• 제목/요약/키워드: The soil of a mound

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Geographic Information System (G.I.S)을 이용한 서부호주 밀재배 지역의 흰개미집 밀도와 분포에 있어서 식물상과 토양형이 미치는 영향평가 (Influence of Vegetation and Soil Types on the mound Density and Distribution of the Wheatbelt Termite in Westerm Australia: Using a Geographic Information System (G.I.S))

  • 박현철;배태웅
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 1994
  • 서부호주 밀재배 지역의 Durokoppin 자연보호 구역내 흰개미(Drepanotemes tamminensis(Hill)) 집의 분포와 밀도에 있어서 토양형보다는 식물상이 주된 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. D. tamminensis의 집은 Woodland (우점종-Eucalyptus Capillosa)와 Casuarina (우점종-Allocasuarina campestris) 식물군에서 가장 높은 밀도를 보였다. 비록 Booram 토양형에서 개미집 밀도가 높은 경향을 보였으나, 개미집 분포에 있어서 토양형이 미치는 영향은 없었다.

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조방형 옥상녹화에서 노랑조팝나무의 활착에 미치는 토심별 유기질 토양개량제의 시용 효과 (Effect of Organic Fertilizer Application depends on Soil Depths on the Growth of Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Mound' in a Extensive Green Roof System)

  • 주진희;구은평;윤용한
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the effects of soil depths and soil organic fertilizer application on the growth characteristics of Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Mound' in a extensive green roof system. The treatments were 3 soil depths (10, 15 and 25 cm) and 5 soil types in mixture of artificial soil and organic fertilizer. We measured plant height, leaf width, leaf length, number of flowers, visual quality and survival rate from March to October in 2011. The growing medium of 10 cm soil depth showed the highest plant growth in $A_1$ (amended soil 100%), and the lowest plant growth in $O_1A_4$ (organic fertilizer 20% + amended soil 80%) treatment. In case of 15 cm soil depth, Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Mound' showed a high leaf length and visual quality in $O_1A_2$(organic fertilizer 33% + amended soil 67%) treatment and high leaf width and number of flowers in $O_1$ (organic fertilizer 100%) treatment. $A_1$ treatment without organic fertilizer showed the lowest leaf length and poorest visual quality, and $O_1A_4$ treatment showed the lowest plant height and lowest number of flowers. At soil depth 25 cm, $O_1A_1$ (organic fertilizer 50% + amended soil 50%) treatment showed greater plant height, visual quality and number of flowers than other treatments. The leaf length and leaf width were more effective in $O_1$ treatment. $A_1$ treatment showed a relatively low leaf length, leaf width and visual quality. The higher the organic conditioner, the better the plant growth. And, survival rates of Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Mound' showed 92%, 88% and 76% at soil depths of 25 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm, respectively, in this a extensive green roof system. Therefore, the results showed that the growth of Spiraea bumalda 'Gold Mound' was affected by both soil quality and soil depth. Different optimal mixtures of organic fertilizer and amended soil were determined, depending upon soil depth.

Creation of an Environmental Forest as an Ecological Restoration

  • Lee, Chang-Seok;You, Young-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2001
  • We created an environmental forest on the basis of ecological design around the incineration plant of Jindo Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd., which is located in Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si, Kyunggi-do. To get ecological information of this site, physico-chemical properties of soil on salt marsh, which is located close to the syudy site and of forest soil transported from other sites for ecological restoration were analyzed. Texture of salt marsh and transported soils were loam and sandy loam, respectively. pH, organic matter, T-N, available P, and exchangeable K and Na contents of salt marsh and transported forest soils were 6.7 and 5.4, 4.1 and 0.4%, 1.0 and 0.3mg/g, 46.7 and 6.8ppm, 521 and 207ppm, and 3.8 and 0.5mg/g, respectively. Introduced plants were selected among the dominant species of forests and the species composing the potential natural vegetation around the present study site. Those plants were selected again by considering the tolerances to air pollution and to salt, and their availability. Selected trees were Pinus thunbergii, Sophora japonica, Celtis sinensis, Quercus aliena, Q. serrata, Q. dentata, and Q. acutissima. Selected sub-trees were Albizzia julibrissin, Koelreuteria poniculata, and Styrax japonica and shrubs were Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense, R. mucronulatum, Callicarpa japonica, Euonymus alatus, E. japonica, and R. schlippenbachii. On the other hand, introduction of herbs was not considered except for Liriope platyphylla, which was ornamentally planted in one site. Planting bed of mound type was adopted to provide the fine drainage system. Mound was designed to furnish litter, A, B, and C layers simuating the profile of forest soil. Slope of mound was mulched by rice straw of 2cm in thickness to prevent for sliding of litter and soil in cases of strong wind or heavy rain. Height of mound was designed to secure more than 1 m by combining A and B layers. Narrow zones, in which mound with stable slope degree cannot be prepared, was designed to equip the standard soil depth with the introduction of stone for supporting. On the other hand, plants with shallow root system were arranged in some zones, in which satisfactory soil depth cannot be ensured. Plants were arranged in the order of tree, sub-tree, and shrub from center to edge on the mound to make a mature forest of a dome shape in the future. Dispersion of plants was designed to be random pattern rather than clumped one. Problems on creation of the environmental forest by such ecological design were found to be management or inspection by non-specialized project operators and inspecting officers, and regulations for construction without ecological background. Alternative plans to solve such problems were suggested.

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임해매립지 조경수목의 생리적 특성과 식재수목의 고사율 (Physiological Characteristics and Death Rate of Planted Trees in Reclaimed Seaside Areas)

  • 박현수;이상석;이상철
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the correlation between Death Rate of Trees (DRT) and the Physiological Characteristics of Trees(PCT) in POSCO Gwangyang works, which is a reclaimed area. To analyze the DRT, 15 species of deciduous trees were selected, for example Ulmus davidiana var., Zelkova serrata, Melia azedarach var. etc. Though there were numerous factors to affect the growing of trees, 5 PCT were considered to be main factors, soil salt tolerance, wind salt tolerance, water needs, transplanting difficulty, and nutrient needs. According to two kinds of soil-base: mound and pot area, we tested the relationship between 5 PCT and DRT by use of t-test and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. 1. The DRT of Acer palmatum, Cornus kousa, Magnolia kobus, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Albizzia julibrissin were high by more than 20%. On the other hand, Chionanthus retusa, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica Celtis sinensis, and Lagerstroemia indica were low by less than 10% in the DRT and are considered to be species suitable for planting in reclaimed areas. 2. The DRT of trees in pot areas was meaningfully higher than in mound areas; for this reason the mound technique is desirable as a soil-base for planting in reclaimed areas. 3. In the pot area, the independent variables, in the order of soil salt tolerance, wind salt tolerance, transplanting difficulty, had an effect on the DRT more significantly than in mount area. On the other hand, wind salt tolerance and soil salt tolerance affected the DRT in mount areas. This means that soil salt tolerance, wind salt tolerance, and transplanting difficulty have to be considered as significant factors to the DRT. Although the researchers tried to interpret how the PCT affected the DRT in order to analyze the relationship between the two in reclaimed areas, it was neglected at an experimental level. Therefore, future research should work on this aspect in detail.

원심모형시험에 의한 사석재의 내부마찰각 추정 (Estimation of Friction Angle of Rubble Mound by Centrifuge Model Tests)

  • 유남재;박병수;정길수;이종호
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제22권A호
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2002
  • This paper is an experimental work of estimating friction angle of very coarse grained soil such as rubble mound by performing laboratory experiments. Two crushed rocks of rubble mound were used for tests. Triaxial compression tests with drained conditions were performed to measure friction angles of soils prepared by mixing the crushed soil having an identical coefficient of uniformity with different maximum grain size distribution. Centrifuge model experiments with those soils were also performed to measure angle of repose and to estimate friction angle of soil from measuring the slope of slip line in the active stress state. Model tests were carried out by changing the G-levels of 1G and 50G. From triaxial compression tests, the measured value of friction angle of soil is in the range of $41{\sim}57^{\circ}$. The measured value of repose angle is in the range of $32{\sim}35^{\circ}$. The values of friction angle are found not so sensitive to the maximum grain size of soil as long as the coefficient of uniformity is identical. Estimated value of friction angle from measuring the slope of slip line in the active stress state is in the range of $30{\sim}46^{\circ}$. Thus, the estimated angle of friction are found to be greater in the order of the measured angle of repose, the estimated value from the slope of active state, and triaxial compression test results. On the other hand, the measured values of friction angle from triaxial tests were compared with empirical equations, based on the relation between friction angle and void ratio. Equations proposed by Helenelund(l966) and Hansen(1967) found to be relatively reliable to estimate friction angles of soil.

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서부 호주 밀 재배지역의 흰개미(Drepanotermes tamminensis (Hill)) 서식 밀도 조사 (Quantification of Population of an Australian Termite, Drepanotermes tamminensis(Hill), within a Western Australian Wheatbelt)

  • 박현철
    • 한국토양동물학회지
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    • 제9권1_2호
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구는 서부 호주의 Durokkopin 자연 보호 구역에 서식하고 있는 흰개미의 개미집과 서식밀도를 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 조사결과 Woodland에서의 흰개미 집의 분포와 서식밀도가 Shrubland보다 월등히 높았으며, 일부 흰개미집의 경우 조사기간인 14개월 동안 크기가 감소한 것으로 조사되었으나, 일반적으로 조사기간 중 흰개미 집의 크기 변화는 거의 없었으며, 계급별 구성비율 또한 거의 변화가 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나, 흰개미 개체수는 개미집이 작을수록 증가율이 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 종합해 보면, 두 조사지역 중 Wooldland가 Shurubland보다 공시 흰개미인 Drepanotermes tomminensis (Hill)에 보다 나은 서식처를 제공하는 것으로 사료된다.

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빗물활용 벽면녹화 용기 내 유기질비료 배합비에 따른 노랑조팝나무의 생육 반응 (Effect of Organic Fertilizer Ratios on the Growth of Spiraea × bumalda 'Gold Mound' in the Container Green Wall Systems with Rainwater Utilization)

  • 주진희;김혜란;윤용한
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제20권11호
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    • pp.1417-1423
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 용기형 벽면녹화에서 유기질비료의 비율에 따른 노랑조팝나무의 생육을 실험적으로 평가함으로써, 빗물활용을 위한 적합한 식재지반 조성과 벽면녹화 수종으로서 관목류의 활용성을 높이고자 하며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 6월 무강수 실험기간 동안 용기형 벽면녹화 식재지반 내 토양수분함량을 중량단위로 측정한 결과, $A_1L_1$ > $A_2L_1$ > $A_4L_1$ > $A_8L_1$ > $A_1L_0$ 순으로, 유기질비료의 비율이 높을수록 완만하게 감소하였다. 2. 유기질비료 배합비율에 따른 노랑조팝나무의 생육은 대조구인 $A_1L_0$과 비교해 볼 때, 실험구별 생육 차이는 확연하지 않았으나 $A_2L_1$이 전체 처리구 중 가장 양호한 생육상태를 보였다. 3. 생존율은 대조구인 $A_1L_0$에서 모든 식물이 고사한 반면, 유기질비료 비율이 높을수록 생존율은 향상되었다. 이러한 실험적 결과를 통해, 빗물활용 용기형 벽면녹화에서 유기질비료는 노랑조팝나무의 생육보다는 생존을 향상시키는 것으로 나타나, 빗물만으로 물공급이 이루어지는 벽면녹화에 건조기를 대비할 수 있는 녹화방안이라 본다. 또한 이와 더불어 식재지반 내 토양수분함량을 높이기 위한 토양개량제나 빗물저류시스템의 연계가 고려된다면 노랑조팝나무는 용기형 벽면녹화에 활용가능성이 높은 관목이라 판단된다.

공동주택단지 내 인공지반 녹지조성 형태에 따른 우수유출 저감효과 (A Study on Runoff Water Reduction Effects According to Shapes of Formation of Artificial Soil Green Area in Multi-Housing Complex)

  • 남미아;장대희;김현수
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyze, by forming an experimental area of artificial soil green area that is of equal scale and analyzing the characteristics of runoff water in accordance with the cross-section configuration, applied the benefits in an actual multi-housing case study complex. In examining the measurement test results of the runoff water infiltration amount and surface runoff amount of a low-profile type green area(Dish type) and a general type green area(Mound type), Dish type was seen to have 1.5-times higher runoff water infiltration amount than Mound type during heavy rainfalls and showed about a 50% reduction with respect to the surface runoff amount. In other words, artificial soil green area offers the benefit of reduction of surface runoff amount and suggests, in actuality even with a change to the cross-sectional configuration of artificial soil green area alone at the time of construction of multi-housings, the possibility of benefits and reduction of costs spent on existing rainwater management facilities.

심층혼합처리공법으로 개량된 연약지반상의 사석제 설계기준 (Design Criteria of Rubble Mounds on the Soft Grounds Improved by Deep Soil Mixing Method)

  • 송영석;남정만;윤중만;김태형
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2004년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.178-182
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    • 2004
  • To establish the design criteria for construction of the rubble mound on improved ground, two kinds of analyses for the soil deformation behavior and the slope stability were performed on various cases for rubble mounds, soft grounds and back fills with application of the finite element method and the Bishop simplified method. The horizontal displacements and settlements at the crest of rubble mounds were analyzed as a function of the safety factor of embankments. The analyzed result shows that the soil movement increases considerably when the safety factor of rubble mounds is lower than 1.3.

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임해매립지의 느티나무 식재 이후 뿌리 생장특성 -뿌리구조 및 세근의 공간적 분포를 중심으로- (Roots Growth Characteristics of Zelkova serrata Makino. after Replanting in the Reclaimed Land from the Sea - On the Root Structure and Spatial Distribution of Fine Root Phytomass -)

  • 김도균
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to analyze both the root structure and the fine root phytomass of the vertical and horizontal distribution of Zelkova serrata Makino. which was transplanted in the reclaimed land from the sea in Gwangyang, Jeonnam, South Korea. The base ground was reclaimed land from the sea. $Z_1$ of the planting ground was filled to a $100{\sim}150cm$ thickness with the improved soil instead of the reclaimed soil from the sea, $Z_2$ of the planting ground was covered to a $20{\sim}30cm$ thickness with the improved soil and $Z_3$ of the planting ground was mounded to 120cm thickness with the improved soil on the reclaimed land from the sea. In addition, $Z_4,\;Z_5\;and\;Z_6$ of the planting grounds were at the large-sized mound on the reclaimed land from the sea. $Z_4$ of the planting ground was located at the lowest level, $Z_5$ planting ground was located at the slope and $Z_6$ planting ground was located at the top of the large-sized mound. The large-sized mounds contain 3 layers, the base layer was reclaimed land from the sea and the second layer was mounded to a $200{\sim}300cm$ thickness with the desalinized soil from the sea on the base layers and the finally layers were mounded to a $80{\sim}120cm$ thickness with improved soil on the second layer. The planting grounds $Z_3,\;Z_4,\;Z_5\;and\;Z_6$ developed roots such as tap roots, lateral roots and heart roots. However, in $Z_1\;and\;Z_2$ roots development were inhibited. The fine-root phytomass of the 6 planting ground types was as follows: $113.5g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_5$, $105.5g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_4$, $88.3g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_3$, $81.0g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_6$, $73.0g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_2$, $43.3g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_1$. The vertical distribution of the fine root phytomass decreased from the upper to the deeper soil profiles in the 6 mound types. The fine root phytomass was $43.3{\sim}71.8%$ in a $0{\sim}20cm$ thickness of soil layer and it decreased according to the distance from the nearest trees. The root growth in the improved soil was better than in the reclaimed soil from the sea. However, root growth decreased more in the disturbed soils even though the planting grounds contained the improved soils. The retarded development of roots and the spatial distribution patterns of the fine root phytomass were closely connected to the reclaimed soil from the sea. In the disturbed soil, the soil hardness and alkalic cation($Na^+,\;K^+,\;Ca^{2+},\;Mg^{2+}$). were high and the soil water was lacking. We suggest that the construction of planting grounds and the improvement of bad soil are necessary for the proper and effective growth of landscaping plants.