• 제목/요약/키워드: Trade disputes

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중국 신노동계약법 시행에 따른 외자 항만물류기업의 인적자원 관리전략에 관한 고찰: 주요 내용과 대응방안을 중심으로 (A Study on Human Resource Management Strategy of Foreign Shipping and Port Logistics Companies under the China's New Labor Contract Law - Focus on Contents and Countermeasures -)

  • 한병섭;김병구
    • 한국항만경제학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.43-69
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    • 2008
  • 2007년 6월 29일, 중국은 전국인민대표대회 상무위원회 제28차 회의에서 노동계약법을 통과시켰다. 동 법규는 2008년 1월 1일부터 시행된다. 새로운 노동제도는 중국 대내 외적으로 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 전망되고 있다. 중국의 새로운 노동제도는 중국 내에서 활동하고 있는 기업들뿐만 아니라 세계 경제에도 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이미 중국내에서 활동하고 있는 기업들은 노동계약법의 본격 시행에 대비한 대응 방안 마련에 부심하고 있다. 중국 정부는 노동환경 개선의 필요성 때문에 노동계약법을 제정했으나, 이미 기존의 노동법 하에서 활동해온 기업들은 당분간 새로운 제도에 대한 적응에 적잖은 어려움을 겪을 것으로 예상되고 있다. 이번 중국의 신노동계약법은 기존 근로계약의 문제점을 개선하고 노사관계를 규범화하여 노동자들의 권익을 보호하기 위한 기본 지침임을 강조하고 있다. 그러므로 근로계약법을 전체 사회 관계를 재조정하는 법률 규범으로 보고, 중국 정무의 집행 의지와 적절한 실행조치를 시험하는 동시에, 기업이 인력자원과 노사관계관리가 장기적 발전에 도움이 된다는 점을 인식하고 일정한 사회책임의식을 갖도록 요구하고 있다. 이에 따라 노동계약법 실행은 노동비용 및 기준의 상승, 기업의 인력자원관리에 대한 자주성 침해, 노사관계의 경직화과 같은 문제점을 외자기업들은 지적하고 있지만, 또 한편으로는 이번 법안의 입법 성공에 대해 노동계약법이 근로조건 개선과 노사관계의 조화 발전을 그 목표로 한다는 데에는 동의를 표하고 있다. 이러한 상황 하에서 노동계약법이 본격 시행될 경우 인건비 상승, 노무관리 부담 증가가 예상됨에 따라 인력 의존도를 낮추는 방향으로 경영체제를 정비하고 신노동계약법 시행에 대비한 직원 채용 퇴직제도, 급여시스템 등 제반 노무관리 시스템의 재정비가 요구된다. 예를 들어, 고용 인력을 최소화하는 경영체제의 도입, 장기고용 상황에 대응하는 인사노무관리체제의 정비, 공회와의 협력적 관계 구축, 노동쟁의 리스크 관리 대책 등을 수립할 필요가 있을 것이다.

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신용장거래에서 운송서류의 위험요인에 관한 연구 (The Risks of Transport Documents under L/C Transaction)

  • 박세운
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제45권
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 2010
  • L/C provides the exporter and the importer with safe assurance in the exchange of goods for payment in international trade. It involves a number of parties. Although the parties may have confidence in their client, bad faith or ignorance of international banking practice by any of these parties could cause the failure of transaction, which makes international trade a risky business. Most of the risks are found in transport document, which can cause disputes. There are many factors in the risk of transport documents under L/C transaction. One most common risk factor for the beneficiary in all transport documents is even if there is no discrepancy in document, the issuing bank or the applicant refuses to pay or delay payment insisting there is a discrepancy. In some very rare cases, the beneficiary may not get paid due to unfair injunction of the local court of the applicant. For the applicant, most common risk factors are fake bill and fraud. Risks classified according to the sorts of transport documents are as follows. 1. In B/L, payment can be refused because it is regarded as charter party B/L, although there is no real charter party contract. And the applicant can bear the potential risk of the loss or deterioration of cargo through transhipment of the cargo loaded on board in container if transhipment is prohibited without excluding of UCP 600 article 20 (c). 2. In charter party B/L, the applicant may take delivery without paying when charter party B/L is signed by charterer, which can result in a big loss for the beneficiary and the negotiating bank. And risks may arise when cargo is seized because the charterer does not pay the hire. The applicant and the issuing bank are also vulnerable to a risk - Against whom should they file a suit when cargo gets damaged during transportation? 3. In multimodal transport document, which is subject to a conflict because there is a big difference in viewpoints between transport industry and banks, conflicts may also arise when L/C requires ocean B/L and accepts multimodal transport document at the same time, but does not specify the details. 4. In air waybill, where the consignee is not the issuing bank but the applicant, risks may take place to the beneficiary when the applicant takes delivery but refuses to pay asserting minor discrepancies in document. The applicant may also bear the risk when cargo may not be loaded because air waybill is a received bill. Another risk may arise when although the applicant prohibits transhipment without excluding UCP 600 article 23 (c), the cargo may be transhipped, provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same air waybill.

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확정오퍼가설 관점에서 바라 본 대위중재의 허용여부 (Admissibility of Subrogation Arbitration in the view of Firm Offer Hypothesis)

  • 조정곤
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.287-311
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 대위중재에서의 당사자적격성과 관련하여 복잡하게 전개될 수 있는 시비를 해결할 수 있는 방향의 설정에 대해 고찰하였다. 결함문제를 해결하기 위해 전례를 분석해 본 결과, 대위중재로 중재판정에 이른 사례는 찾아볼 수 있지만 대위중재 그 자체에 대한 판정이유는 불분명하다. 기존의 법원판례는 대위중재를 허용하는 듯 안 하는 듯 애매모호하고 대위중재의 허용여부에 대한 직접적인 법원의 판례는 찾아보기 힘들다. 또한 어느 한 국가의 판례로는 국제거래에서 발생하는 대위중재에 대해 단정할 수도 없다. 대위중재가 자동으로 허용되는지 아닌지 분명하지 않으면 전략적 차원에서 볼 때 분쟁해결절차의 경우의 수는 너무나 많아 수많은 사회적 비용을 치르게 된다. 따라서 향후 대위중재의 허용여부에 대한 국제적 통일지침의 확정이 긴요한 바, 본고에서는 자동차 대위중재제도, 공백과 상호주의 그리고 코즈정리의 관점에서 고찰한 결과 확정오퍼가설에 입각한 대위중재의 제도정립이 바람직하다는 결론에 이르렀다. 대위중재사건을 맡은 중재인들이나 판사들, 그리고 관련자들이 확정오퍼가설에 입각하여 대위중재에서의 당사자적격성을 판단한다면 본고에서 살펴본 대위중재와 관련한 문제점들을 대부분 해결할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 또한 국제적으로도 대위중재에 대한 확정오퍼가설이 확산됨으로써 대위중재의 일관된 해결원리가 확정오퍼가설로 수렴되기를 기대한다.

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WTO/ FTA 체제에서 민간조사업의 법적문제 (The Legal Issues of Private Investigation Service in WTO/FTA System : Study of South Korea)

  • 고지훈;박현호
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제27호
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    • pp.161-195
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    • 2011
  • 경찰이 대처할 수 없는 수준까지 범죄가 증가함에 따라, 민간조사업 도입에 대한 논의는 계속해서 있어왔다. 그러나 민간 조사업 도입을 입법화 하려는 시도는 매번 법안이 발의될 때마다 실패했다. 이러한 이유는 기본적으로 민간조사업 도입에 대한 찬반의견이 어떤 가치를 우선시 하느냐에 따라 첨예하게 엇갈렸기 때문이었다. 그러나 이러한 의견충돌과 상관없이 민간조사업 도입의 필요성은 분명하게 되었다. 한국이 GATS 와 FTA 같은 서비스협정을 통해 자국의 서비스 시장을 개방함에 따라, 민간조사와 관련된 현행법 들이 GATS 와 한미 FTA와 같은 국제 조약을 위반하는 것으로 밝혀졌기 때문이다. 이 논문은 구체적 양허안을 중심으로 한 법적 분석을 통해 민간조사서비스를 규제하는 신용정보의 이용 및 보호에 관한 법률이 한미 FTA의 12.4(a)(i) 와 12.4(iii) 그리고 한-EU FTA 의 7.13 조항을 위반한다는 것을 밝혀냈다. 만약 한국이 현재 법안을 수정하지 않고, PI 에 관한 새로운 법안을 입안하지 않는 다면 이러한 불합치는 수천만 달러에 이르는 통상 분쟁으로 이어질 수 있다. 이러한 접에서 새로운 민간조사법안의 통과는 필수적이라고 할 수 있다.

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권리포기 선화증권의 판례분석과 실무적 유의사항 (Precedents Analyses Related to Surrender Bill of lading and Practical Notes)

  • 최석범
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.53-76
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    • 2017
  • 선화증권의 위기문제를 해결하기 위해 국제적으로 전자선화증권의 도입을 위해 노력하였고 해상운송장의 사용을 권고하여 왔다. 전자선화증권을 도입하기 위한 이러한 많은 노력에도 불구하고 전자선화증권이 실무에 도입되어 사용되지 않고 있는 상황에서 미주와 유럽에서는 해상운송장을 사용함으로써 실무적으로 선화증권의 위기문제에 대처하여 왔다. 그러나 한국, 중국, 일본에서는 해상운송장의 도입보다는 권리포기 선화증권을 이용함으로써 선화증권의 위기문제에 대처하는 실무관행이 이루어지고 있다. 권리포기 선화증권은 그 이름과 달리 선화증권의 유형으로서 법적으로 인정받을 수 없다는 문제점을 안고 있으며 권리포기 선화증권의 사용유형에 따라서 각국 법원의 판결내용도 상이하게 나타나고 있어 이에 대하여 실무적으로 유의할 필요성이 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 권리포기 선화증권과 관련된 판례를 분석하여 유의사항을 도출함으로써 권리포기 선화증권의 이용에 따른 분쟁을 사전에 예방할 수 있도록 하는데 그 연구목적이 있다.

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국제상사조정 및 중재제도 개선에 관한 UNCITRAL 논의동향 (Discussion by UNCITRAL for Development of International Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Systems)

  • 이강빈
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.3-25
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    • 2000
  • At its thirty-second session in 1999, the UNCITRAL had before it the requested note entitled "Possible future work in the area of international commercial arbitration." After concluding the discussion on its future work in the area of international commercial arbitration, it was agreed that the priority items for the working group should be conciliation, requirement of written form for the arbitration and enforceability of interim measures of protection. the Commission entrusted the work to the Working Group on Arbitration which held its thirty-second session at Vienna from 20 to 31 March 2000. The Working Group discussed agenda item 3 on the basis of the report of Secretary General entitled "Possible uniform rules on certain issues concerning settlement of commercial disputes : conciliation, interim measures of protection, written form for arbitration agreement." At its thirty-three session in 2000, the UNCITRAL had before it the report of Secretary General on agenda item 3 discussed by the Working Group. The Working Group discussed the issues relating to certain aspects of conciliation proceedings ; (1) Admissibility of certain evidence in subsequent judicial or arbitral proceedings ; (2) Role of conciliatior in arbitration or court proceedings ; (3) Enforceability of settlement agreements reached in conciliation proceedings ; (4) Other possible items for harmonized treatment : a) Admissibility or desirability of conciliation by arbitrators b) Effect of an agreement to conciliate on judicial or arbitral proceedings c) Effect of conciliation on the running of limitation period d) Communication between the conciliator and parties ; disclosure of information e) Role of conciliator. It was generally considered that decisions as to the form of the text to be prepared should be made at a later stage when the substance of prepared solutions would become clearer. However, it was noted that model legislative provisions seemed to be appropriate form for a number of matters proposed to be discussed in the area conciliation. There was general support in the Working Group for the proposition to perpare a legislative regime governing the enforcement of interim measures of protection ordered by arbitral tribunals. It was generally considered that legislative regime should apply to enforcement of interim measures issued in arbitration taking place in State where enforcement was sought as well as outside that State. It was generally observed that there was a need for provisions which conformed to current practice in international trade with regard to requirements of written form for arbitration agreement. The view was adopted by the Working Group that the objective of ensuring a uniform interpretation of the form requirement that responded to the needs of international trade could be achieved by : preparing a model legislative provision clarifying, for avoidance of doubt, the scope of article 7(2) of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration : and adopting a declaration, resolution or statement addressing the interpretation of the New York Convention that would reflect a broad understanding of the form requirement. There was general agreement in the Working Group that, in order to promote the use of electronic commerce for international trade and leave the parties free to agree to the use of arbitration in the electronic commerce sphere, article II(2) of the New York Convention should be interpreted to cover the use of electronic means of communication as defined un article 2 of the Model Law on Electronic Commerce and that it required no amendment to do that. The UNCITRAL may wish to consider to the desirability of preparing uniform provisions on any of those issues concerning conciliation and arbitration proceedings, possibly indicating whether future work should be towards a legislative text or non-legislative text.

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한방병원의 침도 시술 동의서의 현황 조사와 델파이 기법을 활용한 표준 시술 동의서 개발 (Current Status of Informed Consent Form for Acupotomy in Korean Medicine Hospitals and Development of a Standard Informed Consent Form Using Delphi Method)

  • 김지훈;구본혁;김형준;서경숙;오명진;유명석;윤상훈;이광호;이현종;임정태;전형선;정인숙;최성운;이태욱;김연학;오유나;김건형;양기영;김은석
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.182-201
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to develop a standard acupotomy consent form that takes into account the unique characteristics of Korean Medicine. The study was motivated by the increasing importance of patient autonomy and the growing number of legal disputes related to medical malpractice in the clinical field of Korean Medicine. Methods: The analysis phase of the study involved a survey of the current status of acupotomy consent forms in Korean Medicine hospitals nationwide. The items of each form were analyzed based on the contents of the Medical law and the standard contract for medical procedures of the Fair Trade Commission (FTC). In the development and evaluation phase, the items and contents of the acupotomy consent form were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale and content validity was assessed through two rounds of Delphi surveys. In the improvement phase, the contents of the consent form were revised based on the results of a survey of inpatient and outpatient patients in the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital, and real-time online meeting. The final version of the standard acupotomy consent form was completed after undergoing proofreading and corrections by a linguistics expert. Results: Only 30% of Korean Medicine hospitals have implemented acupotomy consent forms. The items of the consent forms did not fully include the items presented in the Medical act and the standard contract for medical procedures of the FTC. To address this issue, two rounds of Delphi surveys and a real-time discussion were conducted with a panel of 12 experts on 27 preliminary items of consent forms. The items and contents that met the criteria for content validity ratio, convergence, and consensus were derived. Based on the derived items and content, a standard acupotomy consent form was developed. Conclusions: The standard consent form for acupotomy is anticipated to ensure patient autonomy and enhance transparency and liability in acupotomy. Furthermore, it is expected to serve as evidence in case of medical disputes related to acupotomy and contribute as a reference document for the development of standard consents forms for various procedures of Korean Medicine. However, the limitations of the study include that the survey of consent forms was limited to only training hospitals of Korean Medicine, and the standard consent form is only applicable to adults in Korea. Future studies are needed to address these limitations.

일본의 '유전자원 접근 및 이익 공유(ABS)'에 관한 최근 동향 - "나고야의정서"의 채택과 관련하여 - (Recent Trends in Access to and Sharing of the Benefits of Genetic Resources (ABS) in Japan - in connection with the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol)

  • 이민호
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) was held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010, during which an international convention on access to genetic resources and conventional knowledge and sharing of benefits thereof was adopted. The Oriental Medicine field uses medicinal herbs based on genetic resources, as well as traditional knowledge about genetic resources. As such, if Korea, China and Japan compete over the ownership of such traditional knowledge, it will almost certainly trigger disputes over the payment of royalties among other problems. Notably, since the traditional medicine industry is closely related with China, it is highly likely this will adversely affect Korea's production of medicines using natural materials, including Korean herbal doctors' prescription, formulation and preparation of medicinal herbs. Methods : This study also analyzed the recent situation in Japan, which is the chair nation of the Nagoya Protocol and a member nation like Korea. It analyzed the Japanese people's awareness of the Nagoya Protocol and its strategies in the two years since its adoption, as well as the Guidelines for Genetic Resources, which were newly revised in 2012. Conclusions : The Nagoya Protocol requires the preparation of legislative and administrative measures and policies in order to pave the way for sharing the benefits deriving from the use of genetic resources and the relevant traditional knowledge with the providers of such resources. Thus, corresponding domestic legal measures need to be taken. Such measures include the refining of the procedure of accessing genetic resources, the designation of liaison offices, a competent agency and a supervisory agency, and the building of a system designed to issue internationally acknowledged certificates. It is also important to operate related professional consulting offices, as is the case in Japan. In addition, in the case of genetic resources, there is a need to seek multinational and bilateral cooperation including free trade agreements. Regarding traditional knowledge about genetic resources, measures need to be prepared to enable the three East Asian countries, namely, Korea, China and Japan, to commonly use ancient literature on Oriental medicine and to claim exclusive rights to such intellectual properties. Notably, with China now moving to expand the scope of traditional knowledge through the WIPO, Korea needs to prepare response measures.

다수당사자중재에 있어서 중재인 선정방법 (The Method of appointing arbitrators m Multi-Party Arbitration)

  • 강수미
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2008
  • When several parties are involved in a dispute, it is usually considered desirable that the issues should be dealt with in the same proceedings, rather than in a series of separate proceedings. This saves time and money. It avoids the possibility of conflicting decisions on the same issues of law and fact, since all issues are determined by the same tribunal at the same time. Where there is a multi-party arbitration, it may be because there are several parties to one contract, or it may be because there are several contracts with different parties that have a bearing on the matters in dispute. In international trade and commerce, for individuals, corporations or state agencies to join together in a joint venture or consortium or in some other legal relationship of this kind, in order to enter into a contract with another party or parties, where such a contract contains an arbitration clause and a dispute arises, the members of the consortium or joint venture may decided that they would each like to appoint an arbitrator. A different problem arises where there are several contracts with different parties, each of which has a bearing on the issues in dispute. A major international construction project is likely to involve not only the employer and the main contractor, but also a host of special suppliers and sub-contractors. Each of them will be operating under different contracts often with different choice of law and arbitration clauses. The appointment of the arbitrator or the composition of the arbitral tribunal should be in accordance with the agreement of the parties. The parties have to be equally treated in the constituting of the arbitral tribunal and the arbitral proceedings. However, the right of the parties to nominate a member of the arbitral tribunal could be taken away from them, if they are subject to the restrictions by means of the law of the country where the arbitration is taking place. That is, multiple parties jointly should nominate one arbitrator, where there they have to exercise their substantive right in common, or one of them exert his substantive right, then it has an effect on another parties, or they, whether as claimant or as respondent, get the same or similar treatment in the arbitral procedure. Therefore it is necessary to intend to settle multi-party disputes quickly and efficiently.

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통신시장의 경품규제에 대한 합리적 개선방안 연구 (A Study on Rational Improvement of the Gift Regulation in the Telecommunications Market)

  • 김용범;곽정호
    • 인터넷정보학회논문지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2017
  • 통신시장의 경쟁구조가 결합상품 시장을 중심으로 재편되면서 경품제공을 비롯하여 소비자를 위한 다양한 맞춤형 마케팅 전략이 시행되고 있다. 이러한 가운데, 최근 방송통신위원회에서는 통신사업자들의 마케팅 전략 중에서 과도한 경품지급에 대해 이용자차별 등을 근거로 과징금을 부여하였는데, 이와 관련하여 통신시장에서 현행 경품규제의 적합성 및 적정한 상한수준 등의 쟁점이슈가 다각적으로 제기되고 있다. 특히 2016년 7월부터 방송통신위원회와 유사한 제도를 유지했던 공정거래위원회에서 경품규제를 폐지함에 따라 현행 경품규제가 소비자후생의 관점에서 실질적으로 유효한지에 대한 논란도 나타나고 있는 실정이다. 즉, 다른 일반상품 시장과 달리 통신시장에만 경품규제를 유지해야 하는 이론적 및 실증적 근거의 타당성에 대한 논의가 필요하다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 결합상품 위주의 새로운 경쟁 환경 하에서 국내 통신시장에서 시행되는 현행 경품규제의 타당성을 실증적 근거를 기반으로 분석하고, 이를 기반으로 통신시장의 경품규제에 대한 합리적 개선방안 및 시사점을 모색하고자 한다.