• Title/Summary/Keyword: Thermal Design

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  • Choi, S.K.;Han, J.W.;Kim, D.;Lee, T.H.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2014
  • A computational study of a thermal striping in the upper plenum of PGSFR(Prototype Generation-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor) being developed at the KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) is presented. The LES(Large Eddy Simulation) approach is employed for the simulation of thermal striping in the upper plenum of the PGSFR. The LES is performed using the WALE (Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-viscosity) model. More than 19.7 million unstructured elements are generated in upper plenum region of the PGSFR using the CFX-Mesh commercial code. The time-averaged velocity components and temperature field in the complicated upper plenum of the PGSFR are presented. The time history of temperature fluctuation at the eight locations of solid walls of UIS(Upper Internal Structure) and IHX(Intermediate Heat eXchanger) are additionally stored. It has been confirmed that the most vulnerable regions to thermal striping are the first plate of UIS. From the temporal variation of temperature at the solid walls, it was possible to find the locations where the thermal stress is large and need to assess whether the solid structures can endure the thermal stress during the reactor life time.

Thermal Design of MGSE Panel for Thermal Vacuum Test of Ka-band Engineering Qualification Model Payload of Communications and Broadcasting Satellite (통신방송위성 Ka-대역 기술인증모델 탑재체의 열진공시험을 위한 MGSE 패널 열설계)

  • Kim, Jeong Hun;Choe, Seong Bong;Yang, Gun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2003
  • The thermal design of MGSE(Mechanical Ground Support Equipment) panel is performed for thermal vacum thest of Ka-band EQM(Engineering Qualification Model) payload of communications and broadcasting satellite. The thermal environments are predicted to evaluate the performance of transponder equipments in the thermal vacum chamber. SINDA is used to verify the thermal design of the heat pipe layout. Embedded 16 heat pipes in the EQM payload developed for Ka-band trasponder equipments are designded properly. The heat fluz loaded on the external facesheet is 265W/㎡ for the hot platear function test of the traspinder equipments, and the zero heat flux for the cold plateau case. The maxium predicted heat transport capability is 2723 W-cm.

Thermal Characteristics Investigation of Spaceborne Mesh Antenna with Dual-parabolic Surfaces (이중막 구조를 적용한 우주용 전개형 메쉬 안테나의 열적 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Hye-In;Chae, Bong-Geon;Oh, Hyun-Ung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2022
  • Generally, a deployable solar panel is used primarily to achieve sufficient power output to perform the mission. However, temperature distribution on the antenna reflector may increase due to the shading effect induced by the presence of the deployable solar panels. Appropriate thermal design is critical to minimize the thermal deformation of the mesh antenna reflector in harsh on-orbit thermal environments to ensure remote frequency (RF) performance. In this paper, we proposed a dual-surface primary reflector consisting of a mesh antenna and a flexible fabric membrane sheet. This design strategy can contribute to thermal stabilization by using a flexible solar panel on the rear side of membrane sheet to reduce the temperature distribution caused by the deployable solar panel. The effectiveness of the mesh antenna design strategy investigates through on-orbit thermal analysis.

An Experimental Study on the Thermal Performance Measurement of Vertical Borehole Heat Exchanger(BHE) (수직형 지열 열교환기(BHE)의 열성능 측정에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lim Kyoung-Bin;Lee Sang-Hoon;Soung Nak-Won;Lee Chang-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.30 no.8 s.251
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    • pp.764-771
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    • 2006
  • Knowledge of ground thermal properties is most important for the proper design of large BHE(borehole heat exchanger) systems. Thermal response tests with mobile measurement devices were first introduced in Sweden and USA in 1995. Thermal response tests have so far been used primarily for in insitu determination of design data for BHE systems, but also for evaluation of grout material, heat exchanger types and ground water effects. The main purpose has been to determine insitu values of effective ground thermal conductivity, including the effect of ground-water flow and natural convection in the boreholes. Test rig is set up on a small trailer, and contains a circulation pump, a heater, temperature sensors and a data logger for recording the temperature data. A constant heat power is injected into the borehole through the pipe system of test rig and the resulting temperature change in the borehole is recorded. The recorded temperature data are analysed with a line-source model, which gives the effective insitu values of rock thermal conductivity and borehole thermal resistance.

Experimental Investigations for Thermal Mutual Evaluation in Multi-Chip Modules

  • Ayadi, Moez;Bouguezzi, Sihem;Ghariani, Moez;Neji, Rafik
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1345-1356
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    • 2014
  • The thermal behavior of power modules is an important criterion for the design of cooling systems and optimum thermal structure of these modules. An important consideration for high power and high frequency design is the spacing between semiconductor devices, substrate structure and influence of the boundary condition in the case. This study focuses on the thermal behavior of hybrid power modules to establish a simplified method that allows temperature estimation in different module components without decapsulation. This study resulted in a correction of the junction temperature values estimated from the transient thermal impedance of each component operating alone. The corrections depend on mutual thermal coupling between different chips of the hybrid structure. A new experimental technique for thermal mutual evaluation is presented. Notably, the classic analysis of thermal phenomena in these structures, which was independent of dissipated power magnitude and boundary conditions in the case, is incorrect.

Thermal Analysis and Optimization of 6.4 W Si-Based Multichip LED Packaged Module

  • Chuluunbaatar, Zorigt;Kim, Nam Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.3
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    • pp.234-238
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    • 2014
  • Multichip packaging was achieved the best solution to significantly reduce thermal resistance at the same time, to increase luminance intensity in LEDs packaging application. For the packaging, thermal spreading resistance is an important parameter to get influence the total thermal performance of LEDs. In this study, silicon-based multichip light emitting diodes (LEDs) packaged module has been examined for thermal characteristics in several parameters. Compared to the general conventional single LED packaged chip module, multichip LED packaged module has many advantages of low cost, low density, small size, and low thermal resistance. This analyzed module is comprised of multichip LED array, which consists of 32 LED packaged chips with supplement power of 0.2 W at every single chip. To realize the extent of thermal distribution, the computer-aided design model of 6.4 W Si-based multichip LED module was designed and was performed by the simulation basis of actual fabrication flow. The impact of thermal distribution is analyzed in alternative ways both optimizing numbers of fins and the thickness of that heatsink. In addition, a thermal resistance model was designed and derived from analytical theory. The optimum simulation results satisfies the expectations of the design goal and the measurement of IR camera results. tart after striking space key 2 times.

Impact of standard construction specification on thermal comfort in UK dwellings

  • Amoako-Attah, Joseph;B-Jahromi, Ali
    • Advances in environmental research
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.253-281
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    • 2014
  • The quest for enhanced thermal comfort for dwellings encompasses the holistic utilization of improved building fabric, impact of weather variation and amongst passive cooling design consideration the provision of appropriate ventilation and shading strategy. Whilst thermal comfort is prime to dwellings considerations, limited research has been done in this area with the attention focused mostly on non-dwellings. This paper examines the current and future thermal comfort implications of four different standard construction specifications which show a progressive increase in thermal mass and airtightness and is underpinned by the newly developed CIBSE adaptive thermal comfort method for assessing the risk of overheating in naturally ventilated dwellings. Interactive investigation on the impact of building fabric variation, natural ventilation scenarios, external shading and varying occupants' characteristics to analyse dwellings thermal comfort based on non-heating season of current and future weather patterns of London and Birmingham is conducted. The overheating analysis focus on the whole building and individual zones. The findings from the thermal analysis simulation are illustrated graphically coupled with statistical analysis of data collected from the simulation. The results indicate that, judicious integrated approach of improved design options could substantially reduce the operating temperatures in dwellings and enhance thermal comfort.

Experimental analysis of thermal gradient in concrete box girder bridges and effects of polyurethane insulation in thermal loads reduction

  • Raeesi, Farzad;Heydari, Sajad;Veladi, Hedayat
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.5
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    • pp.645-654
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    • 2022
  • Environmental thermal loads such as vertical and lateral temperature gradients are significant factors that must be taken into account when designing the bridge. Different models have been developed and used by countries for simulating thermal gradients in bridge codes. In most of the codes only vertical temperature gradients are considered, such as Iranian Standard Loads for Bridge code (ISLB), which only considers the vertical gradient for bridge design proposes. On the other hand, the vertical gradient profile specified in ISLB, has many lacks due to the diversity of climate in Iran, and only one vertical gradient profile is defined for whole Iran. This paper aims to get the both vertical and lateral gradient loads for the concrete box girder using experimental analysis in the capital of Iran, Tehran. To fulfill this aim, thermocouples are installed in experimental concrete segment and temperatures in different location of the segment are recorded. A three dimensional finite element model of concrete box-girder bridge is constructed to study the effects of thermal loads. Results of investigation proved that the effects of thermal loads are not negligible, and must be considered in design processes. Moreover, a solution for reducing the negative effects of thermal gradients in bridges is proposed. Results of the simulation show that using one layer polyurethane insulation can significantly reduce the thermal gradients and thermal stresses.

Thermal Design and Analysis Evaluation of ISG Motor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles considering High-speed Driving Condition (고속 운전조건을 고려한 하이브리드 자동차용 ISG 모터 방열설계 및 해석 평가)

  • Kim, Sung Chul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2014
  • Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) system improves the fuel economy of hybrid electric vehicles by using idle stop and go function, and regenerative braking system. To obtain the high performance and durability of ISG motor under continuously high load condition, the motor needs to properly design the cooling system (cooling fan and cooling structure). In this study, we suggested the enhanced design by modifying the thermal design of the ISG motor and then analyzed the improvement of the cooling performance under high-speed condition and generating mode by CFD simulation. The temperatures at the coil and the magnet of the enhanced model were decreased by about 4C and 6C, respectively, compared to those of the conventional model. Therefore, we verified the cooling performance enhancement of the novel thermal design in the case of core loss increment due to the higher speed condition.

Turbine Cooling Design for the Development of High Efficiency Cooling Turbine (고온 고효율 냉각터빈 개발을 위한 냉각 설계 기술)

  • Cho, Hyung-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Min;Park, Jun-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.675-676
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    • 2011
  • To improve efficiency and allowable life of gas turbine, the proper cooling techniques are needed. It is required not only the basic research of variable cooling techniques but also analysis of real operating conditions when design the cooling system. From this analytical results, we can predict the thermal stress and allowable life. This design process is thermal design techniques that is the most foundational design techniques to improve the efficiency of gas turbine.

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