• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook Development

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Exploring Opportunities for Mathematical Modeling in Korean High School Textbooks: An Analysis of Exponential and Logarithmic Function Tasks

  • Hyun Joo Song;Yeonseok Ka;Jihyun Hwang
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the extent to which Korean high school textbooks incorporate opportunities for students to engage in the mathematical modeling process through tasks related to exponential and logarithmic functions. The tasks in three textbooks were analyzed based on the actions required for each stage in the mathematical modeling process, which includes identifying essential variables, formulating models, performing operations, interpreting results, and validating the outcomes. The study identified 324 units across the three textbooks, and the reliability coefficient was 0.869, indicating a high level of agreement in the coding process. The analysis revealed that the distribution of tasks requiring engagement in each of the five stages was similar in all three textbooks, reflecting the 2015 revised curriculum and national curriculum system. Among the 324 analyzed tasks, the highest proportion of the units required performing operations found in the mathematical modeling process. The findings suggest a need to include high-quality tasks that allow students to experience the entire process of mathematical modeling and to acknowledge the limitations of textbooks in providing appropriate opportunities for mathematical modeling with a heavy emphasis on performing operations. These results provide implications for the development of mathematical modeling activities and the reconstruction of textbook tasks in school mathematics, emphasizing the need to enhance opportunities for students to engage in mathematical modeling tasks and for teachers to provide support for students in the tasks.

Comparative Analysis of STS contents on the Next Generation Science Textbook and High School Science Textbooks Focused on the Earth Science (차세대 과학 교과서와 기존 과학 교과서의 STS 교육내용 비교 분석 -지구과학 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Hyun, Jiyong;Park, Shingyu;Kim, Jungwook;Chung, Wonwoo
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze about STS contents in the next generation science textbook for 10th grade according to curriculum revision 2007 and high school science textbooks focused on the Earth Science which were published according to the 7th curriculum. The contents of STS were analyzed by the STS topics of Yager(1989), Piel's standard(1981), and student activities by SATIS. The results of this study are the same as follows: 'The next generation science textbook' was shown that 20.9% is STS material amount in average by Yager's standard. 'High school science textbooks' were shown that 11.3% is STS material amount in average. Based on the STS topics by Yager's standard, most of STS content is focused on 'Relativity with local community', 'Application of science' and 'Cooperative work on real problems'. However, there is rare contents such as 'Multiple dimensions of science', 'Practice with decision-making strategies' and 'Evaluation concerned for getting and using information' in the next generation science textbook. In high school science textbooks were shown that 'Applicability of science' is the highest and 'Relativity with local community' is the next high contents. Based on the STS topics by Piel's standard, most of STS contents are focused on 'Environmental quality', 'Space research' and 'National defence' in the next generation science textbook. But high school science textbooks are focused on 'Natural resources' and 'Technology development'. The activities were analyzed by SATIS student activities. The major categories of activities included in the next generation science textbook were 'Investigation', 'Simulation' and 'Data analysis'. But, there were rare activities like 'Roleplaying', 'Research design' and 'Simulation' in high school science textbooks.

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An analysis of mathematics curriculum in middle school for development of web-based teaching/learning materials (웹기반 교수학습 자료 개발을 위한 중학교 수학의 단계형 교육과정 분석)

  • 류희찬;최영기;예홍진
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.661-677
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    • 1999
  • This paper is preliminary study for developing Web-based instruction material to practice open mathematics education in middle school using Web as educational environment. For this purpose, the (textbook-based) curriculum was analysed and then more flexible and differentiated dynamic (web-based) curriculum was suggested.

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Analysis of the "Clothing Life" Section of the Technology and Home Economics textbook in the middle school curriculum revised in 2015 (2015년 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 기술·가정 교과서의 의생활 영역 분석)

  • Kang, Ju Yeong;Lee, Yejin
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to provide an understanding and information of the new curriculum by comparing 12 kinds of Technology and Home Economics textbooks(Clothing Life section) that reflect the 2015 revised. Results revealed that most of the textbooks' unit arrangements consisted of the introduction, development, and summary. In addition, we examined the advantages of current textbooks and suggested future improvement directions. The analysis of volume revealed that the largest textbook was 38 pages and the smallest was 24 pages. In addition, the learning objectives by unit a little bit differed for each textbook. The illustrations in the textbooks were primarily figures followed by photographs, tables, and graphs. The number of textbooks with the largest amount of illustrations was 69 and those with the least were 38, indicating a significant difference. As for career, 8 textbooks of 12 textbooks reflected related contents. The number of units, volumes of the clothing life section, and ratio of illustrations used in each textbook were different, but the contents were similar. Most of the contents of the 2009 textbooks are mostly included and the meaning of clothing, clothing purchasing, dress code, and creative clothing life are added on 2015 revised textbooks. Furthermore the educational objectives have extended to wide range and provides concrete guidelines to foster human resources that will lead the future society.

A Study on the Selection Criteria of Media for the Textbook: Based on the Review of domestic and foreign Media Rating Systems (교과용도서 내 영상물 선정 기준 연구: 국내외 영상물 등급 제도를 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoo-shin;Rhee, Gyu-jeong;Sohn, Ji-hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.295-333
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    • 2017
  • This study is a basic study to prepare policies related to selecting media to be included in textbooks. Researchers looked at previous studies focusing on how media affect children's and adolescent's emotions according to their developmental stages. Researchers also wanted to identify how the media is related to student emotions, health, and educational effectiveness. The researchers then examined a wide range of domestic media review and rating criteria, and argued that it is necessary to institutionalize the rating system of media at national level policy level. Based on the previous discussion, the researchers made seven suggestions. First, it is necessary to specify media selection criteria in the guidelines for issuing textbooks at the national level. Second, guidelines are needed to help review the political neutrality and human rights aspects of the media for inclusion in textbooks. Third, media selection guidelines in textbooks should be detailed with reference to categories and age based criteria of domestic and foreign media rating system. Fourth, the media rating system should be applied flexibly if there is a clear educational purpose. Fifth, institutional support is needed for setting guidelines for media collection of textbooks. Sixth, media experts should participate in the whole process of textbook development. Seventh, educational programs should be implemented to support teachers to use self directed learning by using educational media in classroom instruction.

An Analysis of Mathematics Textbook on the Developmental Mechanism of Mathematical Thinking (수학적 사고의 발달 메커니즘에 기초한 교과서 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Hwan-Chul;Kang, Ok-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 2011
  • Developing Mathematical Thinking has been continually emphasized in the Korean curriculum and this emphasis has demonstrated its impact on math textbooks and classes in South Korean schools. This study intends to discover how the Developmental Mechanism of Mathematical Thinking should be reflected through School Mathematics regardless of subfields of Mathematics or its levels. Finally, this study concluded that the Developmental Mechanism of Mathematical Thinking is being reflected on School Mathematics. However, more research in certain areas needs to be done. Through analyzing textbooks, it is certain that the Developmental Mechanism of Mathematical Thinking is being reflected on School Mathematics. Moreover, it appears that students are able to develop new concepts using Developmental Mechanism of Mathematical Thinking. Mathematical Thinking is a subject that many scholars and mathematicians have taken an interest in. Especially with the math curriculum in Korea, designing and implementing classes that would help students develop their mathematical thinking are increasingly being emphasized. This study defines what mathematical development mechanism is, and based on this definition, it further analyzes the math textbook of the revised 2007 curriculum. As a result, textbook developers and math teachers should examine and analyze the concepts that learners need to acquire and how they develop. Further, this study not only presents the concepts students are expected to acquire, but also looks at the flow in which concepts have been introduced to students. It concludes that activities that can help students have an idea of what they are going to learn in the future should be provided during class time.

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Development of smart education-based teaching and learning plans and a smart textbook for 'healthy diet and meal plans' unit in 「Technology·Home Economics」 (중학교 「기술·가정」의 '건강한 식생활과 식사 구성' 단원에 적용한 스마트 교수·학습 과정안과 교재 개발)

  • Choi, Song Eun;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.85-114
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    • 2014
  • The main purpose of this study was to develop teaching and learning plans and a smart textbook for food and nutrition education in Home Economics focusing on 'healthy diet and meal plans' unit in "Technology home Economics" textbooks for 7th graders to evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction conducted with the smart textbook. The content of the study to achieve the purpose is as follows: First, design a smart education-based teaching and learning curriculum for food and nutrition education in Home Economics, focusing on 'healthy diet and meal plans' unit. Second, develop a smart textbook for food and nutrition education based on the teaching and learning curriculum, using a smart content authoring tool. Third, evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction after applying the curriculum in real classroom situations. The results of this study were as follows: First, teaching and learning plans and materials were developed for two units, 'issues regarding teenagers' diet' and 'implementation of a healthy and balanced diet', under 'teenagers' life'. The first unit, 'issues regarding teenagers' diet', dealt with topics such as teenagers' dietary behaviors, nutrition, and health. Learning objectives for this unit were to help students identify and evaluate their own dietary behaviors. The second unit, 'implementation of a healthy and balanced diet', encouraged students to diagnose problems with their diet and plan nutrient rich meals. The objectives for this unit were to help students implement a healthy and balanced diet by providing them with nutrition and dietary guidelines for Koreans, sample meal plans, and guidelines for developing healthy eating habits for teenagers. In order to develop a teaching and learning plans to achieve these objectives, teaching and learning materials including inquiry tasks, materials for group activities, multimedia, applications and various pop-up learning materials were developed. Second, a smart textbook using DocZoom, which was a smart content authoring tool was developed. The textbook dealt with issues regarding teenagers' diet and implementation of a healthy and balanced diet. Multimedia material used in the textbook come from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's food and nutrition education web sites and other sources. To develop student-oriented material, relevant video clips were added to the smart textbook to motivate students and enhance their interest in the course. Third, the outcome of this study indicated that the instruction using teaching and learning plans and learning materials with the smart textbook was effective for enhancing students' interest in Home Economics classes (t-value=-3.99, p<.001), creating enthusiasm for learning(t-value = -2.61, p<.05), encouraging self-directed and independent learning(t-value = -4.77, p<.001), and improving students' interest in food and nutrition courses(t-value = -3.83, p<.001). The students' evaluation of the instruction were as follows: the instruction using teaching and learning plans and learning materials with smart textbooks, instead of paper textbooks, helped them save time looking for learning materials; students evaluated that it was easier for them to see and understand video clips and charts. In addition, most students answered that instruction with smart textbooks were more fun and convenient, and they agreed that the courses enhanced their learning experience.

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A Study on the Analysis of Inquiry Activities of Elementary Mathematics Textbook and the Development of Reorganization Materials (초등수학 교과서 탐구활동 분석 및 재구성 연구)

  • Kim, Yu Kyeong;Kim, Pan Soo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.471-489
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    • 2012
  • 2007 Curriculum Revision adopted new Inquiry Activities in mathematical textbooks. So it is critical to analyze the problems of actual application of Inquiry activities in the classrooms. For this purpose, we analyzed the Inquiry activities of Measurement Area of the textbooks and find the appropriate solutions. Secondly, we develop the reorganization materials to fix and solve the existing problems found in the previous problem analysis, and apply the development materials and examine the effects afterwards. The results of the survey indicated that most of teachers are well aware of the importance of Inquiry Activities. However, many teachers answered that Inquiry activities does contain neither diverse strategic approaches nor solutions accommodating with various learning levels of students. The most difficult points to educate Inquiry Activities are that it is difficult to teach students based on individual learning level and that activities consist of mainly short answers that makes it difficult to do in-depth Inquiry Activities. Analyzing Inquiry Activities in the textbook shows that Inquiry Activities in some chapters were constructed as simple sentence questions or presented with the solving process in the questions themselves. The following application classes were implemented by partially taking advantage of the newly developed reorganization materials. Then, the effects were measured by before and after questionnaires, the survey to teachers, and the results of activities. The reorganization materials were effective at arousing the curiosity from students as well as enabling the natural ability-level driven classes.

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An Analysis on Types and Strategies of Estimation in Measurement in the Textbooks According to 2009 Revised Elementary Mathematics Curriculum (2009 개정 초등학교 수학과 교육과정에 따른 교과서의 어림재기 유형 및 전략 분석)

  • Park, Kyo Sik
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.267-287
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, based on the results of analysis on types and strategies of estimation in measurement in the textbooks according to 2009 revised elementary mathematics curriculum, the following four implications are suggested for curriculum development and textbook development for a later date. First, it is necessary to reconcile curriculum and textbooks in contents for estimation in measurement. In 2009 revised elementary mathematics curriculum, only estimation in length, estimation in capacity, estimation in weight, estimation in angular measure are presented. However, estimation in time and estimation in area are presented in textbooks. Second, it is necessary to introduce various strategies for estimation in measurement. In teacher's manual, three strategies like using referent, chunking, unitizing are illustrated. But in textbooks, such strategies are not illustrated properly. Third, the meaning of the 'estimate' need to be clarified. In textbooks, 'estimate' are used also in other contexts. Fourth, it is necessary to clarify whether or not to deal with estimation in time, estimation in area, and estimation in volume in the school curriculum. In 2009 revised elementary mathematics curriculum, estimation in time, estimation in area, and estimation in volume are not mentioned explicitly.

An Analysis of STS Contents in the area of 'The Earth and the Universe' in Elementary Science Subject (초등 과학과 '지구와 우주' 영역의 STS 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Gyun;Choi, Seong-Bong;Kim, Chan-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to compare and analyze the types of teaching-learning activities, themes and percentage of STS contents in the area of "The Earth and the Universe" in elementary science subject following the 7th Curriculum and 2007 Revised Curriculum, identifying how STS education has changed and their features. First, the number of pages where STS appears in the 2007 revised science textbook has increased over 10% compared to the that of the 7th curriculum. In particular, the number of pages in the 5th and 6th graders increased substantially to 15% and 34%, respectively. Second, as a result of analysis on components of STS, 'applications of science', 'local and community relevance', 'social problem and issues', 'evaluation concerned fir getting and using information' were obtained in the order named for the 7th curriculum; while 'applications of science', 'local and community relevance', 'career awareness' and 'social problem and issues' were obtained in the order named for 2007 revised curriculum. Third, with regard to the analysis on theme areas, the 7th curriculum was found to cover the theme on use of natural resources most frequently, followed by environmental problem, while 2007 revised curriculum to cover environmental problem and effects of technical development most frequently, followed by space development and use of natural resources. Fourth, in the area of STS teaching activities, 'investigation activity' showed highest percentage in 7th curriculum, followed by 'analysis of data', and 'research design', while 'analysis of data' showed highest frequency of appearance, followed by "investigation activity' and 'actual activities' and 'research design' in the order named in 2007 revised curriculum, showing that the area of 'analysis of data' and 'actual activities' increased substantially compared to the 7th curriculum.