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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Thermal-mechanical Fatigue

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Analysis of Material Response Based on Chaboche Unified Viscoplastic Constitutive Equation; (CHABOCHE 통합 점소성 구성방정식을 이용한 재료거동해석)

  • Kwak, D.Y.;Im, Y.T.;Kim, J.B.;Lee, H.Y.;Yu, B.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.3516-3524
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    • 1996
  • Service conditions for structures at elevated temperatures in nuclear power plant involve transient thermal and mechanical load levels that are severe enough to caeuse inelastic deformations due to creep and plasticity. Therefore, a systematic mehtod of inelastic analysis is needed for the design of structural components in nuclear poser plants subjected to such loading conditions. In the present investigation, the Chabodhe model, one of the unified viscoplastic constitutive equations, was selected for systematic inelastic analysis. The material response was integrated based on GMR ( generallized mid-point rule) time integral scheme and provided to ABAQUS as a material subroutine, UMAT program. By comparing results obtaned from uniaxial analysis using the developed UMAT program with those from Runge-Kutta solutions and experimentaiton, the validity of the adopted Chaboche model and the numerical stability and accuracy of the developed UMAT program were verified. In addition, the developed material subroutine was applied for uniaxial creep and tension analyses for the plate with a hole in the center. The application further demonstrates usefulness of the developed program.

Research of Diffusion Bonding of Tungsten/Copper and Their Properties under High Heat Flux

  • Li, Jun;Yang, Jianfeng
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 2011
  • W (tungsten)-alloys will be the most promising plasma facing armor materials in highly loaded plasma interactive components of the next step fusion reactors due to its high melting point, high sputtering resistance and low deuterium/tritium retention. The bonding technology of tungsten to Cu alloy was one of the key issues. In this paper, W/CuCrZr diffusion bonding has been performed successfully by inserting pure metal interlay. The joint microstructure, interfacial elements migration and phase composition were analyzed by SEM, EDS, XRD, and the joint shear strength and micro-hardness were investigated. The mock-ups were fabricated successfully with diffusion bonding and the cladding technology respectively, and the high heat flux test and thermal fatigue test were carried out under actively cooling condition. When Ni foil was used for the bonding of tungsten to CuCrZr, two reaction layers, Ni4W and Ni(W) layer, appeared between the tungsten and Ni interlayer with the optimized condition. Even though Ni4W is hard and brittle, and the strength of the joint was oppositely increased (217 MPa) due primarily to extremely small thicknesses (2~3 μm). When Ti foil was selected as the interlayer, the Ti foil diffused quickly with Cu and was transformed into liquid phase at 1,000C. Almost all of the liquid was extruded out of the interface zone under bonding pressure, and an extremely thin residual layer (1~2 μm) of the liquid phase was retained between the tungsten and CuCrZr, which shear strength exceeded 160 MPa. When Ni/Ti/Ni multiple interlayers were used for bonding of tungsten to CuCrZr, a large number of intermetallic compound (Ni4W/NiTi2/NiTi/Ni3T) were formed for the interdiffusion among W, Ni and Ti. Therefore, the shear strength of the joint was low and just about 85 MPa. The residual stresses in the clad samples with flat, arc, rectangle and trapezoid interface were estimated by Finite Element Analysis. The simulation results show that the flat clad sample was subjected maximum residual stress at the edge of the interface, which could be cracked at the edge and propagated along the interface. As for the rectangle and trapezoid interface, the residual stresses of the interface were lower than that of the flat interface, and the interface of the arc clad sample have lowest residual stress and all of the residual stress with arc interface were divided into different grooved zones, so the probabilities of cracking and propagation were lower than other interfaces. The residual stresses of the mock-ups under high heat flux of 10 MW/m2 were estimated by Finite Element Analysis. The tungsten of the flat interfaces was subjected to tensile stresses (positive Sx), and the CuCrZr was subjected to compressive stresses (negative Sx). If the interface have a little microcrack, the tungsten of joint was more liable to propagate than the CuCrZr due to the brittle of the tungsten. However, when the flat interface was substituted by arc interfaces, the periodical residual stresses in the joining region were either released or formed a stress field prohibiting the growth or nucleation of the interfacial cracks. Thermal fatigue tests were performed on the mock-ups of flat and arc interface under the heat flux of 10 MW/m2 with the cooling water velocity of 10 m/s. After thermal cycle experiments, a large number of microcracks appeared at the tungsten substrate due to large radial tensile stress on the flat mock-up. The defects would largely affect the heat transfer capability and the structure reliability of the mock-up. As for the arc mock-up, even though some microcracks were found at the interface of the regions, all microcracks with arc interface were divided into different arc-grooved zones, so the propagation of microcracks is difficult.

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A Study on Characteristic of Fracture in Lap Joint Welded STS429L (STS429L 겹침 용접부의 파단 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Dong-Soon;Kim, Jae-Seong;Kim, Hyun-Jae;Lee, Bo-Young
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2009
  • Recently, a demand of ferritic STS is increasing rapidly in automobile exhaust system. Exhaust manifolds are the part nearest to the engine so that the material is exposed to high temperature exhaust gas. Excellent heat resistant properties, especially high temperature strength, thermal fatigue resistance and high corrosion resistance are necessary for these parts. STS429L contains 15 weight percent of Cr and low Mo, so has good price competitive. And it has excellent high temperature strength and corrosion resistance, so receives attentions as material that applying to exhaust manifold. In tensile test of lap joint welded STS 429L, most of specimens are failed in base metal, but occurs brittle fracture in weld metals at some specimens in the face of good welding conditions. In the process of tensile test, lap joint welded STS429L specimens are transformed locally. The brittle fracture occurs that local transforming area exists in weld metals. But, butt welding specimens made by same materials showed ductile fracture in tensile test and bending test. In this study, suppose the reason of brittle fracture is in the combined local transform and tensile stress, through analysis of bead geometry, evaluate geometrical factor of brittle fracture in lap joint welded STS429L.

The Performance Test on Me-DLC Films for Improving Wear Resistance of LM-Guide (LM 가이드의 내마모성 향상을 위한 Me-DLC 코팅박막의 성능평가)

  • Kang, Eun-Goo;Lee, Dong-Yoon;Kim, Seong-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.409-416
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    • 2012
  • Recently, surface modification technology is of importance to improve the wear resistance and the corrosive resistance for high accurate mechanical parts such as LM guide, Ball Screw and Roller Bearing etc., Those has generally featured on rolling contact mechanism to improve not only the wear and the friction, but also the accuracy and the corrosion performances. For surface modifications of high accurate mechanical parts, normally thermal spray, PVD, CVD and E.P. processes have been used with many materials such as DLC, raydent, W, Ni, Ti etc. Diamondlike carbon (DLC) films possess a combination of attractive properties and have been largely employed to modify the tribological behaviors such as friction, wear, corrosion, fretting fatigue, biocompatibility, etc. However, for rolling contact mechanism mechanical parts DLC films are needed to study for commercial benefit. Rolling contact mechanism has features on effects of cyclic motions and stresses, and also not simply sliding motions. The papers focused on the performance test of wear and corrosive resistance according to Me-DLC film thickness. And also, its thickness effect of wear analysis was carried out through the simulation of the maximum shear stress under the rolling contact surface. As the results, Me-DLC films have more potential to improve the wear resistance for high precision mechanical parts than raydent films.

Development of Nanomodified Snow-Melting Concrete Using Low-Temperature Phase-Change Material Impregnated Lightweight Aggregate (저온 상변화 물질 함침 경량골재를 이용한 나노 개질 융설 콘크리트 개발)

  • Kyoung, Joo-Hyun;Kim, Sean-Mi;Hu, Jong-Wan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.787-792
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    • 2022
  • In winter, the excessive use of deicing salt deteriorates concrete pavement durability. To reduce the amount of deicing salt used, phase-change materials (PCMs) potentially offer an alternative way to melt snow through their latent heat storage characteristics. In this research, thermal energy storage concrete was developed by using PCM-impregnated expanded clay as 50 % replacement to normal aggregate by volume. In addition, to improve the thermal efficiency of PCM lightweight aggregate (PCM-LWA)-incorporated concrete, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were incorporated in proportions of 0.10 %, 0.15 %, and 0.20 % by binder weight. Compressive strength testing and programmed thermal cycling were performed to evaluate the mechanical and thermal responses of the PCM-LWA concrete. Results showed a significant strength reduction of 54 % due to the PCM-LWA; however, the thermal performance of the PCM-LWA concrete was greatly improved with the addition of MWCNTs. Thermal test results showed that 0.10 % MWCNT-incorporated concrete had high thermal fatigue resistance as well as uniform heat flow, whereas specimens with 0.15 % and 0.20 % MWCNT content had a reduced thermal response due to supercooling when the ambient temperature was varied between -5℃ and 10℃.

Mechanical Stability Analysis of PCB and Component for Launch and On-orbit Environment based on Fatigue Failure Theory and FEM (피로파괴 이론과 FEM에 기초한 발사 및 궤도 환경에서의 기판 및 소자의 구조건전성 분석)

  • Jeong, Suk-Yong;Oh, Hyun-Ung;Lee, Kyung-Joo;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.10
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    • pp.952-958
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    • 2011
  • On-board IR calibration device has been developed for calibration of spaceborne image sensor. It is composed of a blackbody to provide two different radiance temperatures, tilt mirror with a function of stow and deploy to view the blackbody during the calibration and on-board calibration control unit to control the function of the blackbody and tilt mirror. In this paper, to guarantee the structural safety of the unit, the structural and thermal analysis including a thermo-elastic analysis for verifying structural safety on the soldered part of chips have been performed. In addition, safety margin of the chips on the PCB obtained from the conventional analytical method has been compared to the results from the FEM analysis.

In vitro performance and fracture resistance of novel CAD/CAM ceramic molar crowns loaded on implants and human teeth

  • Preis, Verena;Hahnel, Sebastian;Behr, Michael;Rosentritt, Martin
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.300-307
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSE. To investigate the fatigue and fracture resistance of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) ceramic molar crowns on dental implants and human teeth. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Molar crowns (n=48; n=8/group) were fabricated of a lithium-disilicate-strengthened lithium aluminosilicate glass ceramic (N). Surfaces were polished (P) or glazed (G). Crowns were tested on human teeth (T) and implant-abutment analogues (I) simulating a chairside (C, crown bonded to abutment) or labside (L, screw channel) procedure for implant groups. Polished/glazed lithium disilicate (E) crowns (n=16) served as reference. Combined thermal cycling and mechanical loading (TC: 3000×5C/3000×55C; ML: 1.2\time106 cycles, 50 N) with antagonistic human molars (groups T) and steatite spheres (groups I) was performed under a chewing simulator. TCML crowns were then analyzed for failures (optical microscopy, SEM) and fracture force was determined. Data were statistically analyzed (Kolmogorow-Smirnov, one-way-ANOVA, post-hoc Bonferroni, α=.05). RESULTS. All crowns survived TCML and showed small traces of wear. In human teeth groups, fracture forces of N crowns varied between 1214±293N (NPT) and 1324±498N (NGT), differing significantly (P.003) from the polished reference EPT (2044±302N). Fracture forces in implant groups varied between 934±154N (NGI_L) and 1782±153N (NPI_C), providing higher values for the respective chairside crowns. Differences between polishing and glazing were not significant (P.066) between crowns of identical materials and abutment support. CONCLUSION. Fracture resistance was influenced by the ceramic material, and partly by the tooth or implant situation and the clinical procedure (chairside/labside). Type of surface finish (polishing/glazing) had no significant influence. Clinical survival of the new glass ceramic may be comparable to lithium disilicate.

A Study on the Forming Process Development of a Long-neck Flange Using a Long Pipe (긴 관을 이용한 롱넥플랜지 성형공정 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Gan-Dae;Gang, U-Jin;Bae, Won-Byeong;Jo, Jong-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.212-219
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    • 2002
  • The pipe with a long-neck flange is widely used in power plants, chemical plants, and shipbuilding companies. Now the pipe with a long-neck flange is manufactured by welding a thick flange to a pipe. But this long-neck flange pipe has some defects in the welding region such as unfitting and local thermal fatigue, which weaken the strength around the neck of the flange. Moreover, after welding the flange, the contacting surfaces of the flange have to be machined flat. So, that is uneconomical. Therefore, to solve the above problems of the long-neck flange pipe, a new process, which has no defects around the flange neck, is required. In this study, three forming processes are suggested to get an enhanced long-neck flange. First suggested process consists of conical forming and flange forming. Second and third suggested processes consist of the bulging of a long pipe locally heated by induction coils and the flange forming. The differences between second and third suggestions are the thickness and local heating area of the pipe. That is, the thickness of the initial pipe of third suggestion is larger than that of the final product, and the local heating area is smaller than that of second suggestion. These three suggestions for forming a long-neck flange are simulated by FE analyses with a commercial code DEFORM 2D. Especially, the theoretical result of FE analysis on the first suggestion for forming a long-neck flange is verified by the experiment with aluminum 6063 pipes. From the theoretical and experimental results, it is concluded that three suggested processes are very useful in order to manufacture the pipe with a long-neck flange without any defects.

Life Assessment of Gas Turbine Blade Based on Actual Operation Condition (실 운전조건을 고려한 가스터빈 블레이드 수명평가)

  • Choi, Woo Sung;Song, Gee Wook;Chang, Sung Yong;Kim, Beom Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.1185-1191
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    • 2014
  • Gas turbine blades that have complex geometry of the cooling holes and cooling passages are usually subjected to cyclic and sustained thermal loads due to changes in the operating characteristic in combined power plants; these results in non-uniform temperature and stress distributions according to time to gas turbine blades. Those operation conditions cause creep or thermo-mechanical fatigue damage and reduce the lifetime of gas turbine blades. Thus, an accurate analysis of the stresses caused by various loading conditions is required to ensure the integrity and to ensure an accurate life assessment of the components of a gas turbine. It is well known that computational analysis such as cross-linking process including CFD, heat transfer and stress analysis is used as an alternative to demonstration test. In this paper, temperatures and stresses of gas turbine blade were calculated with fluid-structural analysis integrating fluid-thermal-solid analysis methodologies by considering actual operation conditions. Based on analysis results, additionally, the total lifetime was obtained using creep and thermo-mechanical damage model.

Reliability Assesment Test on the Regular Maintenance of HTS Cable System (초전도케이블시스템 유지.보수에 따른 신뢰성 평가 시험)

  • Sohn, Song-Ho;Yang, Hyung-Suk;Lim, Ji-Hyun;Choi, Ha-Ok;Kim, Dong-Lak;Ryoo, Hee-Suk;Hwang, Si-Dole
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.361-361
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    • 2009
  • KEPCO High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cable system rated with 3Φ, 22.9kV, 1250A was laid in 2006, and the long term test is in progress. The HTS cable system with the cooling system has been operated below cryogenic temperature. That environment exposes the system to the thermo-mechanical stress due to the significant temperature difference, and the cooling system has moving parts for the forced circulation of the coolant. Therefore the HTS cable system experiences thermal fatigue and moving part such as liquid nitrogen pump need a regular replacement every 5000 hours Building the assessment criterion, the maintenance procedure was established and regular preventive maintenance was done; improvement of the termination structure and the replacement of the bearing of liquid nitrogen pump. Following the proper process, the reliability assessment test including He leakage detection and the stability of flow rate was performed. This paper describes the process and result of the first regular maintenance of KEPCO HTS cable system

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