• 제목/요약/키워드: Terrestrial laser scanning

검색결과 58건 처리시간 0.061초

Study on 3D Behavior Monitering for Safety Management of A Dam (댐 시설물의 안전관리를 위한 3차원 거동 모니터링 분석)

  • Im, Eun-Sang;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Jea-Hong;Lee, Jong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 한국지반공학회 2008년도 춘계 학술발표회 초청강연 및 논문집
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    • pp.663-666
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    • 2008
  • For a fill dam, when a long time has passed since its completion, it is very hard to judge its safety and to maintain effectively it due to limitation and restriction in data showing safety status. Conventional method based on a specific point data by surface settlement gauge is commonly used to define deformation characteristic of dam. However, point data-based deformation analysis cannot provide deformation data of the entire dam. In this study a state-of-the-art terrestrial laser scanning technology is introduced to analyze the entire deformation of dam. As a result, it is known that 3D scanning technique can also be effectively used in evaluating dam safety and then establishing adequate maintain plan.

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Construction and Application of 3D Image Model for GIS Spatial Analysis (GIS 공간분석을 위한 3D 영상모형의 구축과 활용)

  • Jung, Sung-Heuk;Lee, Kae-Dong;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.561-569
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    • 2008
  • Currently, satellite image, aerial image and airborne laser scanning data are mostly used to build 3D image models. However, we are in need of quality 3D image models as current models cannot express topographic and features most elaborately and realistically. When making 3D image models, the model is first built and textures from terrestrial photos are applied to add realistic features to the model. This study analyzed techniques to use photogrammetry and laser scanning data to create a 3D image models with topography, building and statue that emphasize spatial accuracy, delicate depiction and photo-realistic imaging. 3D image models with spatial accuracy and photographic texture were built to be served via 3D image map services systems on the internet. The 3D image models can be used for various purposes, such as daylight and view right analysis, landscape analysis, facility management system.

Visualization of Structural Shape Information based on Octree using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (3D레이저스캐닝을 이용한 옥트리기반 구조물 형상정보 가시화)

  • Cha, Gichun;Lee, Donghwan;Park, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제17권8호
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2016
  • This study presents the visualization of shape information based on Octree using 3D laser scanning. The process of visualization was established to construct the Octree structure from the 3D scan data. The scan data was converted to a 2D surface through the mesh technique and the surface was then converted to a 3D object through the Raster/Vector transformation. The 3D object was transmitted to the Octree Root Node and The shape information was constructed by the recursive partitioning of the Octree Root Node. The test-bed was selected as the steel bridge structure in Sungkyunkwan University. The shape information based on Octree was condensed into 89.3%. In addition, the Octree compressibility was confirmed to compare the shape information of the office building, a computer science campus in Germany and a New College in USA. The basis is created by the visualization of shape information for double-deck tunnel and it will be expected to improve the efficiency of structural health monitoring and maintenance.

Analysis of Erosion and Deposition by Debris-flow with LiDAR (지상 LiDAR를 이용한 토석류 발생에 의한 침식, 퇴적량 측정)

  • Jun, Byong-Hee;Jang, Chang-Deok;Kim, Nam-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2010
  • The intensive rainfall over 455 mm occurred between on 9 to 14 July 2009 triggered debris flows around the mountain area in Jecheon County. We mapped the debris flow area and estimated the debris flow volume using a high resolution digital elevation model (DEM) generated respectively from terrestrial LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) and topographic maps. For the LiDAR measurement, the terrestrial laser scanning system RIEGL LMS-Z390i which is equipped with GPS system and high-resolution digital camera were used. After the clipping and filtering, the point data generated by LiDAR scanning were overlapped with digital map and produced DEM after debris flow. The comparison between digital map and LiDAR scanning result showed the erosion and deposition volumes of about $17,586m^3$ and $7,520m^3$, respectively. The LiDAR data allowed comprehensive investigation of the morphological features present along the sliding surface and in the deposit areas.

Quantitative Estimation of Shoreline Changes Using Multi-sensor Datasets: A Case Study for Bangamoeri Beaches (다중센서를 이용한 해안선의 정량적 변화 추정: 방아머리 해빈을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Kong-Hyun;Song, Yeong Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제35권5_1호
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    • pp.693-703
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    • 2019
  • Long-term coastal topographical data is critical for analyzing temporal and spatial changes in shorelines. Especially understanding the change trends is essential for future coastal management. For this research, in the data preparation, we obtained digital aerial images, terrestrial laser scanning data and UAV images in the year of 2009. 2018 and 2019 respectively. Also tidal observation data obtained by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency were used for Bangamoeri beach located in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. In the process of it, we applied the photogrammetric technique to extract the coastline of 4.40 m from the stereo images of 2009 by stereoscopic viewing. In 2018, digital elevation model was generated by using the raw data obtained from the laser scanner and the corresponding shoreline was semi-automatically extracted. In 2019, a digital elevation model was generated from the drone images to extract the coastline. Finally the change rate of shorelines was calculated using Digital Shoreline Analysis System. Also qualitative analysis was presented.

Development of Alignment Information Extraction System on Highway by Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique (지상 레이저 스캐닝 기법에 의한 도로선형정보 추출 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2007
  • A laser scanning technique has been attracting much attention as a new technology to acquire location information. This technique might be applicable to a wide range of areas, most notably in geomatics, due to its high accuracy of location and automation of high-density data acquisition. A alignment information extraction system on highway has been developed in this study by utilizing the advantages of the laser scanning technique. The system can accurately interpret the alignment information of highway and can be applied to actual works. To develop the alignment information extraction system on highway, an algorithm that can automatically separate a horizontal alignment into a straight line, a transition curve, and a circular curve was developed. It can increase its efficiency compared to the conventional methods. In addition, an algorithm that can automatically extract design elements of horizontal and vertical alignments of highway was developed and applied to an object highway. This yielded higher practicality with more accurate values compared to those from previous studies on the extraction of design elements of highway alignment. Furthermore, the extracted design elements were used to perform a virtual driving simulation on the object highway. Through this, data were provided for a visual judgment for judging visually whether the topography and structures were harmonized in a three-dimensional manner or not. The study also presents data that can serve as a basis to determine highway surface freezing sections and to analyze three-dimensional sight distance models. Through the establishment of a systematic database for diverse data on highway and the development of web-based operating programs, an efficient highway maintenance can be ensured and also they can provide important information to be used when estimating a highway safety in the future.

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Structural Damage Localization for Visual Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Building Information Modeling Information (UAV와 BIM 정보를 활용한 시설물 외관 손상의 위치 측정 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Ju;Park, Man-Woo
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2023
  • This study introduces a method of estimating the 3D coordinates of structural damage from the detection results of visual inspection provided in 2D image coordinates using sensing data of UAV and 3D shape information of BIM. This estimation process takes place in a virtual space and utilizes the BIM model, so it is possible to immediately identify which member of the structure the estimated location corresponds to. Difference from conventional structural damage localization methods that require 3D scanning or additional sensor attachment, it is a method that can be applied locally and rapidly. Measurement accuracy was calculated through the distance difference between the measured position measured by TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner) and the estimated position calculated by the method proposed in this study, which can determine the applicability of this study and the direction of future research.

Suitability Analysis of Non-contact Sensing Methods for Precast Concrete Element Flatness Inspection (프리캐스트 콘크리트 부재의 평탄도 검사를 위한 센싱 기반 측정방법 적합도 비교)

  • Kwon, Soon-Ho;Kim, Jeong Seop;Sim, Sung-Han;Kim, Minkoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2023
  • Flatness inspection of PC elements is normally conducted manually by inspectors at manufacturing sites. However, the manual inspection is error-prone and subjective, so it is necessary to develop a robust and efficient flatness measurement method. Recently, a few studies of laser scanner-based flatness inspection have been conducted. However, little attention on field applicability in terms of accuracy, time and cost has been paid. To tackle the limitation, this study aims to compare three sensing method including floor profiler, terrestrial laser scanner and total station for flatness inspection of PC elements. A series of experiments on two full-scale PC slabs were conducted and the results show that the laser scanning method is the most suitable for the PC elements flatness inspection in the aspects of accuracy, time and cost.

Exploring Branch Structure across Branch Orders and Species Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Model (지상형 라이다와 정량적 구조 모델을 이용한 분기별, 종별 나무의 가지 구조 탐구)

  • Seongwoo Jo;Tackang Yang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2024
  • Considering the significant relationship between a tree's branch structure and physiology, understanding the detailed branch structure is crucial for fields such as species classification, and 3D tree modelling. Recently, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and quantitative structure model (QSM) have enhanced the understanding of branch structures by capturing the radius, length, and branching angle of branches. Previous studies examining branch structure with TL S and QSM often relied on mean or median of branch structure parameters, such as the radius ratio and length ratio in parent-child relationships, as representative values. Additionally, these studies have typically focused on the relationship between trunk and the first order branches. This study aims to explore the distribution of branch structure parameters up to the third order in Aesculus hippocastanum, Ginkgo biloba, and Prunus yedoensis. The gamma distribution best represented the distributions of branch structure parameters, as evidenced by the average of Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics (radius = 0.048; length = 0.061; angle = 0.050). Comparisons of the mode, mean, and median were conducted to determine the most representative measure indicating the central tendency of branch structure parameters. The estimated distributions showed differences between the mode and mean (average of normalized differences for radius ratio = 11.2%; length ratio = 17.0%; branching angle = 8.2%), and between the mode and median (radius ratio = 7.5%; length ratio = 11.5%; branching angle = 5.5%). Comparisons of the estimated distributions across branch orders and species were conducted, showing variations across branch orders and species. This study suggests that examining the estimated distribution of the branch structure parameter offers a more detailed description of branch structure, capturing the central tendencies of branch structure parameters. We also emphasize the importance of examining higher branch orders to gain a comprehensive understanding of branch structure, highlighting the differences across branch orders.

Analysis of Optimal Pathways for Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning for the Establishment of Digital Inventory of Forest Resources (디지털 산림자원정보 구축을 위한 최적의 지상LiDAR 스캔 경로 분석)

  • Ko, Chi-Ung;Yim, Jong-Su;Kim, Dong-Geun;Kang, Jin-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to identify the applicability of a LiDAR sensor to forest resources inventories by comparing data on a tree's position, height, and DBH obtained by the sensor with those by existing forest inventory methods, for the tree species of Criptomeria japonica in Jeolmul forest in Jeju, South Korea. To this end, a backpack personal LiDAR (Greenvalley International, Model D50) was employed. To facilitate the process of the data collection, patterns of collecting the data by the sensor were divided into seven ones, considering the density of sample plots and the work efficiency. Then, the accuracy of estimating the variables of each tree was assessed. The amount of time spent on acquiring and processing the data by each method was compared to evaluate the efficiency. The findings showed that the rate of detecting standing trees by the LiDAR was 100%. Also, the high statistical accuracy was observed in both Pattern 5 (DBH: RMSE 1.07 cm, Bias -0.79 cm, Height: RMSE 0.95 m, Bias -3.2 m), and Pattern 7 (DBH: RMSE 1.18 cm, Bias -0.82 cm, Height: RMSE 1.13 m, Bias -2.62 m), compared to the results drawn in the typical inventory manner. Concerning the time issue, 115 to 135 minutes per 1ha were taken to process the data by utilizing the LiDAR, while 375 to 1,115 spent in the existing way, proving the higher efficiency of the device. It can thus be concluded that using a backpack personal LiDAR helps increase efficiency in conducting a forest resources inventory in an planted coniferous forest with understory vegetation, implying a need for further research in a variety of forests.