• Title/Summary/Keyword: Translation Literature

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A Quality Comparison of English Translations of Korean Literature between Human Translation and Post-Editing

    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2018
  • As the artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in machine translation (MT) which has loomed large as a new translation paradigm, concerns have also arisen if MT can produce a quality product as human translation (HT) can. In fact, several MT experimental studies report cases in which the MT product called post-editing (PE) as equally as HT or often superior ([1],[2],[6]). As motivated from those studies on translation quality between HT and PE, this study set up an experimental situation in which Korean literature was translated into English, comparatively, by 3 translators and 3 post-editors. Afterwards, a group of 3 other Koreans checked for accuracy of HT and PE; a group of 3 English native speakers scored for fluency of HT and PE. The findings are (1) HT took the translation time, at least, twice longer than PE. (2) Both HT and PE produced similar error types, and Mistranslation and Omission were the major errors for accuracy and Grammar for fluency. (3) HT turned to be inferior to PE for both accuracy and fluency.

Research on Standardization of TKM Formulae English Translation (한의(韓醫) 방제명(方劑名)의 영역(英譯) 표준화(標準化)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Ahn, Sang-Young;Kwon, Oh-Min;Han, Chang-Hyun;Park, Sang-Young;Ahn, Sang-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: Standard is a unified criterion for some repeated things or concepts in a certain scope. It is fundamental to implement standardization in English translation of traditional Korean medicine (TKM) formulae to promote progress in the evaluation of TKM and also to serve in enhancing the efficiency in studies of medical formulae. Methods: We undertook literature research on current Korean and Chinese medicinal formulae in English translation, analyzing 485 Korean formulae and 464 Chinese. We also undertook a comparative study of 102 common English translation of both Korean and Chinese, proposing a constant and effective methods for English translation of medical formulae. Results: To have a precise English translation we classified medical formulae nomenclature in advance. We found that formulae naming can be fundamentally classified into 6 forms which are (a) Materia Medica + Preparation Form, (b) Materia Medica + Indication + Preparation Form, (c) Materia Medica Numbers + Preparation Form, (d) Indication + Preparation Form, (e) Concept + Preparation Form, and (f) Miscellaneous. Based on these findings we could determine that these 6 types ((a)-(f)) can all be translated into English by (1) Materia Medica + Preparation Form and (2) Indication + Preparation Form + of (with) + Materia Medica schemes. In regard to translation of Indication it can follow Noun+~ing participle form. Conclusion: This research provides a common method of TKM medicinal formulae English translation for better understanding, education, training, practice and research in TKM. Consequently, English translation using these methods can serve as the initial study for standardization of TKM medicinal formulae.

The Reconsideration of Comparative Literature through the Untranslatability (번역불가능성을 통한 비교문학의 재사유)

  • Song, EunJu
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.159-183
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    • 2014
  • This thesis aims to explore another possibility of comparative literature in the light of translation. Comparative literature has been criticized for its Eurocentrism to attempt to assimilate all differences from other cultures and national literatures into the frame of the Western. On the other hand, it has been haunted by the anxiety of "unhomliness", which means it doesn't have a stable and definable terrain as an independent disciplinary. However, it can offer the possibility to overcome its limitation and thematize in- betweenness of diverse terrains due to its fluid and ambiguous position and identity of discipline. When it deals with the issue of in-betweenness, 'the Untranslatable' can be an helpful apparatus to analyze comparative literature through translation theories. Along with the recent change in the study of comparative literature under the influence of transnationalism and hybridization, the role of translation which has been disregarded for a long time is being reevaluated. Translation functions to transfer literary works beyond boundaries of languages, whereas it visualizes incommensurable differences through the failure of finding ultimate equivalences between languages and arriving at one single meaning. The existence of the untranslatable suggests that the attempt to totalize differences is unfeasible, thereby makes comparison unending. Salman Rushdie's Shalimar the Clown can be an appropriate instance that the untranslatable was used as a literary technique to show unreducible alterity of non-Western language and culture.

Translation, Creation, and Empowerment in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale

  • Yoo, Inchol
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.1173-1198
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, I discuss Chaucer's Clerk's Tale by viewing the relationship between Walter and Griselda as that of a medieval translator and his translation. My major concern is how a medieval translation can serve power, more specifically the consolidation of power under particular historical circumstances. The motive and the process of Walter's creative translation of Griselda are closely examined to show that his translation, which includes a creation of a new Griselda as a pinnacle of wifely virtue of patience, is performed as a form of political propaganda, ultimately aimed at strengthening his governing power over his people and land. My discussion of the Clerk's Tale ends with the comparison of the two translators, Walter and the Clerk, the latter of whom is an example of an unsuccessful translator for his lack of creation in the translation.

The Translation of Korean Literature in Romania (루마니아에서의 한국문학번역: 실태와 개선점 및 번역교육에 대한 고찰)

  • Kwak, Dong Hun
    • East European & Balkan Studies
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.3-30
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    • 2019
  • In order to understand the various cultural interactions caused by the wave of globalization, we need a proper lens that can observe and transmit correctly these phenomena. The result of understanding very differs depending on which lens is used. Translation can be regarded as a lens to communicate with each other in the world where language barriers exist. Literature is a kind of universal cultural heritage combined with the intellectual, artistic and social lifestyle of each society. Introducing this cultural complex, namely literature and impregnating people from other languages with the value of our Korean literature, begin with the correct translation. Translator should act as a literary missionary, not merely a simple communicator. The process of literary translation cannot be achieved by simple linguistic ability because it is a highly human scientific work that requires diverse talents from translators. The right translator for Korean literature in Romania is a person with diverse abilities and social experiences within the cultural framework of Korea and Romania. As the requirements of the translation environment from each country are different, the paradigm of foreign translation literature that Romania wants to accept may be very clear distinctively. With recognizing this characteristic environment of Romania, the value of Korean literature can be effectively spread in Romania. Translators are the creators of another original work. With this in mind, the education of Korean studies in Romania should pay more attention to the nurture of right and capable translators.

Scale, Untranslatability, Cultural Translation, and World Literature

  • Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.469-481
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    • 2018
  • When literatures and cultures encounter their counterparts in terms of the big data or statistics of a new reconfiguration in the cognitive map, the tangential points of the borderland will be reduced to what Mitchell calls "a mere abstraction on a map," which nevertheless will provide a vast interstitial zone of "intersections, competition, and exclusions." This zone will be the dynamic vortex for the aesthetics, politics, and ethics of cultural translation. The translated discourse will engage in carrying across the disturbing region of untranslatability and demonstrate how the literary texts of world literature reveal enriching but threatening human experience. This dynamic border of vortex will construct the translational space of world literature, transcending the fragmentary untranslatable nature of the hybrid convergence of the ethnic, racial, cultural and national intermixtures and constructing what Pascal Casanova terms "The World Republic of Letters." In this paper, I will demonstrate how the very concept of scale is related to literary space as well as how distance creates a poetics of literary landscapes which looks ahead of world literature. Also, I will attempt to find the possibility to relate the "micro-scale" with the "macro-scale," and to construct the scale politics of representation. "Glocalization" is a convenient theoretical tool for the double movement of the up-scale and down-scale.

Research on Standardization of Sasang Typology Formulae English Translation (사상(四象) 방제명(方劑名)의 영역(英譯) 표준화(標準化)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyun-Koo;Ahn, Sang-Young;Kwon, Oh-Min;Ahn, Sang-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: This study proposes a new form of English translation in comparison with that shown in English books related to Sasang Constitutional medicine formulae which have been published up to now. Methods: This study formulated a new form of English translation guidelines by making a comparative analysis of the English translation cases listed in "Korean-English Dictionary of Oriental Medicine", "Longevity and Life Preservation in Eastern Medicine", and "Introduction to Sasang Constitutional Medicine". Results: This study as a common rules suggested that names of preparation form should be placed at the very end of the formula name and the first letters of the major words of the formula name should be capitalized. In addition, for the sake of accuracy in English translation of the formula name, this study divided the formula names into 8 types. The 8 sorts of types include: (a) Materia Medica + Preparation Form, (b) Materia Medica + Indication + Preparation Form, (c) Materia Medica Numbers + Preparation Form, (d) Indication + Preparation Form, (e) Concept + Preparation Form, (f) Concept + Materia Medica + Preparation Form, (g) Concept + Indication + Preparation Form, (h) Etcetera. In these types, medicinal herbs should be written in scientific name, and translation of indication can follow Noun+~ing participle form. In case of the terms having a Korean-medicine-based meaning, this study aimed for source-oriented translation. Conclusions: This study provides a general English translation method and examples of the formula names for Sasang constitutional medicine.

The Task of the Translator: Walter Benjamin and Cultural Translation (번역자의 책무-발터 벤야민과 문화번역)

  • Yoon, Joewon
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.217-235
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    • 2011
  • On recognizing the significance of Walter Benjamin's "The Task of a Translator" in recent discourses of postcolonial cultural translation, this essay examines the creative postcolonialist appropriations of Benjamin's theory of translation and their political implications. In an effort to dismantle the imperialist political hierarchy between the West and the non-West, modernity and its "primitive" others, which has been the operative premise of the traditional translation studies and anthropology, newly emergent discourses of cultural translation actively adopts Benjamin's notion of translation that does not prioritize the original text's claim on authenticity. Benjamin theorizes each text-translation as well as the original-as an incomplete representation of the pure language. Eschewing formalistic views propounded by deconstructionist critics like Paul de Man, who tend to regard Benjamin's notion of the untranslatable purely in terms of the failure inherent in the language system per se, such postcolonialist critics as Tejaswini Niranjana, Rey Chow, and Homi Bhabha, each in his/her unique way, recuperate the significatory potential of historicity embedded in Benjamin's text. Their further appropriation of the concept of the "untranslatable" depends on a radically political turn that, instead of focusing on the failure of translation, salvages historical as well as cultural potentiality that lies between disparate cultural entities, signifying differences, or disjunctures, that do not easily render themselves to existing systems of representation. It may therefore be concluded that postcolonial discourses on cultural translation of Niranhana, Chow, and Bhabha, inspired by Benjamin, each translate the latter's theory into highly politicized understandings of translation, and this leads to an extensive rethinking of the act of translation itself to include all forms of cultural exchange and communicative activities between cultures. The disjunctures between these discourses and Benjamin's text, in that sense, enable them to form a sort of theoretical constellation, which aspires to an impossible yet necessary utopian ideal of critical thinking.

The Translation and Study of Korean Literature in English Speaking Countries (한국문학의 영어권에 있어서의 수용 및 연구 현황 - 미국을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Suk-Wu
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.7
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    • pp.205-226
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    • 2005
  • Up to January 2003, the amount of English translated works of Korean Literature are 399, among which 170 are translated abroad, 189, in Korea, and 40, abroad as well as in Korea at the same time. Like other language speaking countries, the 1980s and the 1990s are peak not only for the translation of Korean Literature but also for its scholarly attention. The statistic analysis of information, accumulated in various databases such as The Harvard Korean Studies Bibliography, Hawaii Korean Studies Bibliography, and MLA International Bibliography, shows that up to February 2004, 33 books, 16 dissertations and one thesis, 200 articles, and 84 reviews are wholly devoted to the study of Korean Literature in English speaking countries. However, why certain works of poets like Kim Sowol, Han Youngun, So Chungju, and novelists like Hwang Sunwon, Han Moosook, Kim Dongri are mostly translated in English speaking countries remain to be analysed in their socio-political details in breadth and depth. Likewise, why the works of So Chungju, Yi Kwangsoo, Kim Manjoong, Han Youngun, Kim Sowol, Chung Jiyoung are mostly taught and studied in English speaking countries are open to further scholarly discussion and debate.

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A Study on 『Korean Translation of ·』 -Focused on declared characteristics and characteristics in different versions- (『국역본 <>·<>』 고찰 -표기적 특징과 이본적 성격을 중심으로-)

  • Kan, Ho-yun
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.15
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    • pp.355-387
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of the study was to decide Korean translation and the copying period of "Korean Translation of " and to look all around their characteristics in different versions carefully until now. The "Korean Translation" is a collection of Korean-translated romance and love stories excavated by a professor Kim,Il Geun, and there is not a little meaning in the context of novel history in the point of view of 'Korean translation of a court possession'. Arranging conclusion of the study generally, it is as follows. (1) Considering phonological phenomena, grammar and vocabulary in the study of Korean language, it is presumed that they would be translated into Korean and copied between the regime period of the King Sukjong and the regime period of the King Yungjo in the Joseon Dynasty. For, they were composed of a middle declaration of copied 'Myeoknambon "Korean Translation of Taepyeonggwanggi(태평광기)"' and 'NakseonJaebon(낙선재본)' between the middle of the 17th century and the middle of the 18th century and the regime period of the King Jeongjo in the Joseon Dynasty appointed as the background period of the novels should be excepted. Consequently, through the Korean Translation, we can confirm that the novel scope between the 17th century and the 18th century in Korean novel history was widened until 'The Royal Court' and 'Women'. (2) In the side of vocabulary, the "Korean Translation" also has not a little meaning in the side of a collection translated in the Royal Court. It doesn't have new vocabularies, but partial vocabularies as '(Traces:痕)' '(Clean eyes:明眸)', ' (Sail:帆)', '(Get up:起)', '글이플(Weak grass:弱草)', '쇼록(Owl:? 梟 or 鴉?)', '이 사라심(This life:此生)', and '노혀오매(Look for:訪)' are good data in the study of Korean language. (3) The "Korean Translation" is a valuable data about translation and copying of a court novel and we can discover intentionally changed parts and partially omitted sentences rather in the than in the . There are differences between a translation book and a copying book and we can catch sight of intention of translation and unsettledness of copying in the second work. Therefore, we can know that the "Korean Translation" has a double context which one work is translated and a work in different version is derived, compared to a simple copy. (4) The "Korean Translation" has a close relation with "Hangoldong(閒汨董)", but it doesn't regard the same copy as a foundation. The basic copy of translation of the "Korean Translation" is a different version of the same line as "Hangoldong" and "Jeochobon(저초본:정명기 소장본)" and is more similar line to "Hangoldong", but it is also not the same basic copy. (5) Considering that the "Korean Translation" doesn't has a distinct relation with the "Hangoldong", there is no correlation between the "Korean Translation" and and the "Hangoldong" and . In addition, we could not discover a writer's identity between the two.