• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topological Operation

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Unification of Buck-boost and Flyback Converter for Driving Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter with Single Independent DC Voltage Source

  • Kim, Seong-Hye;Kim, Han-Tae;Park, Jin-Soo;Kang, Feel-Soon
    • Journal of international Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2013
  • It presents a unification of buck-boost and flyback converter for driving a cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with a single independent DC voltage source. Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter is useful to make many output voltage levels for sinusoidal waveform by combining two or more H-bridge modules. However, each H-bridge module needs an independent DC voltage source to generate multi levels in an output voltage. This topological characteristic brings a demerit of increasing the number of independent DC voltage sources when it needs to increase the number of output voltage levels. To solve this problem, we propose a converter combining a buck-boost converter with a flyback converter. The proposed converter provides independent DC voltage sources at back-end two H-bridge modules. After analyzing theoretical operation of the circuit topology, the validity of the proposed approach is verified by computer-aided simulations using PSIM and experiments.

Component Specification-based GPS Applications Development Process (컴포넌트 명세기반의 GPS 애플리케이션 개발 프로세스)

  • Lee, Sang Young;Lee, Yoon Hyeon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2012
  • GIS have expanded the use-range to the various application area with the advantage of interface environment, the various geographical operation. topological analysis by the friendly user. Early GIS software was developed as monolithic tool in which all functions packed in the same software. But, these GIS software have the problems of the high cost of constructing system, closely related system architecture and the reusability. And there is a lack of interoperability between them because most of them have their own unique data format according to their practical application fields. So Component is a unit that it is cohesive software package which is able to be developed and arranged independently and connected with another component for necessary system composition. In this paper, we analyze the requirements for component design and component specifications based on the extracted components. Commonly used to extract components from the requirements of the GPS component-based development process is presented. These components extracted by the process can be used to assemble components only. In particular, applications for developers to add features specific case without affecting the other components that can be modify the component.

Voltage Measurement-based coordinated Volt/VAR Control for Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR을 위한 전압 계측 기반 전압 및 무효전력 협조제어)

  • Go, Seok-Il;Choi, Joon-Ho;Ahn, Seon-Ju;Yun, Sang-Yun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.12
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    • pp.1689-1696
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the voltage measurement-based coordinated Voltage/VAR control (VMCVVC) algorithm for conservation voltage reduction(CVR) is proposed. The proposed algorithm has the purpose of enhancing the CVR effect through coordinated control of the voltage control devices such as the distributed energy resources and the load tap changer(LTC) transformers. It calculates the references of the voltage control devices such that the bus voltages are maintained at as close to the lower operation limit as possible. For this purpose, firstly, the distribution system is divided into LTC transformer control zones through topological search. Secondly, the reactive power references of the reactive power control devices are determined such that the voltage profile of the section is flattened. Finally, the tap references of the LTC transformers are calculated to lower the voltage profile. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through case studies using IEEE test network.

Mesh Routing Algorithm for TDMA Based Low-power and Ad-hoc Networks (TDMA 기반 저전력 애드혹 네트워크를 위한 메쉬 라우팅 알고리즘)

  • Hwang, Soyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1955-1960
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    • 2014
  • Many routing protocols have been proposed for low-power and ad-hoc networks to deliver command or data among nodes and recently, various researches are carried out about networking scheme considering reliability and scalability. In low-power networking technology, the performance of network layer is closely connected with the operation of data link layer and mesh routing mechanisms based on TDMA MAC are considered for reliability and scalability. This paper proposes mesh routing algorithm utilizing the characteristics of TDMA MAC and topological addressing in TDMA based low-power and ad-hoc networks and implementation results are presented.

A Deep-Learning Based Automatic Detection of Craters on Lunar Surface for Lunar Construction (달기지 건설을 위한 딥러닝 기반 달표면 크레이터 자동 탐지)

  • Shin, Hyu Soung;Hong, Sung Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.859-865
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    • 2018
  • A construction of infrastructures and base station on the moon could be undertaken by linking with the regions where construction materials and energy could be supplied on site. It is necessary to detect craters on the lunar surface and gather their topological information in advance, which forms permanent shaded regions (PSR) in which rich ice deposits might be available. In this study, an effective method for automatic detection of lunar craters on the moon surface is taken into consideration by employing a latest version of deep-learning algorithm. A training of a deep-learning algorithm is performed by involving the still images of 90000 taken from the LRO orbiter on operation by NASA and the label data involving position and size of partly craters shown in each image. the Faster RCNN algorithm, which is a latest version of deep-learning algorithms, is applied for a deep-learning training. The trained deep-learning code was used for automatic detection of craters which had not been trained. As results, it is shown that a lot of erroneous information for crater's positions and sizes labelled by NASA has been automatically revised and many other craters not labelled has been detected. Therefore, it could be possible to automatically produce regional maps of crater density and topological information on the moon which could be changed through time and should be highly valuable in engineering consideration for lunar construction.

Design of Spatial Relationship for 3D Geometry Model (3차원 기하모델에 대한 공간 관계 연산 설계)

  • Yi Dong-Heon;Hong Sung-Eon;Park Soo-Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.2 s.33
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2005
  • Most spatial data handled in GIS is two-dimensional. These two-dimensional data is established by selecting 2D aspects form 3D, or by projecting 3D onto 2D space. During this conversion, without user's intention, data are abstracted and omitted. This unwanted data loss causes disadvantages such as restrictingof the range of data application and describing inaccurate real world. Recently, three dimensional data is getting wide interests and demands. One of the examplesis Database Management System which can store and manage three dimensional spatial data. However, this DBMS does not support spatial query which is the essence of the database management system. So, various studies are needed in this field. This research designs spatial relationship that is defined in space database standard using the three-dimension space model. The spatial data model, which is used in this research, is the one defined in OGC for GMS3, and designing tool is DE-9IM based on Point-Set Topology blow as the best method for topological operation.

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A Connection Management Protocol for Stateful Inspection Firewalls in Multi-Homed Networks

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Lee, Hee-Jo;Bahk, Sae-Woong
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2008
  • To provide network services consistently under various network failures, enterprise networks increasingly utilize path diversity through multi-homing. As a result, multi-homed non-transit autonomous systems become to surpass single-homed networks in number. In this paper, we address an inevitable problem that occurs when networks with multiple entry points deploy firewalls in their borders. The majority of today's firewalls use stateful inspection that exploits connection state for fine-grained control. However, stateful inspection has a topological restriction such that outgoing and incoming traffic of a connection should pass through a single firewall to execute desired packet filtering operation. Multi-homed networking environments suffer from this restriction and BGP policies provide only coarse control over communication paths. Due to these features and the characteristics of datagram routing, there exists a real possibility of asymmetric routing. This mismatch between the exit and entry firewalls for a connection causes connection establishment failures. In this paper, we formulate this phenomenon into a state-sharing problem among multiple fire walls under asymmetric routing condition. To solve this problem, we propose a stateful inspection protocol that requires very low processing and messaging overhead. Our protocol consists of the following two phases: 1) Generation of a TCP SYN cookie marked with the firewall identification number upon a SYN packet arrival, and 2) state sharing triggered by a SYN/ACK packet arrival in the absence of the trail of its initial SYN packet. We demonstrate that our protocol is scalable, robust, and simple enough to be deployed for high speed networks. It also transparently works under any client-server configurations. Last but not least, we present experimental results through a prototype implementation.

An Automatic Mobile Cell Counting System for the Analysis of Biological Image (생물학적 영상 분석을 위한 자동 모바일 셀 계수 시스템)

  • Seo, Jaejoon;Chun, Junchul;Lee, Jin-Sung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents an automatic method to detect and count the cells from microorganism images based on mobile environments. Cell counting is an important process in the field of biological and pathological image analysis. In the past, cell counting is done manually, which is known as tedious and time consuming process. Moreover, the manual cell counting can lead inconsistent and imprecise results. Therefore, it is necessary to make an automatic method to detect and count cells from biological images to obtain accurate and consistent results. The proposed multi-step cell counting method automatically segments the cells from the image of cultivated microorganism and labels the cells by utilizing topological analysis of the segmented cells. To improve the accuracy of the cell counting, we adopt watershed algorithm in separating agglomerated cells from each other and morphological operation in enhancing the individual cell object from the image. The system is developed by considering the availability in mobile environments. Therefore, the cell images can be obtained by a mobile phone and the processed statistical data of microorganism can be delivered by mobile devices in ubiquitous smart space. From the experiments, by comparing the results between manual and the proposed automatic cell counting we can prove the efficiency of the developed system.

A Hybrid Knowledge Representation Method for Pedagogical Content Knowledge (교수내용지식을 위한 하이브리드 지식 표현 기법)

  • Kim, Yong-Beom;Oh, Pill-Wo;Kim, Yung-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.369-386
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    • 2005
  • Although Intelligent Tutoring System(ITS) offers individualized learning environment that overcome limited function of existent CAI, and consider many learners' variable, there is little development to be using at the sites of schools because of inefficiency of investment and absence of pedagogical content knowledge representation techniques. To solve these problem, we should study a method, which represents knowledge for ITS, and which reuses knowledge base. On the pedagogical content knowledge, the knowledge in education differs from knowledge in a general sense. In this paper, we shall primarily address the multi-complex structure of knowledge and explanation of learning vein using multi-complex structure. Multi-Complex, which is organized into nodes, clusters and uses by knowledge base. In addition, it grows a adaptive knowledge base by self-learning. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the 'Extended Neural Logic Network(X-Neuronet)', which is based on Neural Logic Network with logical inference and topological inflexibility in cognition structure, and includes pedagogical content knowledge and object-oriented conception, verify validity. X-Neuronet defines that a knowledge is directive combination with inertia and weights, and offers basic conceptions for expression, logic operator for operation and processing, node value and connection weight, propagation rule, learning algorithm.

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Creation of Vector Network Data with Considering Terrain Gradient for Analyzing Optimal Haulage Routes of Dump Trucks in Open Pit Mines (노천광산 덤프트럭의 최적 운반경로 분석을 위한 지형경사가 고려된 벡터 네트워크 자료의 생성 방법)

  • Park, Boyoung;Choi, Yosoon;Park, Han-Su
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2013
  • Previous studies for analyzing optimal haulage routes of dump trucks in open pit mines mostly used raster data. However, the raster data has several problems in performing optimal route analyses: (1) the jagged appearance of haulage roads according the cell resolution often causes overestimation of the travel cost; (2) it difficult to trace the topological relationships among haulage roads. These problems can be eliminated by using vector network data, however a new method is required to reflect the performance characteristics of a dump truck according to terrain gradient changes. This study presents a new method to create vector network data with the consideration of terrain gradient for analyzing optimal haulage routes of dump trucks in open pit mines. It consists of four procedures: (a) creating digital elevation models, (b) digitizing haulage road networks, (c) calculating the terrain gradient of haulage roads, and (d) calculating the average speed and travel time of a dump truck along haulage roads. A simple case study at the Roto South pit in the Pasir open pit coal mine, Indonesia is also presented to provide proof that the proposed method is easily compatible to ArcGIS Network Analyst software and is effective in finding optimal haulage routes of dump trucks with considering terrain gradient in open pit mines.