• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training and education

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An Empirical Study on the Failure Factors of Startups Using Non-financial Information (비재무정보를 이용한 창업기업의 부실요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Nam, Gi Joung;Lee, Dong Myung;Chen, Lu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to contribute to the minimization of the social cost due to the insolvency by improving the success rate of the startups by providing useful information to the founders and the start-up support institutions through analysis of non-financial information affecting the failure of the startups. This study is aimed at entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs that are defined by the credit guarantee institutions generally refer to entrepreneurs within 5 years of establishment. The data used in the study are sampled from the companies that were supported by the start-up guarantee from January 2014 to December 2013 as the end of December 2017. The total number of sampled firms is 2,826, 2,267 companies (80.2%), and 559 non-performing companies (19.8%). The non-financial information of the entrepreneur was divided into the entrepreneur characteristics information, the entrepreneur characteristics information, the entrepreneur asset information and the entrepreneur 's credit information, and cross-tabulations and logistic regression analysis were conducted. As a result of cross-tabulations, univariate analysis showed that personal credit rating, presence in the industry, presence of residential housing, presence of employees, and presence of financial statements were selected as significant variables. As a result of the logistic regression analysis, three variables such as personal credit rating, occupation in the industry, and presence of residential house were found to be important factors affecting the failure of founding companies. This result shows the importance of entrepreneur 's personal credibility and experience and entrepreneur' s assets in business management. The start-up support institutions should reflect these results in the entrepreneur 's credit evaluation system, and the entrepreneurs need training on the importance of the personal credit and the management plan in the entrepreneurial education. The results of this analysis will contribute to the minimization of the incapacity of startups by providing useful non-financial information to founders and start-up support organizations.

A Study on the Current Fire Insurance Subscription and Solutions for Ensuring the Safety of the Traditional Market (전통시장 안전성 확보를 위한 개선방안: 화재보험 가입실태를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yoo-Oh;Byun, Chung-Gyu;Ryu, Tae-Chang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2011
  • Concerning the risk factors of the outbreak of a fire in a traditional market, most of those markets are located in downtown areas or residential areas; thus, although their location may be favorable in terms of marketability, they face a potential risk in that a fire may develop into a large blaze owing to poor environment or the absence of facilities prepared for disaster during a fire. Moreover, as many people are densely poised in the markets, it is very probable that a fire may occur owing to the excessive use of heaters in the winter as well as the reckless use of electric and gas facilities. It seems that traditional markets encounter difficulty being insured against fire, because of their vulnerability and that the vast majority of small-scale sellers are likely to suffer mental anguish and tremendous physical injury in case of a fire. However, most of those sellers in the traditional markets are hand-to-mouth sellers, and they lack awareness of safety concerns and have insufficient experience in safe facility management. As small-scale sellers constitute the majority in the traditional market, the subscription rate of fire insurance in most of the traditional markets is low for the reasons of their needy circumstances and their financial burden. Statistically, the subscription by street vendors is non-existent; therefore, these vendors have a fairly limited access to indemnification after fire damage. Because of these problems, this study's purpose is to identify the current level of insurance subscription by these markets, which are exposed to poor facilities and vulnerability to fire. In order to fix this, it appears that shop owners and consumers will have to band together. For this study, we executed a fire policyholder fact-finding mission at traditional markets with approximately 108 and 981 stores. The research method was executed by an investigation using one-on-one individual interviews using a questionnaire. The contents investigated current insurance subscriptions. The method of analysis looked at the difference of insured amount according to volume size through cross-tabulation of the difference of insured amount by possession form, difference of insured amount by market form, difference of insured amount by category of business, difference of insured amount by market size, etc. Furthermore, the study should be used to propose solutions for problems through theoretical review with the use of a literature research, because the field case study was through interviews with the persons concerned, and the survey of the current insurance subscriptions by traditional market shopkeepers. The traditional market would generally have difficulty affording fire insurance. Fire insurance subscription rates of most of the market proved to be inactive, because of the economic burden of payment. Lack of funds is thought to be the main factor that causes a lack of realization about the necessity of fire insurance. In addition to expensive insurance premiums, sometimes, the companies' valuation of the businesses is lower than their actual valuations, and they do not pay out enough during a claim. The research presents an improvement plan that, when presented at the traditional markets, may strengthen their ability to procure fire insurance through the help of the central government. Researchers connected with the traditional market mainly accomplish the initial research. However, although this research has its limitations, it offers considerable benefits. For future researchers, I would suggest looking at several regions for comparison.

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Levels of Barriers to Pain Management of Cancer Patients and their Nurses (암 환자와 간호사의 통증관리 장애정도)

  • Yoo, Yang-Sook;Lee, Won-Hee;Cho, Ok-Hee;Lee, So-Woo
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.224-233
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to provide basic data for developing an effective strategy for cancer pain management by comparing the levels of barriers to pain management of metastatic or advanced cancer patient and their nurses. Methods: The subject of this study were 155 patients who were treated for metastatic or advanced cancer at one of three hospitals in Seoul from January 2004 to January 2005, and 153 nurses who take care of those patients. The levels of barriers to pain management were measured using a tool developed by Gunnarsdottir et al. (2002), 27 questions on a six point scale. The levels of stresses were measured using a tool modified from a stress response measurement reported by Goh Gyung-bong et al. (2000), 27 questions on a five point scale. The levels of barriers in cancer patients were analyzed using t-test and ANOVA, while the data obtained from patients and nurses were compared by t-test. Results: Higher levels of barriers to pain management were found in three groups: 'less than middle school,' 'not treated with anti-cancer chemotherapy,' and 'ECOG of 2.' The level (2.55) of barriers to pain management in the patient group was higher than that (1.76) of the nurse group. Both of the two groups had high levels of barriers in two variables: 'There is a danger of becoming addicted to pain medicine.' and 'Using pain medicine blocks your ability to know if you have any new pain.' There was not a significant difference in the levels of stresses between the two groups. Conclusion: It was found that, for effective cancer pain management practices, it would be necessary to provide cancer patients and their nurses with education and training about pain management and related barriers.

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The National Survey of Breast Cancer Treatment Pattern in Korea (1998): The Use of Breast-Conserving Treatment (1998년도 우리나라 유방암 치료 현황 조사: 유방보존술 적용 실태를 중심으로)

  • Shin Hyun Soo;Lee Hyung Sik;Chang Sei Kyung;Chung Eun JE;Kim Jin Hee;Oh Yoon Kyung;Chun Mi Sun;Huh Seung Jae;Loh Jun Kyu;Suh Chang-Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.184-191
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: In order to improve the proper use of radiotherapy and breast-conserving treatment (BCT) in the management of breast cancer, current status of breast cancer treatment in Korea was surveyed nationwide and the use of BCT were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Patients characteristics and treatment pattern of 1048 breast cancer patients from 27 institutions diagnosed between January, 1998 and June, 1998 were analyzed. The incidence of receiving BCT was analyzed according to the stage, age, geography, type of hospital, and the availability of radiotherapy facility. Results: Radical mastectomy was peformed in 64.8% of total patients and 26% of patients received breast- conserving surgery (BCS). The proportions of patients receiving BCT were 47.5% in stage 0, 54.4% in stage I, and 20.3% in stage II, Some of the patients (6.6% of stage I, 10.1% of stage II and 66.7% of stage III) not received radiotherapy after BCS. Only 45% of stage III patients received post-operative radiotherapy after radical mastectomy. The proportion of patients receiving BCT was different according to the geography and availability of radiotherapy facilities. Conclusion: Radiotherapy was not fully used in the management of breast cancer, even in the patients received breast-conserving surgery. The proportion of the patients who received BCT was lower than the report of western countries. To improve the application of proper management of breast cancer, every efforts such as a training of physicians, public education, and improving accessibility of radiotherapy facilities should be done. The factors predicting receipt of BCT were accessibility of radiotherapy facility and geography. Also, periodic survey like current research is warranted.

A Sustainable Operation Plan for School Gardens - Based on a Survey of Elementary School Gardens in Seoul (학교 텃밭의 지속적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 초등학교의 학교 텃밭 실태조사를 바탕으로 -)

  • Choi, I-Jin;Lee, Jae Jung;Cho, Sang Tae;Jang, Yoon Ah;Heo, Joo Nyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2018
  • This study surveyed 599 elementary schools in Seoul to provide measures for the quantitative expansion and sustainable operation of environmentally-friendly school garden. Of all schools, 161 schools had formed and were operating school gardens. The total area of school gardens was 166,901m2 and the mean area was 131.2m2 in elementary, junior high and high schools in Seoul. Meanwhile, the total area of school gardens was 65,493m2 and the mean area was 363m2 in 161 schools that participated in the survey, indicating 1.15m2 per student. Of these schools, 11.8% were operating gardens themselves, while 50.3% were operating gardens that had been newly renovated or environmentally improved by institutional support projects after initially managing gardens themselves. According to the locations of school gardens, mixed-type gardening (a combination of school gardening and container vegetable gardening) accounted for 34.8%, followed by school gardening at 32.9%, container vegetable gardening at 29.2%, and suburb community gardening at 3.1%. Those in charge of garden operations were teachers at 51.6%, comprising the largest percentage. Facilities built when forming the garden included storage facilities for small-scale greenhouses and farming equipment at 26.1%, accounting for the largest percentage. No additional facilities constructed accounted for 21.7%. The greatest difficulty in operating gardens was garden management at 34.2%. The most needed elements for the sustainable operation of gardens were improvement in physical environment and the need for hiring a paid garden, each accounting for 32%. The most important purpose for school gardening was creating educational environments (81.6%). The major source for gaining information on garden management was consultation from acquaintances (67.8%). Schools that utilize plant waste from gardens as natural fertilizers accounted for 45.8% of all schools. Responses to the impact of operating school gardens for educational purpose were positive in all schools as 'very effective' in 63.2% and 'effective' in 36.8%. This study was meaningful in that it intended to identify the current status of the operation of school gardens in elementary schools in Seoul, support the formation of school gardens appropriate for each school with sustainable operation measures, implement a high-quality education program, develop teaching materials, expand job training opportunities for teachers in charge, devise measures to support specialized instructors, and propose the need for a garden management organization.

Factors Affecting Posttraumatic Stress of Emergency Medical Personnels (구급대원의 외상성 스트레스 영향요인)

  • Baek, Mi-Lye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2011
  • This study not only investigates emergency medical personnel's posttraumatic stress(PTS), social support, work burden, and coping style but also identifies related factors which were exerted influence on PTS and active coping method of emergency medical personnels among the firefighters. The data were gathered from 143 emergency medical personnels who were receiving training. The data were collected by IES-R, consisting of twenty-two questions that determine the level of PTS, method used in Cho's research(2000) that deal with work burden, method used in Oh's article (2006) relating to social support, and sixty-two questions that deals with coping methods. Then the data gathered were analyzed using SPSSWIN 14.0 program. PTS of general characteristics showed significant difference in age, marriage status, education, and position. High risk group of PTS was 74(51.7%). Work burden, active and passive coping method, and three symptoms in PTS are significantly high(p=0.000) in high risk group. PTS was correlated with work burden(r=0.508, p=0.000), active coping method(r=0.375, p=0.000), and passive coping method(r=0.505, p=0.000) but not with social support. Related factors of PTS were work burden(0.371) and passive coping method(0.366). Also related factors of high risk group of PTS were work burden(odds ratio=1.064, 95% confidence interval:1.031-1.103) and passive coping(odds ratio=1.050, 95% confidence interval:1.022-1.080). Related factors of active coping method were PTS(0.392) and social support(0.158). To minimize the PTS of emergency medical personnels, the new policy should decrease their work burden and passive coping method and strengthen the social support to encourage active coping method.

A Study on Way to Revitalize the Service Delivery System in the Hinterland Villages in Non-Urbanized Area (비도시지역 배후마을 서비스전달체계 활성화방안 연구)

  • Haechun Jung;Heeseung Yang
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.533-544
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    • 2023
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has been promoting policies to strengthen the functions of rural centers (culture, welfare, economy, education, etc.) and to ensure that services from the centers are delivered to and connected to hinterland villages. For this policy purpose, the rural center revitalization project and the basic living base creation project within the rural development projects are being promoted. However, in the process of carrying out the actual project, as the focus is on strengthening the functions of rural centers, service delivery and connection with hinterland villages are not being actively promoted. therefore, in this study, we analyze the projects previously carried out in Jeoksang-myeon, Muju-gun and the regional status, analyze the reasons why hinterland village services were not connected and activated, and propose a direction for the second phase of the basic living base creation project to be carried out in the future. As a result of analyzing the reasons for the failure of hinterland village services to be activated, problems such as disadvantages in accessing services due to dispersed residence in rural areas and limitations in topographical structure, and the lack of a service delivery system to develop demand in hinterland areas were found to be problems. Improvement measures were derived as follows. First, it is a stepping stone construction plan proposed to overcome topographical limitations. Establish a stepping base that will function as a service intermediate terminal to ensure efficient service delivery. Second, for a rational decision-making structure, we proposed a plan for deploying communication channels that could closely collect local opinions by operating various small-scale communities along with the efficient composition of a resident committee that includes residents of the central and hinterland villages and various classes. Third, it is a virtuous cycle of local manpower training plans that train local residents into professional instructors. We aim to complete a sustainable, resident-led service supply system by nurturing the most important service deliverers, that is, activists, in service delivery.

The Medical Doctors' Opinion of Public Health Center on the Development and Supply of Medical Doctor for Public Health Sector (공공보건분야 의사 인력 양성과 개발에 대한 보건소 근무 의사들의 인식)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Lee, Jung-Jeung;Kim, Jin-Sam;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Son, Hyo-Kyung;Kim, Chun-Bae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This study, as for activating measures for capable medical physicians to penetrate into the public health sector, is to provide a basic informations which are used for the enlargement of human resources of physicians in the public health sector, by investigating the perception of physicians, who are now working in the public health center, on the training and development of physicians in the public health sector. Methods: The subjects of this study were 126 individuals. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis using SPSS ver. 17.0K. Results: According to the investigation of 'how to support physicians in public health sector', the necessity of almost questions is considered to be important. Especially, regarding to investigation on 'obstacles of physicians' entrance to public health sector', 'relatively low salary' and 'lack of promotion chances' were thought to be considerable. The most significant education programs to work for public health sector is to improve the ability of health administration planning and service performance. Conclusions: The important methods to reinforce and easily obtain the human resources of physicians in public health sector are not only to improve the penetration of physicians to public health sector, but also to enhance the ability of present physicians, even though sufficient recruitment of physicians is essential.

A Study on the Competencies of Automotive Professional Engineers in Korea (자동차 신제품개발 관련 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-Young;Lim, Se-Yung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.192-217
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    • 2008
  • This paper investigated the perceived criticalities and patterns of Korean Professional Engineer's competency regarding the working activities of automative product development, manufacturing, etc by using questionnaires responded to the survey which were applied to the automotive professors, experts and professional engineers (vocational parties) by e/mail, etc. This research investigated the following questions: First, what are the characteristic patterns, relevancy and perceived criticalities of Korean Professional Engineer's competencies? Second, What are the ranked priority of the Korean Professional Engineers' competencies? Are there any differency for each item, sub group of job, intelectual criterior of the competencies between relevancy and perceived criticalities according to the types of vocational parties, etc.? Accoring to the results; first, Professor group showed highest points among 3 groups per each item of the competencies by vocational parties Second, Chassis design group ranked top position among the 8 sub groups by vocational parties and, third, Problem Solving Knowledge ranked highest points than any others. Korean Professional Engineers are found to be positioned as key members, leaders and managers on surveying market, product planning, designing product & components, developing component parts, establishing shop with production equipment, managing quality control & material handling, organizing relevant meetings, developing human resources by training and learning, to back up finance with law matters, cooperating with concerned parties to achieve organizational goals, and to coordinate projects. etc, identifying ethical issues and business skills in order to survive and win to be competitive in various kinds of the automotive industry battle fields.

The Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Cognitive Performance, Brain Mitochondrial Aβ-42, Cytochrome c, SOD-1, 2 and Sirt-3 Protein Expression in Mutant (N141I) Presenilin-2 Transgenic Mice of Alzheimer's Disease (트레드밀 운동이 mutant (N141I) presenilin-2 유전자를 이식한 알츠하이머질환 모델 생쥐 뇌의 Aβ-42, cytochrome c, SOD-1, 2와 Sirt-3 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Koo, Jung-Hoon;Eum, Hyun-Sub;Kang, Eun-Bum;Kwon, In-Su;Yeom, Dong-Cheol;An, Gil-Young;Oh, Yoo-Sung;Baik, Young-Soo;Cho, In-Ho;Cho, Joon-Yong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.444-452
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of treadmill exercise on Aβ-42, cytochrome c, SOD-1, 2 and Sirt-3 protein expressions in brain cytosol and mitochondria in mutant (N141I) presenilin-2 transgenic mice with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The mice were divided into four groups (Non-Tg-sedentary, n=5; Non-Tg treadmill exercise, n=5; Tg-sedentary, n=5; Tg treadmill exercise, n=5). To evaluate the neuroprotective effect of treadmill exercise, Non-Tg and Tg mice were subjected to exercise training on a treadmill for 12 wk, after which their brain cytosol and mitochondria were evaluated to determine whether any changes in the cognitive performance, Aβ-42 protein, cytochrome c protein, anti-oxidant enzymes (SOD-1, SOD-2) and Sirt-3 protein had occurred. The results indicated that treadmill exercise resulted in amelioration in cognitive deficits of Tg mice. In addition, the expressions of mitochondrial Aβ-42 and cytosolic cytochrome c protein were decreased in the brains of Tg mice after treadmill exercise, whereas antioxidant enzymes, SOD-l and SOD-2 were significantly increased in response to treadmill exercise. Furthermore, treadmill exercise significantly increased the expression of Sirt-3 protein in Non-Tg and Tg mice. Taken together, these results suggest that treadmill exercise is a simple behavioral intervention which can sufficiently improve cognitive performance and inhibit Aβ-induced oxidative stress in AD.