• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic change

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Seasonal Sedimentary Characteristics and Depositional Environments after the Construction of seawall on the Iwon Macrotidal Flat (방조제 건설 후 이원 대조차 조간대의 계절별 퇴적학적 특성 및 퇴적환경)

  • Kum, Byung-Cheol;Park, Eun-Young;Lee, Hi-Il;Oh, Jae-Kyung;Shin, Dong-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.615-628
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    • 2004
  • In order to elucidate seasonal sedimentary characteristics and depositional environment after construction of seawall on macrotidal flat, a seasonal observations of surface sediments (total 450) and sedimentation rates on 4 transects have been investigated for 2 years. The eastern area of Iwon tidal flat, has been changed from semi-closed coast to open coast by construction of seawall, shows general seasonal changes similar to characteristics of open coast type, which represented both fining and bad sorted distribution due to deposition of fine sediments under low energy condition in the summer, and relatively coarser and better sorted distribution because of erosion of fine sediments in the winter. In considering angles of transects, distribution patterns of surface sediments, the northern and southern parts of eastern tidal flat are dominantly influenced by wave and tidal effects, respectively. As time goes by, the eastern tidal flat shows coarsening-trend of surface sediments caused by direct effect of tidal current, were and typhoon. Meanwhile the western area of seawall, which has been re-formed by construction seawall, is sheltered from northwesterly seasonal wind. The seasonal change pattern of western area of seawall is slightly different from that of eastern tidal flat. Mean grain size and sorting of surface sediments during spring is finer and worse than those during summer. This seasonal change pattern maybe influenced by topographic effects caused from the construction of seawall. In consideration of all result, the transport of fine sediments in the study area, which is supplied to limited sediments, shows clockwise circulation pattern that fine sediments are transported from the eastern tidal flat to the western area of seawall because of blocking of seawall in the winter and are transported reversed direction the summer. As a result, many changes have been observed in the study area after construction of seawall; however, this change is still in progress and is expected to need continuous monitoring.

Analysis of Heterogeneous Tree-Ring Growths of Pinus densiflora with Various Topographical Characteristics in Mt. Worak Using GIS (GIS 기법을 이용한 지형적 특성에 따른 월악산 소나무 연륜생장의 이질성 규명)

  • 서정욱;김재수;박원규
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • To analyze the relationship between climatic factors (monthly temperatures and precipitations) and the radial growths or Pinus densiflora with different topographical settings in Worak National Park, Korea, 20 stands were chosen and 10 trees were selected from each stand. After crossdating, each ring-width series was double detrended (standardized) by fitting first a negative exponential or straight regression line and secondly a 60-year cubic spline. The growth patterns coud be categorized by four groups using cluster analysis. Cluster Ⅰ stand has north aspect, but others have south or southwest aspects. Cluster Ⅰ (one), cluster Ⅱ (ten), and cluster Ⅲ (two) stands are located in lower. elevation (305∼580 m), however, cluster Ⅳ (seven) stands are located in higher elevation, mostly in 560~870 m. Cluster Ⅱ and Ⅲ stands are located at similar elevation with the same aspect, however, cluster Ⅱ stands are located on more rocky and stiff slope with shallow soil depth. The response functions were used to examine the difference in the relationships between climatic factors and tree growths among the 4 cluster chronologies. The climatic factors are not limiting the growth in the cluster Ⅰ stand as highly as in other cluster plots because of rather mesic conditions in the north slope. The precipitation in the spring appears to be the main limiting factor in the cluster Ⅱ stands. The topographical characteristics of the sites of cluster Ⅱ, shallow soil depths on the rocky slope in the south aspect at lower elevation, may enhance the sensitivity of growth to moisture stress. In cluster Ⅲ and cluster Ⅳ, winter and spring temperature prior to the growth become more important than for cluster Ⅱ. This pattern is com-mon for Pinus densiflora trees growing in higher. elevation (equation omitted 800 m) in South Korea. It nay be re-lated with preconditioning effects of temperature as the temperature decreases with increasing elevation (cluster Ⅳ) or in the valley (cluster Ⅲ). The results obtained by tree-ring analysis were digitalized by GIS and spatio-temporal information on tree-ring data and topographic setting were analyzed and displayed simultaneously. The results of this study can be used to predict the future change of Pinus densiflora ecosystem to climate change expected in central Korea.

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The Distribution and Geomorphic Changes of Natural Lakes in East Coast Korea (한반도 동해안의 자연호 분포와 지형 환경 변화)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to analyze distribution of natural lakes including lagoonal lake(lagoon) and tributary dammed lake(tributary lake) and calculate the size, morphology in order to interpret time-serial change of lakes using methodology of remote sensing images(1990s), GIS and topographic maps(1920s) in east coast of Korean Peninsular. Analysis results show that in 1990s, there are 57 natural lakes, with the total size of $75.62km^2$ over size $0.01km^2$. marine-origin lagoons are 48 with total size of $64.85km^2$, composing 85% of total natural lake, and the largest lagoon is Beonpo in Raseon City. Tributary lakes have been formed by damming of tributary channels by fluvial sand bars from main stream, located nearby at coastal zone, similar to lagoon sites. Large tributary lake, Jangyeonho, is developed in lava plateau dissection valley of Eorang Gun, Hamnam Province. There are more distributed at Duman River mouth$\sim$Cheongjin City, Heungnam City$\sim$Hodo Peninsular and Anbyeon Gun$\sim$Gangreung City. Geomorphometrically, correlation of size to circumference is very high, but correlation of size to shape irregularity is very low. The direction of lagoonal coast, NW-SE and NE-SW are predominated due to direction of tectonic structure and longshore currents. The length of the river into lake are generally short, maximum under 15km, and lake size is smaller, degree of size decreasing is higher. Geomorphic patterns of the lake location are classified as coast-hill range, coastal plain, coastal plain-channel valley, coastal plain-hill range and channel valley-hill range. During from 1920s to 1990s, change with lake size decreasing is highest at coastal plain-channel valley, next is coastal plain. Causes of the size decreasing are fluvial deposition from upper rivers and human impacts such as reclamation.

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Monitoring of Bathymetry Changes in the Coastal Area of Dokdo, East Sea (동해 독도 연안 해저지형 변동 모니터링 연구)

  • Chang Hwan Kim;Soon Young Choi;Won Hyuck Kim;Hyun Ok Choi;Chan Hong Park;Yun Bae Kim;Jong Dae Do
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.589-601
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    • 2023
  • We compare high-resolution seabed bathymetry data and seafloor backscattering data acquired, using multi-beam, between 2018 and 2021 to understand topographic changes in the coastal area of Dokdo. The study area, conducted within a 500 m × 500 m in the southern coast between the islands where Dongdo Port is located, has been greatly affected by human activities, waves and ocean currents. The depth variations exhibit between 5 - 70 m. Irregular underwater rocks are distributed in areas with a depth of 20 m or less and 30 - 40 m. As a whole, water depth ranges similar in the east-west direction and become flatter and deeper. The bathymetry contour in 2020 tends to move south as a whole compared to 2018 and 2019. The south moving of the contours in the survey area indicates that the water depth is shallower than before. Since the area where the change in the depth occurred is mainly formed of sedimentary layers, the change in the coast of Dokdo were mainly caused by the inflow of sediments, due to the influence of wind and waves caused by these typhoons (Maysak and Haishen) in 2020. In the Talus area, which developed on the shallow coast between Dongdo and Seodo, the bathymetry changed in 2020 due to erosion or sedimentation, compared to the bathymetry in 2019 and 2018. It is inferred that the changes in the seabed environment occur as the coastal area is directly affected by the typhoons. Due to the influence of the typhoons with strong southerly winds, there was a large amount of sediment inflow, and the overall tendency of the changes was to be deposited. The contours in 2021 appears to have shifted mainly northward, compared to 2020, meaning the area has eroded more than 2020. In 2020, sediments were mainly moved northward and deposited on the coast of Dokdo by the successive typhoons. On the contrary, the coast of Dokdo was eroded as these sediments moved south again in 2021. Dokdo has been largely affected by the north wind in winter, so sediments mainly move southward. But it is understood that sediments move northward when affected by strong typhoons. Such continuous coastal change monitoring and analysis results will be used as important data for longterm conservation policies in relation to topographical changes in Dokdo.

A Study on the Improvement of Sub-divided Land Cover Map Classification System - Based on the Land Cover Map by Ministry of Environment - (세분류 토지피복지도 분류체계 개선방안 연구 - 환경부 토지피복지도를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Lee, Moung-Jin;No, Woo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the classification system of sub-divided land cover map among the land cover maps provided by the Ministry of Environment. To accomplish the purpose, first, the overseas country land cover map classification items were examined in priority. Second, the area ratio of each item established by applying the previous sub-divided classification system was analyzed. Third, the survey on the improvement of classification system targeting the users (experts and general public) who actually used the sub-divided land cover map was carried out. Fourth, a new classification system which improved the previous system by reclassifying 41 classification items into 33 items was finally established. Fifth, the established land cover classification items were applied on study area, and the land cover classification result according to the improvement method was compared with the previous classification system. Ilsan area in Goyang city where there are diverse geographic features with various land surface characteristics such as the urbanization area and agricultural land were distributed evenly were selected as the study area. The basic images used in this study were 0.25 m aerial ortho-photographs captured by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII), and digital topographic map, detailed stock map plan, land registration map and administrative area map were used as the relevant reference data. As a result of applying the improved classification system into the study area, the area of culture-sports, leisure facilities was $1.84km^2$ which was approximately more than twice larger in comparison to the previous classification system. Other areas such as transportation and communication system and educational administration facilities were not classified. The result of this study has meaningful significance that it reflects the efficiency for the establishment and renewal of sub-divided land cover map in the future and actual users' needs.

Parameterization and Application of a Forest Landscape Model by Using National Forest Inventory and Long Term Ecological Research Data (국가산림자원조사와 장기생태연구 자료를 활용한 산림경관모형의 모수화 및 적용성 평가)

  • Cho, Wonhee;Lim, Wontaek;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Ko, Dongwook W.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.215-231
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    • 2020
  • Forest landscape models (FLMs) can be used to investigate the complex interactions of various ecological processes and patterns, which makes them useful tools to evaluate how environmental and anthropogenic variables can influence forest ecosystems. However, due to the large spatio-temporal scales in FLMs studies, parameterization and validation can be extremely challenging when applying to new study areas. To address this issue, we focused on the parameterization and application of a spatially explicit forest landscape model, LANDIS-II, to Mt. Gyebang, South Korea, with the use of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) and long-term ecological research (LTER) site data. In this study, we present the followings for the biomass succession extension of LANDIS-II: 1) species-specific and spatial parameters estimation for the biomass succession extension of LANDIS-II, 2) calibration, and 3) application and validation for Mt. Gyebang. For the biomass succession extension, we selected 14 tree species, and parameterized ecoregion map, initial community map, species growth characteristics. We produced ecoregion map using elevation, aspect, and topographic wetness index based on digital elevation model. Initial community map was produced based on NFI and sub-alpine survey data. Tree species growth parameters, such as aboveground net primary production and maximum aboveground biomass, were estimated from PnET-II model based on species physiological factors and environmental variables. Literature data were used to estimate species physiological factors, such as FolN, SLWmax, HalfSat, growing temperature, and shade tolerance. For calibration and validation purposes, we compared species-specific aboveground biomass of model outputs and NFI and sub-alpine survey data and calculated coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE). The final model performed very well, with 0. 98 R2 and 8. 9 RMSE. This study can serve as a foundation for the use of FLMs to other applications such as comparing alternative forest management scenarios and natural disturbance effects.

A study on the utilization of drones and aerial photographs for searching ruins with a focus on topographic analysis (유적탐색을 위한 드론과 항공사진의 활용방안 연구)

  • Heo, Ui-Haeng;Lee, Wal-Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.22-37
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    • 2018
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have attracted considerable attention both at home and abroad. The UAV is equipped with a camera that shoots images, which is advantageous for access to areas where archaeological investigations are not possible. Moreover, it is possible to acquire three-dimensional spatial image information by modeling the terrain through aerial photographing, and it is possible to specify the interpretation of the terrain of the survey area. In addition, if we understand the change of the terrain through comparison with past aerial photographs, it will be very helpful to grasp the existence of the ruins. The terrain modeling for searching these remains can be divided into two parts. First, we acquire the aerial photographs of the current terrain using the drone. Then, using image registration and post-processing, we complete the image-joining and terrain-modeling using past aerial photographs. The completed modeled terrain can be used to derive several analytical results. In the present terrain modeling, terrain analysis such as DSM, DTM, and altitude analysis can be performed to roughly grasp the characteristics of the change in the form, quality, and micro-topography. Past terrain modeling of aerial photographs allows us to understand the shape of landforms and micro-topography in wetlands. When verified with actual findings and overlapping data on the modelling of each terrain, it is believed that changes in hill shapes and buried Microform can be identified as helpful when used in low-flying applications. Thus, modeling data using aerial photographs is useful for identifying the reasons for the inability to carry out archaeological surveys, the existence of terrain and ruins in a wide area, and to discuss the preservation process of the ruins. Furthermore, it is possible to provide various themes, such as cadastral maps and land use maps, through comparison of past and present topographical data. However, it is certain that it will function as a new investigation methodology for the exploration of ruins in order to discover archaeological cultural properties.

Study on Plant Indicator Species of Picea jezoensis (Siebold & Zucc.) Carrière Forest by Topographic Characters - From China (Baekdu-san) to South Korea - (가문비나무림의 지형특성에 따른 식물 지표종에 관한 연구 - 중국 백두산 일대에서 남한까지 -)

  • Byeong-Joo, Park;Tae-Im, Heo;Jun-Gi, Byeon;Kwang-il, Cheon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.388-408
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to select the indicator species (plant) according to the topographical characteristics in the Picea jezoensis forests, endangered subalpine coniferous trees. In South Korea and China (close to Baekdusan), the southern tree line limit of Picea jezoensis has meaningful geographical and latitudinal values for analyzing the ecological characteristics of P. jezoensis forests. Latitude greatly affects the geographical values of plant ecology, and the difference in latitude and habitat affects the change in species composition in forests. With prolonged environmental change, the habitat of subalpine plants will become smaller, and the plants may become extinct. As the P. jezoensis forests of South Korea and China, in particular, are in danger of disappearing without protection, it is important to monitor the population and develop a conservation strategy. Eighty-seven circular plots were established in P. jezoensis forests in South Korea and China. Through processes such as MRPP-test and NMS ordination, indicator species were selected based on this, and basic data for biodiversity assessment were presented. As a result of the Indicator Species Analysis (ISA), 5 taxa were selected from the upperstory vegetation and 18 taxa from the understory vegetation at the altitude(p<0.05). Indicator species by aspect were analyzed as 3 taxa for upperstory vegetation and 16 taxa for understory vegetation (p<0.05). In the case of indicator species according to the slope, 6 taxa for upper vegetation and 24 taxa for understory vegetation were selected(p<0.05). As for the indicator species according to their habitat, 8 taxa in upper vegetation and 65 taxa on understory vegetation were selected. As a result of MRPP-test, it was analyzed that the species composition was heterogeneous in the group of understory vegetation than that of upperstory vegetation. As a result of NMS ordination, the correlation with environmental factors of indicator species was analyzed by rock exposure for upperstory vegetation and latitude for understory vegetation (cut off level=0.3).

Trend Analysis of Documenting the Gardens of Old Houses with the Measurement Drawings of National Folklore Cultural Heritage (국가민속문화재의 실측도면을 통해 살펴본 고택 정원의 기록화 경향 분석)

  • LIM, Cheyeon;LEE, Jaeyong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the documentation trend of garden components such as plants, infrastructure, unit facilities, and structures, based on 188 measurement drawings of 94 old houses in a report on the documentation of the national folklore cultural heritage. The findings are as follows. First, it was found that plants and structures continuously appeared as the subject of measurement drawings, while infrastructure was often omitted. It was confirmed that unit facilities, which are smaller than other components, were frequently excluded from the documentation subject as well due to frequent changes such as movement, loss, and expansion. Second, the level of expression in measurement drawings showed different aspects for each component. The unit facilities showed a large change over time with respect to the level of documentation, and the level of documentation was somewhat polarized, particularly toward the latter stage. This suggests that the level of documenting the drawings limited to specific facilities improved, but the overall level of drawings did not improve, such as a lack of diversification of expression techniques suitable for various unit facilities. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the level of documenting the drawings for plants, infrastructure and structures did not change to a significant degree, implying that no improvements were made to the expression of components. Third, as for the technique of detailed expression, in the case of plants, vegetation status was prepared without distinction of old or protected trees that have historical value. Above all, there was no record of the vegetation structure that could help grasp the vegetation landscape of the outer area. As for the infrastructure, there was no consistent expression technique to systematically convey topographic changes such as the height and slope of the land. In addition, since there was no subtype classification defined for unit facilities and structures, there was no subject or method of documentation. This study is meaningful in that it expanded the category of documentation, which has been concentrated on buildings in old houses, to gardens, and called attention to the need for documenting the gardens for the preservation and management of old houses as an integration of the building and outer area.

Assessing forest net primary productivity based on a process-based model: Focusing on pine and oak forest stands in South and North Korea (과정기반 모형을 활용한 산림의 순일차생산성 평가: 남북한 소나무 및 참나무 임분을 중심으로)

  • Cholho Song;Hyun-Ah Choi;Jiwon Son;Youngjin Ko;Stephan A. Pietsch;Woo-Kyun Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.400-412
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the biogeochemistry management (BGC-MAN) model was applied to North and South Korea pine and oak forest stands to evaluate the Net Primary Productivity (NPP), an indicator of forest ecosystem productivity. For meteorological information, historical records and East Asian climate scenario data of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) were used. For vegetation information, pine (Pinus densiflora) and oak(Quercus spp.) forest stands were selected at the Gwangneung and Seolmacheon in South Korea and Sariwon, Sohung, Haeju, Jongju, and Wonsan, which are known to have tree nurseries in North Korea. Among the biophysical information, we used the elevation model for topographic data such as longitude, altitude, and slope direction, and the global soil database for soil data. For management factors, we considered the destruction of forests in North and South Korea due to the Korean War in 1950 and the subsequent reforestation process. The overall mean value of simulated NPP from 1991 to 2100 was 5.17 Mg C ha-1, with a range of 3.30-8.19 Mg C ha-1. In addition, increased variability in climate scenarios resulted in variations in forest productivity, with a notable decline in the growth of pine forests. The applicability of the BGC-MAN model to the Korean Peninsula was examined at a time when the ecosystem process-based models were becoming increasingly important due to climate change. In this study, the data on the effects of climate change disturbances on forest ecosystems that was analyzed was limited; therefore, future modeling methods should be improved to simulate more precise ecosystem changes across the Korean Peninsula through process-based models.