• Title/Summary/Keyword: Triaxial shear strength

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Relationship Between Stiffness And Shear Strength of Normally Consolidated Clays (정규압밀점토의 강성도와 전단강도의 상관관계)

  • Park, Chi-Won;Park, Dong-Sun;Mok, Young-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.402-413
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    • 2006
  • Strength evaluation of soft soils is a formidable task because of difficulties in sampling, specimen preparation and setting in triaxial cells. In undrained triaxial testing, sampling disturbance, verticality of specimen and bedding effect give a great influence on shear strength measurements. In the other hand, shear wave measurements of specimens are less influenced by these factors. In this research, the bender elements were attached top cap and base pedestal of triaxial cell and shear wave velocities were measured. To initiate a methodology to evaluate shear strength indirectly by measuring shear wave velocity, a relationship between shear strength and shear wave velocity was developed with kaolinite specimens consolidated in the laboratory. Undrained shear strength turns out to increase linearly with shear wave velocity. Stress-strain curves can also be predicted with a hyperbolic model and shear wave measurements.

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A Study on Shear Strength of Composite Ground with Triaxial Test (삼축압축시험을 통한 복합지반의 전단강도에 관한 연구)

  • 신희범;이상익;박용원;김병일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.569-576
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    • 2000
  • This study performs a series of Triaxial Compression Test for clay-sand composite specimens changing area replacement ratio. Purpose of the test is to conform the propriety of weighted average method in estimating shear strength of the composite ground. The test results show that measured values of shear strength of composite specimens are larger by 20∼30% than those from estimation using the current weighted average method. It is thought that the differences are from pseudo-overconsolidation behavior of composite specimens.

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Loading Frequency Dependencies of Cyclic Shear Strength and Elastic Shear Modulus of Reconstituted Clay (재구성 점토의 반복전단강도 및 전단탄성계수의 재하 주파수 의존성)

  • Ishigaki, Shigenao;Yeon, Kyu-Seok;Kim, Yong-Seong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2010
  • In the present study, the loading frequency dependencies of cyclic shear strength and elastic shear modulus of reconstituted clay were examined by performing undrained cyclic triaxial tests and undrained cyclic triaxial tests to determine deformation properties. The result of undrained cyclic triaxial test of reconstituted and saturated clay shows that a faster frequency leads to higher stress amplitude ratio, but when the frequency becomes fast up to a certain point, the stress amplitude ratio will reach its maximum limit and the frequency dependence becomes insignificant. And also, the result of undrained cyclic triaxial deformation test shows a fact that a faster loading frequency leads to higher equivalent shear modules and smaller hysteresis damping ratio, and confirms the frequency dependence of cohesive soil. Meanwhile, the result of the creep test shows that continuing creep is created in the undrained cyclic triaxial test with slow loading frequency rate, and since loading rate becomes slower at the vicinity of the maximum and the minimum deviator stress due to sine wave loading, the vicinity of the maximum and the minimum deviator stress shall be more influenced by creep.

Comparison of Shear Strengths of Crushed Rock Determined by Large Triaxial Test and Direct Shear Test (대형삼축압축시험 및 대형직접전단시험에 의한 사석재료의 전단강도 평가)

  • 신동훈;안태봉;이경필;이한출
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.259-264
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    • 2002
  • In this study the shear strengths of a poorly grad ed rock material(d/sub max/≤50.8mm, C/sub u/=1.86) were determined by large direct shear test and large triaxial test. The obtained stress-strain curves by the above large shear tests for the rock materials are similar to the loose sand's or normally consolidated clay's curve, in which the peak strength does not appear obviously. And for the uniformly graded rock material the shear strength by large direct shear test may be overestimated around 1.54∼1.70 times that of large triaxial test.

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Characteristics of Undrained Shear Strength of Yangsan Clay (양산지역 점토의 비배수 전단강도 특성)

  • 김길수;임형덕;이우진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2000
  • SHANSEP method involves the consolidation to stresses in excess of the preconsolidation pressure in order to overcome sample disturbance effect. The concept of SHANSEP is based on an approach to laboratory test which attempts to reproduce the in-situ conditions more closely than is possible in routine tests and evaluates normalized strength parameters for the soil as a function of OCR. But SHANSEP method can be applied only to fairly uniform clay deposits, and is unsuitable for a random deposit. In this study, CK/sub o/U triaxial compression test and incremental loading consolidation test were performed for the application of SHANSEP method on Yangsan clay. During the K/sub o/-consolidation, triaxial specimens were consolidated to stress equal to two times the in-situ vertical effective stress. And for overconsolidated condition, the specimens were swelled to a known vertical effective stress in order to have the desired OCR. With the results of CK/sub o/U triaxial compression test using the block samples, the relationship between c/sub u//σ/sub vc/' and OCR on Yangsan clay was established. For evaluating the undrained shear strength of Yangsan clay with depth, CK/sub o/U triaxial compression test was performed using the piston samples taken from Yangsan site. And also undrained shear strength was analyzed from the in-situ test such as Cone Penetration Test(CPT), Dilatometer Test(DMT), and Field Vane Test(FVT) and was compared with that of CK/sub o/U triaxial compression test.

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A Study on the Conventional Liquefaction Analysis and Application to Korean Liquefaction Hazard Zones (기존의 액상화 평가기법 밀 그 적용성에 관한 연구)

  • 박인준;신윤섭;최재순;김수일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1999.03a
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 1999
  • An assessment of liquefaction potential is made in principle by comparing the shear stress induced by earthquake to the liquefaction strength of the soil. In this study, a modified method based on Seed and Idriss theory is developed for evaluating liquefaction potential. The shear stress in the ground can be evaluated with seismic response analysis and the liquefaction strength of the soil can be investigated by using cyclic triaxial tests. The cyclic triaxial tests are conducted in two different conditions in order to investigate the factors affecting liquefaction strength such as cyclic shear stress amplitude and relative density. And performance of the modified method in practical examples is demonstrated by applying it to liquefaction analysis of artificial zones with dimensions and material properties similar to those in a typical field. From the result, the modified method for assessing liquefaction potential can successfully evaluate the safety factor under moderate magnitude(M=6.5) of earthquake.

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A study on the shear strength considering matric suction for an unsaturated soil (모관흡수력을 고려한 불포화토의 전단강도에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Boong;Kim, Tae-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2008
  • The behaviour of an unsaturated soil was analyzed by performing $K_0$ consolidated triaxial tests. Unsaturated triaxial tests were performed with matric suctions for weathered soils and could catch stress paths under consolidation and stress-strain relationships under shear. As a result, both isotropic and $K_0$ conditions had similar shear strength envelopes in the same matric suction. Especially, strength parameters could obtain by stress variables based on critical state theory reasonably which was better than those by Mohr circles at failure.

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Building of Large Triaxial Testing Apparatus and Static Triaxial Testing for Railway Ballast (대형삼축압축시험장비 구축과 도상자갈의 정적압축시험 평가)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Kim, Yun-Ki;Lee, Il-Wha;Lee, Jun-S.;Park, Jae-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2010
  • We built multi-purpose large triaxial testing system that can test and evaluate various geotechnical design parameters such as shear strength, deformation modulus and stress-strain behaviour for large diameter granular materials, which are the most commonly used construction materials in the railway, road embankments. The details of the built testing system and the results obtained from static triaxial test carried out for gneiss ballast material are discussed within the scope of this paper. Ballast is hardly saturated and is confined at low overburden pressure, since the depth is shallow and the permeability is very high. Herein we ascertained that the confining pressure can effectively be controlled by vacuum. The rational trend could be checked up through triaxial test results such as shear strength, deformation, and particle breakage. And the shear strength envelope could be non-linearly represented with the parent rock strength, confining pressure of the triaxial test and proper parameters.

Comparison of Shear Strength of Coarse Materials Measured in Large Direct Shear and Large Triaxial Shear Tests (대형 직접전단시험과 대형 삼축압축시험에 의한 조립재료의 전단강도 비교)

  • Seo, Minwoo;Kim, Bumjoo;Ha, Iksoo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2009
  • Since the particle sizes of the coarse materials used in dam or harbor constructions are much larger than those of typical soils, it is desirable that large shear testing apparatuses are used when performing shear tests on the coarse materials to obtain as accurate results as possible. Two large-scale shear testing apparatuses, large direct shear testing apparatus and large triaxial shear testing apparatus, are commonly used. Currently in Korea, however, there have not been many cases in which shear tests were done using the large apparatus due to mainly difficulties in manufacturing, diffusing, and operating them. In present study, both large direct shear tests and large triaxial shear tests were performed on the coarse materials, which are used as dam fill materials, for 6 test cases in which particle sizes, specimen sizes, vertical pressure (confining pressure) conditions were little different, and then, the shear strength characteristics of the materials were compared with the two different shear tests. The test results showed that, by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, overall the shear strength obtained by the large direct shear tests was larger than that by the large triaxial shear tests. Moreover, the shear strength under the normal stress of 1,000 kPa was about 10 to 70% larger for the large direct shear tests than for the large triaxial shear tests, revealing the larger differences in the coarse materials, compared to typical soils.

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Assessment of Liquefaction Potential based on the Cyclic Triaxial Test (진동삼축시험에 기초한 액상화 평가)

  • 최재순
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 1999
  • An assessment of liquefaction potential is made in principle by comparing earthquake induced shear stress to the liquefaction strength of the soil. In this research a modified method based on Seed and Idriss theory is developed for evaluating liquefaction strength of Jumunjon sand(Korean standard sand). Also the factors affecting liquefaction strenght such as cyclic shear stress amplitude and relative density are investigated and verified by using cyclic triaxial test. From the result the new relationships between cyclic shear stress ratio and number of load cycles are proposed for evaluating liquefaction strength under moderated magnitude(M=6.5) of earthquake.

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