• Title/Summary/Keyword: Track components

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Modelling the dynamic response of railway track to wheel/rail impact loading

  • Cai, Z.;Raymond, G.P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 1994
  • This paper describes the formulation and application of a dynamic model for a conventional rail track subjected to arbitary loading functions that simulate wheel/rail impact forces. The rail track is idealized as a periodic elastically coupled beam system resting on a Winkler foundation. Modal parameters of the track structure are first obtained from the natural vibration characteristics of the beam system, which is discretized into a periodic assembly of a specially-constructed track element and a single beam element characterized by their exact dynamic stiffness matrices. An equivalent frequency-dependent spring coefficient representing the resilient, flexural and inertial characteristics of the rail support components is introduced to reduce the degrees of freedom of the track element. The forced vibration equations of motion of the track subjected to a series of loading functions are then formulated by using beam bending theories and are reduced to second order ordinary differential equations through the use of mode summation with non-proportional modal damping. Numerical examples for the dynamic responses of a typical track are presented, and the solutions resulting from different rail/tie beam theories are compared.

Investigation of serviceability of bridge deck ends on concrete slab track-installed bridges considering track-bridge interaction (궤도-교량 상호작용을 고려한 콘크리트 슬래브궤도 부설 교량의 단부 사용성 검토)

  • Jang, Seung-Yup;Yang, Sin-Chu;Kim, Jong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1875-1881
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    • 2007
  • Deformations of bridge deck ends on abutments or on transition between bridge decks can cause extreme deformations on track. Especially, since slab track is fixed onto the bridge deck slab on concrete slab track-installed bridges, deformations of bridge deck ends directly affect the track behavior, and thus these interactions can bring about the premature failure of rail fastenings or other deteriorations to lower the serviceability. In this study, a foreign standard to evaluate forces on track components caused by the track-bridge interactions and the serviceability of bridge deck ends is investigated, and for the real bridges, the serviceability of bridge deck ends according to several parameters of bridge and track is analyzed. It is found that arrangements and spring coefficients of bridge bearings, as well as distance between bridge bearing and last rail support, support spacings, rail support spring coefficient, are very important parameters.

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Track Longitudinal Irregularities at Bridge Deck Expansion Joint with ZLR(Zero Longitudinal Restraint) (활동체결장치가 설치된 교량상판 신축이음부에서의 궤도고저틀림에 미치는 영향)

  • Eom, Jong-Woo;Kim, Si-Chul;Kim, In-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1093-1098
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    • 2007
  • In designing the high-speed railroad track, it is important to utilize appropriate track components to maintain uniform stiffness and ensure track alignment within the tolerance set for that system. In this regard, continuous welded rails (CWRs) were introduced to the Korean railways. Yet the installation of CWRs can result in an adverse impact due to the track/structure interaction on bridge sections yielding variations in the stiffness at the expansion joints. It may also impose additional axial force, generate excessive stress or deflection on track, and loosen the ballast at the ends as a bridge deck contracts or expands owing to a thermally-induced dynamic response. The risk is even greater in a long bridge deck, resulting in track longitudinal irregularities, deteriorating passenger's comfort, and increasing maintenance efforts. This study evaluates the performance of ZLR and their impact on track longitudinal irregularities through the track measuring results on a test section installed the ZLR in order to minimize the thermally-induced responses and the maintenance efforts for the high speed railway bridges.

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The Study on the Behavior of Curved CWR Track under Thermal Load (곡선부 장대레일 궤도의 거동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Gyeong;Sung, Deok-Yong;Kim, Man-Cheol;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.426-436
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    • 2006
  • The use of the CWR track has increased consistently in the worldwide. Because the use of CWR track not only reduces the track maintenance cost, noise and vibration, but increases the life cycle of track components. Therefore, to increase train speed, improve riding condition and secure running stability, the necessity of study on making CWR is increasing. This study includes the development of a thermal buckling theory in the evaluation of curved track stability. The lateral stability of curved CWR is studied for track buckling prevention through the parameter studies. It studied the lateral buckling of the curved CWR track on the 3-D nonlinear analysis. The parameters include rail size, cant, track curvature.

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A Study on Analysis Electrical Characteristics of Cable Lenght change about area Boundary of UM71C Audio Frequency Track Circuit (고속철도 AF궤도회로경계구간 케이블길이 변화에 따른 전기특성 분석연구)

  • Choi, Jae Sik;Kim, Hie Sik;Park, Ju Hun;Kim, Bum Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.4849-4854
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    • 2015
  • It has been often occurred for the outside components(BU, SVaC, DB) of UM71c AF track circuits to be broken down caused by some pieces of falling ice in the winter time or by infrastructure repairing equipments while facility maintenance works since 2004, opening of Kyeongbu High Speed Rail Express. In this paper, we proposed that we could move the outside components of UM71c track circuit out of wayside from present place. Then we can assure that the life time of those components would be extended. So we simulated the electrical characteristics by changing cable length using MATLAB Simulinks and we designed the compensation capacitor. Also, we obtained the same results as those of simulation by field demonstration test on site. The design specifications obtained from this field verification test could be applied in the absent section of track circuit, if only have a little more intensified research to compensate changed electrical characteristics and to redesign inner impedance of the track circuit.

Experimental Study on Characteristics of Track Settlement Depending on Components of Ballast Track (자갈도상 궤도 구성품에 따른 궤도 침하 특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Man-Cheol;Bae, Young-Hoon;Lee, Si-Yong;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.498-505
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    • 2016
  • As a basic study to develop maintenance-effective optimal ballast track in preparation for upgrading a conventional line to a high speed railway, a full-scale test that combined the components of ballast track was conducted and the characteristic of track settlement was analyzed. As a result of the full-scale test, reduction in maintenance via an increase of the elasticity of only the pad was insignificant; however, the effect increased significantly with increasing of the weight of the sleeper or with increasing of the weight of the sleeper and the thickness of the ballast together with use of a pad with high resiliency. An optimal type of ballast track, in line with upgrading the speed of a conventional line, shall be developed through cost efficiency analysis considering the maintenance cost depending on the track settlement as well as the initial construction cost.

Behavior of Fastening system of HSR bridge ends deck on Slab Track installed Bridge (슬래브궤도가 부설된 고속철도 교량단부 체결장치의 거동)

  • Chun, Dae-Sung;Choi, Jung-Youl;An, Hea-Young;Park, Yong-Gul
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1637-1646
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    • 2008
  • Deformations of bridge deck ends on abutment can cause extreme deformations on track. Especially, since slab track was fixed onto the bridge deck slab on concrete slab track installed bridges, deformations of bridge deck ends directly affect the slab track behavior, and thus these interactions can bring about the premature failure of rail fastenings or other deteriorations to lower the serviceability. In this study, a foreign standard to evaluate forces on track components caused by the track-bridge interactions and the behavior of bridge deck ends was investigated and for real scale bridges. It was found that rail support spring coefficients, as well as toe loads, support spacing were very important parameters.

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An Experimental Study of Fastening System on CWR(Continuous Welded Rail) Track Stability (장대레일 궤도의 안정성에 미치는 체결장치의 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hun;Han, Sang-Yun;Lim, Nam-Hyoung;Kang, Young-Jong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2007
  • Until now, the railway has been constructed using track with jointed rails of relatively short lengths to allow thermal expansion in hot summer months. These joints weaken the track structurally and increase track maintenance cost and power consumption of the running train. The CWR(Continuous Welded Rail) Track is the solution of these drawbacks. Although the CWR track not only reduces the track maintenance cost but also increases the life cycle of track components, the stability of the track is highly affected by change of temperatures and vehicle load. A three dimensional nonlinear analysis which considers rail, fastening system and tie has been performed to understand structural behavior of the CWR track. In this case, the translational and rotational stiffness values of fastening system have not been studied. The fastening system makes ties and rails connect. In this study, the stiffness values of various types of fastening systems which consist of clips, rail-pads and insulators are determined by the experiment. The experimental results of the fastening system are compared with the results of parametric study that is performed to investigate the sensitivity of fastening system on stability of CWR track.

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Analytical Investigation on the Track Separation Mechanism for Tracked Excavator (굴삭기 트랙의 궤도 이탈현상에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Sig;Ok, Jin-Kyu;Kim, Hyo-Joon;Yoo, Wan-Suk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, an analytical investigation on the track separation mechanism for tracked excavator was studied. Relative motions of track links, sprocket, idler and support rollers are very important in the driving of an excavator The interference and friction between each components lead to noise and vibration. And also this has a great influence on the life for tracked excavator. RecurDyn program was used for the three dimensional modeling of the track assembly. Investigating the interference between sprocket and track links, the mechanism of the track separation was analyzed.

A study on the characteristics of SPD from PF track circuit (PF궤도회로에서의 서지보호장치 특성연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Ki;Kim, Sun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1038-1043
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    • 2010
  • According to the korea standard (KS)'s definition through 'KSC IEC 61643-1(2007), A SPD(Surge Protective Device) is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes and the principal components used to reduce or limit high voltages can include one or more of the nonlinear components. 4 type of those nonlinear components are utilized in accordance with korea standard's IEC regulation. The SPD is installed the place(in and out side of installation for protecting damage due to the inflow of light surge) which we need by combination of nonlinear components. In this study, the analysis based on the characteristics of SPD from PF track circuit are discussed.

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