• Title/Summary/Keyword: Temperature Humidity Index

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Evaluation of Water Stress Using Canopy Temperature and Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) in Peach Trees (복숭아나무의 엽온 및 작물수분스트레스 지수를 이용한 수분스트레스 평가)

  • Yun, Seok Kyu;Kim, Sung Jong;Nam, Eun Young;Kwon, Jung Hyun;Do, Yun Soo;Song, Seung-Yeob;Kim, Minyoung;Choi, Yonghun;Kim, Ghiseok;Shin, Hyunsuk
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2020
  • The study was performed to calculate canopy temperatures and crop water stress index (CWSI) of 2-year-old 'Yumi' peach trees using thermal infrared imaging under different soil water conditions, and to evaluate availability for water stress determination. Canopy temperatures showed similar daily variations to air temperatures and they were higher during the daytime than air temperatures. Canopy temperatures for 24 h were correlated highly to air temperatures (r2 =0.95), solar radiations (r2 =0.74), and relative humidity (r2 =-0.88). In addition, soil water potential showed a highly negative correlation to canopy temperatures (r2 =-0.57), temperature differences between leaf and air (TD) (r2 =-0.71), and CWSI (r2 =-0.72) during the daytime (11 to 16 h). CWSI for 24 h was highly related to canopy temperatures (r2 =0.90) and TD (r2 =0.92), whereas CWSI was not correlated to soil water potential (r2 =-0.27) for 24 h but related highly to water potential (r2 =-0.72) during the daytime (11 to 16 h). Correlation coefficients between CWSI (y) and soil water potential (x) were highest from 11 to 12 h and a regression equation was deduced as y = -0.0087x + 0.14. CWSI was calculated as 0.575 at -50 kPa, which soil water stress generally occurs. Thus our result suggests that this regression equation using thermal infrared imaging is useful to evaluate soil water stress of peach trees.

Geographic Variation of Seed Characteristics and 1-year-old Seedling Growth of Zelkova serrata (느티나무 종자특성의 지리적 변이와 1년생 유묘의 생장)

  • Kim, In Sik;Lee, Joo Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.234-244
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to determine the factors affecting to seed characteristics and seedling growth of Zelkova serrata. The seeds were collected from sixteen populations of Z. serrata and the seed characteristics (i.e., seed length, width, weight and full seed rate) were measured. We also measured the 1-year-old seedling growth of each population at nursery. All seed characteristics showed significant differences in population level. Seed length and seed width were positively correlated with latitude, longitude, altitude and distance from coast line of sampling site. Seed length and seed width also negatively correlated with annual mean temperature, mean temperature of growing season (Mar.~Oct.). The ratio of seed length/seed width showed inverse trend in case of seed length and seed width. Seed weight/1,000 grains had no correlation with geographic factors but showed negative correlation with annual mean dryness index. Seed weight/L showed negative correlation with latitude and longitude and positive correlation with mean temperature of growing season of sampling site. Full seed rate showed negative correlation with latitude, longitude and annual mean dryness index of sampling site. There were significant differences among populations, among family within population and among individuals within family in seedling growth. Height and diameter of root collar of seedling showed negative correlation with longitude and mean humidity of growing season of sampling site. Height growth of seedlings was not correlated with any seed characteristics but, diameter at root collar showed low negative correlation with seed weight/1,000 grains and seed weight/L. We discussed the implications of the results in view of tree improvement of Z. serrata.

A Survey on the 'House Diseases' for Vinyl House Cultivation Farmers (비닐하우스 재배농민에 대한 'house병'의 실태 조사)

  • Jen Jae-Kynn
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted in an attempt to grasp the health problems and environmental situation of the farmers and their vinyl houses. The study was done between Aug. 10, 1995 and Sep. 10, 1995, for one month period. with two hundred and nine vinyl house cultivation farmers chosen at random as subjects in five areas in and around Kim Chun City. The following are the results of the study carried out through direct interviews and surveys with the subjects : 1. The career of farming on vinyl house facilities by sex(male vs female) averages 17.29 and 15.08 years is shorter than that of general farmer's average of 31.24 and 25.58 years(P<0.05). Hours of labor between the two are silimar : monthly labor hours for vinyl house farmers are average 28 and 27.52 days. longer than the general farmers' average of 26.57 and 25.95 hours respectively. 2. The comp aints of physical symptoms among the vinyl house farmers range from lumbago, shoulder pain dullness in the limbs and dizziness, which show no remarkable differences from those of general farmers. 3. The frequency of application of chemicals on vinyl house forming for a period of one year averages 23.79, three times as often as the general farmer's average or 8.36(P<0.05). In the addiction rate of chemicals, too, the vinyl house farmer stowed a higher percentage of $9.09\%$ over the general farmer's $1.24\%$(P<0.01). 4. In temperature, humidity and disconfort indices of in and outside of the vinyl house, room temperature is on an average $34.6{\pm}5.05^{\circ}C,\;11.7^{\circ}C$ higher than that of outside, while in humidity inside was lower than outside by $10.6\%$ point, $65.9\%$ over $76.5\%$. The discomfort index was higher inside by $83{\pm}4.61\;vs\;70.64{\pm}5.61$. 5. The status of physical treatment over the past one year shows : for vinyl house farmers-physiotheraphy$(43.06\%)$, pharmacy$(24.04\%)$, clinic(18.66%), herbal medicine(574%) : for general farmers-pharmacy$(34.16\%)$, Physiotherapy$(27.33\%)$, Clinic$(18.63\%)$, Folk Medicine$(11.18\%)$ (P<0.01).

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The NCAM Land-Atmosphere Modeling Package (LAMP) Version 1: Implementation and Evaluation (국가농림기상센터 지면대기모델링패키지(NCAM-LAMP) 버전 1: 구축 및 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Song, Jiae;Kim, Yu-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2016
  • A Land-Atmosphere Modeling Package (LAMP) for supporting agricultural and forest management was developed at the National Center for AgroMeteorology (NCAM). The package is comprised of two components; one is the Weather Research and Forecasting modeling system (WRF) coupled with Noah-Multiparameterization options (Noah-MP) Land Surface Model (LSM) and the other is an offline one-dimensional LSM. The objective of this paper is to briefly describe the two components of the NCAM-LAMP and to evaluate their initial performance. The coupled WRF/Noah-MP system is configured with a parent domain over East Asia and three nested domains with a finest horizontal grid size of 810 m. The innermost domain covers two Gwangneung deciduous and coniferous KoFlux sites (GDK and GCK). The model is integrated for about 8 days with the initial and boundary conditions taken from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final Analysis (FNL) data. The verification variables are 2-m air temperature, 10-m wind, 2-m humidity, and surface precipitation for the WRF/Noah-MP coupled system. Skill scores are calculated for each domain and two dynamic vegetation options using the difference between the observed data from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) and the simulated data from the WRF/Noah-MP coupled system. The accuracy of precipitation simulation is examined using a contingency table that is made up of the Probability of Detection (POD) and the Equitable Threat Score (ETS). The standalone LSM simulation is conducted for one year with the original settings and is compared with the KoFlux site observation for net radiation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and soil moisture variables. According to results, the innermost domain (810 m resolution) among all domains showed the minimum root mean square error for 2-m air temperature, 10-m wind, and 2-m humidity. Turning on the dynamic vegetation had a tendency of reducing 10-m wind simulation errors in all domains. The first nested domain (7,290 m resolution) showed the highest precipitation score, but showed little advantage compared with using the dynamic vegetation. On the other hand, the offline one-dimensional Noah-MP LSM simulation captured the site observed pattern and magnitude of radiative fluxes and soil moisture, and it left room for further improvement through supplementing the model input of leaf area index and finding a proper combination of model physics.

Change in Potential Productivity of Rice around Lake Juam Due to Construction of Dam by SIMRIW (벼 생장모형 SIMRIW를 이용한 주암호 건설에 따른 주변지역의 벼 잠재생산성 변이 추정)

  • 임준택;윤진일;권병선
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.729-738
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    • 1997
  • To estimate the change in rice productivity around lake Juam due to construction of artificial lake, growth, yield components and yield of rice were measured at different locations around lake Juam for three years from 1994 to 1996. Automated weather stations(AWS) were installed nearby the experimental paddy fields, and daily maximum, average and minimum temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and precipitation were measured for the whole growing period of rice. Plant height, number of tillers, leaf area and shoot dry weight per hill were observed from 8 to 10 times in the interval of 7 days after transplanting. Yield and yield components of rice were observed at the harvest time. Simulation model of rice productivity used in the study was SIMRIW developed by Horie. The observed data of rice at 5 locations in 1994, 3 locations in 1995 and 4 locations in 1996 were inputted in the model to estimate the unknown parameters. Comparisons between observed and predicted values of shoot dry weights, leaf area indices, and rough rice yield were fairly well, so that SIMRIW appeared to predict relatively well the variations in productivity due to variations of climatic factors in the habitat. Climatic elements prior to as well as posterior to dam construction were generated at six locatons around lake Juam for thirty years by the method of Pickering et al. Climatic elements simulated in the study were daily maximum and minimum temperature, and amount of daily solar radiation. The change in rice productivity around lake Juam due to dam construction were estimated by inputting the generated climatic elements into SIMRIW. Average daily maximum temperature after dam construction appeared to be more or less lower than that before dam construction, while average daily minimum temperature became higher after dam construction. Average amount of daily solar radiation became lower with 0.9 MJ $d^{-1}$ after dam construction. As a result of simulation, the average productivity of habitats around lake Juam decreased about 5.6% by the construction of dam.

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Developing Fire-Danger Rating Model (산림화재예측(山林火災豫測) Model의 개발(開發)을 위(爲)한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Sang Yeol;Choi, Kwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.3
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 1991
  • Korea has accomplished the afforestation of its forest land in the early 1980's. To meet the increasing demand for forest products and forest recreation, a development of scientific forest management system is needed as a whole. For this purpose the development of efficient forestfire management system is essential. In this context, the purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical foundation of forestfire danger rating system. In this study, it is hypothesized that the degree of forestfire risk is affected by Weather Factor and Man-Caused Risk Factor. (1) To accommodate the Weather Factor, a statistical model was estimated in which weather variables such as humidity, temperature, precipitation, wind velocity, duration of sunshine were included as independent variables and the probability of forestfire occurrence as dependent variable. (2) To account man-caused risk, historical data of forestfire occurrence was investigated. The contribution of man's activities make to risk was evaluated from three inputs. The first, potential risk class is a semipermanent number which ranks the man-caused fire potential of the individual protection unit relative to that of the other protection units. The second, the risk sources ratio, is that portion of the potential man-caused fire problem which can be charged to a specific cause. The third, daily activity level is that the fire control officer's estimate of how active each of these sources is, For each risk sources, evaluate its daily activity level ; the resulting number is the partial risk factor. Sum up the partial risk factors, one for each source, to get the unnormalized Man-Caused Risk. To make up the Man-Caused Risk, the partial risk factor and the unit's potential risk class were considered together. (3) At last, Fire occurrence index was formed fire danger rating estimation by the Weather Factors and the Man-Caused Risk Index were integrated to form the final Fire Occurrence Index.

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A Study on the Correlation Analysis of EEG and Vibraimage due to Auditory and Olfactory Stimulation (청각 및 후각자극에 의한 뇌파(EEG)와 진동이미지기술의 상관성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4291-4297
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    • 2015
  • EEG has been used to measure the emotion of amenity and discomfort in the interior space. EEG is limited to the experiment, because it is a equipment of contact type. However, Vibraimage can measure the emotion with a web camera. Because Vibraimage is a equipment of non-contact type, it is more suitable for the interior space than EEG. Therefor, it tries to find a correlation variable between EEG and Vibraimage to measure the human emotions. In this study, it were analyzed correlation of EEG and vibraimage due to variation of loudness 60[dB], 90[dB] and rosemary, jasmine scents. Check the health status of subjects who were selected 3 male students, and the period of this experiment was about months. The condition of the environmental test room was in temperature 25[$^{\circ}C$], relative humidity 50[RH%], air current speed 0.02[m/s] and illuminance 1000[lux]. It were analyzed correlation of twenty-three index of EEG(absolute ${\theta}$, relative ${\theta}$, absolute $S{\alpha}$, relative $S{\alpha}$, absolute ${\alpha}$, relative ${\alpha}$, absolute ${\beta}$, relative ${\beta}$, absolute $\gamma$, relative $\gamma$, absolute $F{\alpha}$, relative $F{\alpha}$, absolute SMR, relative SMR, $SMR/{\theta}$, $SMR+M{\beta}/{\theta}$, absolute $H{\beta}$, relative $H{\beta}$, $H{\beta}/{\alpha}$, absolute $M{\beta}$, relative $M{\beta}$, SEF50, ASEF50) and ten index of Vibraimage(Aggression, Stress, Tension/Anxiety, Suspect, Balance, Charm, Energy, Self regulation, Inhibition, Neuroticism). As a result, I was found that relative ${\gamma}$ index of EEG and neuroticism index of Vibraimage have a high correlation as (${\pm}$).414 and (${\pm}$).424.

Growth Characteristics and Yield According to Differential Storage Temperature of Southern Ecotype Allium sativum var. 'Namdo' for Crop Model Development (작물모형개선을 위한 저장온도별 '남도' 마늘의 생장 및 수량 특성)

  • Byung-Hyuk Kim;Min-Seon Choi;Minji Shin;Seong Eun Lee;Kyung Hwan Moon;Chun Hwan Kim;Hyun-Hee Han
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2024
  • Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is considered as one of the most important vegetables with various uses throughout the many countries. Also, it is one of the most economically important Allium species, and has been widely cultivated for more than 5,000 years. In Korea, garlic is planted in late summer and is grown from autumn and spring of the next year. Bulb starts to form when temperature rises under longer photoperiods. Garlic growth is affected by various factors such as storage conditions, humidity, duration of minimum temperature, and photoperiod. Also, the storage conditions for propagation seed are known to potentially affect future vegetative stages. In this study, we evaluated to effect of the inter-bud growth and growth of the southern-type cultivar 'Namdo' according to storage temperatures. The inter-bud growth, emergence & sprouting rate, and initial growth of stored garlic at low temperatures (5~15℃) exhibited robust growth, while garlic stored at high temperatures (30℃) was investigated to be sluggish compared to another treatments. However, the bulb diameter of stored garlic at 10 ℃ and 15℃ increased to 148.7% and 154.0 % compared to untreated garlic, respectively. Also, the bulb weight of stored garlic increased to 285.7% and 294.4% compared to control, respectively. In contrast, garlic stored at 5℃ showed a decrease of 70 .5% in bulb dimeter and 70 .6% in bulb weight compared to the control. As a results, it was confirmed that the storage temperature of garlic affects the inter-bud growth, emergence & sprouting rate, growth, bulb diameter, and bulb weight. These results will be to the possibility that is possible to estimate the growth cycle of garlic using the growth index for the improvement of crop modeling.

Thermal Environments of Children's Parks during Heat Wave Period (폭염 시 어린이공원의 온열환경)

  • Ryu, Nam-Hyong;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2016
  • This study was to investigate the user's thermal environments of the children's parks according to pavements and sunscreen types during periods of heat waves. The measurements were conducted at the sand pits, rubber chip pavement, shelters, and green shade ground of the two children's parks located in Jinju, Korea(Chilam: $N\;35^{\circ}11^{\prime}1.4{^{\prime}^{\prim}}$, $E\;128^{\circ}5^{\prime}31.7{^{\prime}^{\prime}}$, elevation 38m, Gaho: $N\;35^{\circ}09^{\prime}56.8{^{\prime}^{\prime}}$, $E\;128^{\circ}6^{\prime}41.1{^{\prime}^{\prime}}$, elevation 24m) over three days during 11-13, August, 2016. The highest ambient air temperatures at the Jinju Meteorological Office during the three measurement days were $35.9{\sim}36.8^{\circ}C$, which corresponded with the extremely hot weather. A series of experiments measured air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, black globe temperature, and long-wave and short-wave radiation of the six directions 0.6 m above ground level. The wet bulb globe temperature(WBGT) and the universal thermal climatic index(UTCI) were used to evaluate thermal stress. Surface temperature images of the play equipment were also taken using infrared thermography. Surface temperatures of the play equipment and grounds were used to evaluate burn risk through contact with playground materials. The results showed the following. The maximum air temperatures averaged over 1-hour period for three days were $36.6{\sim}39.4^{\circ}C$. The sun shades reduced those temperatures by up to $2.8^{\circ}C$(green shade) and $1.0^{\circ}C/2.3^{\circ}C$(shelters). The minimum relative humidity values averaged over 1-hour period for three days were 44~50%. The sun shades increased those humidity values by up to 6%(green shade) and 4%/6%(shelters). The risk of heat related illness at the measurement sites of the children's parks were extreme and high in the daytime hours. The maximum WBGT values averaged over a 30-minute period for three days were $31.2{\sim}33.6^{\circ}C$. The sun shades reduced those WBGT values by up to $2.4^{\circ}C$(green shade) and $0.5^{\circ}C/2.1^{\circ}C$(shelters) compared to sandpits, but would not block the risk of heat related illness in the daytime hours. The category of heat stress at the measurement sites of the children's parks were extreme and very strong in the daytime hours. The maximum UTCI values averaged over a 30-minute period for three days were $39.9{\sim}48.1^{\circ}C$. The sun shades reduced those UTCI values by up to $7.8^{\circ}C$(green shade) and $4.1^{\circ}C/8.2^{\circ}C$(shelters) compared to sandpits, but could not lower heat stress category from extreme and very strong to strong and moderate in the daytime hours. According to the burn threshold criteria when skin was in contact with playground materials, the maximum surface temperature of the stainless steels($70.8^{\circ}C$) surpassed three seconds $60^{\circ}C$ threshold for uncoated steel, that of the rubber chip($76.5^{\circ}C$) surpassed five seconds $74^{\circ}C$ threshold for the plastic, that of the plastic slide($68.5^{\circ}C$) and seats($71.0^{\circ}C$) surpassed the one min $60^{\circ}C$ threshold for plastic, respectively. The surface temperatures of shaded play equipment were lower approximately $20^{\circ}C$ than those of play equipment exposed to the sun. Therefore, sun shades can block the risk of burns in daytime hours. Because of the extreme and high risk of heat related illness and extreme and high heat stress at the children's parks during periods of heat waves, parents and administrators must protect children from the use of playgrounds. The risk of burn when contact with play equipments and grounds at the children's parks during periods of heat waves, was very high. The sun shades are essential to block the risk of burn from play equipments and grounds at the children's parks during heat waves.

Effects of Supplemental Levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Product on Lactation Performance in Dairy Cows under Heat Stress

  • Zhu, W.;Zhang, B.X.;Yao, K.Y.;Yoon, I.;Chung, Y.H.;Wang, J.K.;Liu, J.X.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.801-806
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of different supplemental levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product (SCFP; Original XP; Diamond V) on lactation performance in Holstein dairy cows under heat stress. Eighty-one multiparous Holstein dairy cows were divided into 27 blocks of 3 cows each based on milk yield ($23.6{\pm}0.20kg/d$), parity ($2.88{\pm}0.91$) and day in milk ($204{\pm}46d$). The cows were randomly assigned within blocks to one of three treatments: 0 (control), 120, or 240 g/d of SCFP mixed with 240, 120, or 0 g of corn meal, respectively. The experiment was carried out during the summer season of 2014, starting from 14 July 2014 and lasting for 9 weeks with the first week as adaption period. During the experimental period, average daily temperature-humidity index (measured at 08:00, 14:00, and 20:00) was above 68, indicating that cows were exposed to heat stress throughout the study. Rectal temperatures tended to decrease linearly (p = 0.07) for cows supplemented with SCFP compared to the control cows at 14:30, but were not different at 06:30 (p>0.10). Dry matter intake was not affected by SCFP supplementation (p>0.10). Milk yield increased linearly (p<0.05) with increasing levels of SCFP. Feed efficiency (milk yield/ dry matter intake) was highest (p<0.05) for cows fed 240 g/d SCFP. Cows supplemented with SCFP gained (p<0.01) body weight, while cows in the control lost body weight. Net energy balance also increased linearly (p<0.01) with increasing levels of SCFP. Concentrations of milk urea nitrogen (p<0.01) decreased linearly with increasing levels of SCFP, while no difference (p>0.10) was observed among the treatments in conversion of dietary crude protein to milk protein yield. In summary, supplementation of SCFP alleviated the negative effect of heat stress in lactating Holstein dairy cows and allowed cows to maintain higher milk production, feed efficiency and net energy balance. Effects of SCFP were dose-dependent and greater effects were observed from higher doses.