• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traffic Category

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Study on the Experience of Escaping from Prostitution of Sexual Traffic Victims (성매매피해여성의 탈성매매경험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hae-Kyung;Gu, Cha-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.406-417
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze an experience of sexual traffic victims and contribute for its formation of theory based on the results. A method of study was performed by using grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin(1988). Through the results of study, one hundred and five concepts and thirty five subcategories and seventeen categories were deducted. 'destroy of mind and body' from the central phenomenon. The core category of experience of escaping from prostitution was presented by 'return of ordinary life recovered from destroy of life 'and the process of escaping from prostitution was presented in order of 'destroy of mind and body step', 'abandonment step', 'recovery of will step', 'challenge of adaption of ordianry life step'. In the study, it followed that an independent their own will of a sexually exploited women play an important role for a successful escaping from prostitution.

The Clinical Study on 197 Cases with Patients of Neck Pain Caused by Traffic Accident (교통사고로 유발된 경항통 환자 197례에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Jeon, Hyeon-Jeong;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Jee-Hyun;Lee, Se-Min;Shin, Hwa-Young;Lee, Yun-Kyu;Lee, Bong-Hyo;Jung, Tae-Young;Kim, Jae-Su;Lee, Kyung-Min;Lim, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The main purpose of this research is to make a survey of the effective way of the Oriental medical care and to enlarge the range of Oriental medical treatment about neck pain patients caused by traffic accident. Methods : In following research. we surveyed 197 neck pain patients of traffic accident who admitted in Daegu Hanny University Oriental Medical Hospital from May, 1, 2008 to september, 30, 2009 according to medical chart. Results : 1. In distribution of gender and age, the rate of female was 74.6%, that of male was 25.4% and the majority of the patients were thirties. In results of treatment according to gender and age, the effective rate of female was higher than the male. that of teens was highest. 2. In total results of treatment, the highest distribution was fair with 40.1%, the effective rate was 90.9%. 3. In category of traffic accident patterns, the highest distribution was car to car crash with 81.7%. The results of treatment according to the significance test were shown statistical significance. 4. In admission days, the highest distribution was 6~10 days with 41.1%. The highest effective rate was 21~25days with 100%. The results of treatment according to the significance test were shown statistical significance. Conclusions : This study suggested that Oriental medical treatments are effective in patients of neck pain caused by traffic accident. Further studies are needed for progress report that after accident patients are discharged from the Oriental Medical Hospital.

Development of Traffic Volume Estimation System in Main and Branch Roads to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Road Transportation Category (도로수송부문 온실가스 배출량 산정을 위한 간선 및 지선도로상의 교통량 추정시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Ki-Dong;Lee, Tae-Jung;Jung, Won-Seok;Kim, Dong-Sool
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.233-248
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    • 2012
  • The national emission from energy sector accounted for 84.7% of all domestic emissions in 2007. Of the energy-use emissions, the emission from mobile source as one of key categories accounted for 19.4% and further the road transport emission occupied the most dominant portion in the category. The road transport emissions can be estimated on the basis of either the fuel consumed (Tier 1) or the distance travelled by the vehicle types and road types (higher Tiers). The latter approach must be suitable for simultaneously estimating $CO_2$, $CH_4$, and $N_2O$ emissions in local administrative districts. The objective of this study was to estimate 31 municipal GHG emissions from road transportation in Gyeonggi Province, Korea. In 2008, the municipalities were consisted of 2,014 towns expressed as Dong and Ri, the smallest administrative district unit. Since mobile sources are moving across other city and province borders, the emission estimated by fuel sold is in fact impossible to ensure consistency between neighbouring cities and provinces. On the other hand, the emission estimated by distance travelled is also impossible to acquire key activity data such as traffic volume, vehicle type and model, and road type in small towns. To solve the problem, we applied a hierarchical cluster analysis to separate town-by-town road patterns (clusters) based on a priori activity information including traffic volume, population, area, and branch road length obtained from small 151 towns. After identifying 10 road patterns, a rule building expert system was developed by visual basic application (VBA) to assort various unknown road patterns into one of 10 known patterns. The expert system was self-verified with original reference information and then objects in each homogeneous pattern were used to regress traffic volume based on the variables of population, area, and branch road length. The program was then applied to assign all the unknown towns into a known pattern and to automatically estimate traffic volumes by regression equations for each town. Further VKT (vehicle kilometer travelled) for each vehicle type in each town was calculated to be mapped by GIS (geological information system) and road transport emission on the corresponding road section was estimated by multiplying emission factors for each vehicle type. Finally all emissions from local branch roads in Gyeonggi Province could be estimated by summing up emissions from 1,902 towns where road information was registered. As a result of the study, the GHG average emission rate by the branch road transport was 6,101 kilotons of $CO_2$ equivalent per year (kt-$CO_2$ Eq/yr) and the total emissions from both main and branch roads was 24,152 kt-$CO_2$ Eq/yr in Gyeonggi Province. The ratio of branch roads emission to the total was 0.28 in 2008.

GIS Macro Evaluation System for Urban Walk - Focusing on Busan - (도심 보행을 위한 GIS 거시 평가체계 개발 - 부산을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Yeon seo;Kim, Jong gu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.581-590
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    • 2022
  • It is important to create a decent pedestrian space in order to realize a public space that can ultimately improve the quality of life based on guaranteeing people's right to move while also enhancing urban activity. The goal of this study is to develop a pedestrian path evaluation system in order to lay the foundation for data construction leading to the creation of such elegant walking space. First, a basic system was established in keeping with factors and the space, and this system was used as the basic framework of the study. The trends identified in the literature can be divided into eight categories, denoted here as: Walking safety policy, Walking focused plan, Recognition transition, Transportaion system, Activity-linked walking, Facility utilization walking, Nature and history linked walking and Content convergence walking. The macro- and micro-indices and factors mentioned in related studies were synthesized and classified, and the basis for universality and differentiation was established by integrating them. Next, according to the basic composition of the walking system, Walking potential and slope safety in the Safety category, Basic walking connectivity and Traffic linkage in the Efficiency category, Walking arrangement and Rest convenience in the Health category, and Resource connectivity and Activity abundance in the Comfortability category macro evaluation system of the eight categories were established and a corresponding measurement method was developed.

The Effectiveness of Center Airbag on Passenger Kinematics and Head Injury in Side Collisions (측면 충돌 시 센터에어백이 승객의 거동 및 머리상해에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jiyang;Kim, Dongseop;Kwak, Youngchan;Son, Changki;Youn, Younghan
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2018
  • The Korean New Car Assessment Program (KNCAP) is a program to evaluate the safety of automobiles. In the safety assessment method, there are frontal collision, partial frontal collision, side collision, pillar collision, and left stability in the collision safety category. Among them, Korean in-depth analysis data shows that there are a lot of side collision accidents and it is necessary to protect them. This study will analyze the side collision accident that occurred in actual traffic accident based on Korea In-Depth Accident Study (KIDAS) and investigate the effect of center airbag on passenger in under side collision. In addition, with simulated side collision scenarios in the various side impact directions, it was investigated how the center airbag affects the driver and passenger in terms of kinematic and injury levels.

Congestion Control for the ABR Service of ATM networks with Multiple Congested Nodes and Multicast Connections (다수의 혼잡 노드와 멀티개스트 연결을 가지는 비동기 전송망의 ABR 서비스에 대한 혼잡 제어)

  • Nho, Ji-Myong;Lim, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.8
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    • pp.629-637
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    • 2000
  • Unbalance between user requirements and insufficient network resources makes a congestion. In the future since the communication networks will have very heavy traffic congestion will be more serious. The ATM networks was recommended to support the B-ISDN service for the future multimedia communication. In thie sense of congestion avoidance and recovery the ABR service category in ATM networks allows the feedback flow control mechanism to dynamically allocate the idle bandwidth of the network to users fairly and to control the network congestion rapidly In this paper we introduce a congestion control scheme using systematical approach to confirm robust stability with respect to unknown round trip delay for the network which has both unicast and multicast connections.

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A Basic Study on the Development of GHG Emission Factor from Diesel-Powered Railcars in Korea (국내 디젤철도차량의 온실가스 배출계수 개발방향 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Young;Kim, Yong-Ki;Lee, Cheul-Gyu;Rhee, Young-Ho;Lee, Cheol
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.2258-2261
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    • 2010
  • Since national mid-term target for GHG reduction was determined in 2009, various efforts in transportations have been prepared. Generally, the GHG emission of transportation is calculated using the emission factor published from IPCC guideline(2006). However, it is necessary to develop new emission factors considering the properties of transportation as well as fuel. In Korean railroad, main emission sources are the consumption of diesel and electricity from railcar operation. The GHG emission of electric-powered railcars can be estimated using national electric emission factor, but diesel-powered railcars show different trends. The purpose of this study was to establish the development plans of emission factors for diesel-powered railcars. As a result, the emission factors of diesel-powered railcars were classified into railcar type, engine type and life cycle, notch, load, and traffic volume. In future, several emission factors with this category will be presented quantitatively through field tests with the order of priority.

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Design and Implementation of voice system about location set and search in the blind guidable robot (시각장애인 유도로봇에서의 위치 설정 및 탐색에 대한 음성시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • 박승우;신동범;이응혁;홍승홍
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.06e
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    • pp.125-128
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    • 2002
  • One of ultimate purpose that performance to information society been going recently festinately intends is in human's welfare improvement. Also, research about assist for disabled person that belong on category that is disabled persons' cloth elevation estranged in the past according to disabled person population's increase and change of advanced human rights consciousness to ruins of industrial society and traffic civilization is afoot abuzz. Guidance robot of sight obstacle can speak as its part. This research is thing about voice system about location set and search in guidance robot that is embodying to make sight disabled person can visit schedule place smoothly.

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Construction of vehicle classification estimation model from the TCS data by using bootstrap Algorithm (붓스트랩 기법을 이용한 TCS 데이터로부터 차종별 교통량 추정모형 구축)

  • 노정현;김태균;차경준;박영선;남궁성;황부연
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2002
  • Traffic data by vehicle classification is difficult for mutual exchange of data due to the different vehicle classification from each other by the data sources; as a result, application of the data is very limited. In Particular. in case of TCS vehicle classification in national highways, passenger car, van and truck are mixed in one category and the practical usage is very low. The research standardize the vehicle classification to convert other data and develop the model which can estimate national highway traffic data by the standardized vehicle classification from the raw traffic data obtained at the highway tollgates. The tollgates are categorized into several groups by their features and the model estimates traffic data by the standardized vehicle classification by using the point estimation and bootstrap algorithm. The result indicates that both of the two methods above have the significant level. When considering the bias of the extreme value by the sample size, the bootstrap algorithm is more sophisticated. Using result of this study, we is expect the usage improvement of TCS data and more specific comparison between the freeway traffic investigation and link volume on freeway using the TCS data.

A New Scheduling Algorithm for Performance Improvement of GFR Service (GFR 서비스의 성능 향상을 위한 새로운 스케줄링 알고리즘)

  • Cho, Hae-Seong;Kim, Kwan-Woong;Bae, Sung-Hwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2003
  • Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR) service category is one of the most recent ATM service categories. The GFR specification was recently finalized by the ATM Forum and is expected to become an important service category which can efficiently support TCP/IP traffic in ATM network. In GFR switch implementation, it is important to guarantee MCR (minimum cell rate) and improve fairness. In this paper, we propose a new scheduling algorithm for the GFR service. Proposed algorithm provides priority to VC (virtual circuit)s and high Priority given to a VC which has fewer untagged cells in buffer. High priority VCs are serviced before low priority VCs. Proposed algorithm can guarantee MCR and improve fair sharing of the remaining bandwidth between GFR VCs. From computer simulation results, we demonstrate the proposed scheduling algorithm provide much better performance in TCP goodput and fairness than previous schemes.