 246 elements, is developed to simulate damage. Four damage cases are simulated numerically and the cases range from the structure being damaged in one location to the structure being damaged in three locations. For the given modal parameters, this study reveals very good results for small amounts of damage as well as large damage.

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