• 제목/요약/키워드: Treatment Effect

검색결과 28,900건 처리시간 0.048초

이상 저온 조건에서 Spermine 처리가 딸기의 생육과 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Spermine Treatment on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Strawberry under Low-Temperature Condition)

  • 이규빈;이정은;최윤의;박영훈;최영환;강남준;강점순
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2018
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of spermine treatment on the growth, yield and quality in strawberry under low-temperature condition, and thereby develop a chemical method to minimize damages by low temperature in greenhouse cultivation. Spermine treatment significantly improved the growth of strawberry in terms of leaf number, leaf area, leaf length, leaf diameter, plant height and plant weight. The highest effect was observed in the 250 uM spermine treatment and the effect tended to be maintained during the entire growth period of 90 days. Fresh weight and dry weight were significantly different depending on the concentrations of spermine. Strawberry plants treated with 250 uM spermine showed higher fresh weight and dry weight compared to untreated control plants during the growth period. Fruit weight, fruit length and fruit diameter were relatively higher when treated with $100{\mu}M$ spermine compared to other treatments. The fruit yield was the highest with 14 fruits per plant at $250{\mu}M$ spermine treatment and the coloration of the fruit was the best at this treatment with the Hunter a and b values of 46.56 and 28.75, respectively. The hardness of strawberry fruit tended to increase higher than 2N at $250{\mu}M$ and $500{\mu}M$ 250 uM spermine treatment. The sugar content of strawberries treated with $250{\mu}M$ spermine was $9.5^{\circ}$ Bx which was $1.6^{\circ}$ Bx higher compared to that in untreated control. However, spermine treatment did not affect the acidity of fruit and it remained 0.68-0.76% regardless of treatment concentrations. These results suggest that spermine treatment has a positive effect on the growth and productivity of strawberry fruit under abnormal low-temperature condition. The positive effect was the highest at $250{\mu}M$ spermine treatment and gradually decreased in the order of $100{\mu}M$, $500{\mu}M$, and untreated control.

Benzo(a)pyrene에 의해 유도된 간기능 장해에 미치는 쑥의 효과 (The Effect of Mugwort Extracts on the Benzo(a)pyrene-induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats)

  • 윤수홍;조수열;박은주;김성중
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제7권1_2호
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 1992
  • Mugwort has been used as a Korean folk medicine in treating liver diseases acting as an analgesics, sedative, diuresis, choleretics. This study was perfomed to evaluate the effect of mugwort extracts on the changes of enzyme activities, lipid accumulation of the serum and liver, when hepatotoxicity was induced by benzo(a)pyrene. The results are as follows: 1. Mugwort water extract administration prevented the increase of serum and liver AST, ALT, LDH, ${\gamma}$-GTP, liver ALP activities and bilirubin content caused by B(a)P injection. 2. The increase of serum and liver ALT, LDH, ${\gamma}$-GTP, serum AST activities and liver bilirubin contents in B(a)P treated group were decreased by mugwort methanol extract treatment. 3. Serum and liver total cholesterol, phospholipid, triglyceride level and serum HDL-cholesterol level were increased by B(a)P treatment. After combined treatment of mugwort water and methanul extracts, these lipid content were significantly decreased. 4. The hepatotropic effect of mugwort water extract and after-treatment against B(a)P induced hepatotoxicity was superior to that of methanol extract and pretreatment.

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보중익기탕가미방(補中益氣湯加味方)을 투여한 비염환자 50예에 대한 분석 (The Analysis of 50 Patients with Allergic Rhinitis Administerd by Bojungikgitang-Gamibang)

  • 정순영;서형식
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2006
  • Background : Bojungikgitang is a typical prescription that helps to replenish the spleen and stomach, and its effect proved positive on allergic rhinitis by experiment. But there is only a few clinical thesis on allergic rhinitis to which Bojungikgitang was administered. Objective : The prevalence of allergic rhinitis appear to be increasing. The experimental study on allergic rhinitis has occasionally been reported, but the clinical study on various cases on treatment of using herbal medicine is not many. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of Bojungikgitang-Gamibang on allergic rhinitis. Methods : The treatment effect was analyzed over fifty patients who visited and had treatment with Bojungikgitang-Gamibang on allergic rhinitis in the hospital of Sangji University from June, 2003 to September, 2005. Result : After we analyzed 50 cases of allergic rhinitis by administering Bojungikgitang-Gamibang, we concluded that the shorter duration of disease and high dosage were the main factors which improved the symptoms effectively. Conclusion : Bojungikgitang-Gamibang was the effective treatment of allergic rhinitis.

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이명(耳鳴)의 병인별(病因別) 분류(分類)와 침구치료(鍼灸治療)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) (The Literatural Study on the classification of cause and the effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion treatment for Tinnitus)

  • 양기영;이병렬
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.273-287
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    • 2000
  • The Literatural Study on the classification of cause and the effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion treatment for Tinnitus was studied from the viewpoint of therapeutic acupuncture and moxibustion effect. And the results were as follows: 1. The cause of Tinnitus is divided three parts, The Internal Organs factors, Internal damages, and Exogenous pathogenic factors, in The Nei Jing. 2. The basal meridian of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment were the channels of Shaoyang. 3. The treatment of acupuncture had a rule of Ju Ci.

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STS 316L의 재결정 열처리법을 이용한 구속효과 평가 (Evaluation of the Plastic Region Using Recrystallization Heat Treatment for Constraint Effect with STS 316L)

  • 한민수;장석기
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.539-544
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    • 2009
  • The constraint effect $A_2$ has to be evaluated within plastic region near crack tip front using opening displacement. Plastic boundary and stress or strain conditions in the vicinity of the crack tip using recrystallization heat treatment was represented. It was found that the plastic deformation boundary by recrystallization heat treatment method was the true strain of ${\epsilon}t$ = 0.05mm/mm. With the estimation of constraint effects $A_2$, the region of proper displacement measurement point near crack tip was between 0mm and 1mm distance toward direction of crack propagation, and was between 1mm to 3mm distance toward direction of load line.

일차 배양 랫드 혈관 평활근 세포에서 Prostaglandin 생성에 미치는 Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide의 작용 특성 (Effects of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide on Prostaglandin Production in Primary Cultured Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells)

  • 이수환
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 1996
  • This study was designed to characterize endotoxin-induced prostaglandin production in primary cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The time course for prostaglandin synthesis in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated VSMC showed that the maximum production was reached in 12 hours. LPS induced prostaglandin H2 synthase (PGHS) activity in VSMC and the time course profile in the changes of PGHS activity paralleled that of total prostaglandin production. Differential treatment showed that 4 hours' exposure to LPS was enough for the maximum effect on the prostaglandin production and this effect was completely inhibited by the co-treatment of actinomycin D, a transcription inhibitor. These results suggest that LPS effect might be determined within 4 hours. Actinomycin D increased PGHS activity without affecting prostaglandin production if added 4 hours after LPS treatment. On the other hand, cyclogeximide, a translation inhibitor, augmented LPS-induced prostaglandin production if treated during first four hours, but it inhibited LPS-induced PGHS activity regardless of treatment schedule. These results suggest the existence of multiple regulating mechanisms in the LPS-induced prostaglandin synthesis.

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역절풍(歷節風)의 병인병기(病因病機)와 침구치료(鍼灸治療)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) (The literature study on classification of cause and the effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion treatment for Youk Jeol Poung)

  • 유복종;김기현
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.443-459
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    • 2000
  • The Literatural Study on the classification of cause and the effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion treatment for Youk Jeol Poung was studied from the viewpoint of therapeutic acupuncture and moxibustion effect. And the results were as follows: 1. Youk Jeol Poung is similar to Tong Bi, Ju Bi, Haeng Bi, Tong Poung. 2. The symptoms of Youk Jeol Poung are pain and weakness, difficulty of flexion, swelling and pain, severe pain etc., at night pain is more severe. 3. The cause, mechanism of Youk Jeol Poung is as follow, due to penetration of the wind, cold, moisture, uder situation of whole body is pain. 4. The main treatment is invigorate vital energy and blood, expel wind - evil, promote diuresis, eliminating phlegm, promote blood circulation, cold, heat - clearing. 5. The basal meridian of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment were the channels of Su Jok Sam Yang.

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抗癌 및 免疫에 대한 托裡消毒散의 效果;萬病回春方을 중심으로 (The Effects of Taklysodoksan Extract on the Anti-cancer and Immunity)

  • 김홍진;최정화
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.100-115
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    • 2000
  • Taklysodoksan(TSS) was a drug used in the treatment of carbuncle and cellulitis in oriental medicine. The purpose of this Study is to investigate the anti-cancer effect of TSS, the proliferation of immunocytes and nitric oxide(NO) production from peritoneal macrophages of mice. This Study estimated the proliferation of Ll210 cell lines, mouse thymocytes and splenocytes and NO production from peritoneal macrophages in vitro and vivo. The proliferation of cells was tested using a colorimetric tetrazoliun assay(MTT assay). From the in vitro and vivo Study of TSS treatment, it did not effect the proliferation of L1210 cells. It also did not have any positive prodution of NO in peritoneal macrophages. This results suggest that TSS treatment in WanBingHuiChun(萬病回春) did not have significant anti-cancer effect and immuno-action comparing with TSS treatment of WaiKeZhengZhong(外科正宗).

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초미립자 탈수성 증대를 위한 초음파 활용에 관한 연구 (Ultrasonically Enhanced Dewaterability of Fine Particles)

  • 오철;김병일;김영욱
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2002년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2002
  • In accordance with the need of developing a methodology for the sludge reduction, this study investigates the effect of sonication on the dewaterability of the sewage sludge. The investigation involves laboratory experiments of the sewage sludge from Yongin Waste Treatment Plant. The Laboratory tests were conducted under a broad range of conditions including energy levels of ultrasonic waves, time for the treatment, pH, and effect of polymers. The results of the study show that sonication enhances the dewaterability significantly The degree of enhancement varies with sonication power, treatment time, the amount of sludge treated. The effect of sonication on the temperature and pH of the test specimens seems not to be significant. The polymer can be useful to enhance the effectiveness of ultrasound treatment.

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견의 Tannin처리에 관한 연구(I) -축합형 Tannin을 중심으로- (A Study on Tannin Treatment of Silk Fabrics(I) -Condensed Tannin-)

  • 설정화;최석철
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 1994
  • Mimosa and Quebracho are, in general, tanned with leather skin, finished silk fabrics according to temperature, treatment time, tannin concetration, pH, and studies that relation between tannin weighting and various factors. This makes fundamental study on characteristic of tannin treated fabrics. and the results are as fallows : 1. λ$_{max}$ was found at 278.5nm for Mimosa. 279.5nm for Quebracho. Also a stability was good in standing time and heating. 2. The higher tannin treatment temprature was, the better tannin weighting effect was. But they were slightly decreased at over 8$0^{\circ}C$, and K/S was slowly increased. 3. As tannin treatment time increased, tannin weighting effect increased but they were decreased at over 8$0^{\circ}C$, 90min. 4. As tannin concentration increased, tannin weighting was increased. 5. In tannin weighting effect according to various pH conditions, the it's best range of pH were 3.5~5.5 of Mimosa, 2.5~3.5 of Quebracho.o.

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