• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training and education

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Survey of Lifelong Education Field Training Programs and Need Assessment Based on Job Model (평생교육실습 프로그램의 운영실태 및 평생교육사 직무모델에 기반한 요구도 분석)

  • CHOI, Young-Keun;YUN, Myung-Hee;JO, Jeong-Eun
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.1628-1645
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    • 2015
  • This study was designed to analyze the present condition of the lifelong education field training program and to implement the need assessment of field training program based on the job model application. In order to achieve these goals, surveys were conducted through questionnaires and in-depth interviews targeting staffs of lifelong education institution in Busan area. The 115 subjects were analyzed by frequency distribution, the paired samples t-test, and the Borich's need analysis. The result showed that the field training program was poorly executed during the year of 2013 due to deficiency of certified practitioners and systematic guidelines. Also, the most highly demanded tasks were promoting change, networking, planning, developing programs and conducting surveys among various roles of lifelong educators. On the other hand, the need for the assisting and supporting programs were relatively low. Finally, this study concluded the need for developing systematic guidelines and for accrediting as a lifelong education field training institution nationwide. The results of this study would ultimately contribute to enhance the quality of lifelong education field training program.

Impacts of Training and Education for Information Technology(IT) : Empirical Study in the Service Industry

  • 하태현
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.161-161
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    • 1989
  • This research examines the importance of IT training/education, present situation and possible suggestion for the successful training/education. The research method adopts a comparative analytical approach based on questionnaire survey responses from three work groups - managers, employees, and union representatives - drawn from five sample Korean banks. The evidence indicates that all three groups agree that IT improves banking efficiency and reduces job repetitiveness, but their job satisfaction level with IT-based work is surprisingly very low. The main reasons are mainly lack of training/education and poor user manuals. Also the research shows that most respondents would like to get further training/education to more adequately fit them for their jobs. Those from banks which invested in continuing training/education revealed more positive work attitudes and higher job satisfaction.

A Case Study on Voice Training Supporters' Training Course Management for Multicultural Family Members: Focus on B University's Governmental Support Policy (다문화가족 구성원 대상 보이스트레이닝 서포터스 양성과정 운영 사례 연구 -B대학교 정부 지원 사업을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Younghee;Cho, Wisu
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.121-147
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    • 2017
  • This study shows the current management status and the results of B University's multicultural creative-HR team's voice training supporters' preparation course that is part of the local funding project at the university. For this, the concept of voice training and educational contents of the multicultural members are first extracted from several documents. Then, a description of the management case of B University's voice training supporters' education course is given regarding the goals, operator of management, propulsion progress, and contents of previous education. For analyzing the management results of this work, in-depth interviews with the supporters and a half-structured survey are conducted with the voice academy main instructors. Moreover, reports of the work results, work journals of supporters and etc. are used for analyzing the results. According to the results of this analysis, the aspect of education, previous education contents, and teaching practicum are not organically connected. A more detailed curriculum about the comprehension ability of practical affairs is needed for managing a classroom. In aspect of management, the preparatory stage of voice training course and the practice stage were not linked, and thus, more cooperation is required with the main instructors. Although the results are limited, the voice training of the supporters' training course has its implications. First, the education of Korean pronunciation and intonation are provided for the supporters, thereby being able to facilitate learner-centered education. Second, it demonstrates in an empirical case that a class can be administered by specializing in Korean pronunciation and intonation. At last, it can provide a chance to practice teaching and offer field experience for students who have a Korean education major.

Overseas Residency Training Systems and Implications for Korea (외국 전공의 수련교육의 제도 및 시사점)

  • Lee, Sun Woo
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2018
  • Medical education, competency, and outcome-based medical education started as part of the basic medical education curriculum in advanced countries 20 years ago, and such an approach was adopted in residency training. General competency training is at the core of residency training in advanced countries, and it goes beyond competency and outcome-based training to the extent that in a milestone training system, competency development is expected and measured with set competency achievements at each level. Recently, for the purpose of ensuring that doctors uphold patient safety and fulfill their obligations, entrustable professional activities (EPA) were applied at the beginning of residency when doctors move away from clinical trials and start actual care. The adoption of EPA in all residency training curriculum has spread very rapidly in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Presently, Korea lags behind other countries significantly as the adoption of competency and outcome-based medical education in residency training has just begun. It is time to identify the current state of the Korean residency training system, and then design and practice a well-established system with a long-term view based on cooperation across the whole medical industry.


  • Sadagopan, Geetha;Kim, Hyunkee;Son, Miyeon
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.173-176
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    • 2012
  • Quality Management is a recent phenomenon. This is applied to products or services, with an objective to deliver high quality, reliable, worthy, enduring, product or service. The process is considered to have four main components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Focusing on quality control and quality assurance leads to achieving quality management or ensures that an organization or product is consistent. In this paper, the applicable international standard for learning services and for the organization for education and training (learning service provider) is discussed and also the procedure to implement the management system.

Analysis on the Effects of Image Training in School Physical Education Using Meta-Analysis (메타분석을 통한 학교 체육에서의 심상훈련 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Eui-Jae;Kang, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1041-1049
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    • 2019
  • This study gathered previous studies on the effects of image training in school physical education conducted in korea in order to investigate the average effect size as well as the factors that influence the effect sizes. This study connoted findings of individual studies related to image training in school physical education from 1995 to 2018. The results of this study were as follows: Firstly, the overall mean effect size of the image training in school physical education was large size(Cohen, 1988). Secondly, motor skills showed the large effect size than psychological variable. Thirdly, major factors that influence the effect of image training in school physical education appeared to be the type of motor learning, age, gender, training period, training frequency, training ime. Based on these findings, implications for future research and application of image training in school physical education were suggested.

Development of Teaching Strategy with Use of 'Pedagogical Content Knowledge' in the In-service Teacher Training for the Gifted Education and Its Application (과학 영재교육 교사 연수에서 '교수내용지식'을 활용한 교수 전략의 개발과 적용)

  • Choi, Won-Ho;Son, Jeong-Woo;Lee, Bong-Woo;Lee, In-Ho;Choi, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.9-23
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    • 2009
  • This research defined professionality of science teacher from the perspective of PCK. An teaching strategy in the in-service teacher training for the gifted education was proposed based on the definition and implemented at an in-service teacher training program for the gifted education in order to explore about the teaching strategy and suggest practical implications that could improve the program. The in-service teacher training teaching strategy proposed in this research consists of three components: 'crafting activity materials', 'conducting inquiry-based experiment', 'developing rubric for identification of giftedness'. The survey carried out for the participants of the teacher training program showed that teachers perceived the importance of the need for the rubric for gifted identification, developing activity materials for the gifted education in science, and developing the rubric of gifted identification as properties for in-service teacher training programs fur the gifted education. However, the insufficiency of time and opportunities for being fully engaged in such a program made teachers feel lack of self-confidence in developing activity materials for the gifted education in science and rubric for gifted identification. Therefore, teacher training programs reflecting real features of the gifted education should be constantly developed and provided to enhance the effectiveness of in-service teacher training programs.

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Development of International Education and Training Program for Building Practical Competence in Radiation Protection (방사선방호 실무역량 강화를 위한 국제 교육훈련 과정 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun Kee;Son, Miyeon;Ko, Han-Suk
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • Education and training is an important means of promoting safety culture and enhancing the level of competence of radiation worker in radiation protection. The existing international nuclear education and training of short duration has been carried out on the high-level officials and focussed on the classroom based training. The developing countries has been asking for support to cultivate their own technical experts to Korea which is a donor country exporting nuclear power plants. This paper summarizes the results of developing and operating the international education and training course to froster technical experts in radiation protection that emphasized practical training sessions and technical visits using the excellent domestic radiation facilities and infrastructure of education and training. It mentions the procedures of assessment and feedback as well. In an effort to maximize teaching-learning effects and to maintain consistency of the learning objectives, methods and assessment, SAT methodology has been applied on the processes of developing and operating the course. In the comparative and final assessment which were conducted at the beginning or at the end of training course, participants' average score increased around 2 points. The questionnaire of participants showed a high level of satisfaction of 4.0 points or above for the most of the questions. These imply teaching-learning methods applied to it might be effective. The teaching-learning methodologies may provide the opportunity to develop the customized training course for bringing up international technical experts and to shift educational paradigm from theory-oriented to on-site practice-based education.

The Study on Education and Skill of Basic Life Support Training in Meddle and High School Students (중.고등학교 학생을 대상으로 시행한 기본인명구조술(BLS) 이론과 술기 교육에 대한 연구)

  • Cho, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study on education and skill of Basic life Support Training in Middle and High School Students. Methods: The Basic life support training courses are taught mostly by Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic. Sixty five middle school students, Seventy eight High school students and forty six adult received tuition in Basic life support training and subsequently completed questionnaires, test and interviews to assess their theoretical knowledge regarding their likelihood of performing Basic life support training. Under the supervisor, The subjects were evaluated by comparing basic life support education and skill data collected and the education sessions consisted of a 30min video tape. The Basic life support skill sessions used Laerdal manikin, and the data stored from the HeartSim were collected for further analysis. The students were asked to practice what they had been. A statistical analysis was done using the SPSS version 13. Results: Their average age of middle school students were 15.3±1.2 years, high school students (17.3±1.8), and adults(38.3±2.3). The total of 189 subjects were evaluated. The criteria used in the study had the following results First, We found that middle and high school students scored higher than adult. The scores were statistically significant to teach and evaluate the education evaluation showed that the adults scored lower than the middle and high school students. Second, We found that high school students and adult scored higher than middle school students. The scores were statistically significant to teach and evaluate the skills evaluation showed that the middle school students scored lower than the high school students and adult. Conclusion: We found that middle and high school students were superior to adult counterparts in understanding the basic life support education. We found that high school students and adult scored higher than middle school students in the BLS skill training. An expansion of basic life support training to middle and high school students is demanded. The Basic life support skills training seems to be retained between 6 and 12 months. The basic life support training should included in the school education curriculum in school.

A Study on Program Satisfaction of Participants in the Leader Course of Village Lifelong Learning (마을평생교육리더 양성과정 참여자의 프로그램 만족도)

  • Kim, Nam-Sun
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.419-446
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    • 2010
  • This study is the purpose to analyze the satisfaction of training course for the village lifelong education leader who will act as the village lifelong education leaders in the future. The data were collected from 197 the participants who have learned the training course for village lifelong education leaders among 7 local governments. The collected questionnaires were statistically treated by using SPSS (Version 17.0) program and frequency, T-test, and ANOVA. The major findings of this study were as follow; 1) the satisfaction of women's learners to the training course of village lifelong education leaders is high. 2) the satisfaction of low ages to training course for village lifelong education leaders is high. 3) the satisfaction of high educational background learners to training course for village lifelong education leaders is high. 4) the satisfaction of high income background learners to training course for village lifelong education leaders is high. 5) the satisfaction of much learning experience learners to lifelong education is high. 6) the highest among the satisfaction level of the program participants for village lifelong education is the staff service of lifelong education organization.