• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traditional Houses

검색결과 449건 처리시간 0.03초

18세기 미국 전통주택의 실태에 관한 연구 - 디어필드의 사적지를 중심으로 - (Study on the Traditional American House in 18 Century -focusing on the Hitorical Place of Deerfield -)

  • 김정근
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2004년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.197-198
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    • 2004
  • This study has been done to know concretely the designs of traditional American houses in eighteen century and their specific styles based on Deerfiled town and I found out followings. First, the traditional eighteen century houses in Deerfied had a 'L'shape exterior view and a flat facade and the front door made a symmetry with sash windows. A chimney had been installed in the middle of the roof and it usually had a gable with natural materials in a simple manner. Secondly, the most important factor to design houses was a front door and it had been decorated in luxury and in a display. Lastly, the traditional American houses in eighteen century had been greatly influenced not by the that of British which is commonly taken but by the various cultural backgrounds which represented regional characteristics and was rather simple.

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전원주택(田園住宅)의 전통적(傳統的) 의장요소(意匠要素)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Traditional Design Elements in Idyllic Houses)

  • 이동주;도용호
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2000
  • Korean modern houses should admit modern requirement, Korean climate and way of living. These elements should be expressed through not only plan but also form and design. The aim of this thesis is to understand the expression tendency of the traditional design elements in idyllic houses. For this purpose, I investigated following things : 1) The culture and social theory about the tradition and the design elements. 2) The concept of Korean traditional design elements and factors as the design elements sources. 3) The methods of Korean traditional design elements expressed in idyllic houses. As a result, the methods of traditional reception can be classified as copying, eclecticism and abstraction.

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중국 명·청대 휘주지역 주거유형의 분석 및 공간구성 원리에 관한 연구 (Spatial Analysis of Traditional Houses in Huizhou during the Ming and Qing Period in China)

  • 박진규;박진호;박혜연
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2012
  • This paper focuses on the spatial analysis of traditional houses in Huizhou during the Ming and Qing period in China. It first reviews the spatial characteristics of the houses in Huizhou. Typical configurations, spatial elements and spatial compositions of the houses are briefly examined. It then discusses how those spatial characteristics are applied to the houses. To do so, the review of existing research and literature on the houses was conducted. For a detailed analysis of the houses, a field survey was performed to collect research materials of the houses and to assess the application of the characteristics in the houses. At times, the plans of the houses were redrawn for a further analysis of the spatial compositions of the houses. Attempts have been made to understand the underlying principles of their spatial organization. For example, Jin (2010) examined the spatial organization of unit plans. Boyd (1989), Berliner (2003) and Dan (2005) similarly categorized the organizational typology of its varying designs. Son(1995) further interpreted the spatial relations of the variety of houses in a comprehensive manner. Nevertheless, their analytic methodology falls short of a complete explanation of the spatial expansion and transformation in the houses. Therefore, this paper examines the basic principles behind the spatial expansion and transformation of a variety of traditional houses in Huizhou. In doing so, it strives to make logical sense of design variations in the houses and reveal the theory behind them.

농촌주택개량사업에서 파생되는 문제와 그 대책 (A Study on some Problems derived form Improvement Work of Rural Houses and their Solutions)

  • 장보웅
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제19권
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1979
  • Since 1971 when the nation wide 'New Community' movement was launched to improve rural standards of living, dol and thatched-roof houses have been reshaped or removed, thereby making it hard to find time-honored people's living structures in the countryside. Since 1977, the improvement work of rural houses has started throughout the country, so many new rural residences have been constructing along the highway, main roads, railways and around the sightseeing area, New rural houses do not show, for the most part, the traditional architectural style and the nation's unique conventional ways of living. The writer tried to find solutions to the problems derived from improvement work of rural residence, in a comparative method of traditional rural houses and newly constructed rural ones. The greater part of new rural houses' types, painting colors, and fence types had been recommended by provincial administrative trative officials. Officials recommended them to the farmer with their standards, which did not consider farmer's convenience of traditional way of life, but a fine sight from the highways or railways. Korea's three basic roof types are the HAPKAK roof (gabled and hipped), the UCHINKAK roof(hipped), and the BAKKOONG roof(gabled). However, the gabled roof houses, having their entrance on the gabled side, are found more ofter in new rural village. As mentioned above, architectural style is not harmonious with the topography and climate i Korea, because it is not Korean traditional type, but one of the western styles. And new rural house plans are inconvenient in the conservation rural family system, because of the same category with urban houses plans. Other problems derived from ton-traditional architecture style are roof painting in 4-5 colors in a new village, types of wall and fence, and attached building in the site.

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전라남도 4칸 홑집의 마루배치에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on Typology of Maru's Placement in Korean Traditional Single Houses of Four Kan in Chonnam Province)

  • 장동국;정성균;신웅주;은철영;김수인;박강철
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2007
  • Many researches on the typology of 'Maru' (Wooden deck) in Korean traditional houses have mainly focused on the high-class houses in the central region of Korea. They were mainly concerned on defining Maru's typology by social status of the owner, based on the researches regarding its physical and spatial properties. Maru in the high-class traditional houses has been served as an essential architectural feature showing the social status of owners as well as adapting in the region of humid and hot summer. This research investigated the typology of Maru's placement in traditional single houses of four Kan in Chonnam province, which shows many differences in its placement according to the regions. Research results show that the typology of Maru's placement and openness is different with the location of houses within the region. This difference affects on the circulation of movement, which eventually affects on the pattern of space use. The difference is also very likely to be affected by the natural environment of geography and climate of the region.

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경북북부지역 전통 양반가옥의 채광조절 기능에 관한 연구 -처마, 창호(窓戶), 창호지(窓戶紙)를 중심으로- (Daylighting Controls of Korean Traditional Houses built in Chosun Dynasty especially on examples located in northern Gyeongbuk province)

  • 김곤;구재오
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2004
  • There is something valuable in Korean traditional architecture that does not change even after more than a number of years. Each design element of traditional houses has its own role to embody natural, healthy, and environment-friendly architectural planning. With traditional already-built examples located in the northern area of Gyeongbuk province, this study attempts to untangle some of the daylighting control issues in opening design. By looking at more than just photometric materials, at some threshold level, the whole of daylighting control characteristics of their openings is being surveyed from the viewpoint of geometric relationship between their roof structures and windows. As a glazing material, in addition, Korean traditional window covering paper, Changhoji, is evaluated for its transmittal performance under artificial and real skies as well.

조선시대(朝鮮時代) 구자형(口字型) 상류주택(上流住宅)의 공간구성체계(空間構成體系)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Spatial Organization System of the Upper Class Houses of '口-shaped' type in Choson Dynasty)

  • 김기덕;이재헌
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2001
  • The spatial composition of Korean traditional houses is based on the relation of spaces in the background of humanism, society, and composition. According to the analysis of it in this study, we make conclusions as follows; 1) Two compositive axises are formed according to age, sex and status which are the main factors of society and culture in the traditional society. 2) The house of '口-shaped' type in the traditional houses concentrates to the interior. To the exterior, it has the closed and conservative system. The wall in the outside of An-Chae intercepts the sight outward and the extension of space, while the wall in the inside is composed of doors and windows which make the sight and space concentrate to the interior. On the contrary, the doors and windows of Sarang-bang and Nu-maru of Sarang-chae open and extend to the exterior. 3) The spatial composition of the traditional houses is composed of geometrical order system and organic order system.

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전통마을의 빈집 재생, 활용을 통한 지역 활성화에 관한 연구 - 일본 담바사사야마시(丹波篠山市) 고민가 재생 프로젝트를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Regional Revitalization through Regeneration and Utilization of Vacant Houses in Historic Village - Focused on the Traditional Housing Regeneration Project of Tambasasayama in Japan -)

  • 김홍기
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • Recently, cultural property policies have changed from the preservation of cultural assets to the utilization of cultural assets. In historic villages, more and more traditional housings have been used as lodging facilities. On the other hand, low birth rates, aging population, declining population due to population outflow to the cities, increasing vacant houses, and aging buildings are tasks of historic villages. To be preserved the historic villages continuously, it is time to review how to regenerate and utilize the growing number of vacant houses. This study targets Tambasasayama city, which is drawing attention to the regeneration and utilization of vacant houses among historic Japanese villages. We want to analyze the operation systems and deregulation of a traditional housing regeneration project in Tambasasayama city and draw suggestions for the regeneration and utilization of vacant houses in traditional villages in South Korea.

강원도(江原道) 영서지방(嶺西地方) 민가(民家)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 평면유형(平面類型)을 중심(中心)으로 - (A Study on the Traditional Houses in Young Seo District of Kangwon-Do - Focused on the Floor Plan Types -)

  • 유승용
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제17권
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the distinct characteristics of the floor plan types of the traditional houses in Young Seo District of Kangwon-Do. In the light of this previous studies concerning Korean traditional houses the examination of the natural environment and socio-cultural environment on the house form in terms of the floor plan types.

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온돌과 효율 (The Korean under-floor heating system 'ondal')

  • 김지태
    • 건축사
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    • 제3권10호통권10호
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    • pp.49-53
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    • 1968
  • The heating system, ondol is indispensable for the Korean traditional houses. In the field of architecture today has been made rapid progress in Korea, but it is fact that under-floor heating system in traditional houses in korea has not improved up to now. As a matter of fact, to improve the traditional ondol under present housing structure is very difficult problem. So long as we live in such houses, we architects will have to fulfil our responsibility to improve the ondol system. This article offering data as a basic experiment will be helpful in studing under-floor heating system ondol.

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