• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook Development

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Development of Citizenship Promoting Home Economics Education Curriculum through Critical Literacy: Focusing on Housing Area of Middle School (비판적 리터러시를 통한 시민성 함양 가정과 교육과정 개발: 중학교 주생활 영역을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Kyungseon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.57-80
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a Home Economics education curriculum that can promote citizenship through critical literacy. To this end, the 'housing' area in the 2015 revised curriculum of home economics and textbooks were analyzed from a critical literacy perspective. Using Laster(1986)'s critical science curriculum development course and "A Teacher's guideFamily, Food and Society"(Staaland & Storm, 1996), a 'Citizenship raising curriculum of home economics education in the housing area.' was developed. The results of this research are as follows. First, when the the curriculum was examined, the teaching objectives of the overall subject, or the achievement criteria, learning elements, and evluative methods of the housing area consisted of practical problem solving curriculum that can include critical literacy content. In addition, as a result of analyzing the text of the three textbooks' housing areas, it was found that most of them were described as adapting to and coping with the current culture, and few problems or social issues were mentioned that could lead to critical literacy. Second, the housing area curriculum for critical literacy learning was developed, with a total of 13 plan of 7 modules including continuous interests, valued ends, learning contents, and 26 learning materials including reading materials, and video materials. Based on the findings, the next curriculum and textbook should address social issues related to critical literacy and various classes of housing, and teachers' communities and training should be operated to support teachers who can be examplary for practical reasoning and critical thinking.

Development of Clothing Life Teaching-Learning Plans of Middle School Home Economics for the Response to Climate Change (기후변화 대응을 위한 중학교 가정교과 의생활 교수·학습 과정안 개발)

  • Moon, In-suk;Shim, Huen-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.115-133
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching-learning plans for middle school Home Economics that practices clothing life in response to climate change. Four steps of analysis, design, development, and evaluation were used for the research. 'Phenomenon and cause, impact (environmental, economic and social) and response (relaxation and adaptation)' were selected as educational content elements for climate change through reviewing the literature related to climate change. Six types of middle school Technology and Home Economics textbooks under the 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed using the selected content elements for climate change as the basis for analysis according to the data type(reading data, picture data, activity data) and clothing use cycle (production, purchase, use, and disposal). Based on the content elements of climate change in the clothing life area extracted through textbook analysis, a total of 12 teaching-learning plans in response to climate change were developed by utilizing various teaching and learning methods, data and media. The teaching-learning plans were designed based on an integrated understanding of the phenomena, causes, effects, and responses of climate change for the students to realize the seriousness of climate change and to exercise positive influence on families and society.

Development of the Teaching-Learning Process Plan for 'Adolescent Nutrition and Dietary Behavior' of Middle School Technology and Home Economics through the Use of 'Blended Learning' Teaching Method (블렌디드 러닝을 활용한 중학교 기술·가정 '청소년기 영양과 식행동' 단원의 교수·학습과정안 개발)

  • Baek, Hee Yeon;Yoo, Se Jong;Kim, Yookyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.119-137
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to develop a teaching-learning process plan for the 'adolescent nutrition and dietary behavior' unit of middle school technology and home economics through blended learning teaching method. "Analysis-Design-Development-Evaluation and Revision" model developed by Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE) was applied to developing the teaching-learning process plan. The authors analyzed subject contents suitable for blended learning, and then designed a teaching-learning process plan by selecting the topics, developing the teaching strategies, and deciding on the media and evaluation tools for each class. Based on the plan for each week, the final version of the teaching-learning process plan, handouts for activities, and evaluation tools were developed. The teaching-learning process plan was revised and supplemented based on the expert verification results. The developed teaching-learning process plan which applied blended learning method was considered suitable for the current curriculum, and the group presentation activities implimented in the online classes were found to encourage learners' participation and interest. Also, the developed teaching-learning process plan could be used in the online only environment without any issues depending on the intention of the classes, by the appropriate use of distance learning tools such as Paddles or Thinkerbells. The developed teaching-learning course plan is expected to be effectively used in either online or blended learning environment, as a means of helping adolescent students improve their dietary life.

Development and mathematical performance analysis of custom GPTs-Based chatbots (GPTs 기반 문제해결 맞춤형 챗봇 제작 및 수학적 성능 분석)

  • Kwon, Misun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.303-320
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    • 2024
  • This study presents the development and performance evaluation of a custom GPT-based chatbot tailored to provide solutions following Polya's problem-solving stages. A beta version of the chatbot was initially deployed to assess its mathematical capabilities, followed by iterative error identification and correction, leading to the final version. The completed chatbot demonstrated an accuracy rate of approximately 89.0%, correctly solving an average of 57.8 out of 65 image-based problems from a 6th-grade elementary mathematics textbook, reflecting a 4 percentage point improvement over the beta version. For a subset of 50 problems, where images were not critical for problem resolution, the chatbot achieved an accuracy rate of approximately 91.0%, solving an average of 45.5 problems correctly. Predominant errors included problem recognition issues, particularly with complex or poorly recognizable images, along with concept confusion and comprehension errors. The custom chatbot exhibited superior mathematical performance compared to the general-purpose ChatGPT. Additionally, its solution process can be adapted to various grade levels, facilitating personalized student instruction. The ease of chatbot creation and customization underscores its potential for diverse applications in mathematics education, such as individualized teacher support and personalized student guidance.

Analysis of the Relevance to Education for Sustainable Development and the Inquiry Tendency of 2015-Revised Middle School Home Economics Textbooks: Focusing on the 'Adolescence Consumption Life' Unit (2015 개정 중학교 가정 교과서 지속가능발전교육(ESD) 연관성 및 탐구 성향 분석: '청소년기의 소비생활' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Saetbyeol;Kim, Yeasle
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 2020
  • This research aims to identify the relevance of 'Adolescence consumption' units to ESD(Education for Sustainable Development), and to analyze the unit's inquiry tendency through the Romey analysis method. The assessment criteria in association with ESD developed in the previous literature were summarized and established to set up an analysis framework consisted of 11 key points including environmental perspective (natural resources, climate change/disaster prevention and mitigation, and sustainable rural and urban systems), economic perspective (corporate sustainability, market economy, and poverty gap mitigation), and socio-cultural perspective (human rights/peace/human protection, cultural diversity and understanding, health/safety, civic engagement, and management of nation). With this framework, the learning contents of 'adolescence consumption life' unit in twelve middle school Home Economics textbooks were analyzed including the texts, images/illustrations/tables/graphs, and activities. The analysis revealed that the core elements of the 'market economy' and 'management of nation' from the economic perspective were presented in three different formats: texts, images/illustrations/tables/graphs, and activities. However, relatively insufficient contents were presented in terms of health/safety, civic engagement, sustainable rural and urban systems, and corporate sustainability, and thus, development of textbooks dealing with various ESD contents is neededrecommended. Additionally, most textbooks' texts and images/illustrations/tables/graphs tend to be authoritative, while activities and assignments exhibited an inquiry tendency. It is advisable to incorporate a wider variety of ESD-related content in Home Economics classes and creatively employ inquiry-based learning activities for the development of pro-sustainable-development consumption values and behavioral tendencies among young students.

The Tendency of the Written Test Questions for the History of Korean Landscape Architecture in National Qualification Test of a Landscape Engineer (조경기사 필기시험 중 한국조경사 문제의 출제 경향)

  • So, Hyun-Su;Lim, Eui-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2015
  • This study contemplates the tendency of the examination questions for History of Korean Landscape Architecture. The study targets the questions of 'Landscape Architecture History' which has been set in the written test for National Qualification Test of a landscape engineer for recent 10 years from 2005 to 2014 and derives analyzable items based on the guidelines of question-setting presented by Human Resources Development Service of Korea. The results of the study are drawn as follows. First, among 5 areas composing Landscape History, the proportion of Korean Landscape questions is getting increased while that of Western ones is decreasing. Second, about 30 traditional trees and 11 types of traditional landscape elements including traditional facilities were shown in Korean Landscape questions. Besides, history, geographic, practical science, horticulture, anthology books and the 25 tradition landscape-related historic documents categorized as the garden painting data were found. And the kings from ancient era to Choseon Dynasty who were associated with the time of palace garden building, the builders or owners of the villas, the authors of the document and Chinese scholars also appeared. Third, there were no the questions of prehistoric times and Balhae Kingdom, whereas those of Choseon Dynasty were dominantly focused. Among the traditional sites of Choseon Dynasty, Byeolseo(villas) were set most, followed by Dosung or Gung-gweol(castle towns or palaces), houses, Nu Jeong Dea(pavilions) and Seowon(local schools) in order. Nak-an eupseong and Yong-ju sa were the only cases for a castle town and a temple each. Fourth, being associated with tradition spaces, the questions asked for understanding the detailed contents of time of sites' construction, builders, location features, building structures, ground plan types and the components s of garden. In addition, as a result of checking whether traditional landscape sites were shown in the set questions in 9 Korean Landscape textbooks, Dongchundang, Pungamjeonsa, Simgogseowon did not appeared. As a result of reviewing the tendency of the examination questions for History of Korean Landscape Architecture, the questions which ask minor facts without generality and which include difficult information and site uncomprehended in the textbook should be reconsidered.

The development and application of the descriptive evaluation questionnaire on the Clothing and Textiles section of the middle school Technology & Home Economics textbook (중학교 기술.가정 의생활영역의 서술형 평가문항 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.69-90
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    • 2011
  • To develop the descriptive evaluation questionnaire with high validity and reliability on the Clothing and Textiles section of the middle school Technology & Hone Economics textbook, apply it to students and analyze its results. We made out a draft for descriptive evaluation questionnaire that was based upon the concrete establishment of the goal and the range of evaluation. We also made a rubric for scoring as well as sample answer-sheets. Finally, we completed a total of twenty three descriptive evaluation questions and we applied it to sixty five 2nd-grade students in two classes in a middle school. Descriptive evaluation questionnaire exhibited the relative high validity on each question. Moreover, three graders gave the same score on each question of descriptive evaluation, suggesting that descriptive evaluation questionnaire has the high inter-grader reliability and the strong correlation. But, low academic achievement was generally observed in the subjects. They had difficulty in describing their knowledge via their own language and drawing up accurate and detailed answers. They recognized the positive aspects of descriptive evaluation questionnaire, but they felt it uncomfortable due to study-burden and description itself. To overcome these limitations, it is required that students should experience various materials related to subject contents in classes as well as textbooks, concentrate themselves on finding solutions for problems, expand their scope, and practice describe them in advance. Therefore, the additional training for description evaluation questionnaire will be necessary for the more efficient and discriminative questionnaire. Also the questionnaire with high validity and reliability should be developed and the aggressive and voluntary participation of teachers will be needed.

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Scientific Practices Manifested in Science Textbooks: Middle School Science and High School Integrated Science Textbooks for the 2015 Science Curriculum (과학 교과서에 제시된 과학실천의 빈도와 수준 -2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 과학 및 통합과학-)

  • Kang, Nam-Hwa;Lee, Hye Rim;Lee, Sangmin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the frequency and level of scientific practices presented in secondary science textbooks. A total of 1,378 student activities presented in 14 middle school science textbooks and 5 high school integrated science textbooks were analyzed, using the definition and level of scientific practice suggested in the NGSS. Findings show that most student activities focus on three practices. Compared to the textbooks for the previous science curriculum, the practice of 'obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information' was more emphasized, reflecting societal changes due to ICT development. However, the practice of 'asking a question', which can be an important element of student-led science learning, was still rarely found in textbooks, and 'developing and using models', 'using math and computational thinking' and 'arguing based on evidence' were not addressed much. The practices were mostly elementary school level except for the practice of 'constructing explanations'. Such repeated exposures to a few and low level of practices mean that many future citizens would be led to a naïve understanding of science. The findings imply that it is necessary to emphasize various practices tailored to the level of students. In the upcoming revision of the science curriculum, it is necessary to provide the definition of practices that are not currently specified and the expected level of each practice so that the curriculum can provide sufficient guidance for textbook writing. These efforts should be supported by benchmarking of overseas science curriculum and research that explore students' ability and teachers' understanding of scientific practices.

The Analysis of Scientific Attitude in the Government-designated and Authorized Teacher's Guides of Elementary School Science for the 3rd~4th Grades (초등 3~4학년군 국정 및 검정 과학 교사용지도서의 과학적 태도 분석: '지구와 우주' 영역을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Myoung-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.192-212
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze scientific attitude and its components in the general remarks and in the particulars of one government-designated and seven authorized elementary school science teacher's guides for the 3rd~4th grades which were developed according to the 2015 national science curriculum, and to derive implications for future development of teacher's guide. The results of the study are as follows: First, in their general remarks, five of eight teacher's guides (62.5%) give a very brief explanation on the components of scientific attitude, and the remaining three teacher's guides give a relatively detailed explanation on the components but they lack practical information on teaching and assessing of the components; Second, in the case of unit objective in the four units of the area of 'Earth and Universe', five of eight teacher's guides (62.5%) contain 3~4 components among 'curiosity', 'cooperation', 'objectivity', 'critical mindedness', or 'respect for evidence', and one of the remaining three teacher's guides contains only the component of 'curiosity', another guide doesn't have any component, and the other guide doesn't have unit objective itself; Third, in the case of unit assessment, only one of eight teacher's guide (12.5%) has independent unit assessment, includes several components of scientific attitude in the unit assessment, and is broadly consistent between the components of scientific attitude in unit objective and in unit assessment; Fourth, in case of lesson objective, three teacher's guide (37.5%) contain 3~4 components among 'curiosity', 'cooperation', 'objectivity' and 'critical mindedness', and the remaining five teacher's guide (62.5%) include only 'curiosity'; Fifth, in the case of lesson assessment, among eight teacher's guides, five (62.5%) evaluate 3~4 components of scientific attitudes, two (25.0%) evaluate only 'curiosity' and 'cooperation', and one (12.5%) does not evaluate anything.

Misconception on the Yellow Sea Warm Current in Secondary-School Textbooks and Development of Teaching Materials for Ocean Current Data Visualization (중등학교 교과서 황해난류 오개념 분석 및 해류 데이터 시각화 수업자료 개발)

  • Su-Ran Kim;Kyung-Ae Park;Do-Seong Byun;Kwang-Young Jeong;Byoung-Ju Choi
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.13-35
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    • 2023
  • Ocean currents play the most important role in causing and controlling global climate change. The water depth of the Yellow Sea is very shallow compared to the East Sea, and the circulation and currents of seawater are quite complicated owing to the influence of various wind fields, ocean currents, and river discharge with low-salinity seawater. The Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) is one of the most representative currents of the Yellow Sea in winter and is closely related to the weather of the southwest coast of the Korean Peninsula, so it needs to be treated as important in secondary-school textbooks. Based on the 2015 revised national educational curriculum, secondary-school science and earth science textbooks were analyzed for content related to the YSWC. In addition, a questionnaire survey of secondary-school science teachers was conducted to investigate their perceptions of the temporal variability of ocean currents. Most teachers appeared to have the incorrect knowledge that the YSWC moves north all year round to the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and is strong in the summer like a general warm current. The YSWC does not have strong seasonal variability in current strength, unlike the North Korean Cold Current (NKCC), but does not exist all year round and appears only in winter. These errors in teachers' subject knowledge had a background similar to why they had a misconception that the NKCC was strong in winter. Therefore, errors in textbook contents on the YSWC were analyzed and presented. In addition, to develop students' and teachers' data literacy, class materials on the YSWC that can be used in inquiry activities were developed. A graphical user interface (GUI) program that can visualize the sea surface temperature of the Yellow Sea was introduced, and a program displaying the spatial distribution of water temperature and salinity was developed using World Ocean Atlas (WOA) 2018 oceanic in-situ measurements of water temperature and salinity data and ocean numerical model reanalysis field data. This data visualization materials using oceanic data is expected to improve teachers' misunderstandings and serve as an opportunity to cultivate both students and teachers' ocean and data literacy.