• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traceability Information

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A Model-based Performance Study of the EPCglobal Network (모델 기반 EPCglobal 네트워크의 성능 분석)

  • Kang, Yong-Shin;Son, Kyung-Won;Lee, Yong-Han;Rhee, Jong-Tae
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2011
  • The EPCglobal Network is a computer network used to share product data among trading partners. It provides the supply chain with improved visibility and traceability by using Electronic Product Code (EPC), which is stored on an RFID tag. Although this network model is widely accepted as a global standard and the growth of EPCglobal-subscriber base is considerable, the EPC technology adoption process is still in its infancy. This is because some of the critical issues on this model still remain to be verified such as scalability, data management, security, privacy and the economic value of data sharing. In this paper, we focus on scalability issue among the challenges to overcome and we regard performance of the EPCglobal Network only as a track and trace query-processing cost in the network. We developed performance models consisting of three elements of the EPCglobal Network : Discovery Services (DS), EPC Information Services (EPCIS), Object Naming Services (ONS). Then we abstracted out the track and trace query execution model to evaluate performance of the overall EPCglobal Network. Finally using the proposed models, we carried out simulation analysis based on an RFID-based inbound logistics process of automobile parts. This work is an important step towards the EPC technology diffusion and provides guidelines for businesses looking to buy or build the EPCglobal Network-based systems.

ISAG-recommended Microsatellite Marker Analysis Among Five Korean Native Chicken Lines

  • Choi, Nu-Ri;Hoque, Md. Rashedul;Seo, Dong-Won;Sultana, Hasina;Park, Hee-Bok;Lim, Hyun-Tae;Heo, Kang-Nyeong;Kang, Bo-Seok;Jo, Cheorun;Lee, Jun-Heon
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to determine genetic variation of five Korean native chicken lines using 30 microsatellite (MS) markers, which were previously recommended by ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics). The initial study indicated that two microsatellite markers, MCW0284 and LEI0192, were not amplified in these lines and excluded for further analysis. Twenty eight microsatellite markers were investigated in 83 birds from five Korean native chicken lines. The identified mean number of alleles was 4.57. Also, the expected, observed heterozygosity (He, Ho) and polymorphism information content (PIC) values were estimated in these markers and they ranged from 0.31~0.868, 0.145~0.699, and 0.268~0.847, respectively. The results were used for the discrimination of five chicken lines using genetic distance values and also neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed. Based on the He and PIC values, eighteen markers are enough for the discrimination of these Korean native chicken lines for the expected probability of identity values among genotypes of random individuals (PI), random half sibs ($PI_{half-sibs}$) and random sibs ($PI_{sibs}$). Taken together, these results will help the decision of conservation strategies and establishment of traceability system in this native chicken breed. Also, the use of ISAG-recommended microsatellite markers may indicate that the global comparison with other chicken breeds is possible.

A Study of Requirements Elicitation and Specification for Context-Aware Systems (컨텍스트 인지 시스템을 위한 요구사항 도출 및 명세화 방법)

  • Choi, Jong-Myung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.394-406
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    • 2008
  • Even though context is the most important feature in context-aware systems, the existing requirements engineering cannot support methodology for elicitation and specification of contexts. In this paper, we propose a requirements elicitation method and a requirements specification method for context-aware systems. Our requirements elicitation method is a 6-stepped, incremental, and iterative process. At the beginning steps in the process, we identify the requirements for business logic. Afterwards, we gather the requirements for context logic, model contexts, and identify subsystems. For requirements specification, we suggest a context-aware use case diagram, a context diagram for context modeling, and a context-type-use-case-dependency diagram for the traceability of use cases on the change of context types. We also introduce a case study that we apply our approaches to a real system, and a qualitative evaluation of our approaches. Our study will help stakeholders to efficiently elicit requirements for context-aware systems and to specify them clearly.

Requirements Engineering & Management by the Object Oriented Methodology in the Weapon system (객체 지향적 방법론을 활용한 무기체계 요구사항 관리)

  • Choi, Sung Kyu;Choi, Eun Ha
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2013
  • System engineering is critical in today's industry and requirements engineering is an important stage of overall process. Requirements Engineering is the initial step of system development activity in which the requirements from the customer are elicited and documented. This activity is very much vital for the success of the project because all of activities depends upon requirements engineering such as designing, implementation, testing, operation and maintenance. The development process begins by clarifying the need and then articulating the need as a high level solution. In order to minimize the poor requirements and to sure successful projects, Object-Oriented requirements engineering was proposed. Object-Oriented requirements engineering is an approach to encapsulating information about the process and product, as well as functionality in to a requirements object. This paper proposes using the concept of an Operations Concept Harbinger(OCH) that is the prototype of Object-Oriented requirements engineering to develop the requirements with consolidating simultaneously the opinions of various stakeholder in the customer level and trace accurately the transition from User needs to requirements. Then the customer can secure the accurate requirements to meet their needs and traceability from user needs to requirements.

Methods to Design Provided, Required and Customize Interfaces of Software Components (소프트웨어 컴포넌트의 Provided, Required와 Customize인터페이스 설계 기법)

  • 박지영;김수동
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.1286-1303
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    • 2004
  • Component-based Development is gaining a wide acceptance as an economical software development paradigm to develop applications by utilizing reusable software components. Well-defined interface manages coupling and cohesion between components, minimizes the effect on the user in case of component evolvement, and enhances reusability, extendibility and maintainability. Therefore, study on systematic development process and design guidelines for component interface has been required since the component has been introduced. In this paper, we propose three types of interfaces based on software architecture layers and functionality types; Provided Interface which provides functionality of a component, Required Interface which specifies required functionality that is provided by other components, and Customize Interface which tailors the component to customer's requirement. In addition, we suggest design criteria for well-designed interface, and systematic process and instructions for designing interface. We firstly cluster operations extracted from use case model and class model to identify Provided interfaces, and design Customize interfaces based on artifacts for variability. We also specify Required interfaces by identifying dependency among interfaces. Proposed interface design method provides traceability, throughout the component interface design. And furthermore, proposed guidelines support practical design for high quality component based on a case study.

An Empirical Study on Tracking Table for Consistency and Completeness Validation in the Outputs (산출물의 일관성과 완전성 검증을 위한 추적테이블의 경험적 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Rhew, Sung-Yul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.419-430
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    • 2007
  • It is very important to track whether software is properly developed according to requirements. This study suggests a method to track requirements by using a tracking table. In this study, the tracking table indicates why such requirements are included by detailing the content of requests for proposals and proposals. The table also facilitates verification of the consistency between outputs and the integrity by having ID codes of each requirement mapped to each output. Furthermore, as this study was conducted, it was found that some factors were required to be added or supplemented to the outputs at the requirement gathering stage of MaRMI-Ⅲ v.4.0 methodology. Thus, this study seeks to present this additional result along with the enhanced tracking table. By verifying outputs, the tracking table presented in this study will help to reduce all kinds of risks and problems that may occur in software development due to the lack of management of requirements. In addition, the output of the requirement-gathering stage of MaRMI-Ⅲ v.4.0 methodology will be improved/supplemented according to the creation of tracking tables; this will increment the applicability of the MaRMI-III methodology.

On the Development of an Information System for Ergonomic Test and Evaluation of Locomotive Cabs (철도차량 운전실의 작업환경 개선을 위한 시험 및 평가 정보시스템의 구축)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Lee, Jae-Chon;Park, Chan-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2012
  • Recent technological advances in the domestic railway industry have turned out to deliver a profound impact on the forefront of other industries as well. Furthermore, the introduction of the high-speed railway systems has made it possible to travel around our country in a day, thereby changing our life styles a lot. However, it has been well recognized that many factors can cause unanticipated accidents during the operation. One of the causes is known to be the human errors made by the train operators in locomotive cabs. The problem is getting more serious as the trains run at high speed. As such, the objective of this paper is on how to improve the work environment of the locomotive cabs. Our approach is based on the systems engineering methodology. Specifically, we first identify the context and scope of the problem to be solved. We then continue our effort in deriving the requirements set to accomplish the improvement. These results are utilized in constructing a computer-aided management system for test and evaluation intended for the improvement. The approach taken and the results obtained in this paper is expected to make a contribution on the route to keeping our nation's technologies on the competitive edges in the high-speed railway systems industry.

A Study on the DB establishment and traceable management of the Urban transit standardization project (도시철도 표준화사업의 데이터베이스 구축 및 추적성 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Dong;Chung, Jong-Duck
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.501-506
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    • 2011
  • The study and techniques of system engineering have been applied to various fields including space-air, national defense division in advanced countries. Korea is currently in the early stages of introducing system engineering scheme in railway system and national defense division restrictedly. As theory and application of system engineering covers a wide scope, documents management and requirement analysis technology applied to establishment of standard and core unit development of the research target. The techniques which are historical management and trace among standards for establishment of standard are introduced using SE tools and participating agencies shared the information by constructing of database from all documents which are generated from the project. Through the functional analysis of the requirements for the intelligent station monitoring system in basic design stage, established requirements are verified and will be made official announcement as standard of the intelligent station monitoring system.

RosettaNet based Business Integration Model for Enhancing Manufacturing Firm's Responsiveness (제조 기업의 대응성 향상을 위한 로제타넷 기반 비즈니스 통합 모델)

  • Park, Mok-Min;Park, Jeong-Ho;Shin, Ki-Tae;Park, Jin-Woo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2010
  • In some industries, manufacturing firms' distinctive competences include not only product superiority but also service excellence. For example, in a highly volatile and dynamic market, flexibility and responsiveness are more valued than just the product cost. And sales order processing, in that respect is a very important process. However, previous studies on sale order processing have considered only due-date assignments or dealt with production scheduling to minimize production cost or delivery lead time. Due to recent advances in information technology, a new approach is possible in dealing with sales order processing. For example, RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification) and ubiquitous computing technology adds real time visibility and traceability to supply chain. In this study, we develop a new due-date re-negotiation process for sales order management and propose a new business integration model to support the re-negotiation process based on RFID, ubiquitous computing technology and RosettaNet's PIPs.

Methods for Investigating of Edit History about MS PowerPoint Files That Using the OOXML Formats (OOXML형식을 사용하는 MS 파워포인트 파일에 대한 편집 이력 조사 방법)

  • Youn, Ji-Hye;Park, Jung-Heum;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.19C no.4
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2012
  • Today, individuals and businesses are a lot of paperwork through a computer. So many documents files are creating to digital type. And the digital type files are copied, moved by various media such as USB, E-mail and so on. A careful analysis of these digital materials can be tracked that occurred during the document editing work history. About these research are on the compound document file format, but has not been studied about the new OOXML format that how to analyze linkages between different document files, tracking an internal order, finding unsaved file for identify the process of creating the file. Future, the use of OOXML format digital documents will further increase, these document work history traceability in digital forensic investigation would be a big help. Therefore, this paper on the new OOXML format(has a forensic viewpoint) will show you how to track the internal order and analyze linkages between the files.