• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Career of the students

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Impacts of Minijob on Women's Employment in Germany (독일 미니잡이 여성 고용에 미친 영향)

  • Kang, Su-Dol
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.277-306
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    • 2017
  • This article empirically explores the impact of minijobs in the wake of the Hartz reform in Germany on women's employment relationship. Theoretically it is of great significance to examine whether the minijobs play an active role as a bridge in leading the minijobbers to regular, socially secured jobs or not. Several interviews as well as secondary data I could get during my sabbatical in 2015 were used to test the theory. One of the main findings was the fact that the minijob labor market opened doors wide for women in Germany, particularly for career-interrupted women, students or pensioners. However, the minijob can easily become a trap of lowest income and poverty for women. Most women minjobbers cannot go over to regular, socially secured jobs. Especially in terms of collective industrial relations, it considerably damages the power of industrial unions and the legal binding force of collective agreement. In conclusion, this study makes it clear that the labor market segmentation theory rather than the transitional labor market theory is valid in accounting for the reality of minijob in Germany. In other words, the minijob in Germany has a Toijan Horse Effect. It also suggests, from a practical viewpoint, that German industrial unions or works councils organize the minijobbers and that the coverage of collective agreements be extended to the minijobbers. Consequently, the time-selective part-timer model put into practice in Korea in 2014 is not only invalid but also undesirable.

The Effect of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Using Mobile Augmented Reality on Science Achievement, Science Learning Motivation, and Learning Flow in Chemical bond (화학 결합에서 모바일 증강현실을 이용한 과정기반 안내탐구학습이 과학 학업 성취도, 과학 학습 동기, 학습 몰입감에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Young-Eun;Ji, Joon-Yong;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.357-370
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we developed an augmented reality learning tool suitable for chemical bond learning and proposed a process-oriented guided inquiry learning using mobile augmented reality (POGIL-MAR) to find out how it affects science achievement, science learning motivation and learning flow. Participants were 139 10th-grade students from a coeducational high school in Gyeonggi-do, and they were randomly assigned to the control group (TL), the treatment group 1 (POGIL), and the treatment group 2 (POGIL-MAR). They learned the concept of the chemical bond from the Integrated Science subject for four class periods. Results of two-way ANCOVA revealed that the POGIL-MAR group scored significantly higher than the other groups in a science achievement test, science learning motivation test, and learning flow test, regardless of their prior science achievement. In addition, in the case of the low-level group, the POGIL-MAR group showed a statistically significant improvement in achievement compared to the TL and POGIL groups. The MANCOVA analysis for sub-factors of science learning motivation show that the POGIL-MAR group had significantly higher scores in intrinsic motivation, career motivation, self-determination, self-efficacy, and grade motivation. In particular, the interaction effect between the teaching and learning method and the level of prior achievement was significant in the intrinsic motivation. Meanwhile, the MANCOVA analysis for sub-factors of learning flow show that the POGIL-MAR group had significantly higher scores in clear goals, unambiguous feedback, action-awareness merging, sense of control, and autotelic experience. Based on the results, educational implications for effective teaching and learning strategy using mobile augmented reality are discussed.

Analysis of learner's attitude and satisfaction through development and application of metaverse environment STEAM educational program (메타버스 환경의 융합(STEAM) 교육 프로그램 개발과 적용을 통한 학습자 태도 및 만족도 분석)

  • Jeon, Jae Cheon;Jang, Jun Hyeok;Jung, Soon Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2022
  • Recently, with interest in metaverse, attempts are being made to utilize the metaverse platform in various forms. In this paper, we focused on the educational application potential of metaverse, and developed and applied a metaverse STEAM program to provide an effective learning experience to learners in non-face-to-face educational situations. The developed program utilizes Minecraft and ZEPETO, familiar to students, as metaverse learning platforms, and consists of a total of 16 lessons of 5 modules in the form of modules so that alternative classes can take place in the educational field. Through this, the learner's change in STEAM attitude and learning satisfaction were measured, and through the developed STEAM program, the learner's interest, consideration, communication, usefulness, self-concept, self-efficacy, and career choice areas significantly increased. In addition, positive results were confirmed in all areas of the learner satisfaction test related to satisfaction, interest, and overall class. In the future, considering the characteristics of the metaverse, it is necessary to break free from the constraints of time and space to communicate anew, and various learner-centered educational approaches based on a high degree of freedom and immersion should be implemented.

A Study on the Social Background and Status Attainment Process and a Life-Style of the Public Library Directors in Korea (한국 공공도서관장의 사회적 배경 및 사회화과정의 고찰)

  • 김포옥
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.171-190
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    • 2001
  • The Purpose of this study is to point out some attributes of intrinsic and social background and status attainment process and a life-style of public library directors in KOREA. The data obtained from 188 respondents in 1999 were used for analysis. Some of the main findings are as follows: $\circled1$ The majority of the directors has a career as a teacher or local public administrators rather than a librarian. $\circled2$ The birth places of the directors are scattered all over the country. and those who were born in rural area account for about of all respondents. In rural area. it might be difficult for them to access information on newly developing profession like librarianship. $\circled3$ Although the educational level of directors themselves is higher than general public. $\circled4$ Library schools which give students high grade knowledge and training of library and information science are not so many, and hence directors are primarily local public administrators rather than qualified librarians. $\circled5$ Many directors did not aspire to become librarians. rather they got the post after they had been working as a teachers or lawyer, local public administrators. $\circled6$ If the library services of better quality are provided all over the country, urban or rural, and library schools in higher education are developed and have much more satisfactory substance, and abler library directors. And then we can expect that the qualified librarians's director system in public libraries will become an accomplished fact.

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Exploring the Perception of Integrated STEAM Secondary Teachers on Engineering Design (융합 인재 교육 경험을 가진 중등 과학 교사들의 공학적 설계에 대한 인식 탐색)

  • Choi, Yunhee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.364-378
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the perception of Engineering Design of teachers who have long experience in the Integrated STEAM education. The teachers participating in this study were 12 elementary and secondary teachers with more than five years of experience in the Integrated STEAM Education. The study conducted semi-structured interviews. Interview questions focused on experiences of Integrated STEAM Education and recognition of Engineering Design, whether or not to reflect the curriculum of Engineering Design, and actual cases of Integrated STEAM Education with Engineering Design. As a result of this study, the teachers who participated in this study recognized that 'identification and coexistence of concepts for science, technology, and engineering' about Engineering Design, 'Creative design is possible when creativity is added to Engineering Design', 'Engineering Design is to analyze the economic feasibility and utility of the output created through the creative design process', 'Engineering Design is only for students who choose a career in science and engineering'. Based on this research, We need to establish and present correct concepts for science, technology, and engineering, and make an effort to include Engineering Design for solving scientific problems in the curriculum. In addition, we will have to develop and spread the Integrated STEAM Education program including Engineering Design and apply it in the field. Through this, we will have to find concrete action plans to improve the perception of science and engineering Integrated STEAM programs and Engineering Design among novice teachers and preservice teachers.

The Moderating Effect of Product Category and Message Type on CRM (Cause-Related Marketing) and Brand Attitude (CRM 특성요인이 소비자 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 제품 관여도와 공익연계 메시지 표현유형의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Hyunsuk;Lee, Jong-man;Na, Youn-kue
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.49-95
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    • 2007
  • The "cause-related marketing (CRM)," generally defined as a mutually beneficial relationship between a company and a non-profit relationship or a social cause, which is perhaps the most progressive outgrowth of marketing trend. This paper contributes to, and looks at the practical issues of CRM and its effect on the brand attitude of the customer. To do so, following three broad research questions have been addressed. Which cause-related orientation is effective on customer's attitude of the brand? Which type of cause-related message provides crucial impact on customer's attitude of the brand? How product category acts upon and brings about different consequences on CRM? To address these questions, a causal model has been developed incorporating message type, product relevance, social significance, and brand attitude. The study model was tested with survey data collected from 400 career professionals and students in Seoul and statistically processed the 176 valid ones. The results of the study considerably supported the conceptual model. The analysis also revealed that the study population was not able to detect the differences in CRM strategies but tend to conceptualize them as a whole.

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Analysis of Current State of High School Achievement Evaluation for Enhancing English Class based on Achievement Assessment (성취평가중심 영어수업 활성화를 위한 고등학교 성취평가 현황 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Sung Jun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.550-566
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    • 2018
  • In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, enhancing achievement evaluation based on process oriented instruction is essential. It assists human growth both cognitively and mentally. The purpose of this study is to analyze current condition of high school achievement evaluation in Daejeon region for enhancing English class based on achievement Assessment. Analyzing high school achievement evaluation plans as well as analyzing items of paper and pencil test using TELL program was conducted. Reanalysis of global citizen theme-based English according to core achievement standard was performed. The questionnaire was analyzed using the SPSS Win 20.0 Program to figure out significant difference of instructional method, the rate of students' grade improvement, English class related to the state of career recognition. T-test, ANOVA was performed to determine if there was a difference between the individual instructional variables. The research result is designed to construct or develop English class based on achievement evaluation while providing each high school with the result of current state of high school achievement evaluation. Specific characteristics of individual achievement result was conducted in terms of analyzing distribution of answer sheet response in order to be used as information for managing each high school achievement evaluation.

A Comparative Study of Mathematics Curriculum among the United States, Singapore, England, Japan, Australia and Korea (수학 교육과정 국제 비교 분석 연구 - 미국, 싱가포르, 영국, 일본, 호주의 중학교와 고등학교 교육과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Chong, Yeong Ok;Chang, Kyung-Yoon;Kim, Gooyeon;Kwon, Na Young;Kim, Jin Ho;Seo, Dong-Yeop;Kang, Hyun-Young;Park, Sunhwa;Ko, Ho Kyoung;Nam, Jin Young;Tak, Byungjoo
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.371-402
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to compare mathematics curriculum among the United States, Singapore, England, Japan, Australia and Korea and offer suggestions to improve mathematics curriculum of Korea in the future. In order to attain these purposes, the analysis was conducted in many aspects including mathematics education system, mathematics courses, mathematics contents, assessment syllabus for university entrance examination and the construction principles of mathematics curriculum. In the light of the results of this study, our suggestions for improving mathematics curriculum of Korea are as follows: revising the contents of analysis, geometry, probability and statistics strands; organizing curriculum based on spiral construction principle; providing various opportunities to select mathematics courses according to students'career; reflecting the contents of their courses in university entrance examination.

Adolescent culture, socialization practices, and educational achievement in Korea: Indigenous, psychological, and cultural analysis (한국의 청소년 문화, 사회화 과정과 교육적 성취: 토착적, 심리적, 문화적 맥락에서의 분석)

  • Uichol Kim;Young-Shin Park;Jaisun Koo
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.spc
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    • pp.177-209
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    • 2004
  • This paper provides a theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding adolescent culture and educational achievement in Korea. In the first part of the paper, the authors outline a research paradigm in cultural psychology and adolescent culture. In the second section, the traditional family structure, the role of parents, and how they have been changed by modernization are outlined. In the third section, socialization practices and parent-child relationship are reviewed. In the fourth section, Western theories that have been developed to explain educational achievement and their limitations are examined. In the fifth section, factors that contribute to educational success of Korean students are presented. In the final section, the impact of centralized, standardized, and rigid educational system that is imposed on adolescents is discussed. The highly regulated and centralized bureaucracy restricts educational and career opportunities for adolescents and it is responsible for the high rate of violence, delinquency, and bullying in Korea. The need for encouraging civil society that allows for diversity of ideas and skills and at the same time maintaining strong relational bonds are discussed.

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Direction of Korean Musical Education, focused on the University Education (한국 뮤지컬 음악 교육의 나아갈 방향, 대학 교육을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eun-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2012
  • Due to the burgeoning Korean musical industry, the needs of professional man power as well as the quality and quantity increase in educational institutions are on the rise. The curriculum for art education comprises through school education programs in which embody the artists' self-growth and self-realization. The field of arts simply could not be executed with only techniques but through the theory and educational course, the artist is able to clearly express and communicate their genuine desires. Therefore, Korean musical education could not conform to shortsighted trends or be used as an instant tool for increasing competitiveness among universities but make an effort to provide good quality curriculum for the purpose of producing talented actors. Furthermore, the curriculums should build a sincere trust and give confidence in which receiving a cultural education before choosing a career path is not getting behind ahead of becoming an actor with practical training and knowledge. In order to do so, it is necessary for each university to have more systematical management and administration structure that enable students to build promising future even after graduation through more effective educational courses and strong network. As a result, the competitiveness of the university would rise due to producing talented actors and the quality of musical industry would further improve as well.