• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook design

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Development of a Digital Textbook on 'Structure and Contraction Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle' with the Learning Model for Biomimicry-Based Convergence (생체모방 기반 융합 학습 모델을 적용한 '골격근의 구조와 수축'에 대한 디지털 교재 개발)

  • Kim, Soo-Youn;Kwon, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a digital textbook on 'structure and contraction mechanism of skeletal muscle' with the learning model for biomimicry-based convergence. The unit of 'structure and contraction mechanism of skeletal muscle' is a part of Life Science I in high school. The convergence learning model was designed with three phases of biomimicry-based convergence (Exploration-Design-Implementation) including 3D modeling & printing. The developed digital textbook was composed of 8 sessions which contains the following learning contents : Exploration of skeletal muscle, creative designing of skeletal muscle using sketch application and 3D modeling, convergent implementing of the designed using 3D printing, exploration of muscle contraction, creative designing of muscle contraction using sketch application and 3D modeling, and convergent implementing of the designed using 3D printing. Each session is also involved in the contents of gallery widgets, media widgets, keynote widgets, sketch widgets, the cloud, polling widgets, and review widgets for interactive and mobile learning. After administering the developed digital textbook to 20 high school students, it was shown a positive effectiveness on life science learning for high school students. Moreover, the digital textbook was evaluated as to promote student's abilities on creative designs and implementation related to biomimicry-based convergence. The digital textbook was also shown a favorable response on students' interest and self-directed learning on life science.

A Study on the Design of Korean Textbooks in Elementary Schools for Learning Interest (학습흥미 유발을 위한 초등학교 국어 교과서 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Chang Wook;Park, Kwang Shin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.555-561
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    • 2018
  • It is the Korean language textbook of elementary school 1~2 grade that forms the basis of the textbook to nurture the creative convergence talent with the core competence required by the future society. In order to increase the learning effect based on the textbooks, the interest inducing factors were derived on the basis of the learning interest, and the textbook design was analyzed by the in - depth interviews and discussions of the expert group. As a result, Graphic elements using bright and soft colors, illustrations of peer groups related to learning contents, and resilient use of sans serifs. However, issues such as lack of proper mixing of photos and illustrations, further development of learning helper characters, configuration of spare margins, graphic image design, and lack of a structured layout that utilizes color and visual images were cited as problems.

The design and Implementation of High School Computer Education Electronic Textbook Based on the WBI (WBI에 기반한 고등학교 정보산업 교육용 전자교과서의 설계 및 구현)

  • 김세월;황부현
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.11c
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    • pp.125-128
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    • 2000
  • This paper, which is about electronic-textbook, shows that, in the seventh curriculum, how the student can study “Age Information and Computer” through the web site. By selecting their unit by themselves, studying it themselves, and studying further step after a formative test, the student will be able to study on the suitable level. Students themselves also check their progress in learning and submit their assignment. A series of these activities will make it possible for the student to get used to the computer.

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Design and Implementation of Mathematics Textbooks in Support of Effective Teaching for Secondary Schools: A Chinese Case

  • PENG, Aihui;SONG, Naiqing
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.247-265
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    • 2015
  • Mathematics textbook plays a significant role in shaping students' learning of mathematics. Logic, rigor and abstraction as typical features of the formalization of mathematics, dominate mathematics textbooks around the world, which is regarded as one of the important origins of students' learning difficulties in mathematics. An innovative series of Chinese mathematic textbooks is presented in this paper. Supported by the supplementary materials excerpts from the textbooks, it gives a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the principles of design and implementation of this series of mathematics textbooks. The effectiveness of this series of textbooks is demonstrated by student achievement and secondary research data. It shows that series of Chinese mathematic textbooks has largely decreased students' learning difficulties in mathematics and enhance classroom teaching efficiency. It suggests that prioritizing the essence of mathematics and reducing abstraction is an important notion for mathematics textbook design and implementation.

A Study on the Design of a Textbook for an Education of Korean Apparel Merchandisers. (한국 어패럴 머천다이저 육성 교재 체제 수립에 대한 연구)

  • 유연실;오현정
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to examine needed abilities of Korean apparel merchandisers and to propose a basic design of textbook for an education of Korean apparel merchandisers. For this purpose. the role and needed abilities of Korean apparel merchandisers'. and the contents of other textbooks under same topic were examined. Data of Korean apparel merchandisers'abilities to execute their role were collected by interviewing 7 apparel merchandisers who work for major Korean apparel manufacturers. Korean apparel merchandisers are expected to have following abilities : comprehensive and analytic Judgement. knowledge of clothing and textiles. deep understanding of the apparel market, budget planning and accounting. cooperation in the execution of tasks, ability of summarizing data, healthcare, and computing skills. The textbook is divided into five parts. The titles and brief description of them are as follows : Part I - Introduction Basic concept and composition factors of apparel merchandising and the role of apparel merchandisers in Korean apparel industry will be discussed. Part II - Apparel Merchandising Environment The structure of apparel manufacturers and apparel industries In Korea. other environmental factors, and apparel consumer behavior will be investigated. Part III - Apparel Market Analysis Market segmentation. brand evaluation, product positioning. target market strategies, and market research will be investigated. Part IV- Apparel Merchandising Apparel merchandising processes will be introduced and explained in detail. Part V - Global Apparel Merchandising Global apparel merchandising environment and strategies. and global sourcing and marketing will be discussed.

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Development of Experimental System for Automotive Electrical Circuit in Technical High School (실업계 고등학교용 자동차 전기회로 실습 시스템의 개발)

  • Lee, Yong-Ju;Seo, Young-Dal
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 2007
  • The experimental system, developed in this research, is a teaching material that trains and practices automobile electric circuit in technical high school. This system consists of a textbook, 15 kinds of instruments and 62 kinds of 'Flash' animations. Textbook includes automobile electric circuits and experimental process. Instruments have 23 kinds of drills. Its is composed of electrical relays, motors, switches, light bulbs, electrical lines and power unit so on. 'Flash' animation displays an electrical current flow on circuits actually. Both Dacum method and ISD skill have been conducted to analysis job and design syllabus. The experimental system have been implemented on technical high school class to evaluate its objectivity and effect. It is expected that this system can contribute to studying of car service.

The Mediating Role of Self-Regulation Between Digital Literacy and Learning Outcomes in the Digital Textbook for Middle School English

  • LEE, Jeongmin;MOON, Jiyoon;CHO, Boram
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.58-83
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    • 2015
  • Digital textbooks draw attention as a new format of educational material, using the advantages of information technology; this innovative learning tool requires consideration as a part of successful and effective learning. The main purpose of the article is to investigate the mediating role of self-regulation between digital literacy and learning outcomes (academic performance and learning motivation) when using digital textbooks as a learning tool in Middle School English. Both descriptive and regression analysis were used as data analyses methods. The main findings of this study were as follows: first, digital literacy and self-regulation significantly predicted academic performance and learning motivation; second, self-regulation fully mediated between digital literacy and academic performance; third, self-regulation partially mediated between digital literacy and learning motivation. The research results proved the effects of digital literacy and self-regulation on the learning outcomes and mediating role of self-regulation between digital literacy and learning outcomes. These results help to design and implement effective lessons when using a digital textbook in Middle school English.

How High School Mathematics Teachers Use New Textbook : A Case Study from China

  • Zhuo Li;Jiansheng Bao
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.291-310
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework for Chinese high school mathematics teachers use new textbooks based on the work of Remillard (1999) and Chau (2014). Based on this framework, a multiple case approach was used to investigate how two high school mathematics teachers from Shanghai use new textbooks. The results suggest that in the curriculum mapping arena, both the novice teacher and the expert teacher often planned to appropriate the unit content, and sometimes planned to add supplemental content. When organizing the unit content, novice teacher always planned to follow the new textbook in sequence, while expert teacher often would follow the new textbook in sequence, but sometimes planned to rearrange the unit content. In the design arena, both the novice teacher and the expert teacher tended to appropriate the introduced tasks and definitions. The novice teacher often planned to appropriate the example problems and exercise problems, while the expert teacher often intended to flexibly use the example problems and exercise problems. In the construction arena, the novice teacher seldom adjusted the planned tasks; in contrast, the expert teacher adjusted the planned tasks more frequently. In the reflection arena, the novice teacher often thought she should improve the mathematics tasks, while the expert teacher almost always thought he needed to improve the mathematics tasks. The framework shown in this paper provides a tool to investigate how mathematics teachers use textbooks.

Design and Implementation of Photographic Virtual Reality Contents (사진기반 가상현실 콘텐츠의 설계 및 구현)

  • Nam, Young-Su;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2010
  • Social study for province textbook is very difficulty for experience and learning in classroom because the contents of social study for province text book is consist of contents about very far away places. And there are less contents than normal subject. Especially, children need experiences and enough contents for learning in social study for province textbook. The purpose of this paper are as follows: 1) design and implementation of PVR contents 2) applying 4th grade social study for province textbook 3) inspecting for satisfaction degree and result of students about the efficiency of PVR contents.

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