• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic characteristic

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Decision of GIS Optimum Grid on Applying Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model with Radar Resolution (레이더 자료의 해상도를 고려한 분포형 강우-유출 모형의 GIS 자료 최적 격자의 결정)

  • Kim, Yon-Soo;Chang, Kwon-Hee;Kim, Byung-Sik;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2011
  • Changes in climate have largely increased concentrated heavy rainfall, which in turn is causing enormous damages to humans and properties. Therefore, the exact relationship and the spatial variability analysis of hydrometeorological elements and characteristic factors is critical elements to reduce the uncertainty in rainfall -runoff model. In this study, radar rainfall grid resolution and grid resolution depending on the topographic factor in rainfall - runoff models were how to respond. In this study, semi-distribution of rainfall-runoff model using the model ModClark of Inje, Gangwon Naerin watershed was used as Gwangdeok RADAR data. The completed ModClark model was calibrated for use DEM of cell size of 30m, 150m, 250m, 350m was chosen for the application, and runoff simulated by the RADAR rainfall data of 500m, 1km, 2km, 5km, 10km from 14 to 17 on July, 2006. According to the resolution of each grid, in order to compare simulation results, the runoff hydrograph has been made and the runoff has also been simulated. As a result, it was highly runoff simulation if the cell size is DEM 30m~150m, RADAR rainfall 500m~2km for peak flow and runoff volume. In the statistical analysis results, if every DEM cell size are 500m and if RADAR rainfall cell size is 30m, relevance of model was higher. Result of sensitivity assessment, high index DEM give effect to result of distributed model. Recently, rainfall -runoff analysis is used lumped model to distributed model. So, this study is expected to make use of the efficiently decision criteria for configurated models.

Morphological Characteristics of Ocean Core Complexes (OCC) in Central Indian Ridge Using High-Resolution Bathymetry and Backscatter Intensity Data from a Deep-Towed Vehicle (심해예인 고해상도 수심 자료와 후방산란 강도 자료를 이용한 인도양 중앙해령 내 Ocean Core Complex 구조의 지형적 특성 분석)

  • Hwang, Gyuha;Kim, Seung-Sep;Son, Seung Kyu;Kim, Jonguk;Ko, Youngtak
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2020
  • We analyzed the morphological characteristics of OCC (Ocean Core Complexes) in the middle part of the Central Indian Ridge (MCIR) using high-resolution geophysical data recorded on the Deep-Tow SideScan Sonar IMI-30 system. In terms of slope-gradient variations calculated from the high-resolution bathymetry data, the normal faults formed by seafloor spreading were associated generally with slopes > 30° and resulted in high backscatter intensities, which reflect more topographic effects than acoustic medium variation. However, the areas associated with gentle slopes < 10° tend to show the backscatter intensities reflecting the acoustic characteristic of the medium. We show that the detachment faults exposing the OCCs were initiated with high-angle normal faults (58°) exhibiting outward and inward dips of a breakaway zone. In order to examine the spatial distribution of OCC structures, we characterized the transition from magmatic-dominant seafloor with abyssal hills to tectonic-dominant seafloor with OCC using the down-slope direction variation. The slope direction of the seafloor generally tends to be perpendicular to the ridge azimuth in the magmatic-dominant zone, whereas it becomes parallel to the given ridge azimuth near the OCC structures. Therefore, this spatial change of seafloor slope directions indicates that the formation of OCC structures is causally associated with the tectonic-dominant spreading rather than magmatic extension. These results also suggest that the topographical characteristics of seafloor spreading and OCC structures can be distinguished using high-resolution geophysical data. Thus, we propose that the high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter intensity data can help select potential areas of exploitation of hydrothermal deposits in MCIR effectively.

Locational Characteristic of Byeolseo in Gyeongsangnamdo.Jeollado by Cluster Analysis (군집분석을 통한 경상남도.전라도 별서의 입지적 특성)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Eun;Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2012
  • Byeolseo was located in various places with beautiful natural scenery to avoid the mundane world and for country life in seclusion. In this study, to classify locational type and characteristics of Byeolseo in Gyeongsangnamdo and Jeollado areas, complex locational types and characteristics of total 96 Byeolseo (52 in Gyeongsangnamdo and 44 in Jeollado) were researched and cluster analysis was executed to group locational characteristics to several clusters with similar characteristics in order to classify locational types of Byeolseo. As the result, locational type for Gyeongangnam-do and Jeolla-do were classified to 5 types each. Unique locational types Gyeongsangnamdo were 'valley type' and 'cliff type' and unique ones for Jeollado were 'flatland type' and 'riverside.hill type'. 'Hill type', 'curvy river type' and 'riverside other type' were shown in both areas. In Gyeongangnamdo, 30.8% was cliff type and 15.4% was valley type 46.2% of the total was locatedon 'cliff near river' or 'valley'. These were the most popular locational characteristics of Gyeongangnamdo. Unlike Gyeongangnamdo, 18.2% was flatland type, 18.2% is riverside.hill type, and 39.6% was hill type in Jeollado 75.0% of the total was locatedon 'flatland', 'on hill near river' or 'on hils'. These were the most popular locational characteristics of Jeollado. Such locational characteristics showed that Byeolseo was located using nearby scenery considering topographic characteristics of the located area.

Study on Runoff Variation by Spatial Resolution of Input GIS Data by using Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model (분포형 강우-유출 모형의 입력자료 해상도에 따른 유출변동 연구)

  • Jung, Chung Gil;Moon, Jang Won;Lee, Dong Ryul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.9
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    • pp.767-776
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    • 2014
  • Changes in climate have largely increased concentrated heavy rainfall, which in turn is causing enormous damages to humans and properties. Floods are one of the most deadly and damaging natural disasters known to mankind. The flood forecasting and warning system concentrates on reducing injuries, deaths, and property damage caused by floods. Therefore, the exact relationship and the spatial variability analysis of hydrometeorological elements and characteristic factors is critical elements to reduce the uncertainty in rainfall-runoff model. In this study, grid resolution depending on the topographic factor in rainfall-runoff models presents how to respond. semi-distribution of rainfall-runoff model using the model GRM simulated and calibrated rainfall-runoff in the Gamcheon and Naeseongcheon watershed. To run the GRM model, input grid data used rainfall (two event), DEM, landuse and soil. This study selected cell size of 500 m(basic), 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 10 km and 12 km. According to the resolution of each grid, in order to compare simulation results, the runoff hydrograph has been made and the runoff has also been simulated. As a result, runoff volume and peak discharge which simulated cell size of DEM 500 m~12 km were continuously reduced. that results showed decrease tendency. However, input grid data except for DEM have not contributed increase or decrease runoff tendency. These results showed that the more increased cell size of DEM make the more decreased slope value because of the increased horizontal distance.

Analysis of Stability and Behavior of Slope with Solar Power Facilities Considering Seepage of Rainfall (태양광 발전시설이 설치된 사면의 강우시 침투를 고려한 안정성 및 거동 분석)

  • Yu, Jeong-Yeon;Lee, Dong-Gun;Song, Ki-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.39 no.7
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2023
  • Slope failures during rainfall have been observed in mountainous areas of South Korea as a result of the presence of solar power facilities. The seepage behavior and pore pressure distribution differ from typical slopes due to the presence of impermeable solar panels, and the load imposed by the solar power structures also affects the slope behavior. This study aims to develop a method for evaluating the stability of slopes with solar power facilities and to analyze vulnerable points by considering the maximum slope displacement. To assess the slope stability and predict behavior while considering rainfall seepage, a combined seepage analysis and finite difference method numerical analysis were employed. For the selected site, various variables were assumed, including parameters related to the Soil Water Characteristic Curve, strength parameters that satisfy the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, soil properties, and topographic factors such as slope angle and bedrock depth. The factors with the most significant influence on the factor of safety (FOS) were identified. The presence of solar power facilities was found to affect the seepage distribution and FOS, resulting in a decreasing trend due to rainfall seepage. The maximum displacement points were concentrated near the upper (crest) and lower (toe) sections of the slope.

Estimation of Storage Capacity using Topographical Shape of Sand-bar and High Resolution Image in Urban Stream (도시하천의 지형태 자료와 영상정보를 이용한 수체적 시험평가)

  • Lee, Hyun Seok;Lee, Geun Sang
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.445-450
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    • 2008
  • Recently, environmental and ecological approaches is in progress in urban stream, especially the guarantee of instream flow becomes very important. In this paper, it is suggested that water volume estimation method utilizing the topographical shape data obtained by field investigation and satellite image to manage the urban stream efficiently. The data obtained at Gap River is the study area are analysed and those results are as belows. First, surveying to investigate topographic shape characteristics of urban stream is carried out. In details, the gradient characteristics from water surface to bottom in case of sand area and in case of grass area are 0.013 and 0.065 respectively. In conclusion, the gradient characteristic of grass area is five times bigger than that of sand area. Besides, IKONOS image is classified by spectrum analysis and Minimum Distance Method and the sand area extraction method by the generalization method as Median filter is suggested to calculate water volume. Finally, mapping process on the sand area extracted from the topographical shape field data in river and satellite images is carried out by the GIS spatial analysis. And on the assumption that the water level was 1m at that time when satellite image was taken, the water volume was $225,258m^3$. It is clarified that the effect of water volume improvement was about 10.5% in comparison with water volume that had no consideration on the gradient characteristics of sand-bar.

A Study on the Architectural Characteristic Jang-Dae of Castle in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 성곽 장대의 건축특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-hyeon;Chang, Hun-duck
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.120-141
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    • 2015
  • This paper is a preliminary study of architectural characteristics of Jangdae (general's podium), which shows one of the technical changes in fortification of Joseon Dynasty. As a facility for commands of generals and training for officers and men, it was located inside a fortress. Although it is not certain when the first Jangdae was built, the number of them dramatically increased around 18th century. Since the top priority function of the Jangdae was the prospect, it was installed at the hilly spot with open architecture. In addition, the open structure of Eupseong fortress towers on the riverside banks could simultaneously offer the functions as viewing around and Jangdae. Since Jangdae was also a place for military drills and reviews of soldiers, a wide podium was positioned at the front to muster the soldiers. This feature was standardized in the space organization of Jangdae in Joseon, and a mere podium was installed unless the topographic restrictions allows enough space. On the other hand, as a place for a commander, the hierarchy of the Jangdae was revealed through a variety of architectural characteristics. The hierarchy was assigned to the commander's space through the altitude difference, and diverse ornaments were added to show a sense of class. The floor plan of the Jangdae building can be largely categorized into rectangle and square, and the typical sizes of the former are $5{\times}4$ Kans (traditional measuring unit between two columns) and $3{\times}2$ Kans. Out of these two types, buildings of $5{\times}4$ Kans were found in flat land and eupseong fortresses with large space, and the relatively smaller ones of $3{\times}2$ Kans in mountain fortresses. All buildings of square floor plan had $3{\times}3$ Kans style, and the center Kan was twice wider than the side Kan to make the central space wide. It seems that the purpose was to secure the interior space of the upper story because the center Kan accounts for the floor area of the upper story. Some Jangdae's had internal story to form overhead space. The multi-roofed tower style with eaves attached to the upper and lower story is found exclusively in Jangdae. The buildings shows the Onkanmulim style which extends Naejinju (inner column) of the lower story to be the Byeonju (outer column) of the upper story, and the log-framed floor in the upper floor was structured by inserting the Changbang (connecting beam) between the Naejinju's and joining the log frames. In addition, the towers in eupseong fortresses had log-framed floor in the upper floor by setting up the high Nuhaju (column underneath a roof) and joining Cheongbang to the upper part of the column while it cannot be regarded as multi-roofed because only the upper part has a roof.

A Study on Integrated Visualization and Mapping Techniques using the Geophysical Results of the Coastal Area of the Dokdo in the East Sea (독도 연안 해저 지구물리 자료의 통합 중첩 주제도 작성 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung Hoon;Kim, Chang Hwan;Park, Chan Hong;Rho, Hyun Soo;Kim, Dae Choul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to integrate and visualize using mapping techniques based on precise seabed geomorphology, seafloor backscattering images and high-resolution underwater images of the nearshore area around the Dokdo, in the East Sea. We have been obtained the precise topography map using multibeam echosounder system around the nearshore area(~50 m) of the southern part of the Seodo. Side scan sonar survey for analysis seafloor backscattering images was carried out in the same area of topography data. High-resolution underwater images(zone(a), zone(b), zone(c)) were taken in significant habitat scope of the nearshore area of the southern part of the Seodo. Using the results of bathymetry, seafloor backscattering images, high-resolution underwater images, we performed an integrated visualization about the nearshore area of the Dokdo. The integrated visualizing techniques are possible to make the seabed characteristic mapping results of the nearshore area of the Dokdo. The integrated visualization results present more complex and reliable information than separate geological products for seabed environmental mapping study and it is useful to understand the relation between seafloor characteristics and topographic environments of the study area. The integrated visualizing techniques and mapping analysis need to study sustainably and periodically, for effective monitoring of the nearshore ecosystem of the Dokdo.

A Study on the Influence of the Water System on the Location and Spatial Structure of Hongju-seong (수체계가 홍주성의 입지와 공간구조 변천과정에 미친 영향)

  • Lee, Kyung-Chan;Kang, In-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the water system on the location, spatial structure, and construction method of Hongju-eupseong, centering on Hongjumok-eupchi. During the Joseon Dynasty, the water system in Hongjumok-eupchi is composed of artificially constructed Seong-an Runnel and ponds based on a branch-shaped natural waterways flowing from south to north and west to east. Compiling the results of various literature records, excavations and analysis of map data, it can be seen that the water system has an important influence on the construction of Hongju-seong. Firstly, Hongju-seong from the Goryeo Dynasty to the late Joseon Dynasty is located using a circular shape of topographical structure and a small erosion basin formed on the inner side of the Hongseongcheon and Wolgyecheon streams without significant change in location. In particular, Wolgyecheon and Hongseongcheon are natural moats, which are harmonized with Sohyangcheon and riverside topographical structures, affecting the location and construction method of Hongju-seong, water related facilities, and the spatial structure of eupseong. It is understood that location characteristic of Hongju-seong reflects the urban location structure harmonized with waterways in ancient China and Korea. Secondly in harmony with the water system and topographic structure of Hongju-seong, it is an important factor in deciding the land use of the town, the arrangement of the town hall facilities and inducing various non-subsidiary measures such as the establishment of embankment forest with a secret function and the closure of the south gate. In addition, artificial drainage facilities such as Seongan runnel and ponds are being actively introduced from early on to protect the walls or towns from flooding of Wolgyecheon. Especially there were typical methods for protecting the walls from water damage such as the Joseon Dynasty stone castle structure that was integrated with saturn(soil wall) in the Goryeo Dynasty, retreating wall in the northern gate area in the late Joseon Dynasty, and the method of constructing wall using korean tile and stone floors between reinforced soil layers in the western and northern wall.

The Location and Landscape Composition of Yowol-pavilion Garden Interpreted from Tablet & Poetry (편액과 시문으로 본 요월정원림(邀月亭園林)의 입지 및 조영 해석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Sang-Wook;Ren, Qin-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2014
  • The study attempts to interpret original location and landscape composition of Yowol-pavilion Garden under the premise that tablet and poetry are important criteria for inference of unique location and landscape composition of a pavilion garden. The study raises the meaning, status, and value of Yowol Pavilion Garden as a cultural asset. The results of the study are as follows. First, Yowol-pavilion Garden was a place where famous Confucius scholars in Joseon Dynasty in 16th Century, including Kim, Kyung-Woo, the owner of the garden, used to share the taste for the arts and poetries with their colleagues. Along with a main characteristic of Yowol Pavilion Garden as a hideout for the Confucius scholars who stayed away from a political turmoil, the new place characteristic of the garden, a bridgehead for the formation of regional identity, was discovered in the record of "Joseon-Hwanyeo-Seungram Honam-Eupji JangSeong-Eupji", As described in "The first creative poetry of Yowol-pavilion", the intention for the creation of Yowol-pavilion Garden and the motive for its landscape composition is interpreted as a space of rivalry where the world, reality and ideals are mixed up. Second, related to outstanding scenic factors and natural phenomena when taking a view from the pavilion, the name of the house 'Yowol', which means 'Greeting the moon rising on the Mt. Wolbong' is the provision of nature and taste for the arts, and is directly connected to the image of leaving the worldly. In other words, the name was identified to be the one that reflected the intention for landscape composition to follow the provision of nature separating from joy and sorrow of the mundane world. Third, as for the location, it was confirmed through "YeongGwang-Soksu-Yeoji-Seungram" that Yowol-pavilion Garden was a place where the person who made the pavilion prepared for relaxation after stepping down from a government post, and literature and various poetry show that it was also a place of outstanding scenic where Yellow-dragon River meandered facing Mt. Wolbong. Especially, according to an interview with a keeper, the visual perception frequency of the nightscape of Yowol-pavilion Garden is the highest when viewing by considering the east, the direction of Yellow-dragon River, as Suksigak[normal angle's view], towards Yowel-pavilion from the keeper's house. In addition, he said that the most beautiful landscape with high perception strength is when the moon came up from the left side of Yowol-pavilion, cuts across the Lagerstroemia india heal in front of Yowol-pavilion, and crosses the meridian between Mt. Wolbong peaks facing Yowol-pavilion. Currently, the exposure of Yowol-pavilion Garden is $SE\;141.2^{\circ}$, which is almost facing southeast. It is assumed that the exposure of Yowol-pavilion Garden was determined considering the optimized direction for appreciating the trace of the moon and the intention of securing the visibility as well as topographic conditions. Furthermore, it is presumed that the exposure of Yowol-pavilion Garden was determined so that the moon is reflected on the water of Yellow-dragon River and the moon and its reflection form a symmetry. Fourth, currently, Yowol-pavilion Garden is divided into 'inner garden sphere' composed of Yowol-pavilion, meeting place of the clan and administration building, and 'outer garden sphere' which is inclusive of entrance space, Crape Myrtle Community Garden and Pine Tree Forest in the back. Further, Yowol-pavilion Garden has been deteriorated as the edge was expanded to 'Small lake[Yong-so] and Gardens of aquatic plants sphere' and recently-created 'Yellow-dragon Pavilion and park sphere'. Fifth, at the time it was first made, Yowol-pavilion Garden was borderless gardens consisting of mountains and water taking a method of occupying a specific space of nearby nature centering around pavilion by embracing landscape viewed from the pavilion, but interpreted current complex landscapes are identified to be entirely different from landscapes of the original due to 'Different Changes', 'Fragmentation' and 'Apart piece' in many parts. Lastly, considering that Yowol-pavilion Garden belongs to the Cultural Properties Protection Zone, though not the restoration to the landscapes of the original described in tablet and literature record, at least taking a measure from the aspect of land use for minimizing adverse effect on landscape and visual damage is required.