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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Theory of Motive

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The Evolution of Products (제품의 진화)

  • 이홍구
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study is to explore and understand the product development through the theory of evolution. For the purpose of the study, an evolution mechanism was set up in which the products were applied with. The results showed three distinguishable types of product evolution 'the evolution of functions','the evolution of forms'and 'the evolution of symbols what the products represent'. In order to answer the research questions, , , , the research was carried out in three ways: firstly, some ideas of product evolution were looked closely through existing researches; secondly, the study explored the idea of evolution mechanism being a natural process like an organic system; finally by applying various products with the evolution mechanism, different patterns of product evolution were classified. The results of the study can be summarised as follows: The evolution mechanism in this study can be defined as an 'organic system'that consists of the causes of evolution'(based on the needs and the willingness to have pleasure), 'the point of evolving'(based on a degree of imperfection) and 'the motive of evolution'(based on the readiness to make profit). The evolution mechanism seems to suggest three different patterns in product evolution,'the evolution of functions', 'the evolution of forms' and 'the evolution of symbols'

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The Design Development of Korean Paper Fashion Material through Manual Work (수작업을 통한 한지 패션 소재 디자인 개발)

  • Byun, Mi-Yeon;Lee, In-Seong
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1205-1213
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    • 2008
  • Material is a factor for maximizing formative aspect among fashion design factors. Therefore, central axis of modern fashion is performing various trials for escaping from existing cloth and searching for artistic value. Especially, Korean paper is a formative material, which is manufactured through traditional manual work in Korea. The material is used in various fields on the basis of its aesthetic feature. Especially, fashion field performs handcraft activity on the basis of mulberry pulp, which is a prime material of Korean paper. Because the activity can be reinterpreted by world designers, who want to find motive of fashion material in the third world, it is necessary to perform experimental study for developing expressive form on the basis of diversity of Korean paper material. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to perform experimental study by focusing on the development of Korean paper material in order to express formative feature. The study purposes are as follows. The first purpose is to reinterprete the theory through actual work of fiber formation using Korean paper in the current flow where art and design field are fused and compromised. The second purpose is to suggest vision of material development on the basis of formative feature to fashion world focusing its eyesight to Asia and the third countries. The study results are as follows. First, Korean paper has been evaluated as proper material for the fusion of design and art because of its handicraft feature, long-term preservation, heat insulation, absorption, diversity and eastern feature. Second, the study performed various trials for artistic dress material by developing 12 Korean paper works and suggested the development of new material on the basis of formative feature of modem fashion industry.

Development of a High Value Added Knit Structure for Middle-aged Women (중년여성을 위한 고부가가치 니트 조직 개발)

  • Lee, Insuk;Kim, Jiyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.148-165
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a theory about the necessary structure for knitwear design, and to propose it with the practical data through the actual development of a high value added knit structure. For this study, the market was conducted along with literature reviews on the existing studies and the relevant books about knit structures. The market research aimed at the products released in the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons of 2012-2013, focusing on brand for middle aged women. The utilization of the structure by item and the characteristics of knit design were studied. The research was conducted on S/S products in May and July, and F/W products in October and December. As a result of the market research, it was shown that the lightweight structures with permeability such as plain, lace, links and links, this is repeated and rib structure were frequently utilized during the S/S season, while double structures with good shape stability were greatly utilized during the F/W season. Also, during the F/W season, a cable structure and tubular jacquard that emphasized the volume or cubic effect were frequently used, and there were many jacquard structures where a change of color sense and motive were added. Concerning the knit structures development, the researcher designed the knit structure at the actual production site of the knit fashion. A total of 5 pieces of knit structures were developed by asking a professional for programming and knitting. To the developed structures, the study added a multi-gauged effect, herringbone transformation effect, 3-dimensional surface effect, color effects, geometric patterns, lace penetration effect, and soft surface effect in a water-drop shape. In addition, the structures had differences in the added values by mixing various structures and diversely expressing color sense on the knitting line. This study proposes the direction for 21st century knitwear product design, through the development of a high value added knit structure.

Content Description on a Mobile Image Sharing Service: Hashtags on Instagram

  • Dorsch, Isabelle
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.46-61
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    • 2018
  • The mobile social networking application Instagram is a well-known platform for sharing photos and videos. Since it is folksonomy-oriented, it provides the possibility for image indexing and knowledge representation through the assignment of hashtags to posted content. The purpose of this study is to analyze how Instagram users tag their pictures regarding different kinds of picture and hashtag categories. For such a content analysis, a distinction is made between Food, Pets, Selfies, Friends, Activity, Art, Fashion, Quotes (captioned photos), Landscape, and Architecture image categories as well as Content-relatedness (ofness, aboutness, and iconology), Emotiveness, Isness, Performativeness, Fakeness, "Insta"-Tags, and Sentences as hashtag categories. Altogether, 14,649 hashtags of 1,000 Instagram images were intellectually analyzed (100 pictures for each image category). Research questions are stated as follows: RQ1: Are there any differences in relative frequencies of hashtags in the picture categories? On average the number of hashtags per picture is 15. Lowest average values received the categories Selfie (average 10.9 tags per picture) and Friends (average 11.7 tags per picture); for highest, the categories Pet (average 18.6 tags), Fashion (average 17.6 tags), and Landscape (average 16.8 tags). RQ2: Given a picture category, what is the distribution of hashtag categories; and given a hashtag category, what is the distribution of picture categories? 60.20% of all hashtags were classified into the category Content-relatedness. Categories Emotiveness (about 4.38%) and Sentences (0.99%) were less often frequent. RQ3: Is there any association between image categories and hashtag categories? A statistically significant association between hashtag categories and image categories on Instagram exists, as a chi-square test of independence shows. This study enables a first broad overview on the tagging behavior of Instagram users and is not limited to a specific hashtag or picture motive, like previous studies.

Knit Design using Trencadis Images They Appeared in Antony Gaudi's Work (안토니 가우디 작품의 트랜카디스 이미지를 응용한 니트디자인)

  • Yoo, Jae-Young;Lee, Youn-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.751-765
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to apply the Trencadis images in Antony Gaudi's work to a design motive and thus provide a new concept for a knitwear design by combining double-knitted fabrics with patchwork applique, taping, stitching and quilting. This study examines the bibliographic text and precedent research related to Antony Gaudi and his works, and analyzes the historical background and formative and stylistic characteristics of Trencadis as it appeared in Gaudi's architectural works. Also this study also examines the characteristics of knitwear and knitting theory while exploring the formative elements and the combined techniques used in modern knitwear design through fashion magazines, medium images, and online sources. The results are as follows: First, Gaudi's work that applies a Trencadis technique has the characteristic of being creative, organic, and environmentally friendly. And in addition, its colorfulness inspires modern fashion design. Second, computerized knitting has been practiced in various ways and the fabrics knitted by both double-knitting jacquard and computerized knitting machines provide a new direction the creation of knitwear. A computerized knitting machine is especially effective for pictorial expression, and is suitable for showing the natural curve of the human body due to its sophistication. Third, as a result of applying a combined technique to the knitting of various fabrics, a combined or fusion design, which is a recent megatrend, is very effective for the design of knitwear while increasing its aesthetic value. Moreover, utilizing techniques that combine patchwork applique, taping, stitching and quilting will create higher value in knitwear. Lastly, with a project of applying combined techniques in the creation of knitwear, designers can become much more creative while taking their imagination much further.

A study on the awareness of oral health behavior and oral health education for a middle schools and high schools in Busan, Gyeongnam province (부산·경남 일부 중고등학생의 구강보건행동 및 구강보건교육경험 인지도에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Kyeung-Ae
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to transfer the knowledge of oral health care and to improve the oral health after the effective education of oral health behavior. The survey is conducted for 484 middle and high school students in Busan and Gyeongnam province about the oral health behavior, the cause and the preventive of oral diseases and oral health education experience by the self-answering method. The date was analysed using the SPSS 13.0 program. The obtained result were as follows. 1. 38.8% students in middle school have been to the dentist within one year and the reason is the dental care that is to 61.7% in the case of the high school students. 2. For the daily toothbrushing frequency. above 3 times is highest to 57.9% in middle school students and 2 times 59.9% in high school students. 3. 45.9% and 45.0% students in middle and high school have the regular dental check-ups to prevent the dental caries and periodontal disease with greatest portion. 4. 35.7% respondents had experienced oral health education. 48% of them got the education from the dental clinics. 82.2% of the education method is a theory and the contents is toothbrushing method with 58.7% portion. 5. 86% respondents of middle school students answered that regular oral health education is necessary and 78.1% students are willing to participate in the oral health education. The results of this study propose that the regular dental check-ups for middle and high school students enable them have early medical treatment and protection against oral disease. Also for the effective oral health education, those program and various media should be developed systematically to enhance the students' motive for oral health.

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The mediating effect of learning flow in the relationship between blended learning achievement and learning satisfaction among dental hygiene students (치위생과 재학생의 블렌디드 러닝 수업의 학습성취도와 학습만족도간의 학습몰입 매개효과)

  • Kim, Hae-Kyeong;Cho, Myung-Sook;Oh, Na-Rae
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2021
  • Background: To investigate the mediating effect of learning flow in the relationship between blended learning achievement and learning satisfaction in dental hygiene students, and to identify whether face-to-face studies should be substituted with non-face-to-face studies. Methods: Total 134 dental hygiene students, who underwent blended learning in the dental hygiene class during the first semester of 2021, were recruited. The research tools were blended learning achievement, learning flow, and learning satisfaction, comprising 15 questions in total. Mediation regression analysis was used to analyze the mediating effect of learning flow in the relationship between learning achievement and learning satisfaction, and that between each variable. Results: Learning flow and learning satisfaction (r=0.490, p<0.001) were positively interrelated, and the interrelation between variables was statistically significant. Class environment had the biggest effect as a subfactor of class achievement, and it appeared to have an effect on class attitude and learning motive. The effect of learning flow on learning satisfaction was statistically significant. Learning flow was partially mediated by both blended learning achievement and learning satisfaction. Learning flow was directly related to blended learning satisfaction and learning achievement. Conclusion: The results showed the possible use of blended learning in dental hygiene theory and practical subjects.

The Relation between Housing Needs and Housing Function according to the Maslow's Theory of Needs

  • Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Jin-Mo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The most important thing is to know exactly what needs users have when planning a housing. People have their own criteria that directly influence purchasing decisions when choosing a house to live in. And they select the house with the largest number of elements satisfying these criteria. This days most consumers are mostly satisfied with their material needs. And now people thinking more important motive than simply pursuing material gains. It is the most essential role in they consume consciously or unconsciously that meeting the needs of which step. And now days housing space has become a merchandise, this study check the related function of the residential space and human needs. Method: First, this study wanted to understand the housing needs, which is needs related to housing in basic needs that humans have. Second, this study wanted to understand what the requirements and the criteria for choosing housing of actual resident, who want to have changed housing. Third, This study check how to set up the direction of development in housing planning, through the comparison of the housing needs and the residential function defined above. Result: Henceforth housing should consider meet the Esteem Needs and Self-Actualization Needs, among the type of Grow-based Motivation. The functions for this are convenience, independence, economics, sociality, relaxation, and expressivity. In addition, it should be able to express oneself and recognize the value of oneself through leisure activities and interaction with neighbors. And, it should be able to move toward the direction to express that hobby activities for individual talent development in separate space.

A Study on Social Network Service and Online Social Capital : Focusing on a Korean and Chinese Case (소셜네트워크서비스와 온라인 사회적 자본 : 한국과 중국 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ko, Sang-Min;Hwang, Bo-Hwan;Ji, Yong-Gu
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2010
  • In the past, the existing Internet service was used to simply gather information and show, with the development of Web 2.0 where everyone is allowed to access and share information. Since the development of the concept and the technology of the Web 2.0, the users of Social Network Service (SNS) such as Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, Twitter, etc., have been increasing. In this study, we researched into the Social Capital formed by using SNS based on "Social Capital Theory." We constructed the survey to obtain the demographical information of the users, motive of using the SNS and the evaluation of the On-line Social Capital. The survey was aimed for the Korean and the Chinese. In addition, a multi-regression analysis was performed to explain the relationship between the function of Social Network Service and the Online Social Capital. The result of this study, presents a relationship between the Online Social Capital form and function of Social Network Service users. Therefore, the information obtained in this study can be applied when developing the service.

Kripke vs. Wittgenstein on the Notion of Rule-Following and Semantic Contextualism (규칙 따르기에 관한 크립키와 비트겐슈타인의 상반된 견해와 맥락주의적 의미론)

  • Oh, Onyoung
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-82
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, I argue that it is Kripke's Tractarian notion of rule-following that prevents him from giving a non-skeptical (straight) solution to Wittgenstein's paradox. I characterize the Tractarian notion of rule-following as the 'determinate/infinistic' notion of rule-following. The later Wittgenstein, however, advocates an opposite notion of rule-following: the 'indeterminate/finistic' notion. Considering the later Wittgenstein's context-sensitive, pragmatics-oriented approach to meaning and rule-following, the later Wittgenstein could not have endorsed the determinate/infinistic notion of rule-following. To the contrary, a motive behind Wittgenstein's skeptical paradox was to blame the Tractarian notion of rule-following as the major culprit giving rise to the paradox. At the end, I argue that Kripke's adherence to the Tractarian-correspondence theory of truth also contributes to his failure to offer a non-skeptical solution to the paradox. If Kripke had noticed that the later Wittgenstein was a deflationist about truth, he could have avoided his skeptical conclusion.

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