• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Career of the students

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Document Research to Identify the Coals of Home Economics Education (교과로서의 가정과교육의 목표 규명을 위한 문헌 고찰 연구)

  • 왕석순
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-99
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    • 2003
  • This study is designed to identify the goals of home economics education. starting from the needs for basic research to establish a theoretical framework in home economics and for the development of basic logics to strengthen the position of home economics education as a prerequisite course in a national curriculum. To this end. this article thoroughly studied curriculum documents prepared at the national level and curriculum papers reflecting research trends of home economics education. using the results as data to identify the theoretical goals of home economics education. The research results are as follows : First, home economics education should help students become independent members of society. on the basis of daily lives. Second, with respect to personal capability development. home economics education should help to identify and solve various life-related problems in a practical problem solving. Practical members of society should be able to maintain balance in family, job, and personal career, solving the aforementioned problems in a practical way. Third, home economics education should make contributions to promoting a creative family culture in which life styles tailored for personal needs are created (education for creative members of society). The theoretical results of the study should be verified in a critical manner, followed by quantitative research that will lead to agreement among experts as to the theoretical goals.

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Exploring the factors of situational interest in learning mathematics (수학 학습에 대한 상황적 흥미 요인 탐색)

  • Park, Joo Hyun;Han, Sunyoung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.555-580
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the factors of situational interest in math learning, and based on the results, to reveal the factors of situational interest included in teaching and learning methods, teaching and learning activities in mathematics class, and extracurricular activities outside of class. As a result of conducting a questionnaire to high school students, the factors of situational interest in learning mathematics were divided into 10 detail-domain(Enjoy, Curiosity, Competence / Real life, Other subjects, Career / Prior knowledge, Accumulation knowledge / Transformation, Analysis), 4 general-domain(Emotion, Attitude / Knowledge, Understanding), 2 higher-domain(Affective / Cognitive) were extracted. In addition, it was revealed that various factors of situational interest were included teaching and learning methods, teaching and learning activities and extracurricular activities. When examining the meaning of 10 situational interest factors, it can be expected that the factors for developing individual interest are included, so it can be expected to serve as a basis for expanding the study on the development of individual interest in mathematics learning. In addition, in order to maintain individual interest continuously, it is necessary to maintain situational interest by seeking continuous changes in teaching and learning methods in the school field. Therefore, it can be seen that the process of exploring the contextual interest factors included in teacher-centered teaching and learning methods and student-centered teaching and learning activities and extracurricular activities is meaningful.

The Impacts of Student Loans on Early Labor Market Performance (학자금 대출 경험이 노동시장 초기행태에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Dongkyu;Choi, Jaesung
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the labor market performance of graduates who had student loans. Compared to earlier studies, we extended analyses to all jobs that were experienced for more than 18 months after graduation. First, we found that students who had student loans earned 2.81% less at their first job compared to their counterparts without student loans. Second, the wage gap decreased over time, a reduction of 0.66%p due to labor market turnovers. Third, when we compared cumulated labor income, however, the amount for borrowers were continuously higher. This is because the job searching period of a borrower was shorter, despite relatively lower wages at the first job, and borrowers also made more frequent job turnovers, accompanying relatively more wage increases. These results suggest that the negative effects of college loans on earnings, reported in previous studies, may have exaggerated the negative impact to some extent of having loans. However, when we look at the quality of jobs beyond simply wages, the proportion of borrowers working at large companies as regular workers was consistently low. Given that job conditions at the earlier stages of one's career may lead to gaps over time, our findings call for more systematic investigations into the effects that student loans have on long-term labor performance.

Optimal Location Modeling for Elementary Student's Care facility using Public Data (공공데이터를 활용한 초등학생 돌봄시설의 최적입지 선정)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Kim, Ji-Young;Yu, Ki-Yun;Yang, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2019
  • The expansion of double-income households is increasing the social interest in child care. In particular, children's entrance into elementary school is considered to be the main cause of women's career break as well as childbirth. This study proposes an optimal location selection method for caring facilities for elementary school students. As a candidate for care facilities, we selected existing child care facilities. We proposed a dual structure evaluation method that considers locational characteristics as well as mathematical optimization when selecting the optimal location. The experiment was conducted in Songpa-gu, Seoul. A total of 36 optimal locations were selected from a total of 258 candidate facilities. First, the evaluation criteria were established using public data, and the primary candidate facilities were selected by ranking the location scores. At this time mesh resampling method was used to integrate various public data into one. Next, the final care facilities were selected using the p-median method. The results chosen are not only the optimal location considering total distance but also satisfy various location criteria considering the characteristics of the care facility. We expect that the proposed method will contribute to public data convergence or utilization and it will be helpful for policy decision when selecting the optimal location for public facilities.

Perceptions of Academic Journals and Scholarly Events in Library and Information Science: Focus Group Interviews (문헌정보학 분야 학술지 및 학술행사 인식 연구 - 포커스 그룹 면담을 중심으로 -)

  • Soojung Kim;Jongwook Lee;In Yeong Jeong;Sanghee Oh
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.319-345
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate the perceptions of researchers and information professionals on scholarly journals and events hosted by the four primary associations for library and information science in Korea and to suggest improvements. The four associations include the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, the Korean Library and Information Science Society, the Korean Society for Information Management, and the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, and they co-funded this study. A total of six focus group interviews were conducted with 21 university professors, researchers, librarians, practitioners, and executive directors of associations who are actively engaged in research and academic activities. Findings presented, first, that the overall process of the journal article review and publishing needs to be improved to enhance the quality of the journals. Second, efforts should be made to increase the visibility of practice by increasing opportunities for information professionals to submit and publish manuscripts with findings from the field. Third, each journal can be specialized by differentiating the scope of journals, providing articles with findings in practice, and facilitating collaborations with scholars abroad or in other fields. To improve scholarly events, first, a large-scale academic conference can be held regularly, co-hosted by the four associations, promoting academic needs and social networking. Third, each association can specialize in academic events in collaboration with professional institutions and agencies. Fourth, the opportunities to participate in academic events should be increased for early-career researchers, practitioners, and graduate and undergraduate students.

Research on the current status and curriculumn management of colleges of applied music -with the focus on applied music departments based in Busan - (실용음악대학 현황과 교과목 운영에 관한 연구 -부산소재 실용음악대학을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2021
  • This research provides suggestions for development in colleges of applied music by studying their current curriculum management status and by analyzing the curricula. To that end, this research focuses on comparing cases from four-year universities and vocational colleges. Analysis of the curricula of three departments based in Busan reveal that the curricula of applied music departments bear some resemblance to those of fine music departments, but they also have significant differences. In Busan, applied music departments have curricula influenced by fine art, but they seek differentiation in whatever ways they can. Educational institutes for applied music should expand their curricula to be more on-point, and should seek interdisciplinary courses that embrace other majors, and that promote the improvement of educational environments. Nowadays, there is a need to break away from previous discourse that happens only within the boundaries of music. For example, applied music departments could join business or media departments in launching interdisciplinary courses on music production or policies. Students would benefit from such courses as they expand the scope of their career options to consider not only being a musician but also being producers or policymakers in the arts. People from various sectors could join public discussions to jointly seek ways to promote such collaboration. Now is the time for fundamental reflection on the development of applied music in Korea.

Conditions of Science Teachers' Professionalism on Curriculum Organization and Implementation at the School Level (과학 교사의 학교 교육과정 편성·운영 역량 실태)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2014
  • It is important to explore ways that reinforce teachers' curricular expertise at the school level as the school curriculum autonomy expands. This study investigated teachers' curricular expertise that is required for teachers' professionalism, autonomy, and accountability to cope with the increasing school curriculum autonomy. Teachers in the future school are expected to explore and develop school level curriculum within a given school context. Through literature reviews, domestic and foreign case studies, and survey of teachers, this study examined difficulties in science teachers' exercise of their professionalism on curriculum organization and implementation at the school level. Difficulties in exercising teachers' curricular expertise include lack of actual autonomy in curriculum operation at the school level, inadequate infrastructures, demanding accountability based on students' achievement results, lack of time for reflection, and lack of recognition for teachers as independent curriculum designers. In the conclusion section, a couple of ways to solve these difficulties are suggested including expansion of actual autonomy, activation of teachers' participation in policy decision making, reinforcement of qualitative components in school assessment, diversification of the teacher's career ladder, and activation of teachers' participation in professional learning communities.

Analysis System of School Life Records Based on Data Mining for College Entrance (데이터 마이닝 기반 대학입시를 위한 학교생활기록부 분석시스템)

  • Yang, Jinwoo;Kim, Donghyun;Lim, Jongtae;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2021
  • The Korean curriculum and admission system have evolved through numerous changes. Currently, the nation's college entrance rate stands at nearly 70 percent, and it is the highest among OECD members. Amid this environment, the importance of school life records is increasing among students who are interested in going to college and who have the highest percentage in the nation's education system. Happiness is not the order of grades, but I can find my future and happiness at the same time through active school life. Through the analysis system of school life records, you can find interests and career paths suitable for yourself, and analyze and supplement factors suitable for the university and department you want to go to, so that you can take a step further in successful advancement. Each item in the school records is divided into three categories to analyze the necessary and unnecessary words. By visualizing and numericalizing the analyzed data, an analysis system is established that can be supplemented in school life. An analysis system through data mining can be utilized by concisely summarizing sentences of different elements and extracting words by applying the multi-topic minutes summary system using word frequency and similarity analysis as an existing prior study.

Design and Implement a Smart Control System of Door Security Guard (도어 안전고리 스마트 제어시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Hyo Seung;Oh, Jae Chul
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2017
  • A large number of people living in modern times prefer remaining unmarried or living alone independently for the reason of their own will or another person's will. This is because they dislike being interfered with by other persons or because there is a financial problem. This behavior has become mainstream in persons working for professional jobs, persons having a strong disposition toward individual activity or college students. In particular, career women pursuing their own comfortable life have the tendency to prefer single life. However, sometimes, they become a target of crime that targets and makes bad use of this point. For these reasons. Consequently, sometimes, they additionally install and use a security system such as door security guard at front door and so on. It is not so difficult to lock the door security guard at the front door. However, it is apt to be forgotten. And when they are on the bedspread before falling asleep, in case they should check whether the door security guard is locked or in case they should lock it, they should get up, go to the entrance, and check and lock the door security guard. They often don't lock the door security guard due to their feeling that it is all right because of annoyance and inconvenience. This paper is intended to work for safety from crime such as illegal housebreaking by more conveniently using the door security guard after designing and implementing a system that can remotely control the door security guard, using a smartphone as a method of resolving this annoyance and keeping life more safe.

Study on $Ch{\acute{e}}n$ $Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ by analysing $Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$ (의학삼자경(醫學三字經)에 나타난 진수원(陳修園) 의학 사상에 대한 문헌적 연구 I)

  • Kim, Jai-Eun;Choi, Dall-Yeong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.709-717
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    • 2008
  • $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$(陳修園) was a famous doctor and educator of the late Tang Dynasty. He was well known both for his books for beginners, and for his unique medical theories based on his profound research of <$Sh\bar{a}ngh\acute{a}nl\grave{u}n$(傷寒論)> and <$J\bar{i}nku\grave{i}y\grave{a}ol\ddot{u}e$>. He wrote <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$(醫學三字經)> to establish the basic textbook for the beginners to set up right principles in pursuing their medical career. <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$> was written in rhyme form, so that it can be easily memorized and used in future practices. There are quite many medical books in rhyme form, but this book is very unique as $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ annotated his own notes, which is rare in this form of books. This feature makes <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$> very outstanding, also with the fact that $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ was the one with profound understanding and original theories based on medical bibles such as <$N\grave{e}ij\bar{i}ng$(內經)> and <$Sh\bar{a}ngh\acute{a}nl\grave{u}n$(傷寒論)>. We have translated this precious educational material into korean, hoping that this work could be of any help to students of korean medicine. And while doing this work, we have found followings: <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$> covers the entire fields of medicine from theoretical discussions to practical clinical information. Nevertheless, as this is written in rhyme form, there are few phrases that are not easily understood for the sake of rhyme. Beginners probably may have difficulties in reading this book. To make this difficulty alleviated, and to develop our own educational material, we need to study further on the notes that $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ annotated himself.